Curriculum vitae - Campus adventiste du Salève


Curriculum vitae - Campus adventiste du Salève
Luca Marulli
Professeur de Nouveau Testament
Doyen de la Faculté adventiste de théologie
Campus adventiste du Salève
74165 Collonges-sous-Salève Cedex, France
Tél: +33 (0) 450 87 68 11
Fax: +33 (0) 450 43 65 80
E-mail: [email protected]
Site Web:
2008 – présent
Doctorant à l’École Doctorale de Théologie et Sciences Religieuses
Faculté de théologie protestante
Université de Strasbourg, France
2008 – 2009
Études dans le cadre du Master of Divinity degree
Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan
2006 – 2007
Études dans le cadre du programme doctoral
St. Michael’s College University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Maîtrise de théologie
Faculté de théologie protestante
Université de Strasbourg, France
Maîtrise adventiste de théologie
Faculté adventiste de théologie
Campus Adventiste du Salève, Collonges-sous-Salève, France
Licence de théologie
Faculté adventiste de théologie
Campus Adventiste du Salève, Collonges-sous-Salève, France
Licence de théologie pastorale
Institut de culture biblique “Villa Aurora”, Florence, Italie
Baccalauréat de technicien industriel chef (informatique)
Lycée technique industriel “Luigi di Savoia”
Chieti, Italie
Parcours professionnel (enseignement)
2015 – présent
Doyen de la Faculté adventiste de théologie
Campus Adventiste du Salève, Collonges-sous-Salève, France
2013 – présent
Responsable du programme académique de Master 2
2009 – présent
Professeur de Nouveau Testament, Faculté adventiste de théologie
Campus Adventiste du Salève, Collonges-sous-Salève, France
Parcours professionnel (ministère pastoral)
Juin 23, 2007
Consécration au ministère pastoral par Derrick Nichols, Président de la
Fédération de l’Ontario des adventistes du septième jour de Canada
2004 – 2007
Pasteur de la Harmony Seventh-day Adventist Church
Toronto, ON, Canada
2003 – 2007
Pasteur de la Italian Seventh-day Adventist Company
Toronto, ON, Canada
2004 – 2006
Coordinateur des “joint Outreach Social Youth Activities” des églises
suivantes: Italian SDA Company, Harmony SDA Church, Immanuel SDA
Church, and Yugoslavian SDA Church (Toronto, Canada).
Domaines d’enseignement et de recherche
Cours enseignés: Évangiles synoptiques; Littérature johannique; Épîtres pauliniennes; Apocalypse;
Methodes exégètiques; Hérmeneutique biblique
Domaines de recherche: le Jésus de l’histoire; Early Christian Self-Definition; Church and Society in
the First Century; Analyse narrative; Evangile de Marc; Approche pastorale à la question de
Collaborations et distinction
Membre du Biblical Research Committee (BRC) – Inter-European Division (EUD)
Membre du The Society of Biblical Literature (2008—présent)
Membre du Cultural Center for Human and Religious Sciences (CECSUR), Florence, Italie
Ex-membre du The Catholic Biblical Association of America (2010—2012)
Ex-membre du The Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (2007—2011)
Luca Marulli +33 (0)4 50 87 68 14
[email protected]
Premier prix au 2010 Ministerial Student Writing Contest - Ministry, International Journal
for Pastors pour l’article « “Let both of them grow together”: Church discipline in the
Gospel of Matthew ».
Compétences linguistiques
Italien, français, anglais
En train d’apprendre l’allemand
Articles scientifiques
 “Boanerges” and “Elder”, in Mary Ann Beavis and Michael J. Gilmour (eds.), Dictionary of
the Bible and Western Culture: A Handbook for Students, Sheffield, Phoenix Press, 2012
“‘And how much do you owe…? Take your bill, sit down quickly, and write...’ (Luke 16:56)”, in Tyndale Bulletin 63/2 (2012): 199-217
“Stumbling Words for a Determined Young Lady: Notes on Ruth 2:7b”, in Biblical Theology
Bulletin 42/3 (2012): 215-218 (pseudo : Callia Rulmu)
“Paul’s Self-definition: An Overview”, in Spes Christiana 22–23 (2011–2012): 89–108.
“Between Ambition and Quietism: the Socio-political Background of 1 Thessalonians 4:912,” in Biblica 91/3 (2010): 393-417 (pseudo: Callia Rulmu)
“The Use of Ps 69:9 in Rom 15:3: Shame as Sacrifice,” in Biblical Theology Bulletin 40/4
(2010): 227-233 (pseudo : Callia Rulmu)
“Une discipline ecclésiastique toute pastorale selon Matthieu 13.24-30,36-43,” in Roland
Meyer (éd.), Pistis. Mélanges offerts à Richard Lehmann, Collonges-sous-Salève, Faculté
adventiste de théologie, 2010, p. 89-101
“The Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:26–30): A Quest for its Original Formulation and
its Role in the Preaching of the Historical Jesus,” in Biblical Theology Bulletin 40/2 (2010):
“A Letter of Recommendation? A Closer Look at Third John's 'rhetorical' Argumentation,”
in Biblica 90/2 (2009): 203-223
“The Parable of the Weeds and Matthew’s Strategy vis-à-vis Extreme Sectarian Impulses
from Within His Community,” in AUSS 47/2 (2009): 181-202
Luca Marulli +33 (0)4 50 87 68 14
[email protected]
“The Parable of the Tares and Its Explanation (Mt. 13:24-30, 36-43): A Narrative-Critical
Study,” Adventus 18 (2008): 55-64
Articles divulgatifs
 “Baptême au nom de Jésus ou formule trinitaire ? ”, in Revue Adventiste, janvier 2016 : 1213
“Déprimé(e)s de Dieu”, in Signes des Temps, mai-juin 2014 : 9-10
“Joyeux anniversaire Jésus”, in Signes des Temps, novembre-décembre 2013: 7- 9
“Maladie, guérison et visage de Dieu”, in Les cahiers de l’école pastorale 87/1 (2013) : 5-10
“I Belong”, in Connection, The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International
36/2 (2012): 4-5
“Where is the Ink?”, in Connection, The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship
International 36/1 (2012): 4-6; republished in Safe Places Newletter, January 2014: 4-9
“Like a Mustard Seed”, in Connection, The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship
International 35/9 (2011): 6-9. Reprinted in The August 2013 Safe Places Newsletter: 4-8
“The Good But Absent God?: The Dilemma of a Christian Cancer Survivor”, in Ministry.
International Journal for Pastors, June 2011: 26-27 (pseudo: Callia Rulmu)
“La forza della debolezza : vanto e fragilità nel discorso irragionevole dell’apostolo Paolo
indirizzato ai cristiani di Corinto”, in Il Messaggero Avventista, December 2010: 13-15
“Moderazione o astensione?”, in Il Messaggero Avventista, December 2010: 27
“’Let both of them grow together’: Church discipline in the Gospel of Matthew”, in
Ministry. International Journal for Pastors, September 2010: 10-13
“Abbiamo bisogno di altri profeti?” (response to a question raised by Rolando Rizzo about
the article "Spirito di profezia e storia: Dio dirige ed incoraggia la sua chiesa" published in Il
Messaggero Avventista, April 2010: 4-7), in Il Messaggero Avventista, June 2010: 13-14
“Il silenzio di Dio nella mia vita” (synthesis of the contributions given at the AUDA Annual
Meeting, Florence, 2-5 April 2010), in Il Messaggero Avventista, April 2010: 25-26
“Members Who Smoke and Church Discipline: A View from the Writings of Ellen G.
Luca Marulli +33 (0)4 50 87 68 14
[email protected]
White," in Ministry. International Journal for Pastors, April 2010: 20-24. Translated in
French and published as "Membres fumeurs et discipline ecclesiastique: une perspective
d’après les écrits d’Elle G. White", in Ministry. Revue internationale pour les pasteurs
francophones, 2ème semestre 2010: 20-23
"Spirito di profezia e storia: Dio dirige ed incoraggia la sua chiesa," in Il Messaggero
Avventista, April 2010: 4-7
Book Review of Monica Reed, The Creation Health Breakthrough, Hachette Book Group,
New York, 2007, in Adventist Review, April 15 (2010): 29
"C’è posta per te: lettere dall’Apostolo Giovanni," in Il Messaggero Avventista (July
August 2009): 4-7
“Cristo, esempio di confronto. Riflessione sull’essenza dell’umiltà,” in Il Messaggero
Avventista (January 2009): 4-6
“Evangelizzazione e rispetto dell’altro,” in Il Messaggero Avventista (October 2002): 7-9
 “The Use of Ps 69:9 in Rom 15:3: Jesus' Sacrifice As Typos For Christian Behavior,”
Paper presented to “Ecritures et réécritures”, the International Symposium of the Réseau
en Analyse Narrative des Textes Bibliques (RRENAB), Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland,
June 10-12, 2010
“‘Strive to Keep Quiet’: 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 and Socio-Political Quietism.”
Paper presented to the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting (unit: Pauline
Epistles), New Orleans, Louisiana, November 21-24, 2009
“A Community Between Socio-Political Conservatism and Rupture. A Study On the
Background of 1 Thessalonians 4, 9-12”. Paper presented at the Annual Andrews
University Seminary Scholarship Symposium, Berrien Springs, Michigan, February 5-6,
2009, and at the Student Religious Studies Conference, Olivet Nazarene University, Illinois,
February 13, 2009
“Tensions in the Gospel of Matthew: An Overview”, lecture (followed by Q & A session)
delivered to the “Studies in New Testament Theology: Ecclesiology” class, Andrews
University Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, April 16, 2008
“Paul’s Judaism: An Exploration of His Self-Definition”, presentation delivered to the
“Paul–Biographical Problems” class, Emmanuel College of Victoria University,
Toronto, Canada, November 26, 2007
Luca Marulli +33 (0)4 50 87 68 14
[email protected]
“Socio-historical Location of the Author and the Intended Readers of the Gospel of
Matthew with Respect to Judaism”, presentation delivered to the “Early Christian
Self-Definition and the Separation from Judaism” class, Wycliffe College, Toronto,
Canada, March 1, 2007
Luca Marulli +33 (0)4 50 87 68 14
[email protected]