ANGLAIS Tronc Commun (Écrit)


ANGLAIS Tronc Commun (Écrit)
Lycée Thiers -­‐ Khâgne A/L English Class 2016-­‐17 P. Caillet ANGLAIS Tronc Commun (Écrit) Reading List: Here is a list of works that will be useful for a better understanding of the class. You may have already read some of them; very well: you can go through these again and read the others. We will work on extracts from most of these works during the year or at least refer to them. Most are rather short. Read them in English, in bilingual, or even in French – depending on your level – but read, read as many as you can. ü Christopher MARLOWE, Dr Faustus (tragedy, 1592) ü Edgar Allan POE, “The Fall of the House of Usher” (short story, 1839) ü Harper LEE, To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), and/or Carson MCCULLERS, The Ballad of the Sad Café (1951) ü William SHAKESPEARE, The Tempest (1611) [La Tempête] ü Joseph CONRAD, Heart of Darkness (1899) [Au Coeur des Ténèbres]. I also recommend Francis F. Coppola’s film Apocalypse Now (1979), which is an adaptation of Conrad’s novella to the Vietnam War setting. ü Toni MORRISON, Beloved (1987)