Prepare for an international career in Science and Technology


Prepare for an international career in Science and Technology
Prepare for an international career in Science and Technology
Experience French culture in the Aeronautic Capital of Europe
International Master of Science
in Electrical Engineering
International Master of
Science Green CAP
This Master focuses on the Optimised
Conversion of Electrical Energy:
constituting elements of the energy conversion
chain and with multi-scale advanced design of
electrical systems, a systems approach with
different energy sources like static or
electromechanical conversion structures and
appropriate associated controls. Applications
are related to energy production, storage,
conversion and transportation in the domains
such as: embedded systems (aeronautic,
space, vehicular, railway traction, naval), grids,
energy dispatching, smart grid, process
controls, monitoring and diagnostics of the
The Master “Green Chemistry and
processes for Renewable Feedstock’s”
focuses on the area of the conversion of
renewable resources by chemical or
biochemical reactions or by physical
processes; the courses deal with the
knowledge of vegetable raw materials, the
set up of the chemical reaction and its
catalysis, the operation of the biological
reaction (enzymatic or fermentation) and
the separation processes that result. The
approach integrates practices in green
chemistry and clean processes involving
innovating technologies, which take into
account environmental impacts.
Semester 1 (M1): 30 ECTS
Scientific bases, cultural integration, linguistic
and methodology:
modular training in
electrical engineering sciences associated with
the tutorial project
Semester 2 (M1): 30 ECTS
Common program: Electrical Actuators and
Static Converters, Actuator and Static Converter
Controls, Real Time Control
Three optional programs: Automatic Control
and Computer–Based Engineering, Electro
Semester 3 (M2): 30 ECTS
Common Program: Control of Continuous
State Systems, Basic Static Conversion, Design
and Control of Electrical Actuators
Four optional programs - Advanced Power
Electronics, Electrodynamics and Mechatronics,
Advanced Control of the Systems and New
Technologies of Energy
Semester 4 (M2): 30 ECTS
Graduation internship (6 months) in academic
laboratories or in Industry
Semester 1 (M1): 30 ECTS
Scientific bases, cultural integration,
linguistic and methodology: modular
training in physical chemistry, organic and
inorganic chemistry, engineering sciences
+ beginning of the tutorial project.
Semester 2 (M1): 30 ECTS
Green chemistry and biotechnologies for
clean processes + tutorial project
Semester 3 (M2): 30 ECTS
Fractionation of vegetable feedstock’s,
bioconversion and chemical transformation
from biomass for the development of
bioproducts, methodology of ecodesign +
tutorial project
Semester 4 (M2): 30 ECTS
Graduation internship (5-6 months) in
academic laboratories or in Industry
This 2-year program prepares future
researchers and executives for international
careers in the sectors of Electrical Engineering
The placement opportunities are mainly
in the areas of research and development,
production, engineering, consulting or
environmental assessment for
international companies.
Contact: [email protected]
Web site:
Contact: [email protected]
Web site:
The program represents a specialization
dedicated to the development of safe and
sustainable processes from renewable raw
materials, for industrial applications.
Cost: 9,000€/year – 4,000€/year if partnership
with home university
Scholarship application possible
Language: English/French
Duration: 1 or 2 years
Cost: 9,000€/year – 4,000€/year if
partnership with home university
Scholarship application possible
Language: English/French
Duration: 1 or 2 years
First three semesters lectures, tutorials,
projects, fourth semester internship
First three semesters lectures, tutorials,
projects, fourth semester internship
Required level: Bachelor of Science,
Engineering degree, 4 years of higher
Required level: Bachelor of Science,
Engineering degree, 4 years of higher
Master international en Génie des
Systèmes Industriels
Le Master « Génie des Systèmes Industriels » vise à
former les futurs cadres techniques des entreprises
à l’organisation industrielle, à la gestion économique
des entités de tailles modestes (ateliers, sites,
centres d’activité, voire PME/PMI), et à la
connaissance des services de l’entreprise en
interface régulière avec le travail de l’ingénieur.
Enseigné en français, il s’adresse à des étudiants
présentant un bon niveau de maîtrise de la langue
Semestre1 (M1): 30 ECTS
Gestion de projets (56h, 6 crédits ECTS),
Systèmes de production (37h, 3), Maîtrise de la
qualité (37h, 3), Systèmes d’informations (47h, 4),
Humanités (84h, 7), Projet professionnel (76h, 7).
Semestre 2 (M1) : 30 ECTS
5-6 mois : Projet personnel encadré, ou stage à
vocation « recherche » (en laboratoire) ou
« industrielle », en entreprise.
Semestre 3 (M2) : 30 ECTS
Gestion de projets (75h, 6 crédits ECTS),
Systèmes de production (93h, 8), Maîtrise de la
qualité (28h, 2), Systèmes d’informations (37h, 3),
Humanités (93h, 8), Projet professionnel (31h, 3).
Semestre 4 (M2) : 30 ECTS
Stage de fin d’études (5-6 mois) en laboratoire ou
en industrie
A l'issue de la formation, le stagiaire doit être
capable de remplir ses fonctions de cadre en
prenant en compte les interfaces entre son
domaine d’intervention et les différents acteurs de
l'entreprise, ou externes (clients, fournisseurs,
banquiers, juristes, partenaires, etc.).
Les métiers visés concernent la gestion des
projets, la gestion de la production et la logistique,
la qualité, les systèmes d’information, l’économie
et la gestion industrielles ; tous les secteurs
d’activités industrielles sont a priori concernés :
manufacturier, énergie, …
Contact : [email protected]
Site web :
Coût : 9,000€/an – 4,000€/an si partenariat avec
l’université d’origine
Possibilité de demande de bourse
Langage : Français
Durée : 1 ou 2 ans
semestres : cours, TD, projets ; 2
1 et 3
semestre : projet individuel ou collectif, orienté
recherche ou professionnel ; 4
semestre : stage
Niveau requis : Licence en Science de l’Ingénieur, 4
années d’études en enseignement, DELF B2.
Degree awarded: Master of Science
Degree awarded: Master of Science
Diplôme : Master en Science
Deadline for application: June 1, 2013
Deadline for application: June 1, 2013
Date limite de dépôt de candidature : 1 juin 2013
Prepare for an international career in Science and Technology
Experience French culture in the Aeronautic Capital of Europe
International Master of Science
in Fluids Engineering for
Industrial Processes
This education program is focused on Fluids
Engineering for Industrial Processes.
Applications are related to fluid flows in
petroleum engineering, chemical engineering,
energy transformation… The purpose of the
lectures is concerned with the physics and
modelling of transport phenomena in
multiphase flows (bubbles, drops, granular
media, emulsions and foams). Exercises and
practical training complement advanced courses
on turbulence, coupling chemical reactions and
flows, heat and mass transfer. The students will
be trained to work with Computational Fluid
Dynamics tools (commercial codes but also
research and industrial software’s). Along the
two years of formation, the contact with our
industrial partners (TOTAL, AREVA, CEA,
EDF …) is strengthened by research and
industrial projects (8 + 6 weeks) and a long
internship (5 months).
Semester 1: Scientific basis, cultural
integration, linguistics and methodology.
Semester 2: Core courses on fluids
mechanics, heat and mass transfer and
engineering applications.
Semester 3: Multiphase flows,
heterogeneous media, computational fluids
Semester 4: Graduation Internship
(5-6 months) in academic Laboratories or in
Industrial companies.
The 2-year program prepares future
researchers and executives for international
careers in the sectors of petroleum, nuclear and
chemical engineering.
International Master of
Science in Electronics for
Embedded Applications
This degree targets the field of electronic
systems for embedded applications and
communications (ESECA). The courses
focus on the design of integrated, RF circuits,
antennas and digital signal processing and
image. The fundamental teachings relate the
basics of signal theory, signal processing,
electromagnetism, and circuit theory and are
based on project-oriented learning.
Lessons are delivered within 24 months of
training, since students are required to work on
research departments from our industrial
partners and will be welcomed in training on
production sites or in laboratories of research
and development.
Semester 1: Scientific basis, cultural
methodology: modular training in
analogue and digital electronics,
microwave and signal processing.
Semester 2: Core courses and IC
design, microwave, signal processing.
Semester 3:
o Analogue Integrated circuits (8
o Digital Systems (8 ECTS)
o Mixed-system
o MEMS and SIP (3 ECTS)
o Optoelectronic systems (2 ECTS)
o Energy power management (2
o EMC and reliability (2 ECTS).
Semester 4: Graduation Internship
Laboratories or in Industry.
International Master of Science in
Risk Engineering
The objective of this two-year Master course is to
offer lectures in English dealing with generic
aspects of risk management and their applications
in various domains of engineering.
Semester 1 (M1): 30 ECTS
Scientific bases, cultural integration, linguistic and
modular training in electrical
engineering sciences associated with the tutorial
The second and third semesters (30 ECTS) contain
3 parts.
Part A concerns generic knowledge, including
concepts of risk, risk identification, analysis,
evaluation, and treatment, communication and
consultation, safety management system, legal and
human factors in risk management.
Part B deals with application fields: Process
safety, toxicological risks for human health,
environmental risks associated with toxic products,
natural and technological risks for construction,
dependability of computing systems, risks
associated with radiation, safety of electrical
systems. This second part does not require deep
knowledge of each domain, as an introduction to
useful skills will be supplied. Professionals provide
a large part of the lectures.
Part C focuses on professional skills including
Conferences and Projects.
The last semester is dedicated to an internship in
firms (30 ECTS).
The program is targeted to jobs in international
firms accountable for controlling induced risks,
business units dealing with safety regulations,
consulting and auditing firms and public
administrations. Sectors of employment include
aerospace, railways, construction, production,
energy, agriculture, medicine, and pharmacy.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Web site:
Cost: 9,000€/year – 4,000€/year if partnership
with home university
Scholarship application possible
Language: English/French
Duration: 1 or 2 years
Web site: > Masters
Web site:
Cost: 9,000€/year – 4,000€/year if partnership
with home university
Scholarship application possible
Language: English/French
Duration: 1 or 2 years
Integration package through
First three semesters: lectures, tutorials, lab
work; fourth semester: internship
Cost: 9,000€/year – 4,000€/year if partnership with
home university
Scholarship application possible
Language: English
Duration: 1 or 2 years
Required level: Bachelor of Science,
Engineering degree, 4 years of higher education
Degree awarded: Master of Science
Required level: Master of Science, Engineering
Degree awarded: Master of Science
First three semesters: mainly lectures, tutorials
and lab work; fourth semester: internship.
Required level: Bachelor of Science,
Engineering degree, 4 years of higher education
Degree awarded: Master of Science /
[email protected]
First three semesters: mainly lectures, tutorials and
lab work; fourth semester: internship.One semester:
lectures, case studies, projects, one semester:
Deadline for application: session 1: December;
session 2: April 15 .
Deadline for application: May 1, 2013
Deadline for application: May 1, 2013
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