Anglais SC


Anglais SC
Sujet + corrigé
Sur 20 POINTS : Durée de l’épreuve : 1 heure – Coefficient : 1
2-0 ANGL-CT-PA-02-07
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Too busy to eat, the working mothers with « stressorexia ».
Modern women pride themselves on being able to juggle a career and a family while
looking good.
But experts say that a new type of eating disorder is emerging among maturer
women – « stressorexia ».
The condition affects those in their late 20s to 40s who are unwilling or unable to
reduce their workload.
As they become drained, anxious and stressed-out, they stop eating properly, and
can experience dramatic weight loss.
Experts claim that « stressorexia » is different from the more common anorexia.
Most sufferers of anorexia are younger and have emotional problems, choosing not
to eat as a way of keeping control over their bodies.
Many have negative feelings about themselves, such as low selfworth, extreme fear
of rejection and a distorted self-image.
But « stressorexia » is occuring in older, motivated and intelligent women with high
It is believed that the disorder may often start with a skipped lunch due to work
deadlines but can quickly worsen.
[But these women, who live in a world where the lines between the sexes’ traditional
roles have been blurred, then begin to feel that food is the only thing they can
Dr Adrian Lord, said : « Stressorexia » is not a scientific diagnosis that a doctor would
make but anecdotally its symptoms are very prevalent among women.
« They are trying to be sexy, fashionable and slim, have a career and be perfect
mothers and wives ».
« Some neglect to eat because they are too busy and others are just totally stressedout- which suppresses the appetite.
« Fifty years ago, women just had to be a good mother. Now they have to do
« As a result, they feel very anxious and this can cause them to try and keep control
of their food, which can lead to drastic weight loss and cause them insidiously to slip
into an anorexictype situation ».
Adapted from The Daily Mail, 2 February, 2008
Stressorexia : néologisme (stress + anorexia)
To juggle : jongler.
To drain : s’épuiser.
Selfworth : estime de soi.
Fear : peur.
To skip : sauter.
To blur : estomper
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I. COMPREHENSION (7.5 points)
True or false ? Justifiez vos réponses en vous appuyant sur le texte. Seules les
réponses justifiées seront validées.
1. Stressorexia is a modern disease (1.5 pt)
True : “ ... a new type of eating disorder is emerging among maturer women –
« stressorexia. “
2. It only affects young people. (1.5 pt)
False : “ The condition affects those in their late 20s to 40s...”
“But “stressorexia” is occuring in older...women...”
3. All the women who suffer from stressorexia don’t eat because they are not
hungry. (1.5 pt)
False : “As they become drained, anxious and stressed-out, they stop eating
“But these women...then begin to feel that food is the only thing they can control.”
4. Since 1950, the women’s role has not changed in our society. (1.5 pt)
False : “ Fifty years ago, women just had to be a good mother. Now they have to do
5. There is no difference between anorexia and stressorexia. (1.5 pt)
False : “ Experts claim that « stressorexia » is different from the more common
II. GRAMMAR : (4 points)
a) Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au temps qui convient :
In 2010, stressorexia will make many victims. (1pt)
A few years ago, most women stayed at home. (1pt)
b) Mettez l’adjectif entre parenthèses au comparatif ou au superlatif :
The best thing to do is to go to see a doctor. (1pt)
It was easier to be a woman in the 1950’s than nowadays. (1pt)
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III. TRANSLATION (2.5 points)
Traduisez les lignes suivantes :
[But these women, who live in a world where the lines between the
sexes’traditional roles have been blurred, then begin to feel that food is the
only thing they can control.]
Mais ces femmes, qui vivent dans un monde où la frontière entre les rôles
traditionnels des sexes a été estompée, commencent alors à sentir que la nourriture
est la seule chose qu’elles peuvent contrôler.
IV. EXPRESSION (6 points)
Traitez le sujet suivant en anglais. Rédigez en 8 à 10 lignes.
Une patiente atteinte de “stressorexie” vient consulter son médecin. Le
médecin veut connaître son régime alimentaire (fréquence des repas, aliments
absorbés), son emploi du temps, ses conditions de vie, etc….. Imaginez le
(Minimum 3 questions / 3 réponses dont 2 questions en Wh).
(Proposition de réponse).
Doctor : « What’s your job ? »
Patient : « I am a secretary in a big London firm »
Doctor : « What are your working hours ? »
Patient : « I start at nine in the morning and I work through lunch because there’s a lot of
work. When I finish at 5 pm, I always bring back home a certain number of files to work in
the evening . »
Doctor : « How do you commute ? »
Patient : I don’t have a car so I take the tube.
Doctor : « How long does it take you to go to work ?
Patient : « About one hour and a half in the morning and a little less in the afternoon.
Doctor : « Do you have lunch ? »
Patient : « No, I don’t have time for that. »
Doctor : « What do you eat in the evening ? »
Patient : « I generally have a quick dinner in front of my TV set : a sandwich and a cake. I
drink a glass of fruit juice. »
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