maternelle curriculum 2015


maternelle curriculum 2015
French Immersion Kindergarten/ Maternelle
Merton School
The kindergarten curriculum is designed to provide social, emotional and
intellectual growth for every child. It is a curriculum that helps the child
learn how to learn. It takes into account individual differences in maturation
and levels of ability. Our activities encourage the children to be actively
involved with one another, with their teachers and sometimes with outsiders
e.g. other grades. The children learn individually in both small and large
groups Play is a very important part of the curriculum. Kindergarten children
learn through active involvement and are encouraged to select many of their
own activities from a large variety of areas: art, blocks, house corner,
writing, puzzles, blocks etc... These areas provide opportunities for mental
and physical activity as well as social interaction.
The competencies of our program are the following:
1 – Se développer sur le plan sensoriel et moteur
2 – Développer sa personnalité
3 – Entrer en relation avec les autres
4- Communiquer oralement
5- Se familiariser avec son environnement
6- Mener à terme des projets et des activités
To obtain more information regarding these competencies,
please consult the school board’s web site at,
click on the links : Parent info/ Other documents/ Preschool
Education Booklet.
2 Comment les apprentissages sont-ils évalués?
L’évaluation porte non seulement sur les connaissances, mais
également sur le développement des compétences. C’est pourquoi
l’enseignant observe votre enfant en action en plus d’analyser ses
L’enseignant prend soin de recueillir des informations à différents
moments et dans différentes situations d’apprentissage.
Les façons de faire pour recueillir l’information sont variées :
observations, questionnements, travaux, etc.
L’enseignant porte un jugement global sur le développement des
compétences disciplinaires.
• Outils d’évaluation
2.évaluation individuelle
3.participation en classe
4.travaux écrits
Social Development
Independence – The child is encouraged to get used to assuming
responsibility when dressing on his or her own, following a routine and
learning to live separate from the family unit.
Self-discipline – Listening skills are taught early on in the year. Raising
their hands to speak and following directions are mandatory rules in
the classroom. A lot of work will be done to improve students’
Socialization – Cooperative Learning will be used to help your child to
work in a group setting. The child will learn to wait his or her turn, be
polite, offer help, be patient, and play in a non-aggressive manner.
3 Reading readiness
Apprentissage des lettres: reconnait et nomme les lettres majuscules
et minuscules ( Aa – Zz )
les voyelles ( a-e-i-o-u-y )
les syllabes ( ex: ba, be, bi, bo , bu )
Lecture : globale et phonétique
les rimes – chansons ( Imagine et Moi )
les jours de la semaine – les mois – l’année, le temps (la température)
le message du jour
ateliers en petits groupes pour la littératie
Language – Littératie
Listening Skills: your child will learn basic vocabulary based on
Speaking Skills: key phrases and basic sentence structure will be
Writing skills: holding a pencil properly will make printing an easier
task. Upper and lower case letters will be taught : the child’s name will
begin with a capital letter followed by lower case letters .
Story time: to reinforce theme content, to arouse interest in
literature, to model correct language.
Math Readiness
Program : Math et Mots
Jeux: Architek – Logix – Logico -Mystero
recognize and identify numbers 1-10
recognize numbers 1-20 and 1-10 number value
counting 1-100 ( les 100 jours d’école )
counting en ordre décroissant 10-1
counting by 2's
recognize and name the basic shapes:
cercle – carré – triangle – rectangle – ovale – losange
4 vocabulaire:
en haut – au milieu – en bas
main droite – main gauche
à droite – à gauche
avant – entre –après
moins que – autant – plus que
plus grand que – plus petit que - les ensembles
Sciences Humaines: We will be exploring the seasons and the holidays.
Technology and Science: The children will be doing fun experiments
and using educational software which helps develop coordination, math and
Physical Education: The program is designed to develop the children’s
gross motor skills.
Art: Art is very important to develop pre-writing skills. The children will
be cutting, pasting, painting and manipulating plasticine. Many art projects
will be related to themes and holidays, while others aim to develop
Music: The children will be taught to identify sounds and rhythms. They
will also become familiar with musical instruments. Songs and dances will also
be taught.
les couleurs
les forme
la classe
le corps
Noël- Hanouka
les vêtements
la famille
la nutrition: les
le printemps
les animaux
les insectes
les actions
Things your child should learn at home:
getting dressed
lacing shoes
full name, address, telephone number
putting toys away
filling and closing the schoolbag
zipping up
5 Our aim is to have every child be happy to come to school, be comfortable
and relaxed while he or she is here, work at his or her own level, yet still be
challenged and stimulated.
À propos du français....
Nous voulons stimuler la créativité de l’enfant en suscitant son intérêt vers
une grande variété d’activités. Mentionnons le développement du langage:
vocabulaire de base et structure de phrases simples. Le cercle et plusieurs
jeux tendent vers ces objectifs. De plus, tous les jours, des histoires sont
racontées afin d’intéresser l’enfant à la lecture. Notre programme met déjà
l’enfant en situation de pré-lecture: reconnaissance globale de mots illustrés,
de même que les lettres de l’alphabet. Nous développons aussi l’habileté à
écrire: plusieurs activités de psychomotricité vont dans ce sens.
Bonne année scolaire!
les enseignantes de maternelle J

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