Les verbes POUVOIR et DEVOIR


Les verbes POUVOIR et DEVOIR
FSL9 – Unité 2 – La bouffe ! Le verbe Pouvoir Qu’est-­‐ce que c’est? Pouvoir = ____________________________ Ex/ “I can speak French!” = ________________________________ La conjugaison Je _______________________________ Nous _______________________________ Tu _______________________________ Vous _______________________________ Il/Elle/On/Qui/ Ils/Elles _______________________________ Tout le monde_______________________________ Where have you already seen this verb? ! ___________________________________________ Translation: What does it mean? Pratiquons -­‐
Moi et ma famille _____________ nager. -­‐
Gabrielle et Henri_____________ aller au cinéma. -­‐
Tout le monde ____________ parler l’anglais. -­‐
Est-­‐ce que je ___________ faire les devoirs? -­‐
(Ne…pas) Toi et Jacques __________________ manger les produits laitiers. -­‐
Nous __________________ chanter! FSL9 – Unité 2 – La bouffe ! Traduisez -­‐
I can eat seafood. ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
They can go down the stairs. ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
Who can hear the noises? ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
Can you (sing.) go to the mall? ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
She can be funny. ____________________________________________________________________________ FSL9 – Unité 2 – La bouffe ! Le verbe Devoir Qu’est-­‐ce que c’est? Devoir = ____________________________ *In certain contexts: _____________________ Ex/ “I need to do my homework!” = ________________________________ La conjugaison Je _______________________________ Nous _______________________________ Tu _______________________________ Vous _______________________________ Il/Elle/On/Qui/ Tout le monde_______________________________ Ils/Elles _______________________________ Where have you already seen this verb? ! ___________________________________________ Translation: What does it mean? Pratiquons -­‐
Patrick et Pierre _____________ rendre leur projet. -­‐
Qui _____________ aller à la bibliothèque? -­‐
Tu ____________ faire tes devoirs. -­‐
Est-­‐ce que je ___________ aller à l’école? -­‐
(Ne…pas) Moi et mes amis__________________ étudier. -­‐
Vous__________________ regarder FRIENDS! FSL9 – Unité 2 – La bouffe ! Traduisez -­‐
I need to go to school! ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
They must finish their food! ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
We have to listen to the presentations. ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
Must you listen to music? ____________________________________________________________________________ -­‐
She needs to party. ____________________________________________________________________________