Exercises: sentences with a, an, the (or nothing)


Exercises: sentences with a, an, the (or nothing)
Compléter les phrases suivantes par a, an, the ou ∅ :
1 I play..... soccer with my friends and I play..... guitar with my band.
I play ∅ soccer with my friends and I play the guitar with my band.
2 I have..... young brother named Joe and..... old sister named Amy.
I have a young brother named Joe and an old sister named Amy.
3..... President Hollande called..... Prime Minister to organise a meeting.
∅ President Hollande called the Prime Minister to organise a meeting.
4 In Barcelona,..... parties never finish before the sunrise.
In Barcelona, ∅ parties never finish before the sunrise.
5 She studied in..... Senegal and now she works in..... Democratic Republic of Congo.
She studied in ∅ Senegal and now she works in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
6 I go to..... cinema five times..... week but I studied..... theatre.
I go to the cinema five times a week but I studied ∅ theatre.
7 Do you like ..... wine ?
Do you like ∅ wine ?
8..... Clintons still play..... important role in..... United States of America.
The Clintons still play an important role in the United States of America.
9 Have you ever been to..... Lake Maggiore?
Have you ever been to ∅ Lake Maggiore?
10 This association helps..... disabled people to find a job.
This association helps ∅ disabled people to find a job.
Traduire les phrases suivantes en anglais :
1 Elle est écrivain et son mari est designer.
She is a writer and her husband is a designer.
2 Je n'aime pas l'école.
I don't like school.
3 Quelle belle journée ensoleillée !
What a beautiful sunny day !
4 Le petit prince, livre écrit par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a été traduit dans 220 langues.
The little prince, a book written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, has been translated in 220
5 Tu préfères la viande ou le poisson ?
Do you prefer meat or fish?
6 Le Prince Albert va à la piscine deux fois par jour.
Prince Albert goes to the swimming pool twice a day.
7 C'est un si bon mari !
He's such a good husband!
8 Il vit au Royaume-Uni mais il ne parle pas anglais.
He lives in the United Kingdom but he doesn't speak English.
9 Elle vit dans l'Ohio et la maison qu'elle a achetée appartenait à mon oncle.
She lives in Ohio and the house (which/that/∅ ) she bought belonged to my uncle.
10 Les chiens sont plus grands que les chats.
Dogs are taller than cats.
Mettre les phrases suivantes au singulier :
1 These banks have just bought ten huge buildings.
This bank has just bought a huge building.
2 The women we met this morning were very beautiful.
The woman I met this morning was very beautiful.
3 We have only drunk three glasses of wine.
I have only drunk one glass of wine.
4 The classes we followed last year were very interesting.
The class I followed last year was very interesting.
5 Have you ever seen whales?
Have you ever seen a whale?
6 We studied in three universities in Canada.
I studied in a university in Canada.
7 We saw several animals last night.
I saw an animal last year.
8 We spent two hours talking with them.
I spent an hour talking with him/her.
9 We went to the beach with the friends of our cousins.
I went to the beach with the friend of my cousin.
10 Yesterday, they ate oranges.
Yesterday, she/he ate an orange.