lexique anglais - Air Campus Troyes


lexique anglais - Air Campus Troyes
 Adjectifs et expressions circonstancielles
A bord = in board / on board
En panne = in failure
A cause de = due to
En partance = outbound
A court de = short of
En provenance de = coming from / outbound
Actuellement = currently
À destination de = going to / inbound to
Approuvé = approved
Attention = caution / look out / watch out
Au dessus = on top
Autorisé = cleared
Bas = low
Complet = fullstop
Contrôlé = controlled
Court = short
Couvert = overcast
Dangereux = dangerous
Dans l’axe = in axis
Dégagé = vacated
Demandé = required
Devant = ahead
Directe = direct / straight in
Disponible = available
En couche = in layer
En direction de l’est = eastbound
En direction du nord = northbound
En direction du sud = southbound
En direction de l’ouest = westbound
En face de = in front of
En vue = in sight
Épars = scattered
Etbli = established
Face à = nose in to
Global = overall
Hors service = inoperative / out of service /
Identifié = identified
Immobilisé = stuck
Incapable = unable
Incertain = unsure
Interdit = forbidden / prohibited
Manqué = missed
Obligatoire = compulsory / mandatory
Perdu = lost
Plein = full
Plusieurs = several
Prêt = ready
Recommandé = recommended
Reçu = received / roger
Sans visibilité = blind
Signalé = reported
Tout droit = ahead / all the way to / straight
Tout de suite = right away / straight ahead
Vertical = over / overhead
 Vocabulaire au sol et infratructure
A destination de = bound for / going to / to
Aerodrome = aerodrome / airfield
Aéronef = aircraft
Aéroport = airport
Aire à signaux = information area / signal area
Aire de traffic = ramp
Avion = airplane / plane
Balisage = lighting / marking
Bout de piste = far end of runway
Bureau de piste = control office
Bureau météo = forecast office /
meteorological office
Certificate de navigabilité = airworthiness
Commandant de board = captain
Compte-rendu = report
Numéro d’immatriculation = registration
Parking = apron / parking
Piste = runway
Piste en dur = asphalt runway / hard runway
/ paved runway
Piste en herbe = grass runway / soft runway
Piste en service = runway in use
Priorité = priority
Qualification = rating
Ravitaillement = refueling
Renouvellement de licence = licence renewal
Roulage = taxiing
Seuil de piste = threshold runway / runway
Signaleur = marshaller
Douane = customs
Station essence = fuel station / refueling
En provenance de = coming from / from /
outbound from
Taxe = charge / duty fee / tax
Essence = fuel / gasoline
Fiche de pesée = loadsheet
Hangar = hangar
Immatriculation = registration
Ligne axiale = centerline / centre line
Mécanicien = engineer / mechanic
Meeting aérien = airshow
Taxiway = taxiway
Té d’atterrissage = landing direction indicator
/ runway in use directional T
Terrain = airfield / field
Tour = tower
Urgence = emergency
Visite prévol = preflight check
 Circuit d’aérodrome et approche
180° (demi tour) = one eighty
Etape de base = Base / base leg
360° = orbit / three sixty
Finale = final
Acceleration = take-off roll / take-off run
Longue finale = Long final
Alignement = alignment / lining up
Main droite = right hand
Arrive = arrival
Main gauche = left hand
Attente = holding
Pente = slope
Atterrissage = landing
Plan de descente = glide path
Atterrissage complet = full stop landing
Remise de gaz = going around
Autorisation = clearance
Roulage = taxiing
Circuit de piste = pattern / runway circuit
Sortie de zone = area exit / zone exit
Clairance = clearance
Survol = overflight
Consignes = instructions
Tour de piste = runway circuit / touch and go
/ training circuit
Courte finale = short final
Départ = departure
Dernier virage = turning final
En courte = on short
En finale = on final
Vent arrière = downwind
Vent traversier = wind across
Vol en solo = solo flight
Vol local = local flight
 Vocabulaire de navigation
A destination de = bound for / going to / to
Cap = heading
En provenance de = coming from / from / outbound from
Est = east
Nord = north
Oust = west
Repère au sol = landmark
Route = course / track
SOS = Save our souls
Sud = south
Terrain de dégagement = alternate field
Terrain de déroutement = diversion field / diverting field
Urgence = emergency
Vent de travers = crosswind
Voie aérienne = airway
Zone dangereuse = dangerous area
Zone interdite = prohibited area
Zone réglementée = regulated area
 Expressions conventionnelles de l’OACI
 Vocabulaire avion
 Vocabulaire instruments de bord
Aile = wing
Aiguille = needle
Bord d’attaque = leading edge
Altimeter = altimeter
Bord de fuite = trailing edge
Anémomètre = Airspeed indicator
Cône d’hélice = nose cap / nose cover /
Avertisseur de décrochage = stall alarm
Feux de navigation =navigation lights
Freins = brakes
Fuselage = fuselage
Hélice = propeller
Palonnier = rudder pedals
Phare d’atterissage = landing lights
Pneu = tyre
Poste de pilotage = flight deck
Reservoir = tank
Roue = wheel
Train d’atterrissage = landing gear
undercarriage / gear
Volets = wing flaps
Bille-aiguille = turn and bank indicator
Cap = heading
Conservateur de cap = direction indicator
Écran = display / scope / screen
GPS = Global positioning system
Gyroscope = gyroscope
Horizon artificial = artificial horizon
Inclinaison = cant / inclinaison / rake
ILS = Instrument landing system
Récepteur = receiver
Tableau de bord = instrument panel
Transpondeur = transponder
7500 détournement = Hijacking
7600 panne radio = radio failure
7700 détresse = distress
Variomètre = vertical speed indicator
 Vocabulaire moteur et réacteur
Allumage = ignition
Alternateur = alternator
Consommation = fuel consumption
Fuite = leak
Injection = injection
Manette des gaz = gas control / throttle control
Manette de richesse = mixture control
Panne = failure
Pot d’échappement = exhaust box / silencer
Régime = engine speed
 Vocabulaire aérodynamique
Assiette = attitude / body angle / flight attitude
Centrage = balance / weight and balance
Centre de gravité = center of gravity
Facteur de charge = load factor
Trainee = drag
Vrille = drill

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