F31-Bilingual Preschool.qxd:F31


F31-Bilingual Preschool.qxd:F31
Marie-France Marcie
Music by Sara Jordan
Produced and Published by
Sara Jordan Publishing
a division of
© 2007
Jordan Music Productions Inc.
ISBN 978-1-55386-075-4
Table of Contents
Table des matières
Hints for Teachers and Parents . . . . . . 6
The translation of these bilingual songs is close in
most cases; however, in some verses, similar words
and arrangement of the words were used to obtain
better musical results.
We acknowledge the financial support of the
Government of Canada through the Book Publishing
Industry Development Program (BPIDP) for our
publishing activities.
Let’s All Sing Together /
Chantons tous ensemble . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Rhyme Game / Le jeu de rimes . . . 9
Follow the Leader / Suivez le chef
Mind Your Manners / Soyez polis . . . . 18
Groovin’ and Movin’/
Danser et remuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The Silly Man / L’homme rigolo
I Spy /Je vois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
. . 14
. . . . 24
(A Game Teaching Colors /
Un jeu pour apprendre les couleurs)
Hickory Dickory Dock . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Bean Bag Toss /
Le lancer de sacs de fèves . . . . . . . . 36
Bicycle Race / Une course cycliste
( Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers to Ten /
. . 40
Les nombres ordinaux et cardinaux jusqu’à dix)
Going Places / Aller partout . . . . . . . 44
Nº 6
The Silly Man
L’homme rigolo
chorus/refrain :
I saw a silly man
walking down the street.
The silly man had a pet
walking at his feet.
When we grow up and
we act silly too
the animals we take for walks
won’t be from the zoo.
Guess which pet
was at his feet?
Walking with the silly man
going down the street?
Cats will meow
and dogs will bark
and everyone will feel safe
when we walk through the park.
(roar) A lion!
J’ai vu un rigolo
qui en allant marcher,
avait un animal
qui marchait à ses pieds.
Quand nous serons grands
et serons rigolos,
les animaux que nous sortirons
ne viendront pas du zoo.
Devinez quel animal
était à ses pieds
quand l’homme rigolo
allait se promener?
Les chats miauleront
les chiens aboieront
et tous seront bien
dans le parc quand nous marcherons.
(un rugissement) Un lion!
Bilingual Preschool - ENGLISH-FRENCH
© 2007 Sara Jordan Publishing
Bilingual Preschool - ENGLISH-FRENCH
© 2007 Sara Jordan Publishing
I saw a silly man
walking down the street.
The silly man had a pet
walking at his feet.
I saw a silly man
walking down the street.
The silly man had a pet
walking at his feet.
Guess which pet
was at his feet?
Walking with the silly man
going down the street?
Guess which pet
was at his feet?
Walking with the silly man
going down the street?
(ee-ee-ee-ee) A monkey!
(howl) A wolf!
J’ai vu un rigolo
qui en allant marcher,
avait un animal
qui marchait à ses pieds.
J’ai vu un rigolo
qui en allant marcher,
avait un animal
qui marchait à ses pieds.
Devinez quel animal
était à ses pieds
quand l’homme rigolo
allait se promener?
Devinez quel animal
était à ses pieds
quand l’homme rigolo
allait se promener?
(i-i-i-i) Un singe!
(un hurlement) Un loup!
chorus/refrain :
Bilingual Preschool - ENGLISH-FRENCH
chorus/refrain :
© 2007 Sara Jordan Publishing
Bilingual Preschool - ENGLISH-FRENCH
© 2007 Sara Jordan Publishing