Grand Répertoire Presentation Credits Dates


Grand Répertoire Presentation Credits Dates
| 110'
Grand Répertoire
If Trisha Brown’s early works are marked by great independent mindedness, the deconstruction of movement and the unusual venues in which they
take place, her later work is also characterised by collaborations with visual artists and musicians the likes of Robert Rauschenberg, Laurie Anderson,
Terry Winters and Dave Douglas. The works produced by the Trisha Brown Dance Company are remarkable for what is almost an organic overlapping
between the dance, the stage design and the music. The four pieces performed here are representative of how original and radical this work is.
Chorégraphie Trisha Brown
For M.G. : The Movie (1991)
Scénographie et costumes Trisha Brown
Musique For MG : One step too Alvin Curran
Lumières Spencer Brown,Trisha Brown
Watermotor (1978)
Costumes Deanna Berg MacLean
Lumières Jennifer Tipton
Avec Neal Beasley
Newark – Niweweorce (1987)
Scénographie et concept sonore Donald Judd
Orchestration sonore et réalisation Peter Zummo, Donald Judd
Lumières Ken Tabachnick
Foray Forêt (1990)
Scénographie et costumes Robert Rauschenberg
Musique au choix d’une fanfare locale
Lumières Spencer Brown, Robert Rauschenberg
Une co-présentation Charleroi Danses / PBA
SAISON 13/14
TUE 19.11.2013
20:00 Charleroi PBA
Trisha Brown
Dance Company