Un mot de notre Présidente Bulletin d`information n° 8 A Word From


Un mot de notre Présidente Bulletin d`information n° 8 A Word From
 Un mot de notre Présidente A Word From Our President Bernadette Ulens Bulletin d’information n° 8 OCTOBRE 2015 OCTOBER Newsletter no. 8 Chères Amies, Tout d’abord, je vous dois des excuses et une promesse : celle de ne plus jamais porter de lunettes noires sur une photo ! Mon idée était d’illustrer de cette manière le thème de mon ‘Mot’ de septembre : ‘Nous ne nous connaissons pas’ (=qui se cache derrière les lunettes ?). Après les semaines de rentrée, nous voici déjà dans le feu de l’action. J’adore voir toutes ces femmes pourtant très occupées, se retrousser les manches pour œuvrer au profit de ceux qui attendent notre aide. Car la générosité n’est pas un vain mot dans notre Association. Parfois aussi, elle prend la forme de dons, petits ou grands : que ce soit à l’occasion d’anniversaires ou pour honorer la mémoire de l’une de nos membres ou de quelqu’un de proche. Ce fut le cas pour notre chère Ursula Thiele, grâce à qui un projet de plus de 5000 euros pourra être financé. D’autres gestes généreux en faveur du Népal (plus de 3000 euros) vont nous permettre d’apporter, sur proposition concrète du Comité Projets, une petite contribution à l’aide envers ce pays dévasté. Le compte reste ouvert ! Plus près de nous, comment ignorer le drame des réfugiés qui fuient leur pays en guerre ? Femmes d’Europe, nous sommes directement concernées. Dans l‘ouvrage ‘Ireland and Belgium/Past Connections and Continuing Ties’ publié par l’Ambassade d’Irlande, un chapitre décrit l’arrivée des premiers réfugiés belges en Irlande en octobre 1914. A l’époque, ces gens n’ont rien et ne parlent pas un mot d’anglais. Pourtant les Irlandais les accueillent dans un immense élan de solidarité. A notre tour aujourd’hui d’être solidaires, en paroles et en action… C’est justement à Dublin que nous nous rendons ce mois-­‐ci à la mémoire de Mary Mooney, première présidente élue des Femmes d’Europe. En octobre nous sommes aussi invitées à une soirée Jazz avec un délicieux buffet italien. Nous fêtons les 20 printemps de nos amies autrichiennes, assistons à un concert d’automne grâce au groupe AELE et apprenons comment se fabrique le fromage cypriote. Le groupe belge nous ouvre les portes de la Maison Maurice Béjart. Il y aura la troisième édition du ‘Vintage Sale and Catwalk’ du groupe multinational. Nos amies luxembourgeoises organisent une visite au Château de Martigny et une conférence : ‘Quo Vadis Europa ?’. Je me réjouis de toutes ces occasions de nous revoir, les yeux dans les yeux ! Dear Friends, First, I owe you an apology and a promise: never again will I wear dark glasses on a photograph! The idea was to illustrate the theme of my ‘Mot’ in September: ‘We do not know each other’ (= who is hiding behind those glasses?) After returning from our summer holidays, here we are already in full swing. I love to see all these busy women roll up their sleeves to offer their help to those who need it most. Indeed, generosity is not a vain concept in our Association. Sometimes it comes in the shape of donations, big or small, at the occasion of a birthday, anniversary or to honour the memory of someone close to us. This was the case for our dear Ursula Thiele, thanks to whom more than 5000 euros were gathered. Other generous gestures (over 3000 euros) were made in favour of Nepal, allowing us to contribute in a small way to the aid towards this devastated country. The account is still open ! Closer to home, how could we ignore the drama of the refugees, fleeing their country at war? As Femmes d’Europe, their plight is our direct concern. In the book: ‘Ireland and Belgium/ Past Connections and Continuing Ties’ published by the Irish Embassy in Brussels, one chapter describes the arrival of the first Belgian refugees in Ireland in October 1914. At the time, those people had nothing and did not speak one word of English. And yet, the Irish welcomed them with open arms (‘the refugees were cheered as they passed by’). It is our turn now to show solidarity, in words and action… This month we travel to Dublin in memory of Mary Mooney, the first elected president of Femmes d’ Europe. In October we are invited to an evening of Live Jazz, while enjoying a delicious buffet of Italian specialties. We also celebrate the 20th anniversary of our Austrian group, we attend a fall concert thanks to the EFTA group, and we learn how the Cypriot cheese ‘Halloumi’ is made. The Belgian group welcomes us in the home of Maurice Béjart. There will be the third edition of the ‘Vintage Sale and Catwalk’ by the Multinational group. Our friends in Luxemburg invite us to visit to the Château de Martigny and to attend a conference: ‘Quo Vadis Europa?’. I look forward to all these opportunities to meet again, eye to eye! Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Présidente d’Honneur
Présidente Bernadette Ulens [email protected] Bureau Exécutif
( 02 762 96 37 Secrétaire Générale Marian D. Conneely ( 0476 40 20 79 [email protected] Vice-­‐Présidente Presse & Communication Renate Smith ( 02 688 26 27 [email protected] Trésorière Bernadette Grünhage ( 02 660 26 87 [email protected] Vice-­‐Présidente Projets Walthera Hudig ( 02 767 43 03 Vice-­‐Trésorière [email protected] Lilian Damsten ( 0475 72 01 37 [email protected] Vice-­‐Présidente Manifestations Ghislaine Troubetzkoy ( 0475 74 74 64 [email protected] Office: Immeuble C.E. av. de Beaulieu 9, Room 111 -­‐ 1160 Bruxelles -­‐ ( 32 2 660 56 96 Office hours: Weekdays from 10 am to 12 noon [email protected] -­‐ [email protected] -­‐ www.assocfemmesdeurope.eu Compte Bancaire: IBAN BE 47 3100 7081 9180 -­‐ BIC BBRUBEBB Maria Papandreou
Maria Papandreou est la créatrice de la couverture de notre Newsletter pour cette saison. Elle est née un soir de Noël à Larissa, ville du centre de la Grèce. Depuis toujours, la création sous toutes ses formes fait partie de sa vie, c’est même une affaire de famille, sa mère, son père et son frère sont des artistes confirmés dans leur métier respectif de styliste-­‐couturière, chef de cuisine et photographe reconnus internationalement. Elle a baigné dans cet univers, entourée de gens qui se passionnaient pour leur métier et a vu naître des créations extraordinaires des mains des siens. Dès son enfance, elle a pu suivre des cours de dessin et en 1991, a réussi (5ème) le concours d’entrée au collège VAKALO à Athènes ce qui lui a permis d’entreprendre des études supérieures en arts appliqués. Diplômée en 1995, elle largue les amarres et décide de partir sac à dos et une petite radio vers la Belgique – sans connaître un mot de français -­‐ pour y faire un stage dans le cadre d’un programme européen d'échange. Le stage était prévu pour 9 mois mais … 19 ans plus tard, Maria est toujours là, bien installée, plus qu'adaptée, devenue francophone et mère d’un fils belgo-­‐grec âgé de 10ans ! Pendant des longes années, elle travaille comme infographiste dans la publicité et en 2009 elle entreprend des études pédagogiques. Institutrice en pré-­‐scolaire, diplômée de la Haute école de Louvain en Hainaut, elle utilise sa passion pour la création artistique comme support éducatif. Passionnée, elle remplit sa boîte à histoires et à images de toutes ses rencontres multiculturelles, de ses expériences et de ses voyages. En 2014, elle troque son « photoshop » d'infographiste contre des pinceaux, signe son premier contrat avec une galerie et décide de s’investir pleinement dans son imaginaire. Maria, ce sont des créations uniques et originales peintes à la main. C’est mettre un peu plus de magie, de poésie et de couleurs dans le quotidien. Elle crée avec passion des toiles et des bijoux peints à la main pour des gens qui ont su conserver leur âme d’enfant. Agée de 41 ans, elle réside au sud de Charleroi. 2
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
The Newsletter Equipe de rédaction Publicité Couverture design Impression Proofreaders Nina Paaskesen Renate Smith Aline Verhaegen Renate Smith Anne-­‐Marie van Dam Maria Papandreou O.I.B. (Commission européenne) Rosemary Collins Lilian Damstén Aline Verhaegen Tarifs publicitaires – Advertising rates 100€ for a whole page, 65€ for ½ page 35 € for ¼ page. Contact : Renate Smith [email protected] Anne-­‐Marie van Dam [email protected] Le Bulletin est envoyé gratuitement chaque mois, à l'exception des mois de juillet, août et décembre, aux membres de l'Association Femmes d'Europe a.i.s.b.l. La rédaction se réserve le droit de résumer ou de modifier les textes soumis et ne peut garantir leur publication à une date donnée. Textes et illustrations de toutes les publicités sont sous la responsabilité des annonceurs. Les vues et opinions exprimées dans les articles sont celles des auteurs. The Newsletter is sent free of charge each month, except July, August and December, to the members of the Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to cut or edit material and cannot guarantee publication on a particular date. Texts and illustrations of all advertisements are the responsibility of the advertisers. The views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors. Table of Contents Table de matières Un mot de notre Présidente A Word from Our President 1 A Presentation of Maria Papandreou by herself 2 Agenda 4 Project of the Month – Projet du mois 5 The Many Faces of Charity by Inga Lill Jones Upcoming events AperoJazz Edith Cavell Commemoration Autumn Concert Anniversary of the AT group Halloumi demonstration Maison Maurice Béjart Vintage Sale/Catwalk Children’s book illustrator Luxembourg Gala Concert Christmas Bazaar 150th Anniversary of Jean Sibelius Minutes of the 8 May CA meeting Internal news 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Contributions to the October Newsletter must be sent at the latest on 12 September by e-­‐mail with images and photos attached. Les contributions au Bulletin d’octobre doivent être envoyées avec images et photos en annexe au plus tard le 12 septembre. [email protected] Ill. Maria Papandreou
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Jeudi 1 – 11h30 Jeudi 1 – 18h30 Saturday 3 – 20h Lundi 5 -­‐ 19h30 Thursday 8 – 17h Mercredi 14 – 17h Mercredi 21 – 17h Thursday 22 – 11-­‐15h Wednesday 28 – 20h30 Vendredi 6 – 20h Thursday 12 – 18h30 Tuesday 17 – 20 h Friday-­‐Saturday 27-­‐28 Monday 7 – 19h30 October – octobre Visite au Château de Martigny, Colmey, Luxembourg AperoJazz, Schuman Autumn Concert, Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles Anniversary of the Austrian group, Av. Franklin Roosevelt Halloumi demonstration, Av. de Cortenbergh Maison Maurice Béjart Conférence: Quo Vadis Europa? Maison de l’Europe, Luxembourg Vintage/Sale & Catwalk, Tusiad, Av. Des Gaulois 13 Edith Cavell commemoration, Uccle Cultural Centre November – novembre Concert “Duo romantique”, Banque de Luxembourg, Luxembourg Talk by the illustrator Marie Wabbes, Brussels Gala Concert à l’occasion de la Présidence luxembourgoise , Av. de Cortenbergh Christmas Bazaar, Av. de Beaulieu December – décembre th
Concert to celebrate the 150 anniversary of Jean Sibelius, the European School in Laeken p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 8 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 17 Art of Cleaning
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Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
PROJECT OF THE MONTH Ÿ PROJET DU MOIS The Giraffe Project A Secondary School in Kenyan Slums
One of the delightful things about FdE is the number of wonderful people who cross our paths, having heard that our Association seeks to help those in need – especially women and children, and especially in the vital fields of health and education. education, and so in 2005 the “Giraffe Project” was born. The Project aims to provide educational opportunities for children and young people from extremely deprived areas of Nairobi. Its goal is to get as many students as possible through vocational, secondary and university education, to help them escape the slums and achieve gainful employment. It works closely with two schools, managed and run by local people in the slums of Kibera and Mathare; it oversees a programme of individual sponsorship from which over 500 children currently benefit; and it has also funded and equipped a locally run primary school, and helped fund a second one. Richard and Denise Baines are examples of such wonderful people. Having been teachers in Belgium for many years, providing an education to young Europeans, they decided it was time to offer to those less fortunate a means to improve their lives through education. During a trip to Kenya, they saw the social disparity which reflected the levels of Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Having realized how difficult it is for children from the slums to integrate into mainstream secondary schools, in 2010 Giraffe decided to found its own secondary school, the Giraffe Education Centre (GEC). Its objective is to accommodate 300 students and teachers with classrooms, boarding houses and vocational workshops. The basic buildings are already there, and some 80 students are now in their third year of education at GEC. Science is an obligatory part of Kenyan education. Having organised the space for a science laboratory, GEC asked FdE to fund the scientific equipment. The result of our contribution can be seen in the photos, which show delighted children enthusiastically working with the equipment. The Project organizers have stressed the fact that FdE have contributed to giving children from the slums of Nairobi the chance of a better future. And why is it called The Giraffe Project? Because it aims, through education, to help slum children “walk tall into the future” – isn’t that a wonderful image? 6
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Charity work, voluntary work, bénévoles, vrijwilligers, liefdadigheit ... what does it all mean?? All these
words derive from doing something out of love and care (caritas), wishing to do good for people in need
(bene velle), and doing work or actions entirely through one’s own free will (volontaire).
There are so many ways to be charitable and to support the needy. Every time we put money in the
Salvation Army box, we help. Every time we buy tickets for the cancer lottery or similar, we help. Even
giving a coin to the beggar at the corner helps. This is direct help, giving money – no commitment, only
money! Then there is help by working: we knit socks for sailors far away from home, we sell candles for
Amnesty International, we bake a cake for the local church coffee – we make a commitment with our time.
And then there are charity organisations where we commit both money and time! This is us – FEMMES
d’EUROPE ! We are not remunerated, as in some larger charity organisations, on the contrary, it costs us
both time and money to be part of this kind of charitable organisation!
We have statutes to follow, we have “top executives”, we have “department managers”, different
committees with specific tasks and a large staff. We have internal rules and voting procedures – in short we are in many ways run like a company. BUT WE LIKE IT !!
Our remuneration/reward is the knowledge of doing GOOD, that we give something of ourselves, that we
see that our efforts make
somebody happy, that we
feel that we are contributing
to make this world a better
place. This does not mean,
however, that we do not
have obligations, and that
we do not have to worry
about who is doing the
work, as long as somebody
has volunteered. Each and
every one of us must
contribute to make the
machinery run smoothly.
Small things can be done in
order to prevent overload,
stress, sleepless nights,
hysteria or heart-attacks by
the few people who have
been brave enough to put
themselves forward for
various duties.
So what can we do?? In the UK they talk about “the three R’s”. This, with a little bit of poetic licence,
means Reading,Writing and Arithmetic - the basic fundamentals for learning. We could apply these rules
(and I dare to add one more) and thereby seriously diminish or ease the workload:
Read the information which is being given out in the Newsletter, fliers, letters, notes etc., write an e-mail
message, a letter, a small note or an SMS to inform of relevant changes, use your arithmetic to calculate
and pay the correct amounts for membership fees, event tickets, etc. Respect deadlines for forms to be
filled in, registrations/payments and contributions to be made, all of which show that we do respect the time
and effort of others.
Our organisation has another mission in addition to fundraising - it is a SOCIAL forum. We are a unique
organisation with so many members from so many different countries, and it will certainly benefit all of us
to cross borders by participating in more events set up by groups other than our own. Furthermore, our
cultural knowledge will improve, and we will be more tolerant and understanding.
...Or perhaps we should just sit at home and knit socks??!!
Nota Bene : this article is only a reflection of one member’s thoughts and opinions and is not at all directed
towards any specific group or individuals of Femmes d’Europe.
Inga Lill Jones, EFTA/AELE Group
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Edith Cavell, the British nurse working in Brussels, who was
executed by firing squad in Schaerbeek by the occupying German forces. Her courage saved hundreds of British
soldiers and Belgium resistance fighters.
A century later, Uccle and the Belgians will honour this exceptional woman. As part of the commemorations, the
Uccle Cultural Centre, Rue Rouge, 1180 Uccle, will show on Wednesday, 28th October at 20.30, a newly
restored version of the silent film about her life, “DAWN” Originally made in 1928 by Herbert Wilcox, it has
been restored by Cinematek and will be accompanied by an original music score.
The United Kingdom Branch of Association Femmes d’Europe has received 30 tickets for this special showing of
“DAWN” about Edith Cavell’s life, which will be followed by a reception.
15 Euros
IBAN BE 47 3100 70819180 BIC BBRUBEBB
For ticket reservations and further information please contact:
Patricia Cendrowicz: 02 735 4778 or 0484 504 924
Nadja Allgeier: 0478 38 84 43
Rosemary Collins: 02 687 2495
8 Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ The AELE/EFTA group of the Association Femmes d’Europe invites you to the AUTUMN CONCERT given by the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles on Saturday 3 October at 20.00 David Navarro Turres – Conductor Camille Thomas -­‐ Cello Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, 30 rue de la Régence, 1000 Bruxelles Programme « Coriolan » Overture Cello concerto N°1 Symphony N°7, op. 92 Ludwig van Beethoven Dmitri Shostakovich Ludwig van Beethoven Cocktails will be served during the interval Cost: € 30 per person Further information/reservations before 21 September: Francisca Brouwers [email protected] ( 02-­‐767 06 86 Please make your payment, after confirming your reservation, to the Association’s account: IBAN: BE 47 3100 7081 9180, BIC BBRUBEBB, mentioning “Autumn concert”, your group and your name as mentioned in the Directory. How to find the venue? By public transport: Tram 92 & 93. By car: Poelaert Car Park (500 spaces) – located under Place Poelaert. Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ Association Femmes d’Europe LE GROUPE AUTRICHIEN FÊTE SES 20 ANS Notre Représentant Permanent auprès de l’Union Européenne, S.E. Monsieur l’Ambassadeur Walter GRAHAMMER, nous invite chaleureusement dans sa résidence Lundi 5 octobre à 19h Avenue F.D Roosevelt 60, 1050 Bruxelles Au programme une présentation par notre membre Jasminka Dervaux sur des femmes littéraires autrichiennes, « Images des femmes – Frauenbilder » en allemand, agrémenté par quelques pièces au piano. Ensuite Monsieur l’Ambassadeur nous convie à un « Walking Buffet ». Le nombre de places est malheureusement limité à 60 personnes, soyez parmi les premières à vous inscrire ! La totalité des bénéfices soutient les projets humanitaires de notre Association. P.A.F: € 34,-­‐ à verser au compte de l’Association en mentionnant votre nom, votre groupe et « 20 ans groupe Autrichien » IBAN : BE47 3100 7081 9180 – BIC : BBRUBEBB. Infos et inscriptions : Susanne Steinherr-­‐Kanler: tél. 02 345 8370 ou 0497 431946 [email protected] Eva Vancrayelynghe: tél. 010 841259 ou 0475 604677 [email protected] 10 Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ The Cyprus Group of the Association Femmes d'Europe a.i.s.b.l. has the great pleasure to invite you to A DEMONSTRATION OF THE "HALLOUMI" PRODUCTION By Mr Andreas DIKOMITIS (in English/French/Dutch) Come and see how the traditional Cypriot cheese is produced while tasting other traditional delicacies from Cyprus as well Thursday 8 October, 2015, at 17:00 61, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 1000 Bruxelles Kindly enrol by 6 October, 2015 (limited number of places) with: Domna PASCHALIDOU Tel.: 0473 198356 Email: [email protected] Fee: 30€ for the benefit of our Association’s humanitarian aid projects to be paid into the Association’s account IBAN BE47 3100 7081 9180 / BIC BRUBEBB, with the communication “Halloumi Demonstration”, the number of participants and your name. B o o k D o n a t i o n s We are happy to accept your donations of good quality used books for the next book sale. You can bring them to the Femmes d’Europe office in Beaulieu 5 on October 2, 9 and 27 between 10.15 and 11.30 am. After that date the reception of book donations is closed until February. If you have a large quantity please contact [email protected] and we can plan the delivery or possibly organise to collect them. The friendly multilingual Book Team is looking for book lovers to join them. We need help with pricing before, and selling at, the bazaar. Scandinavian and Eastern European language speakers especially welcome. Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ Rencontre unique avec
Maison Maurice Béjart
le mercredi 14 octobre de 17 à 19h30
(accueil dès 16h30)
« Maison Maurice Béjart »,
Rue de la Fourche, 49 – 1000 Bruxelles
En ce début d’automne, le Groupe Belge a le privilège de vous ouvrir les portes de la Maison Maurice Béjart en
compagnie de ses proches pour découvrir ensemble l’exposition permanente intitulée «Béjart, Parcours Libre ».
Les élèves du Conservatoire de la Danse présenteront leur chorégraphie dans le studio où le Maître a créé la majorité de
ses œuvres et a vécu pendant plus de vingt ans. Cette visite privée sera suivie d’une réception.
Tenue de ville
Prix p.p. : 45 €
Métro Bourse – De Brouckère - Parking Ecuyer
Denise Bruelemans
Viviane Janssens
Laure Hilbert
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paiement au compte de l’Association IBAN BE 47 3100 70819180 – BIC BBRUBEBB avec la mention « BEJART », le
nombre de places, votre Groupe, votre nom tel que repris dans l’Annuaire et votre no. de téléphone.
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ 3 rd Vintage Sale and Catwalk
Held by the Multinational Group 22 October 2015 11 am – 3 pm TUSIAD, 13, Av. des Gaulois, 1040 Bruxelles (Cinquantenaire) Entrance fee: 5€ The Catwalk fashion show will take place at 12:30 Please look in your cupboards for elegant ladies’ clothes and accessories that you no longer use Clean items in bags may be dropped off at the TUSIAD Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm TUSIAD tel. 02 736 40 47 For more information, contact: Lesley Velten-­‐Jameson Monique Seber Andrea Hildwein-­‐Scheele [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 04 75 27 65 23 04 75 24 92 38 04 94 58 42 65 Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl 13
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ The United Kingdom Group of the Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl invites you to meet the incredible Marie Wabbes When: November 12, 2015, at 18.30 Where: Chapitre XII, Avenue des Klauwaerts, 1050 Brussels Marie Wabbes has written many much-­‐loved children’s books, including ‘Babaya -­‐ chasseur d’éléphants’, ‘Bon Nuit Petit Lapin’, ‘Le Bel Oeuf’ and ‘Petit coeur d’ors’. For English readers, she is best known for her ‘Little Rabbit’ series, as well as ‘Caroline at the King’s Ball’, which she illustrated under the pseudonym Florence. Born in Brussels in 1934, Marie Wabbes has long been involved in promoting books and teaching for African children and founded a French section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) in Belgium. She has been garlanded with many awards for her children’s books, including the first prize from the French Community of Belgium for her life’s work in 2006, the SCAM prize for Children’s literature in 2014, and the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Prize in 2015 for a lifetime’s contribution to children’s literature. Entrance: €24 Reservations: Patricia Cendrowicz 02 735 4778 or 0484 504 924 Nadja Allgeier 0478 388 443 Rosemary Collins 02 687 2495 Femmes d’Europe Bank Account Number IBAN BE47 3100 7081 9180 BIC BBRUBEBB with the mention “Marie Wabbes”, the number of participants and your name. 14
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ Concert de Gala
Sous le haut patronage de
S.E. Monsieur Christian Braun, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent du
Luxembourg auprès de l’Union européenne, le Groupe luxembourgeois de l’Association Femmes d’Europe organise un
Récital de Piano
avec la soliste Sabine Weyer
le mardi 17 novembre 2015 à 20.00 h
Maison du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
5, Avenue de Cortenbergh - 1000 Bruxelles
Réception après le concert
Dress-­‐code : tenue habillée Places limitées -­‐ Prix : 40 € Informations et réservations : Mitsou Entringer : [email protected] tél. 02-­‐770.63.24 Rolande Margot : [email protected] tél. 02-­‐687.54.48 Après confirmation, veuillez effectuer votre paiement au compte de l’Association: IBAN BE 47 3100 7081 9180 -­‐ BIC BBRUBEBB – avec la mention “Gala luxembourgeois”, suivie de votre nom, le nom de votre Groupe et le nombre de places réservées. Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl 15
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ Sabine Weyer, notre pianiste
Luxembourgeoise d’origine, Sabine Weyer,
découvre le piano et rejoint le Conservatoire de
Esch-sur-Alezette dès l’âge de 7 ans. Très jeune,
elle se classe au Concours National de France. Elle
suit des cours au Conservatoire National de Metz où
elle obtint, en 2007, le Premier Prix de
Perfectionnement. Cette année est couronnée par le diplôme de
Postmaster avec distinction.
Sabine Weyer bénéficie des conseils de différentes
personnalités don’t notamment Vassil Guenov. En
2010, Sabine est sélectionnée avec sept autres
pianistes du monde entier pour participer aux
Master-Classes de l’éminente pianiste britannique
Norma Fisher. Elle a aussi été sélectionnée pour
suivre les Master-Classes données par la grande
pianiste russe, Oxana Yablonkava à Kiev.
Sabine vient d’enregistrer son premier CD chez
Orlande Records, don’t elle nous jouera un extrait le
17 novembre procain. Ce CD sera en vente, lors de
son récital pour Femmes d’Europe.
Après s’être produite en 2014 au Shanghai Concert
Hall en Chine, elle donnera cet automne des récitals
à la Salle Cortot à Paris, à Edinburgh, à la St.
Magdalene Church de Londres, à la Philharmonie
de Luxembourg et, pour Femmes d’Europe, à la
Maison du Grand Duché de Luxembourg au 75
Avenue de Cortenbergh à Bruxelles.
En 2012, Sabine Weyer rejoint le “Koninklijk
Konservatorium” à Bruxelles où elle obtient la
mème année, le diplôme de Master. Puis, en 2013,
elle est acceptée dans la classe d’Alexandar Mazdar.
Bazar de Noël Christimas Bazaar RECOLTE POUR LA BROCANTE
COLLECTION FOR OUR FLEA MARKET L'équipe du Groupe Belge serait très heureuse de recevoir, vos jolis objets (peu encombrants, légers et en bon état) afin d'alimenter la prochaine Brocante du Bazar. Nouveau : nous acceptons également le beau linge de maison, ainsi que des bijoux. The Belgian Team will be very happy to collect all your nice household items (small, light and in good condition) for the next Bazaar "brocante". New : we also accept nice linens as well as jewelry. Dépôt : Beaulieu 33, les 12, 19, 26 octobre, de 18 à 20h et les 13, 20, 27 octobre, de 10 à 12h. Deposit : Beaulieu 33, October 12, 19, 26 between 06.00 and 08.00 pm and on 13, 20, 27 between 10.00 and 12.00 am. Merci! Thank you! Veuillez contacter au préalable: Denise Bruelemans Viviane Janssens Laure Hilbert Please contact beforehand: ( 0475 77 67 87 ( 0496 25 47 23 ( 0470 90 64 87 [email protected] [email protected] Laure.HILBERG@ca-­‐privatebanking.be 16 Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Ÿ UPCOMING EVENTS Ÿ C h r i s t m a s
D u t c h
B a z a a r
G r o u p
Please rummage through your jewellery boxes and wardrobes
and donate the treasures found to sparkle and twinkle
(necklaces, earrings, rings, scarves, etc.) to our
C h r i s t m a s
S t a l l
for information please contact:
Nelleke Thissen - 02 772 27 96 or 0470 583 247 -
[email protected]
Collection points:
Rhôde St. Genèse
Annette de Nerée tot Babberich
Gerda de Munck
Anetta von Chrismar
Cécile Brenninkmeijer
Marijke Hierl
a big thank you
Sous le Haut Patronage de l’Ambassadeur de Finlande en Belgique
The Finnish Group of the Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. invites you to celebrate
on Monday 7th December 2015 at 7:30 pm
European School IV in Laeken, Drève Sainte Anne 86, 1020, Ville de Bruxelles
Four young Finnish talents of
play brilliant string music created by Jean Sibelius
© Photo: Heikki Tuuli
La soirée sera clôturée par une réception
Au profit des projets d’aide humanitaire de l’Association.
Free parking inside the school yard.
Marjatta Mäkinen: [email protected]
tél. 0472 932 812
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
Please make your payment by 20 November, after confirming your
reservation, to the Association’s bank account:
Merci d’effectuer votre paiement après réservation le 20 novembre 2015 au
plus tard, au compte IBAN BE 47 3100 70819180 – BIC BBRUBEBB
Minutes of the meeting of the Administrative Council held on 8 May, 2015
1. Approval of the Minutes of the CA on 27 March 2015
The Agenda and the report of the CA meeting on 27 March 2015 were adopted. Mirna Mingasson was approved as
the note taker for this meeting.
2. Projects
Following the earthquake, a Femmes d’Europe bank account was designated for funds specifically donated for a
project in Nepal. When there is an natural disaster of this type our policy is to wait until the first rush with aid is
over and until we find a specific Femmes d’Europe project, rather than act as a first response group as do the
governmental and non-governmental agencies specialised in giving emergency aid. The projects committee is very
happy to hear of any suggestions or on-the-spot contacts whom our members think we can help. Any money
collected for Nepal will be used for one of these project ; indeed the Femmes d’Europe might be in a position to
direct additional funds towards the right project.
Three Rapid Aid projects were approved.
- Belgium : the placing of a security door at the Henri Jaspar guesthouse, 1500 €
- Romania : Construction material for a building project by young volunteers, 1350 €
- Spain : purchase of a respiratory machine for an old people’s home, 2000 €
The meeting to present the projects proposed in aid of developing countries (PEDs) will take place on 1 June at
14.00 in the VIP room in the Beaulieu building. Groups are asked to send the names of the people attending the
meeting to the Secretariat ; generally these will be the group leader and the member in charge of projects. New
forms to request aid will be sent out to all groups with the report of this meeting in order to encourage and help
with the search for new projects during the summer.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Lilian Damstén, Vice Treasurer set out our financial situation, in the absence of the Treasurer.
4. Press & Communication
- Renate Smith thanked the heads of groups for checking the lists of their members in the new edition of the
membership directory. It will be ready soon.
- She explained that we need to update our website and that she would be happy to receive any recommendations
from our members of a reputable company which might be able to carry out this work for us, without it costing too
much of the Association’s money. Nevertheless she stressed that we need to invest in our computer system. She
emphasised that any suggestions or critical remarks aimed at improving our website and our image to the outside
world are very welcome.
- A working group has been set up to review and correct our texts on the website and the importance of correct
spelling was stressed.
- The editorial staff of the magazine ‘Juliette et Victor’ have selected the Association Femmes d’Europe as a
candidate in its competition in the ‘Charitable and Social Work’ category. From today until 12 May it is possible
for all of you to vote for the Femmes d’Europe on the magazine’s website at : jvmagazine.be/victors2015.
- A discussion ensued about the desirability of collecting confidential and sensitive information such as our
members’ dates of birth and the number of their identity cards. (This matter arises in the context of security
clearance to enter the Commission buildings).
- Newsletter: Our new editors Aline Verhaegen and Nina Paaskesen were congratulated and thanked for taking on
this crucial task on behalf of the Association; the deadline for the next edition is 12 May. It is important to keep
this deadline !
5. Christmas Bazaar
The first preparatory meeting will take place on 20 May at 10.00 in the Irish Permanent Representation building at
50 rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels. Marta Heere, who is in charge of the Bazaar, thanked Ambassador Kelleher for
hosting us. For security reasons the names of the people attending this meeting need to be with the Secretariat by
12 May.
6. Past Events
These were a great success :
the Multinational Gala, and the Irish Bridge Tournament : would there be any interest among the members in
Bridge lessons ?
7. Future Events
The UK group’s Spring Lunch and Bring & Buy Sale takes place today, after this meeting.
- 31 May : The Spanish group’s paella meal in a well known restaurant.
- 24 June : AELE-EFTA groups’ conference about vaccinations.
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl
- 24 September : The walk in the Arboretum in Tervuren : AELE/ EFTA group.
- 3 October : Concert in the Conservatory where 100 places have been set aside for us
- 15-18 October : The Mary Mooney memorial trip to Dublin, organised by the Irish group, will take place.
- 22 Octobre : Catwalk and Vintage Sale : Multinational group.
Clothes in good condition can be delivered to TUSIAD , 13 , av des Gaulois from 10.00 -16.00 every day from
now on (in bags and labelled for Fd’E.)
- 17 November : Luxembourg Gala Concert followed by a reception at the Maison du Grand Duché de
- 7 December : the Finnish group plan a concert at the Laeken European School to mark the 150th anniversary of
Sibelius’ birth.
- January 2016: the French group are planning a conference on the revolutionary Chinese etchings.
- 20 April 2016 : The Dutch Gala : a ballet at the Cirque Royal is planned.
Marian D. Conneely
The Administrative Council
Upcoming Meetings
Friday 23 October – Room C
Thursday 19 November – VIP Room
Monday 14 December – Room C
Thursday 14 January – Room C
Thursday 18 February – Room C
Thursday 14 April – VIP Room
Thursday 26 May – VIP Room
Monday 20 June – VIP Room
The meetings begin at 10h
C'est avec une profonde tristesse que le groupe luxembourgeois (Lulu) annonce le décès de leur membre
fidèle et généreuse Malou Glesener. Nous garderons en mémoire sa gentillesse et sa disponibilité. Son
souvenir restera toujours gravé dans nos coeurs. À toute sa famille nous exprimons notre sincère
compassion et notre profonde sympathie.
Toutes nos sincères condoléances à Claude Crickx, membre du Groupe Belge, à l'occasion du décès de
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur André Mernier, son merveilleux mari.
Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl