Pre- and Post-Publication Itineraries of the Contemporary Novel in


Pre- and Post-Publication Itineraries of the Contemporary Novel in
Vanessa Guignery et François Gallix, eds. Pre- and Post-Publication Itineraries of the
Contemporary Novel in English. Paris : Éditions Publibook Université, 2007. 352p.
The articles in this volume follow the itineraries or trajectories of the contemporary novel in
English, looking thoroughly into the study of the creation of a book, and more particularly the
various steps of its elaboration, from the writing process with its succession of drafts and
rewritings, the making-of, the conception of the book itself, the relationship with publishers
and agents, to the final exploitation by mass-media, the reading of the book, the phenomenon
of literary awards, translations, film and television adaptations. The novels analysed range
from the early twentieth century to early twenty-first century, and belong to both British and
post-colonial or new literatures from South-Africa, Canada and India. The volume includes
lectures by and debates with British writer David Lodge and South African author André
Introduction: The infinite journey of books, by Vanessa GUIGNERY
Modern and Contemporary British Fiction
The Voyage Out de Virginia Woolf: l'odyssée de la traversée ou l'apprentissage de l'écriture
romanesque, par Monica GIRARD
Can a diary ever take the place of a novel? The Journals by John Fowles, by Elena VON
Untangling the intertwined threads of fiction and reality in The Porcupine (1992) by Julian
Barnes, by Vanessa GUIGNERY
La possibilité d'une plage: The Beach d'Alex Garland, par Paul VEYRET
Sex, li(n)es and lineage: the winning cocktail for the 2004 Man Booker, The Line of Beauty
by Alan Hollinghurst, par Georges LETISSIER
David Lodge
De l'écrit à l'écran: Nice Work de David Lodge, par Sophie GABEREL-PAYEN
An exhilarating disturbance of narrative models: Small World by David Lodge as a precursor
of the novel gone globalized, by Christian GUTLEBEN
Author, Author by David Lodge and The Year of Henry James, by François GALLIX
A Mixed Blessing: A Writer's View of Literary Prizes, by David LODGE
Conversation with David Lodge
Canadian literature and postcolonial issues
Beyond the Nation: the Impact of Yann Martel's Booker Prize in Canada, by Christine
Relations éditeurs / auteurs: évolution et perspectives dans le contexte de l'industrie du livre
canadienne, par Christine EVAIN
International marketing of Canadian-authored books in relation to Commonwealth literary
prizes, by Christine EVAIN
The centre reaches far and wide: postcolonial literatures in English and the modes of cultural
production, by Jesús VARELA-ZAPATA
André Brink
André Brink, under the sign of dialogue, by Mélanie JOSEPH-VILAIN
Relations auteur traducteur: A Chain of Voices (Un Turbulent silence) d'André Brink, par Jean
The itinerary of a book in the English language, by André BRINK
La littérature sud-africaine pendant et après l'Apartheid: table ronde avec André Brink, Denise
Coussy, Jean Guiloineau et Mélanie Joseph-Vilain
Brief conversation with André Brink
Literary prizes and children's literature
Literary prizes, literary categories and children's literature in the 1990s-2000s, by Claire
The curious phenomenon of the award-winning novels: the case of Mark Haddon, by Monica
Children's Literary Prizes and Awards: History, Selection Criteria and Jurys, by Carole