the full programme


the full programme
Social and labour rights in time of austerity and deregulation:
Strengthening and connecting struggles in Europe
Rue Plétinckx 19 Pletinckxstraat
Start: 25.11 at 10:00, End: 26.11 at 16:30
In order to build our Europe, we must reject the EU's rules. The failure of its economic policies, its
authoritarian policies, and the delegitimization of is bureaucracy are the breeding ground for the
nationalist and xenophobic feelings that endanger democracy and peace.
The future proposed by the European elites - supported by most of the member states - will only
heighten these contradictions: the Report of the Five Presidents, the REFIT programme, as well as
the free-trade agreements being negotiated (TTIP, CETA and TiSA) will attack all the achievements
of a century of workers' and people's struggles _ under the pressure of debt repayment and policies
of competitiveness.
And yet we are willing to bet on Europe. Europe as a history of shared struggles, as the construction
site for our common struggles. Europe as an area of solidarity across frontiers, for combating the
immense forces of Capital together, and responding to the global challenges facing humanity. This
Europa can only be built by the articulation of local struggles and based on a global analysis of the
EU, which today is the principal enemy of our European social heritage.
During two days of plenary sessions and workshops, we will discuss the political and social impact
of digitalization and the internationalization of production processes, the divisions among the "new
European working class", the urgency of an environmental transition, as well as the need to defend
and promote the commons and public services. We will also debate the way to oppose European
policies and institutions at the local, national, and European level. We will share information about
our struggles and practices across Europe, in order to define joint directions of analysis and action.
An initiative from Alter Summit
Alter Summit is a European network of trade unions, social movement collectives, NGOs and
networks willing to organise resistance to austerity and neoliberal policies at European level for the
construction of a real democracy and alternatives.
Plenary/Plenière/Plenum/Plenaria – 25.11 – 10:00
Social and labour rights in a time of austerity and deregulation: Strengthening and connecting the
struggles in Europe!
Droits économiques et sociaux à l’heure de l’austérité et de la dérégulation: Renforcer et connecter
les luttes en Europe!
Soziale und Arbeitnehmerrechte in Zeiten von Austerität und Deregulierung: Verstärkung und
Vernetzung der Kämpfe in Europa!
Derechos económicos y sociales a la hora de la austeridad y de la desregulación: Reforzar y
conectar las luchas en Europa!
Workshops/Ateliers/Workshops/Talleres – 25.11 (14:00)-26.11 (9:30)
Struggles against climate change and austerity: could the ecological transition be the issue that
unites us?
Luttes contre le changement climatique et l'austérité: la transition écologique sera-t-elle l'enjeu qui
nous unira?
Kämpfe gegen Klimawandel und Austerität: Kann der ökologische Umbau das uns einende Ziel
Lucha contra el cambio climatico y la austeridad: la transición ecologica quizas sea el motivo que
nos una?
With/Avec/Mit/Con: Campaign for the Welfare State, Corporate Europe Observatory, Transform.
Resistance 2.0: Digitalization and technology push production and economy into transition.
Organizing responses for a new labour reality.
Résistance 2.0 ou quand la technologie transforme la production et l'économie. S'organiser pour
répondre à la nouvelle réalité du travail!
Widerstand 2.0: Veränderungen in Produktion und Wirtschaft durch Technologie. Antworten auf
eine neue Arbeitswirklichkeit entwickeln
Resistencia 2.0 o cuando la tecnología transforma la producción y la economia. Organizarse para
responder a la nueva realidad del trabajo
With/Avec/Mit/Con: Global Social Justice, MayDay Initiative, Solidaires, Transform
Defend and promote commons and public services for all
Défendre et promouvoir les biens communs et les services publics pour toutes et tous
Verteidigung und Förderung der Gemeingüter und der öffentlichen Dienste
Defender y promover los bienes comunes y los servicios publicos para todas y todos
With/Avec/Mit/Con: Campaign for the Welfare State, CIGalicia, European Anti-Poverty Network,
European Network against Health commercialization, Global Social Justice, Rosa Luxemburg
Towards convergence of struggles, building bridges to unity!
Vers la convergence des luttes, construire des ponts pour l'unité!
Zusammenführung der Kämpfe, Brücken zur Einheit bauen
Hacia la convergencia de luchas, construir puentes para la unidad!
With/Avec/Mit/Con: ATTAC-Deutschland, Ciré asbl, Coalition Internationale des Sans-papiers,
Migrants, Réfugiés et Demandeurs d'asile, Comité des Travailleurs.euses sans-papiers de la CSC,
Global Social Justice, Mouvement Ouvrier Chrétien, Precarios Inflexiveis, Change4All
Conclusions/Conclusions/Ergebnisse/Conclusiones – 26.11 – 14:00-16:30
Building a common agenda! Construire un agenda commun!
Eine gemeinsame Agenda aufbauen! Construir una agenda común!
Translation/Traduction/Übersetzung/Traducción: EN, FR, DE, ES
With the support of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and ATTAC Deutschland
Informations [email protected]