
September 18 Septembre 1991
LE TEMPS - Région parisienne: Assez
beau d’une manière générale. Vent
faible d’ouest. Il fera 25 .
IGALO (Yougoslavie) - Un accord de
à Igalo (Montenegro) sous l’égide de
les présidents croate Franjo Tudjman
que par le ministre yougoslave de la
cessez-le-feu en Croatie a été signé
l’envoyé européen Lord Carrington par
et serbe Slobodan Milosevic, ainsi
BELGRADE - De nouveaux combats ont fait entre 30 et 40 morts en Croatie,
selon un bilan établi par l’AFP en recoupant les informations de sources
croates et serbes.
CAVENDISH (Etats-Unis) - L’écrivain russe Alexandre Soljenistyne, prix
Nobel de littérature, a indiqué qu’il "rentrera dans sa patrie" dans une
déclaration faite depuis sa retraite de Cavendish (Vermont), où il vit
reclus depuis 1976, après la levée annoncée par l’agence TASS de
l’accusation portée contre lui de "trahison à la patrie".
NEW YORK (Etats-Unis) - Les 3 pays baltes - l’Estonie, la Lettonie, et
la Lituanie - les 2 Corée, la Micronésie et les îles Marshall ont été
admis en tant que membres de plein droit de l’organisation des Nations
SEOUL - Un étudiant a été tué par balle à Séoul, où de violentes
manifestations ont opposé des étudiants extrémistes aux forces de police,
a rapporté la télévision MBC.
PARIS - La fôret mondiale, dont quelque 17 millions d’hectares sont
détruits chaque année depuis 1985 selon la FAO, a officiellement été
déclarée "patrimoine commun" de l’humanité à Paris à l’ouverture du 10ème
congrès forestier mondial.
FINANCIAL TIMES: Roubles printed round the clock
MOSCOW - "Money is being printed in the Soviet Union as rapidly as
possible. ’The only limit to the money supply in the Soviet Union today is
the capacity of the money presses’, Mr Yuri Balagurov, managing director
of the money supply department of the State Bank (Gosbank), said
yesterday. Mr Balagurov, in charge of controlling Soviet money supply, can
do nothing now but carry on printing. ’Nothing much can be done without
political will, and there is at present no political will. We have plenty
of good mechanisms, but they are not being applied’. The State Bank has
lost almost all control of money, said Mr Balagurov."
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Brady blasts IMF over pace of Soviet aid
SHANNON (Ireland) - "US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady lashed out at
the IMF, saying it was moving too slowly in its efforts to help the Soviet
Union. ’I’m a little disappointed in the bureaucratic inertia involved’,
said Mr Brady, who is traveling to Moscow with US Federal Reserve Board
Chairman Alan Greenspan. ’Here we are 2 months after the economic summit
and we still haven’t got started’, Mr Brady said. ’That pace is way too
slow’... The IMF hasn’t completed the documentation to begin the special
associate status for the Soviet Union, prompting Mr Brady’s complaint. ’We
don’t need a highly legalistic arrangement’, Mr Brady told reporters.
’It’s the most important event in the last one hundred years and here we
are arguing about legal documents’."
FINANCIAL TIMES: East-west cities centre to be housed in Strasbourg
"Strasbourg will be the centre of an attempt to impose order on the
increasingly complex pattern of co-operation between the cities of central
Europe and the European Community. It will be the home of a clearing house
for aid requests from the east. This was decided yesterday at the
Eurocities conference, which took place in Birmingham. Eurocities is a
network of 40 cities, from Lisbon in the west to Lodz in the east, from
Glasgow in the north to Athens in the south. It brings together municipal
authorities to share experiences and to concert urban policy. It is
establishing a secretariat in Brussels."
LIBERATION: Grève pour l’incapacité de travail
LA HAYE - "Hier, entre 12 et 14 heures, les Néerlandais étaient appelés
à 2 heures de grève au minimum afin de ’suivre avec attention’ le discours
de la reine Béatrix qui introduit traditionnellement la présentation du
budget. L’appel a été entendu. La présentation de ce budget 1992 a donné
lieu à des manifestations sans précédent dans les grandes villes du pays.
Les syndicats néerlandais sont furieux envers le gouvernement... Entre
toutes les mesures d’austérité annoncées hier, c’est bien le gel des
prestations sociales relatives à l’incapacité de travail (900 000
personnes sont concernées aux Pays-Bas) qui a mobilisé, selon les
syndicats, un million de personnes dans tout le pays."
REUTER: Striking employees to return to work
OTTAWA - "Canada"s striking civil servants said they had agreed to
return to work on Wednesday, opening grain shipping ports and border
crossings while trying to reach a contract agreement with the government.
Both sides in the 8-day-old dispute said on Tuesday they would go back to
the negotiating table to try to end the strike that has paralysed
government services... Treasury Board President Gilles Loiselle said the
government remained committed to freezing workers’ wages this year and
offering them increases of 3% in each of the next 2 years. About 70,000 of
the 110,000 members of the union had stopped working to protest the wage
freeze and to press for greater job security."
KYODO NEWS: Soft landing prepared
TOKYO - "Bank of Japan governor Yasushi Mieno has said the central
bank’s monetary policy is hitting the target by leading the Japanese
economy to a ’soft landing’. But he added the BoJ will continue to keep a
close watch on economic conditions both at home and abroad, including the
growing concerns in domestic business circles about the strength of the
Japanese economy. The Japanese economy is slowing down gradually, just as
the BoJ intended it to do, but shows no signs of crashing, Mieno said."
LES ECHOS: Budget prudent pour 1992
PARIS - "Aucun miracle à attendre: Pierre Bérégovoy, qui présente ce
matin en Conseil des ministres le projet de loi de Finances pour 1992, n’a
pu qu’adapter sa copie à un environnement économique terne. D’où la
modicité de la progression des dépenses qui ne croîtront que de 3%, et
l’absence de tout allègement fiscal net: les aménagements prévus seront en
effet tous compensés... Malgré tout, le déficit budgétaire atteindra 89,5
mrds de francs. C’est que la reprise économique, tant attendue après la
crise du Golfe, a tardé. Elle se dessine aux Etats-Unis, mais avec une
mollesse évidente. ’Dans le même temps, la croissance va ralentir en
Allemagne, si bien que le décalage de conjoncture en notre faveur va
s’effacer’, explique-t-on à Bercy. Où l’on a en conséquence prudemment
opté pour des hypothèses de croissance internationale de 2% à 2,1%.
Au-dessous des récentes prévisions du FMI."
FINANCIAL TIMES: French warning on inflation
PARIS - "The governor of the Bank of France yesterday warned Germany
that the increase in its inflation rate was causing concern to its EC
partners. Mr Jacques de Larosière told the annual meeting of the German
Savings Banks’ Association in Bonn it was essential the burden of antiinflationary policy be shared by monetary policy, control over the budget
deficit and reasonable income trends. ’There would be obvious risks for
Europe’, he said, ’if Germany were to deepen its budget deficit for any
length of time in order to finance the social and economic costs of
unification’... Mr de Larosière said the D-Mark should cease to play its
role as the benchmark for the European Monetary System."
REUTER: New refugee crisis after wave of attacks
ZURICH - "A spate of Molotov cocktail attacks on foreigners seeking
asylum has rocked Switzerland as it grapples with a mounting wave of
refugees. The government has condemned the attacks and called for
cooperation from all political parties to prevent the situation from
escalating... Of Switzerland’s population of just 6.7 million, 17% are
foreigners. Per capita, Switzerland receives the highest number of appeals
for political asylum in Europe. Berne says many applicants are not genuine
victims of political persecution but are merely seeking a higher standard
of living. Switzerland’s humanitarian reputation and high living standards
act as a magnet for those fleeing persecution. Most asylum-seekers come
from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia."