Quantum Grade 8 Discovering the First Nation People


Quantum Grade 8 Discovering the First Nation People
Quantum Grade 8 Discovering the First Nation People Durant le mois d’avril, les classes de huitième année du programme Quantum ont eu la visite de trois invités qui leur ont parlé de différents aspects de la vie passée et présente des aborigènes du Canada. Ceci a été possible grâce à l’expertise et l’aide de Mme Simatos. Chacun de ces invités ont apporté une lumière sur les différentes facettes de ce peuple autochtone. Entre autres, ils ont appris leur histoire avec Mrs. Simatos, et leurs traditions et leur culture avec Mrs. ​
Barbara Diabo (Mohawk Hoop Dancer et artiste) et M. Norman Achneepineskum (artiste Anichaanabe , chanteur­compositeur et écrivain). ​
Mrs. S. Simatos
Mr. N. ​
Suite à ces visites instructives, le 10 mai dernier, les élèves, accompagnées de Mme Lemaire, Mrs. Russell et Mme Lofti, ont visité le centre culturel Stewart Hall. Les élèves ont pu admirer des oeuvres contemporaines d’artistes des Premières Nations. Cette exposition était composée de masques, de toiles, de photographies et de sculptures. Chacune de ces pièces “communiquait” un important message sur la situation que les autochtones vivent présentement en Amérique du Nord. Les élèves ont aussi eu la chance de rencontrer un artiste de la Colombie­Britannique, Luke Parnell, qui sculptait un totem. Ils ont aussi participé à un atelier où ils ont pu créer une oeuvre d’art sous forme de totem. Celui­ci devait représenter trois éléments: une forme les représentant, une forme représentant un membre de leur entourage et une forme qui lie les deux représentations. Ce fut l’occasion pour les élèves d’exprimer leur originalité. During the month of April, three speakers visited the Grade 8 Quantum classes. They talked about different aspects of the past and present life of the Aboriginal people in Canada. This was possible with the expertise and help of Mrs. Simatos. Each speaker brought light on the different facets of the First Nation people. The students learned their history with Mrs. Simatos and their traditions and culture with Mrs. Barbara Diabo ​
(Mohawk Hoop Dancer and artist) and Mr. Norman Achneepineskum ​
(artist Anichaanabe, song writer and writer).​
Following the visits, on May 10, 2016, the students visited the Stewart Hall Cultural Center. During a guided tour of an exhibition of contemporary art pieces from the First Nation including masks, photos, paintings and sculptures, the students discovered how an artist can “​
” an important message. In this case, it was about the situation of the aboriginal natives living in North America. The students had also the opportunity to meet with on of the artist from British Columbia, Luke Parnell, who was sculpting a totem. During the second part of the visit, the students created their own totem with the help of an activity organizer. This totem had to represent three essential elements: themself, an important person in their life and what connects them. It was an occasion for the students to express their originality! Commentaires des élèves:
I loved learning about aboriginal art and their culture. I think it is important to learn about cultures and religions so you can understand and accept people. (Emma C.) J’ai adoré ça à cause que la culture m’intéresse beaucoup. M. Achneepineskum nous a parlé de la vie de la plupart des autochtones maintenant et l’injustice dans leur vie m’a étonnée. I really enjoyed this experience mostly because it taught me things that history books don’t tell us. I loved seeing all of the art and their meanings behind. (Shapthavy) I knew the Aboriginal people weren’t treated fairly but I never knew the to what extent these people went to, to just try to stay a family! This experience was truly eye­opening. It proved to me that I am so very lucky but it also showed me that even if I find my life unfair, it is not nearly as painful as theirs. (Olivia) The trip to Stewart Hall would have to be my favourite part. The art work, the activity, I loved every part of it. The art work especially struck me because I never knew art could tell such a story! I enjoyed very much this experience and hope that the students at Lindsay Place High School get this opportunity for many years to come. (Courtney) This whole experience has made me a more awared and educated person. It specially made me much more educated on this topic. When the guest speakers came here, I thought that it was very generous of them to talk to us about their lives and that interested me immensily. (Courtney) I found that all four of these activities were a good learning experience. Not many people are aware of the situation of the Aboriginal people so I think it is a great idea to raise more awareness. I learned a lot and I think this information could help me later on in my life and it can help the world make better decisions. (Rosalie) My favourite part was definitely the visit to Stewart Hall and looking at all the amazing pieces that were displayed. I do suggest doing it again so we can all be educated in that section of our culture. (Khyleigh) 

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