Several topics concerning the post-war history of advertising : 1951


Several topics concerning the post-war history of advertising : 1951
October 2
Several topics concerning the post-war history of advertising :
1951 as an epoch
Six books published in 1951 as the “Dentsu Selected Books” describe vividly the details
of the advertising industry during its restoration in the post-war era. By reading those six
books, I have summarized what problems the advertising industry confronted at that time
into the following three points. The first point is that in those days, some social changes
started with the emergence of new media. In 1951, Japanese commercial radio broadcasting started, the rise of television networks in America was reported, and attention to these
new media became overheated. The second point is the expansion of the advertising industry. In the early 1950s, advertising agencies struggled to transform themselves from mere
brokers of advertising space and agents of newspaper companies into total agencies for the
advertising business. So, they tried to absorb academic results from many disciplines. The
third point is that such movements did not mean the severance of the media and advertising industry from the pre-war era’s traditions. If we look at the authors line-up in the
Dentsu Selected Books, it will be obvious that many skills of propaganda developed during
wartime were succeeded in the post-war advertising industry.
Key Words: advertising, media, public relations
社 会 学 部 紀 要 第9
Testing a Turnover Model for Nurses
LEE Jung Won
The present study aimed to validate a simplified Mobley’s model of turnover (1977)
among the nurse population, using the meta-analytical procedure of Hunter and Schmidt
(1990). Four studies (combined sample size, N=1987) reporting correlations among ‘job satisfaction,’ ‘Intent to leave,’ and ‘turnover’ were identified. The correlations were aggregated
in order to generate a common correlation matrix. After inputting the common correlation
matrix, Lisrel 8.5’s (Joreskog and Sorbom, 1999) maximum likelihood method was employed to assess the model. The goodness of fit statistics revealed quite a good fit of the
model: The χ 2 value was 0.21(p=0.649) with 1 degree of freedom, and all values of RMSEA
(0.000), RMR」(0.0036), GFI (1.00), AGFI (1.00), CFI (1.00) reached acceptable levels.
Key Words: job satisfaction, Mobley’s turnover model, meta-analysis
October 2
The Object Loss of University Students:
The Relationship among the Emotion of Loss, Coping Behavior,
and Personality Traits
During our life, we experience many losses of affecting and depending objects, such as a
person we love, cherished possessions, familiar environments, and our pride. This study focused on “object loss.” The main purpose was to investigate emotions and coping behaviors at the time of loss, and the relationship among emotions, coping behaviors, and personality traits. Two hundred and sixteen university students (79 males, 136 females, and 1
whose sex was unidentified) were asked to complete a questionnaire. As a result, we obtained many interesting findings. The main findings were as follows: 1) In order to reduce
the emotion of loss, the subjects adopted “crying” most as a coping behavior. However,
this coping behavior was found to delay the time of recovery. 2) the subjects who got high
scores on the depression scale were apt to produce the emotions such as anger and regret,
at the time of loss, and were apt to adopt the coping behavior of escape. 3) the subjects
who got low scores on the emotional stability scale of the “Big Five” personality traits were
apt to produce emotions, such as anger and regret, at the time of loss, and were late to recover.
Key Words: object loss, coping behavior, personality traits
社 会 学 部 紀 要 第9
La « coutume » dans la vie profane chez Pascal
YAMAJO Hirotsugu
Pascal, dans les Pensées, réfléchit sur les idées et les institutions reconnues sans avoir
été examinées par la raison, ou sur les phénomènes confirmés quotidiennement par l’expérience sans que leur cause ne soit interrogée par l’esprit, afin de décrire la nature humaine
sans cesse influencée par la « coutume ». Celle--ci se trouve être tantôt l’origine, tantôt la
conséquence d’une disposition particulière, spirituelle ou physique. S’identifiant avec les
lois, les mœurs, les croyances, l’éducation, l’imagination, les vertus, les vices ou les arts,
cette « seconde nature » domine toute la vie profane de l’homme. Ainsi, l’habitude peut
être un avantage comme un obstacle à la police sociale et à la morale individuelle. Peut-on espérer, en y ayant volontairement recours, faire bon usage de la coutume ? Sur cette
question, l’apologiste semble n’être ni aussi optimiste que Descartes qui insiste sur l’habitus
de l’esprit, ni aussi pessimiste que saint Augustin qui trouve l’origine du mal dans la consuetude humaine. Pascal ne détermine pas clairement sa position sur la coutume, notion
extrêmement vaste chez lui. C’est à partir de ce constat que nous considérerons par la
suite la signification de son idée de foi coutumière.
Mots-clefs : Pascal, coutume, habitude
October 2
Mediated Sports Events and the Politics of Nationalism:
Representations of ‘Japanese―ness’ in the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games
ABE Kiyoshi
In the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games, the opening ceremony was very unique in that Asari
Keita, who was the chief executive producer of the ceremony, tried to represent ‘Japaneseness’ through traditional customs and rituals. Several people criticized and mocked this extraordinary image of Japan. To many Japanese people, the ‘Japanese-ness’ that was visualized by Asari seemed to be outdated and too traditional.
However, there was some sort of common feeling that ‘we, Japanese’ have to let the
world know what Japan is in a more positive way. In other words, we could see the pervasive desire to be proud of ‘Japanese-ness’ in a way different from Asari’s.
This shows the typical atmosphere surrounding contemporary nationalism. The basic
driving force of contemporary nationalism resides in the cultural rather than the political
sphere. Mediated sports events like the Olympic games are the very sites in which such a
nationalistic mentality becomes visible and contested.
In this paper, I scrutinize the opening ceremony of the Nagano Olympic Games and the
media discourses on the ceremony. Through that, I would like to shed light on the process
that produces and reproduces nationalistic pride on ‘Japan’ in the late 1990 s.
Key Words: Olympic games, Mediated sports events, Nationalism
社 会 学 部 紀 要 第9
The World of Love: A Study of The Wild Palms
in Reference to Henri Bergson and Jeremy Taylor
In The Wild Palms, Thomas L. McHaney finds close parallels in the cyclic odyssey of
both the convict and Harry with the idea of Schopenhauer that life is an endless cycle of
pain. The aim of this paper is a modest attempt to dispute McHaney’s view by presenting a
more convincing interpretation of the theme of the novel in reference to the two dominant
influences on Faulkner, the philosophy of Henri Bergson and the theology of Jeremy Taylor. In comparing the odyssey of Harry with the convict, we come to know that it is not
time that is meaningless, but rather man’s sense of guilt that nullifies the present time.
Bergson and Taylor support the interpretation that for we who are cast in élan vital, to be
free is to enter God’s order, real duration by way of intuition which is love for God by casting one’s selfish desire aside to do one’s calling faithfully as the convict did.
Key Words: Bergson, love, time
October 2
A Social Psychological Study of Pilgrimage Behavior
as Self Process (4)
This study aims to describe and analyze the pilgrim’s behavior from the point of view of
self process. Interview subjects were 184 pilgrims who were visiting the 88 sacred places of
Shikoku. The optimal scaling of pilgrim’s demographic variables indicated two dimensional
factors involved in the process of pilgrimage behavior; temporal duration i.e. long vs. short
pilgrimage and age, occupation and mode of travel variables. The positive effect of pilgrimage behavior on physical and psychological state was observed for pilgrims with high
self-consciousness and high religious attitude.
Key Words: pilgrimage behavior, self process, the 88 sacred places of Shikoku
社 会 学 部 紀 要 第9
Jugement en pensée, jugement dans l’action
Sur la conception cartésienne du bon sens
KONDA Chitoshi
<<Il faut agir en homme de pensée et penser en homme d’action.>> Ce sont les célèbres
mots que Bergson a proposés comme la devise la plus cartésienne dans son message au
Congrès de Descartes de 1937 et qui expriment, en effet, une relation bien équilibrée entre
l’action et la pensée. Mais est-il vraiment si facile en réalité de discuter, dans Descartes, des
rapports entre ces deux domaines?
Dans la définition même du bon sens où il présente celui-ci comme la chose la mieux
partagée du monde, par exemple, Descartes semble attacher plus d’importance à son usage pratique. Ici, le bon sens nous apparaît, avant tout, comme la faculté de bien juger en
vue de bien agir. Et il n’y resterait ainsi, nous semble-t-il, que la question de savoir d’où vient alors la diversité de nos reactions sur un meme problème. Une des réponses de Descartes à cette question est bien connue: il n’est pas suffisant d’avoir la puissance de bien
juger, mais il faut, en outre, être capable de l’appliquer bien. En effet, selon Descartes,
seules les voies diverses par lesquelles nous conduisons le bon sens font naitre nos différences d’opinions.
Cependant, la méthode pour bien diriger le bon sens constitue chez Descartes l’objet par
excellence de la théorie. En d’autres termes, c’est à l’usage proprement théorique du bon
sens que la méthode cartésienne s’adapte le mieux. Dès le premier précepte qui se presente dans la 2e partie du Discours, en effet, Descartes nous fait pressentir combien d’efforts
si prudents et si persévérants de notre intelligence sont nécessaires pour atteindre la conclusion juste de chacun de nos raisonnements. <<Le premier, dit-il, était de ne recevoir jamais aucune chose pour vraie, que je ne la connusse évidemment être telle: c’est-à-dire
d’éviter soigneusement la précipitation et la prévention; et de ne comprendre rien de plus
en mes jugements, que ce qui se présenterait si clairement et si distinctement à mon esprit,
que je n’eusse aucune occasion de le mettre en doute.>> Mais Descartes dit par ailleurs,
comme on le sait bien, que les actions de la vie n’admettent souvent aucun délai.
Comment réconcilier ces deux exigences si radicalement opposées? Répondre à cette
question n’était-il pas, au fond, ce qui mettait véritablement en mouvement la philosophie
de Descartes dans sa profondeur?
Mots-clés: le bon sens, l’action, la pensée
October 2
Japanese Value Orientation from a Comparative Perspective:
Inconsistent, Discrepant and Pluralistic Patterns
MANABE Kazufumi
In this paper I have tried to show a problematic situation of Japanese society.
That is
inconsistency, discrepancy or cleavage ! between people’s notion, view or conception
(subjective reality)of “diverse values” and the actual aspects(objective reality)of Japanese society, and " among Japanese responses to questionnaire surveys.
In the first part I have discussed that despite people’s notion, and the popularization of
the term “diverse values”, the objective reality in actual society fails to support the concept
of diversification.
In the next part I have concluded from a secondary analysis of ISSP survey data on
“Family and Gender Role” and “National Identity”, which were carried out in 1994 and
1995 respectively by the International Social Survey Programme(ISSP)as follows:
! While Japanese respondents are categorized as liberal or postmodern with regard
to attitudinal questions on work and gender roles, their responses to the question on actual
housework behavior place them in the area of conservative or traditional.
" While Japan is ranked low in regard to “national consciousness” and “criteria for
being a nation”, it is ranked high on “tolerance toward foreigners” and “ethnicity orientation”.
One of the interpretations of these results is that the former attitude on work and gender role, and the phenomenon of the decline of “nationalism” and rise of “internationalism” are just conceptions packed in people’s heads by the mass media. In proof of that, the
objective reality of the society is still in the opposite―gender--inequality, nationalism, and
We consider that the conception separates from the objective re-
ality and swells toward the exact opposites―for example, gender--equality, internationalism, and tolerance. This is what is called, the “bubble phenomenon of the conception.”
Key Words: value orientation, diverse value, Japanese society, gender role, national identity
社 会 学 部 紀 要 第9
Value Change in Germany and Japan:
The European Image of Japan
In this paper I have tried to show that the European image of Japan was, to a great extent, shaped by the good services of the Dutch at their outpost in Dejima, which was open
to many other Europeans for centuries. Thanks to the reports and collections of these men,
materials on Japanese culture and society became known in Europe, but were interpreted
according to preconceived ideas and concepts which, for the most part, were influenced
by European self-understanding. Even present-day Japanese studies are not free of this legacy. The foremost task of the discipline is to be conscious of these presuppositions and to
compare each statement with Japanese reality. But above all, that means that Japanese
studies may also be used as a mirror for a comparative self-knowledge of our own European situation, in the way that Louis Frois used Japanese studies at the end of the 16th century.
How about the German image of Japan today? Notwithstanding the overall positive image of Japan and the Japanese people in Germany, because that stereotype is not based
on real mutual understanding and sufficient information, the German image of Japan is
weak, hazy, and in danger of becoming negative again without substantial information.
Key words: value change, European image of Japan, self-knowledge, self-understanding,
substantial information