Francis Brunet


Francis Brunet
Francis Brunet-Manquat
GETA, IMAG-Campus B.P. 53
38041 Grenoble Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 51 43 59
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 44 66 75
Email: [email protected]
3 rue Tristan Bernard
38400 St Martin d’Hères, France
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 00 10 13
26 years old
I am a Ph.D. student in computer science at GETA (Groupe d’Etude pour la
Traduction Automatique), CLIPS-IMAG laboratory, Université Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France. My research interest is in automatic processing of written
and spoken language. I am currently focussing on:
Design and development of probabilistic and linguistic parsing methods.
Design of packed structures for multiple dependency trees or graphs.
Development of generic tools to compare several parsers and merge
them into one new parser (beyond the classical voting strategy).
Ph.D. research, GETA team, CLIPS-IMAG Laboratory, France
Study of dependency parsing, linguistic parsing and probabilistic parsing.
Specification, design and development of a multilingual platform, called
DepAn (Dependency Analysis), which:
Compare parsers for a given language by splitting their results in
elementary pieces, normalizing them, and comparing them with reference
Combine several parsers to produce a dependency parser, which has
larger coverage and is more robust than its component parsers.
Experimentation with evaluation of French parsers (published in TALN’2004)
and English parsers (in progress).
Postgraduate research, GETA team, CLIPS-IMAG Laboratory, France
Study of linguistic formalisms (LFG, GPSF, TAG, dependency grammar and
MTT) and parsing methods (chart parsing, constraint parsing, etc.).
Specification, design and development of a dependency parser based on an
efficient constraint propagation algorithm.
Master & Magistère research, GETA team, CLIPS-IMAG Laboratory,
Study of UNL (Universal Networking Language) and its applications for
Hewlett-Packard France.
Specification, design and development of automatic tools to convert linguistic
applications of the ARIANE system into the SYGMART system (two
development environments for machine translation systems).
Ph.D. in Computer Science (to be defended)
University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1), France
Title “Generic and robust tools for dependency analysis”
Supervised by Professor Christian Boitet
Postgraduate diploma in Computer Science, Systems and
Communications, option: language engineering
University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1), France
Title “Constraint programming in dependency analysis”
with honours
Magistère in Computer Science
University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1), France
with honours
Master degree in Computer Science
University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1), France
with honours
Licence degree in Computer Science
University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1), France
with honours
Introduction to the Perl programming language
Third year undergraduate in TALEP, Automatic Treatment of the Written and
Spoken Language
University Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France
Computer science and multimedia
Third year undergraduate in IUP of Communications
University Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France
Theoretical basic knowledge on computer science
first year undergraduate
University Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France
Theoretical basic knowledge on network
Fourth year undergraduate in LEA, Applied Foreign Languages
Option specialized translation
University Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France
Introduction to computer science and office Automation
first and second year undergraduate
University Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France
Ph.D. students’ representative at CLIPS laboratory council (Communication
Langagière et Interaction Personne-Système).
Web site
Specification, design and development of a web site intended to share
interdisciplinary teaching resources within the framework of CIES working
group (Centre d’Initiation à l’Enseignement Supérieur).
Mother tongue
Written, spoken
Programming languages: JAVA, Perl, C++, C, Prolog
Databases: SQL
Standard: XML, XSL
Areas of expertise: Object-oriented design, syntactic analysis methods
Operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac Os X
N-tier architecture: PHP/MySQL
Development tools: Eclipse, Xcode, Project Builder
Brunet-Manquat F. (2004). Syntactic parser combinaison for improved dependency analysis.
Actes de ROMAND-2004, Workshop COLING 2004. Genève, Suisse. 7 pages. (accepté)
Brunet-Manquat F. (2004). Une plate-forme de normalisation et d´évaluation pour l´analyse
syntaxique. Journée ATALA : Méthodes et outils pour l´évaluation des analyseurs
syntaxiques. Paris, France, 15 mai 2004. 4 pages.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2004), “Fusionner pour mieux analyser : Conception et évaluation de la
plate-forme de combinaison”, actes de TALN’2004 (Traitement Automatique des Langues
Naturelles), Fez, Maroc, 19-22 avril 2004, 10 pages.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2003), “Combinaison d'analyseurs pour concevoir un système robuste”,
actes de RJC’2003 (Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole), Grenoble, France, 23-25
septembre 2003, 10 pages.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2003), “Fusionner pour mieux analyser: quelques idées et une première
expérience”, actes de RECITAL’2003 (Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique
pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues), vol. 1/2, Batz-sur-Mer, France, 10-14 juin
2003, pp. 429-438.
Online journal
Brunet-Manquat F. (2004), “Description et conception d'une plate-forme robuste combinant
des analyseurs d'énoncés” , journal on line ISDM (Informations, Savoirs, Décisions et
Médiations), vol. 13, février 2004, 12 pages.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2003), “Description et conception d'une plate-forme robuste combinant
des analyseurs d'énoncé”, Majecstic’2003, Marseille, France, 29-31 octobre 2003, 6 pages.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2001), “Du texte vers le sens en analyse par contraintes”, RECITAL’2001
(Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des
Langues), vol. 1/2, Tours, France, 2-5 juillet 2001, pp. 491-496.
Brunet-Manquat F. (2000), “Représentation adaptée pour l'analyse de dépendances” ,
Magistère’2000, Grenoble, France, 4 septembre 2000, pp. 19-24.

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