Jeu de piste franco-anglais


Jeu de piste franco-anglais
Jeu de piste franco-anglais
1.Dans la première salle du musée, regarde les quatre premières vitrines à gauche. Quel animal
possède la plus grosse vertèbre ?
Observe the first four showcases on your left in the first room. Wich animal has the biggest vertebra?
2.Dans la deuxième salle, cherche une vitrine qui contient des dents qui ressemblent étrangement aux
nôtres. A quel animal appartiennent-elles ?
A showcase in the second room contains teeth which strangely look like ours. Which animal do they
belong to?
3.Rends toi maintenant dans la salle violette consacrée à l'homme de Néandertal. Tu y trouveras des
crânes d'hommes. Un des crânes a été retrouvé dans un site archéologique qui porte le même nom
qu'un objet sur lequel on s'assied. Quel est cet endroit ?
Go to the purple room of the Neandertal man.One of the skulls you see there has been found in an
archaelogical site the name of which is similar to a seat. What is this site called in French?
4.Va voir la salle d'à côté. Tiens, on ne parle plus de l'homme de Néandertal mais de l'homme de Cromagnon. Certains de ces hommes sont cannibales ! Dans quelle grotte-restaurant vont-ils manger ?
Have a look in the next room. The Neandertal man is no longer the subject now, the Cro-magnon man
is. Some of them are cannibals (man-eaters). Where is their « restaurant-cave » based?
5.Dirige-toi maintenant dans la salle où les murs sont recouverts de terre. Il y a dans cette salle un
objet très précieux qui a été trouvé dans la grotte d'Agris. Quel est le nom de cet objet ?
Now, go to the clay-walled room. A very precious object recovered in the cave of Agris is found there.
What is it?
1. Dans la salle orange consacrée au Maghreb, la vitrine près de la carte montre d'étranges colliers,
dont un très coloré. Sur celui-ci, il y a des coquillages particuliers : les cauris. A ton avis, à quoi sert ce
coquillage ?
In the orange room devoted to Maghreb is a showcase close to the map. One of the strange necklaces
displayed there is very colourful, with some special shells called « cauris ». In your opinion, what are
these shells used for?
2.Passe dans la salle rouge d'à côté consacrée à l'Afrique de l'ouest et regarde la grande vitrine des
masques. Plusieurs portent des cauris. L'un ressemble à un animal, le taureau, les trois autres à des
hommes. A ton avis ces trois masques à forme humaine ont-ils été fabriqués dans le même pays ?
Proceed to the next room (the red room) devoted to West Africa. Observe the masks displayed in the
big showcase. Some of them have « cauris ». One looks like a bull, the three others like men. In your
opinion, were these three masks in human form made in the same country?
3.Dans la salle d'à côté, la vitrine du milieu présente des objets eux aussi pleins de cauris. Il y en a un
qui est fait aussi avec de belles plumes. De quel oiseau viennent-elles ?
Go to the next room and look at the showcase in the middle. It also displays objects with a lot of
« cauris ». Among them is one made of beautiful feathers. What bird do they belong to?
4.Des cauris on en a vu au Maghreb et en Afrique noire. En trouvera-t-on dans les salles bleues
consacrées à l'Océanie ? Regarde dans la vitrine où sont présentés de nombreux coquillages. Il y a
des cauris sur deux objets particuliers, quelle est la fonction de ces objets ?
Well, you saw « cauris » in Maghreb and Black Africa. Will we find cauris in the blue bedroom devoted
to Oceania? Many shells are on display in the showcase. There are cauris on two particuliar objects.
What are these two objects used for?
5.Dans la dernière salle, cherche un objet de forme humaine peint de différentes couleurs. De quoi
s'agit-il ?
Now you are in the last room. Look for a human-shaped object, painted in different colours. What is it?
Fine Arts
1.En entrant dans la première salle, sur ta droite, Samson se débattant alors qu'on l'enchaîne semble
te dire que Dalila, cette jeune femme aux chaussures bleues, a quelque chose à se reprocher. Est-ce
le cas ?
Entering the first room, on your right, look at Samson struggling while he is being put in chains. He
seems to telling you that the young woman with blue shoes, Dalila, has something to reproach herself
with. Has she?
2.Sur le grand tableau, Priam, le roi de Troie, habillé en rouge, s'apprête à quitter ceux qui l'entourent.
Est-ce parce qu'il est fatigué et veut aller faire une sieste, ou parce que son royaume est en guerre et
qu'il va rencontrer l'ennemi aux pieds de la ville ?
Now, observe the big painting of Priam, King of Troy, dressed in red, preparing to leave. Is it because
he is tired and wants to take a nap or is it because his Kingdom is at war? Is he about to go to the foot
of the town to meet the enemy?
3.Passe dans la salle d'à côté par la droite. Sur le mur, en face de toi, un couple habillé en noir te
regarde d'un air malicieux. Peut-être a-t-il quelque chose à te faire remarquer autour de lui ?
Turn right and go to the next room. A painting is hanging in front of you on the wall. A couple dressed
in black is looking at you with a mischievous expression. Perhaps this couple is drawing your attention
to something that is strange in the painting.
4.Quitte cette salle par la gauche et poursuis ton chemin jusqu'au buste de jeune fille au fond de la
salle, elle tient un rouleau dans la main. Quel est son prénom ?
As you leave the room, turn left. Make your way to the far end of the next room. There you will find the
bust of a girl holding a rool in her hands. What is her name?
5.Si tu tournes le dos à Valentine, tu aperçois dans une vitrine un petit personnage qui porte les mains
à ses oreilles. Quel est l'auteur de cette statue?
If you turn your back on Valentine, you will notice, in a showcase, a little person lifting his hands ti his
ears. Who sculpted this statue?
Jeu de piste franco-anglais, réponses
1. Observe the first four showcases on your left in the first room. Wich animal has the biggest
Answer : An herbivorous dinosaur named « camarasaurus » dated from about 135 million
2. A showcase in the second room contains teeth which strangely look like ours. Which animal do they
belong to?
Answer : They belong to the prehistoric « Neandertall » man.
3. Go to the purple room of the Neandertal man.One of the skulls you see there has been found in an
archaelogical site the name of which is similar to a seat. What is this site called in French?
Answer : « La Chaise » site.
4. Have a look in the next room. The Neandertal man is no longer the subject now, the Cro-magnon
man is. Some of them are cannibals (man-eaters). Where is their « restaurant-cave » based?
Answer : In Agris - Perrats cave – about 30 kilometers from Angoulême.
5. Now, go to the clay-walled room. A very precious object recovered in the cave of Agris is found
there. What is it?
Answer : It is the famous celtic helmet from Agris, made in 500 B.C., an offering to a god of the
1. In the orange room devoted to Maghreb is a showcase close to the map. One of the strange
displayed there is very colourful, with some special shells called « cauris ». In your opinion, what are
these shells used for?
Answer : To protect oneself from the evil-eye, that is to say : to ward off misfortune.
2. Proceed to the next room (the red room) devoted to West Africa. Observe the masks displayed in
the big showcase. Some of them have « cauris ». One looks like a bull, the three others like men. In
your opinion, were these three masks in human form made in the same country?
Answer : yes they were. They come from the Ivory Coast. The « Guere », an ethnic group made
3. Go to the next room and look at the showcase in the middle. It also displays objects with a lot of
« cauris ». Among them is one made of beautiful feathers. What bird do they belong to?
Answer : They belong to a parrot.
4. Well, you saw « cauris » in Maghreb and Black Africa. Will we find cauris in the blue bedroom
devoted to Oceania? Many shells are on display in the showcase. There are cauris on two particuliar
objects. What are these two objects used for?
Answer : They are used for money. The use of cauris on these objects also show you their
5. Now you are in the last room. Look for a human-shaped object, painted in different colours. What is
Answer : it is a dead man's skull. It is painted in order to show the late person's rank in society.
Fine Arts
1. Entering the first room, on your right, look at Samson struggling while he is being put in chains. He
seems to telling you that the young woman with blue shoes, Dalila, has something to reproach herself
with. Has she?
Answer : Yes she has. She has just betrayed him by cutting his hair which makes him lose his
2. Now, observe the big painting of Priam, King of Troy, dressed in red, preparing to leave. Is it
because he is tired and wants to take a nap or is it because his Kingdom is at war? Is he about to go
to the foot of the town to meet the enemy?
Answer : The town is at war with the Greeks. King Priam is asking for a truce in order to
recover his son's corpse (top left).
3. Turn right and go to the next room. A painting is hanging in front of you on the wall. A couple
dressed in black is looking at you with a mischievous expression. Perhaps this couple is drawing your
attention to something that is strange in the painting.
Answer : Yes. Half of a child appears, in the bottom right in the painting. Initially it was a largesized portrait of a family, but later it was modified.
4. As you leave the room, turn left. Make your way to the far end of the next room. There you will find
the bust of a girl holding a rool in her hands. What is her name?
Answer : Her name is Valentine Gaillard.
5. If you turn your back on Valentine, you will notice, in a showcase, a little person lifting his hands ti
his ears. Who sculpted this statue?
Answer : Emile Peyronnet.