Macro QCM Direct 5


Macro QCM Direct 5
Session du 12 avril 2014
Durée totale de l’épreuve : 40 minutes
Lisez attentivement le questionnaire et en l’utilisant comme brouillon,
marquez les réponses justes. Reportez les réponses justes sur la fiche
de réponses. Ne vous arrêtez pas sur les questions auxquelles vous ne
savez pas répondre rapidement.
Rendez obligatoirement le questionnaire et la fiche de réponses.
Q 3. Don’t worry: I assure you that our managing director will
be back … 6 o’clock.
A. to
B. on
C. of
D. by
Q 4. John’s appointment is this morning, but … isn’t until
next week.
A. ours
B. our
C. one of us
D. our one
Comment remplir la fiche de réponses :
Remplissez en majuscules d'imprimerie (A, B, C) à l’intérieur des cases
des champs Nom, Prénom, Date de naissance, N°, sur la fiche de réponses
selon les données de votre convocation, puis répondez aux questions en
portant une croix au stylo feutre noir à l'intérieur des cases correspondant
aux réponses justes. Exemple : si D est la réponse juste de la question 4 :
Q4 A  B  C 
En dehors de ces indications et coches, la fiche de réponses ne doit
comporter aucune annotation, tâche, graffiti.
Pour corriger une case cochée par erreur il suffit de couvrir la case et son
remplissage par une couche complète de correcteur blanc. Exemple :
Q42      comme ceci
Q42     
Vous pouvez cocher une autre case :
Q42     
Vous pouvez re-cocher la case effacée ainsi :
Q42     
Q 5. We don’t have confirmation yet, but we think William …
have missed his connecting flight.
A. should to
B. ought to
C. might
D. would
Q 6. You aren’t just going to sit there and wait, …?
A. are you
B. you are
C. aren’t you
D. you aren’t
Il ne faut pas essayer de reconstituer la case :
Notation, barème :
Q 7. If he feels homesick, maybe it’s because he has lived
here longer … I have.
A. of
B. that
C. as
D. than
Chaque question comporte deux ou plusieurs réponses, une seule
réponse est juste, une seule case doit donc être cochée par question.
Une réponse juste rapporte :
4 points
Une réponse fausse quelqu’en soit la composition* coûte : -1 point
(* sauf toutes les cases cochées, voir ci-dessous)
Une absence de réponse donne :
0 point
Toutes les cases cochées à la question donne :
0 point
(c’est une possibilité d’annuler une réponse à une question)
Q 8. He is retired now due to injury, but he … play football
A. was used
B. used to
C. use to
D. was used to
La correction est réalisée par lecture scanner vous garantissant l’anonymat de correction.
I. Grammaire : Complétez les phrases suivantes avec une
des quatre réponses proposées.
Q 9. Jennifer was unsure … she should wear formal or
Q 1. Of all the applicants we have interviewed today, Ella
casual clothing.
A. whether
B. that
C. what
D. about
was the ….
A. friendlier
B. friendliest
C. more friendly
D. most friendliest
Q 2. I forgot our anniversary last year, so this year I will buy
Q 10. They’re one of my favourite groups: I’m really
her … most expensive necklace I can find.
A. a
B. this
C. the
D. which
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… going to their concert!
A. away from
B. through with
C. in about
D. forward to
II. Compréhension de texte : Après avoir lu le texte cidessous, sélectionnez la bonne réponse pour chacune des
questions portant sur ce passage.
At 28,251 feet, the mountain K2 (called Qogir Feng in Chinese), is
the world’s second highest peak, second only to Mount Everest.
K2 is located in the Karakoram Range and lies partly in a Chineseadministered enclave of the Kashmir region within the Uygur
Autonomous Region of Xinjiang and partly in the Gilgit-Baltistan
portion of Kashmir governed by Pakistan.
The glacier- and snow-covered mountain rises from its base, at
about 15,000 feet, along the Godwin Austen Glacier, a tributary of
the Baltoro Glacier. The mountain was discovered and measured
in 1856 by Col. T.G. Montgomerie of the Survey of India, and it
was given the symbol K2 because it was the second peak
measured in the Karakoram Range. The Italian climber Fosco
Maraini argued that the clipped, impersonal nature of the name K2
is highly appropriate for so remote and challenging a mountain.
The first attempt to reach the summit was made by an Anglo-Swiss
expedition in 1902 that ascended to 18,600 feet on the peak’s
northeastern crest. Finally, in 1954, an Italian expedition, including
the geologist Ardito Desio as leader, a doctor, a photographer, and
12 others, managed to conquer the Abruzzi Ridge despite the
severe weather conditions. The summit was reached at 6 pm on
July 31, 1954, by Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli. Before
the ascent of the ridge, Mario Puchoz, one of the guides, died of
In mountaineering, when ascending above an altitude of 26,000
feet, the climber enters what is known as the “death zone”, where
acute altitude sickness represents a serious risk. Two solutions
exist: undergoing acclimatisation (which requires more time) or
using bottled oxygen. For most of its climbing history, K2 was not
usually scaled with bottled oxygen, and small, lightweight teams
were the norm. However, the 2004 season saw a great increase in
the use of oxygen: though many climbers still did without it, 28 of
47 summiteers used oxygen in that year to help them succeed.
K2 is prone to frequent and severe storms that make the already
treacherous climbing conditions on its slopes even more
challenging. This makes it one of the world’s most difficult
mountains to climb. Compared with how many people have
successfully climbed Mount Everest, only a small fraction have
reached the top of K2. In addition, although there have been fewer
fatalities on K2 compared with those on Mount Everest, the
proportion of climbers who’ve died trying to scale K2 is significantly
A. the cause of more cases of fatal pneumonia
B. subject to worse weather conditions
C. the cause of a higher rate of climber deaths
D. significantly more difficult to climb
Q 13. The text tells us that K2:
A. is technically a glacier
B. was discovered in 1856
C. peaks at 15,000 feet
D. is the world’s tallest mountain
Q 14. The mountain was called “K2” because it was:
A. the second in its range to be gauged
B. about two thousand metres high
C. the second highest in the Karakoram Range
D. twice as tall as any other in its range
Q 15. According to Fosco Maraini, K2’s name is:
A. too impersonal
B. suited to its characteristics
C. too ambiguous
D. less appropriate now than before
Q 16. The first team that reached K2’s summit:
A. lost a member to pneumonia on the climb
B. was headed by an Italian doctor
C. combined English and Swiss members
D. was led by Col. T.G. Montgomerie
Q 17. Altitude sickness can occur when climbers:
A. become acclimatised without bottled oxygen
B. consume oxygen in excessive quantity
C. enter the “death zone” without taking precautions
D. do not take turns carrying heavy equipment
Q 18. Those who’ve reached the top of K2 are specifically
referred to here as:
A. conquerors
B. mountaineers
C. climbers
D. summiteers
Q 19. According to the text, the Abruzzi Ridge:
A. is atop a range that’s even higher than K2
B. was initially discovered in 1954
C. was the first route successfully taken to K2’s summit
D. is where Mr Puchoz died
Q 11. The text tells us K2’s height was first determined by:
A. Qogir Feng
B. Goodwin Austen
C. Ardito Desio and his team
D. T.G. Montgomerie
Q 20. According to the text, K2 is not:
A. situated in a valley that’s below sea-level
B. the cause of fewer deaths than Mount Everest
C. affected by harsh weather conditions
D. among the top five highest peaks in the world
Q 12. Compared to Mount Everest, the text says K2 is:
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III. Vocabulaire : Sélectionnez la proposition dont le sens
est le plus proche du terme souligné.
Q 21. The harsh sun made her shoulders burn and feel
Q 29. The clapping of the audience drowned out his words.
A. encouraged
B. stopped
C. disappointed
D. overpowered
A. rough
B. hot
C. painful
D. red
Q 30. Despite various setbacks, research into renewable
energy sources is still moving forward.
A. debates
B. obstacles
C. lobbies
D. discoveries
Q 22. Can you afford a new computer right now?
A. use
B. pay for
C. find
D. accept
Q 23. The radiation from Fukushima may represent a
for California, due to ocean currents.
A. threat
B. scorn
C. topic
D. stress
IV. Conjugaison : Sélectionnez la réponse correcte.
Q 31. Tomorrow, I
A. will go
B. have gone
C. went
D. go
Q 24. After hours and hours on the road, we eventually
Q 32. Yes, Sue does often … her flute in her bedroom.
arrived at our destination.
A. fortunately
B. hectically
C. possibly
D. finally
A. will practice
B. practicing
C. practices
D. practice
Q 33. If you … home in time, please give us a call tonight.
Q 25. Some voted against the ban on “fracking”.
A. got
B. have got
C. get
D. are getting
A. prohibition
B. law
C. amendment
D. majority
Q 26. This new recipe is amazing: what’re the ingredients?
Q 34. While the reporter … the policeman, the robber
A. interviewing
B. was interviewing
C. interviews
D. had been interviewing
A. peculiar
B. awkward
C. marvellous
D. complex
Q 27. Work is important, but we must be careful not to
neglect other important aspects of life.
A. fail
B. disregard
C. avail
D. overstate
Q 28. That author’s last book was very tedious to read.
… to the park after school.
Q 35. My brother has stopped … to learn German.
A. to try
B. trying
C. tried
D. try
Q 36. Once a week, the whole house is … by Tom.
A. cleaning
B. cleans
C. being cleaned
D. cleaned
A. enriching
B. hard
C. unusual
D. boring
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Q 37. The last time we were here, the band … to play after
A. began
B. begun
C. begin
D. begone
Q 38. If you went to bed earlier, you … so tired.
A. won’t be
B. are
C. wouldn’t be
D. would have not been
Q 39. Andrew promised … some milk on his way back from
A. buy
B. buying
C. to buy
D. buys
Q 40. They … together for five years when they decided to
get married.
A. have been
B. had been
C. were
D. will have been
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