Florent Fajole - The Gates Of Paradise


Florent Fajole - The Gates Of Paradise
1973 -
(In which the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions simulating a gold fish in the cup of life)
Flor ent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s f i r s t j o b was editor: F l o r e n t Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: P l a n e t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: A f r i c a : Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul V a l é r y de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant D é c h i r e : Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole e n j o y s recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be i n t e r e s ted a in la the derni e re last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to s e e , e t a n d
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des c orps b o d i e s . D e s
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui w h i c h p a r l
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seul e to t he o n l y
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure . Corp s bodies humain s hu m a n rendu s
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit re ceives. Entre B etween les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
p e n d i t u r e il there existe exists un a point point d' of i n f l e x i o n in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écar t v a r i a t i o n de s of the
conscience s consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devant the
front de of la the scene scen e . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in M a r s e i l l e : France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its h u g e b l u e d e c k not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: A l t e r n a t i v e ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: N o L i n e a r i t y : Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another:
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
r e f l e x i v e direction or another to o:
1973 -
(In which the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions simulating a gold fish in the cup of life)
Flor ent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s f i r s t j o b was editor: F l o r e n t Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: P l a n e t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: A f r i c a : Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul V a l é r y de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant D é c h i r e : Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole e n j o y s recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be i n t e r e s ted a in la the derni e re last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to s e e , e t a n d
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des c orps b o d i e s . D e s
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui w h i c h p a r l
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seul e to t he o n l y
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure . Corp s bodies humain s hu m a n rendu s
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit re ceives. Entre B etween les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
p e n d i t u r e il there existe exists un a point point d' of i n f l e x i o n in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écar t v a r i a t i o n de s of the
conscience s consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devant the
front de of la the scene scen e . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in M a r s e i l l e : France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its h u g e b l u e d e c k not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: A l t e r n a t i v e ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: N o L i n e a r i t y : Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another:
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
r e f l e x i v e direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions simulating a gold fish in the cup of life)
Florent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s f i r s t j o b was editor: F l o r e n t F a j o l e ’ s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant D échire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s ' i n t é r e s s e r to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bo d i e s . D e s
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seul e t o t h e only
loi law de of la the dépense expenditure . Corp s bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects, se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives . Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
p e n d i t u r e il there e x i s t e exists u n a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
conscience s consciousneses met p utsle the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene. Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another:
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
reflexive direction or another too:
1973 -
(in witch the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions simulating a gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Flor ent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s fir s t jo b was editor: F lo r e nt F a jol e ’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s ' i n t ér e ss er to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . De s
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seu le to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure . Corp s bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives . Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
pe n di t u re il there e xi s t e exists un a point point d' of i n f le x io n in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écar t variation de s of the
conscience s consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis U b iq uity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another:
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
r e fle x iv e direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions emerging a gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Flor ent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s first job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seul e to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure . Corp s bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives . Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écar t variation de s of the
conscience s consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
reflexive direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions emerging a gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Florent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s first job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous to u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects, se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
reflexive direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun flying Elipsic and Ubiquitous oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions sprouting a gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Florent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s first job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous to u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects, se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultiplied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivist mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious reflective refracted
reflexive direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions becoming a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Florent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s first job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in western France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character, il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was do nné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodie s humains human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects, se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives . Entre Between les the écriva ins writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de o f la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at d evan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole li
ves in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Whe re the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyd ay flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not lad en with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alterna
tive ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaip
as: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Florent Fajole earns his living spending and c onsuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of
the art of Florent Fajole
Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ub iquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And
I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultiplied
Simultaneous inflecti on portent
of the authentic and inau
thentic consciousnes s’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesthetics life art
mirror of super constructivi
st mega delapidat
ion in one enfants de le s
oleil de la grand
humanité glorio
us refle ctive refracted
reflexive direction or another to o:
1973 -
(in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies away from all directions becoming a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
Florent Fajole was born in 1973 in Le Mans: France: Eur ope: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajo le’s favorite activity as a child was
Professor Of Geography: Florent Fajole’s first job wa s: Editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Eur ope: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent F ajole’s father was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadr ant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in w estern France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy : As a child Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry d e Montpellier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Eli psis Ubiquity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent Fajole enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For force force de to vouloir want gommer to
gum tout every trait de milked caractere character, il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derniere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was do nné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate . Il y a There are des corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvu s deprived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects, se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultip lied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aest hetics life art
mirror of super constructivist m
ega delapidat
ion in one enfants d
e le soleil de la grand
humanité glorious r
reflexive direct
eflective refracted
ion or another to o:
1973 (in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner
Florent Fajole was born I
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis U
Professor Of Geography: Flo
oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies
n 1973 in Le Mans: Franc
biquity Galaxy: Florent
rent Fajole’s firs
away from all directions being a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
e: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Eur ope: Planet Eart
h: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent F ajole’s father
was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadr
ant Déchire: E
lipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in w estern Fra
nce: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child
Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then:
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry d e Montpe
llier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Eli psis Ubi quity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Plane t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent
Fajo le enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For for ce force de to vouloir want gommerto
gum tout every trait de milked caractere ch aracter , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derni ere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate. Il y a There are d es corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvus dep rived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultip lied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesth
mirror of super constructivist me
ion in one enfants d
humanité glorious r
reflexive direct
etics life art
ga delapidat
e le soleil de la grand
eflective refracted
ion or another to o:
1973 (in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner
Florent Fajole was born I
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis U
Professor Of Geography: Flo
oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies
n 1973 in Le Mans: Franc
biquity Galaxy: Florent
rent Fajole’s firs
away from all directions being a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
e: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Eur ope: Planet Eart
h: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent F ajole’s father
was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadr
ant Déchire: E
lipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in w estern Fra
nce: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child
Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then:
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry d e Montpe
llier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Eli psis Ubi quity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Plane t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent
Fajo le enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For for ce force de to vouloir want gommerto
gum tout every trait de milked caractere ch aracter , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derni ere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate. Il y a There are d es corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvus dep rived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultip lied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesth
mirror of super constructivist me
ion in one enfants d
humanité glorious r
reflexive direct
etics life art
ga delapidat
e le soleil de la grand
eflective refracted
ion or another to o:
1973 (in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner
Florent Fajole was born I
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis U
Professor Of Geography: Flo
oeil globe oil tanker of flying Florent Fajole flies
n 1973 in Le Mans: Franc
biquity Galaxy: Florent
rent Fajole’s firs
from all directions being a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
e: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Eur ope: Planet Eart
h: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent F ajole’s father
was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadr
ant Déchire: E
lipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
Fajole lived mainly in w estern Fra
nce: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child
Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then:
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry d e Montpe
llier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Eli psis Ubi quity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
De Le La Humain Humaine: Plane t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent
Fajo le enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For for ce force de to vouloir want gommerto
gum tout every trait de milked caractere ch aracter , il a it was bien well fallu
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the derni ere last épaisseur
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate. Il y a There are d es corps bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvus dep rived de personnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seule to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences consciousneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of la the scene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
supertanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain gold copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s favorite
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linear Demultip lied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the authentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesth
mirror of super constructivist me
ion in one enfants d
humanité glorious r
reflexive direct
etics life art
ga delapidat
e le soleil de la grand
eflective refracted
ion or another to o:
1973 (in witch the sun frying Elipsic and Ubiquitous inner
Florent Fajole was born I
Qu adrant Déchire: Elipsis U
Professor Of Geography: Flo
n 1973 in Le Mans: Franc
biquity Galaxy: Florent
rent Fajole’s first
away from all directions being a sparkling gold fish eye in the cup of life)
e: Europe: Planet Earth: System Sol: Seventh
Fajole’s favorite activity as a child was
job was editor: Florent Fajole’s mother
was born in Fecamp: France: Eur ope: Planet Eart
Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent F ajole’s father
Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadr ant Déchire: E
Fajole lived mainly in w estern Fra
rant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child
Diplomé de l'Université Paul Valéry d e Montpe
ten Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Eli psis Ubi
De Le La Humain Humaine:
Ubiquity Galaxy: Florent
Fa j o
tique de la dilapidation: Such as: A For
gum tout every trait de milked caractere c h
necessary s'intéresser to be interested a in la the
thickness qu'il nous t o u s était that
peut-etre perhaps de to palper palpate. Il y a There are
h: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire:
was born in Niamey: Niger: Africa: Planet
lipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: As a child Florent
nce: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quad
Florent Fajole loved to travel: Then :
llier: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Sys
quity Galaxy: Then: Diplomé De Le Destin
t Earth: Systen Sol: Seventh Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis
le enjoys recherches portent actuellement sur l'esthé
ce force de to vouloir want gommerto
aracter , il a it was bien well fallu
derni ere last épaisseur
it was donné given de voir, to see, et and
des corp
s bodies . Des
corps Bodies dépourvus dep
rived de perso nnalité of personality qui which parl
en t speak d'eux-memes about themselves, soumis subjected a la seul
e to the only
loi law de of l a the dépense
expenditure. Corps bodies humain s human rendus
returned a to la the nature nature instinctive instinctive des of the insectes
insects , se confondent merge avec with le the milieu medium qui which les
them recoit receives. Entre Between les the écrivains writers de of l'
the antiromananti novel et and la the loi law de of la the dépense ex
penditure il there existe exists un a point point
d' of inflexion in
flection : la the mise
setting a with l' the écart variation des of the
consciences con sciou sneses met puts l e the corps body au at devan t the
front de of l a the sc ene scene . Now: Florent Fajole lives in his eyes
and fingers and mouth and brain and toes and knees and elbows and ears
and heart and in Marseille: France: Europe: Planet Earth: Systen Sol:
Quadrant Déchire: Elipsis Ubiquity Galaxy: Where the blood dark
tanker Euripides enters the harbor everyday flying the sun
on its huge blue deck not laden with grain go ld copper: Euros or
dollars but with: What happens every day: That is The Good: As an
adult Florent Fajole loves travel: New things: Alternative ways of
living: Florent Fajole’s favorite animal is the Jenaipas: Florent
Fajole’s favorite idea is: No Linearity: Florent Fajole’s
object is: Book as an articulated and structual investigation:
Now: Florent Fajole earns his living spending and consuming his
life wherever possible: The aim of the art of Florent Fajole
is Demultiplication and Simultaneity: Elipsis and Ubiquity: The
aim of the life of Florent Fajole is exactly the same: And
now I will say farewell to you: And I will sing of another :
Non Linea r D emultip lied Simultaneous inflection portent
of the a ut hentic and inauthentic consciousness’ exact
to inexact actualizing of the aesth
etics life art
mirror of super constructivist me
ga delapidat
ion in one enfants d
h u manité glorious r
r eflexive direct
e le soleil de la grand
eflective refracte d
ion or another to o:

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