Apologizes Re: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI


Apologizes Re: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI
Spamora Webmail :: Apologizes Re: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI contre Nadella complétée
Apologizes Re: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI
contre Nadella complétée
Nicole Guihaumé <[email protected]>
Bradley S. Campbell <[email protected]>
Bill Gates <[email protected]>, Cecilia Duquela
<[email protected]>, Matthew Kirsch <USACO>
<[email protected]>, Catherine Pierce
<[email protected]>, Ronald A. Leadore
<[email protected]>, Michael Moore <USMS>
<[email protected]>, Josh Minkler <USAINS>
<[email protected]>, Harold D. Murphy
<[email protected]>, Preet Bharara <USANYS>
<[email protected]>, Brigitte Guizard
<[email protected]> Bill Gates <[email protected]>,
Cecilia Duquela <[email protected]>, Matthew Kirsch
<USACO> <[email protected]>, Catherine Pierce
<[email protected]>, Ronald A. Leadore
<[email protected]>, Michael Moore <USMS>
<[email protected]>, Josh Minkler <USAINS>
<[email protected]>, Harold D. Murphy
<[email protected]>, Preet Bharara <USANYS>
<[email protected]>, Brigitte Guizard
<[email protected]>, Michel Guizard <contact@guizard­
associes.com>, Laurent Guizard <l.guizard@guizard­
associes.com>, Alice Collin Guizard <alice.collin@collin­avocats.fr>,
Chris Meyers <CELA> <[email protected]>, Mark Lange
<CELA> <[email protected]>, Matthew Penarczyk <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Joe Lee <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Tom Robertson <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Hemant Pathak <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Chan Yoon <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Darryl Hobbs <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Cristin Goodwin <CELA>
<[email protected]>, David Wilson <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Tim Osborn <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Hilery Kirchmeier <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Amanda Turner <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Alain Crozier
<[email protected]>, Marc Roussel
<[email protected]>, Hélène Auriol­Potier
<[email protected]>, Christian Chevalier
<[email protected]>, Jean Ferré
<[email protected]>, Marc Jalabert
<[email protected]>, Nicolas Petit
<[email protected]>, Carlo Purassanta
<[email protected]>, Nathalie Wright
<[email protected]>, Byron Rader
<[email protected]>, Dominique Danaë
<[email protected]>, Laurent Hamel
<[email protected]>, Benedetto Bortoluzzi
<[email protected]>, Sébastien Saumier
<[email protected]>, Patrice Trousset
<[email protected]>, Pierre Cotty
<[email protected]>, Marc Mossé
<[email protected]>, Joacquim Berenguer
<[email protected]>, Laetitia Barbé­Ozouf
<[email protected]>, Guillaume Eppe
<[email protected]>, Damien Cudel
<[email protected]>, Florence Safa <[email protected]>,
Hugues Ouvrard <[email protected]>, Sabina Gockel
<[email protected]>, Ginni Rometty
<[email protected]>, Mary Barra <[email protected]>,
Philippe Donnet <[email protected]>, Lorenzo
Savorelli <[email protected]>, Henri de Castries
<[email protected]>, Peter Hancock
<[email protected]>, Ralph Mucerino
<[email protected]>, Joachim Wenning
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<[email protected]>, Michel Liès
<[email protected]>, Christian Mumenthaler
<[email protected]>, Daniel Bridge
<[email protected]>, Mario Greco
<[email protected]>, Stephen Hemsley
<[email protected]>, Thierry Breton
<[email protected]>, Pierre Nanterme
<[email protected]>, Hasso Plattner
<[email protected]>, Jim McNerney
<[email protected]>, Bill McDermott <
<[email protected]>, Punit Renjen
<[email protected]>, Patrick Pouyanné
<[email protected]>, Doug McMillon
<[email protected]>, Ben van Beurden
<[email protected]>, Tim Cook <[email protected]>,
Jeff Bezos <[email protected]>, Chuck Robbins <[email protected]>, Dennis Muilenburg <[email protected]>, Paul Hermelin
<[email protected]>, Frédéric Gagey
<[email protected]>, Doug Parker
<[email protected]>, Alex Cruz
<[email protected]>, Brian Krzanich
<[email protected]>, Luca di Montezemolo
<[email protected]>, John Finnegan
<[email protected]>, Carlos Rodriguez
<[email protected]>, Michael.L.Corbat
<[email protected]>, Jamie Dimon
<[email protected]>, Kenneth Chenault
<[email protected]>, Stephen Postlewhite
<[email protected]>, J. Patrick Gallagher
<[email protected]>, Barry Cook <[email protected]>,
Michael McGavick <[email protected]>, Peter Zaffino
<[email protected]>, John Q. Doyle
<[email protected]>, Alexander S. Moczarski
<[email protected]>, Daniel S. Glaser
<[email protected]>, Barack Obama
<[email protected]>, James Comey
<[email protected]>, John Brennan
<[email protected]>, Elizabeth Warren
<[email protected]>, Steve Rosen
<[email protected]>, Kimi Kondo
<[email protected]>, Willie Gregory
<[email protected]>, Karen Donohue
<[email protected]>, Fred Bonner
<[email protected]>, Judith Hightower
<[email protected]>, Brad Smith <CELA>
<[email protected]>, Jean­Jacques Urvoas
<[email protected]>, François Molins
<[email protected]>, Roger Le Loire
<[email protected]>, Section AC4 TGI Paris <sec.a4.pr.tgi­
[email protected]>, Christophe Aulnette
<[email protected]>, Satya Nadella
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <secretariatdg­
[email protected]>, <bo­dgef­[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <pierre­
[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <jean­
[email protected]>, Virginie Duval
<v.duval@union­syndicale­magistrats.org>, Christophe Regnard
<c.regnard@union­syndicale­magistrats.org>, <secretariat@iaj­
uim.org>, Marc Trévidic <[email protected]>, Jean­Luc
Bongrand <jean­[email protected]>, Pascal Gastineau
<[email protected]>, Philippe Wahl
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<[email protected]>, Patrick Clervoy
<[email protected]>, Antoine Pelissolo
<[email protected]>, Philippe Saurel
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]­
potsdam.de>, Isabelle­Cécile Perrin < <isabelle­
[email protected]>, Patricia Simon <
<[email protected]>, Carlos de la Iglesia
<[email protected]>, Solange Cummins
<[email protected]>, Johanna Snickars
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
20.5.2016 14:20
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I1603161947581042 Simon­Daniel Kipman.pdf (141 KB)
I1603190106336822 Simon­Daniel Kipman­2.pdf (117 KB)
I1501162135130952 Jacques­Antoine Malarewicz­2 second complement duplicated March 25.pdf (127 KB)
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Hi, I saw your not read receipts yesterday, as I was quite tired, and did not realise I had not sent my
email to you, professionals of the USDOJ to whom I regularly sent the ones I wrote. I observed that my
recurrent addresses were numerous, as I faced difficulties with mail boxes, and tried to use less much.
Then, these days are hard. To find the right action, the right words is difficult. I am sincerely sorry
if I hurt you, and thank you to have found a way to let me know it. I needed nevertheless to sleep
before this mail. I guess that the malaysian flight shall soon be released, and that we shall have inviolable softwares.
Your presence was helpful along these days. I also received receipts from CEOs of important insurance
companies to whom I answered on them, copied to Bill Gates, reason why I believe in an imminent change.
Nevertheless, I shall have a certainty when I shall see it written. I made mistakes, and feel powerless
in such a complex situation without a single word pronounced, but signs. I would wish to no one to face
such a time. I can only fail and among the mistakes done, have few correct actions. I cannot develop a
strategy, and often wrote an email without thinking that I could, then, forward it. I cannot anticipate,
but act in the present, then observe the signs. If something seems necessary, I wonder what it could be,
but you saw the number of times I thought that Bill Gates was in police custody. An intense pressure was
put on me, in a deception aim. The goal was to obtain a kind of burnout, I guess, and that I accuse him
falsely. I understood it when I went angry against him, wrote an email to let him know I did not
appreciate his silence, and could not obtain his address when I clicked as I usually do, but had to
insert a b, and saw the name of Bernard Cazeneuve, the french minister of interior appear, though I
never use this address which is wrong, and which I should have deleted. It warned me immediately as it
was already tried August, 7, 2014, to obtain my signing on minutes accusing him, during the first police
hearing I had, and the officer became morally violent when I refused and stood up to leave, as I felt
abused. I must also recognize that I face the difficulty to have a sister lawyer, Brigitte Guizard, with whom I
have no contact since 1995, and who seems to have benefited from the harassment since 1990, and to be
now blackmailed. The first complaint filed against me was classified September, 3, 2015, on the
allegation of irresponsibility due to mental troubles, what can never be done without having proven the
charges legitimate, what was not done, I was not indicted, and the abusive report of the psychiatric
expert was not notified to me, what prevented another expertise from being done. It seems that my sister
operated behind, under constraint. I need to write you this clearly, as it can be tried to use her
against Bill Gates. I forbidded her to pretend I asked her anything. I refuse that she acts on my
Spamora Webmail :: Apologizes Re: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI contre Nadella complétée
behalf, and copy this email to her, her husband, her son and her daughter in law, as well as members of
Microsoft's legal team, to make things clear. I have no complaint against Bill Gates, filed one January
27, 2015, as I was very confused, could not understand anything more, but wrote on it ‐joined‐, as you
can see, that I failed. It was the only time. I refuse to be used against him, and need this to be very
clearly understood. Some legal decision forbidding him to contact me directly seems to have been taken
in my back in France, I asked repeatedly to be communicated it, received nothing, but read receipts in
huge quantity, among which the ones from my own sister I join you. This decision is one more violence
done to me. I need to have a direct contact with Bill Gates, ask it repeatedly, obtain nothing. Only a
legal decision could explain this, which was also confirmed by read receipts to the emails I sent on the
subject from Microsoft's legal team's members who received them. Everything is obviously done to prevent
us from meeting each other, as it would be the proof of the violences we both faced. I am not mentally
ill, as it is tried to pretend, but cannot be considered real, due to the persons who receive my emails
without a single opposition. From the position of a person whose health never required any legal
protection measure, I can write once more that Bill Gates did not aggress me. I finally choose to copy to all the persons to whom I sent emails these last days, which means the CEOs
to whom I asked help, as things need to be precise. I have only one parole, and do not let anyone else
pretend speaking on my behalf. I am aware that for those who consider the logic as a correct way of
evaluation, it is obvious that we are both victims, but things went that far that I need to write it. I
join the last complaints filed against the doctors Kipman and Malarewicz, which permit to understand the
way things happened, and precise that when my niece Aude had difficulties as a child, I adviced my
sister Brigitte, her mother, to accept a therapy, what she did. It succeeded, but the coordinates were
given to me by my analyst, the doctor Kipman, what explains the link between them. He had all the means
to backmail her by the intimate content of the therapy. Sincerely, Nicole Guihaumé ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Subject: Not read: Neuvième plainte FBI contre Nadella complétée Date: 19.5.2016 21:12 From: "Campbell, Bradley S." <[email protected]> To: Nicole Guihaumé <[email protected]> Your message To: Campbell, Bradley S. Subject: Neuvième plainte FBI contre Nadella complétée Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:45:00 AM (UTC‐05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) was deleted without being read on Thursday, May 19, 2016 3:09:01 PM (UTC‐05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Canada). Final‐recipient: RFC822; [email protected] Disposition: automatic‐action/MDN‐sent‐automatically; deleted X‐MSExch‐Correlation‐Key: 5kggRd8gEk6mtQm/6eFxvQ== X‐Display‐Name: Campbell, Bradley S.
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