curriculum vitae - Cemef


curriculum vitae - Cemef
Dr. Andri Andriyana
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
CNRS (French National Research Center)
Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux
MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis
1 rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France
Phone : +33 4 93 67 89 20 Fax : +33 4 93 95 97 52
Email : [email protected]
2.1 R EFEREED J OURNAL AND I N B OOK . . . . . . .
2.2 C ONFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 I NVITED TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 B OOK IN P REPARATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 D OCTORAL D ISSERTATION . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 É COLE C ENTRALE DE N ANTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 M INES PARIS T ECH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 É COLE N ATIONALE S UPÉRIEURE D ’A RTS ET M ÉTIERS . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 B ACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 C URRENT R ESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 F UTURE R ESEARCH P LANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1 P ERSONAL D ATA . . . . . . .
1.2 S HORT B IOGRAPHY . . . . . .
1.3 C AREER O BJECTIVES . . . . .
1.4 E DUCATION . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 A PPOINTMENTS . . . . . . .
1.10 L ANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . .
Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave
- Muhammad SAW, Prophet of Islam -
Date of birth
Place of birth
Marital status
Address 1
Cell phone
: 27 February 1978 (31 years)
: Ciamis, Indonesia
: Indonesian
: Single
: Chez Christian Lefrançois
954 Chemin des Terriers, 06600 Antibes, France
: +33 6 85 93 42 82
Dr. Andri Andriyana received Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology,
Indonesia in 2000. During the period of 2000-2002, he worked as Field Engineer at Halliburton Energy Services where
he greatly participated on several oil and gas wells cementing and stimulation projects at Duri Oilfield Business Center,
Indonesia. His Master’s degree majoring in Applied Mechanics was obtained from the École Nationale Supérieure de
Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique (ENSMA) - Université de Poitiers, France in 2003. Three years later he received Ph.D.
in Applied Mechanics with the Highest Distinction from the École Centrale de Nantes. After spending one year as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Bordeaux, he is
appointed as Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF), Sophia Antipolis,
France. He was a recipient of the Bourse du Gouvernement Français scholarship, the Allocation de Recherche scholarship and the Prix Mahar Schützenberger award. His research lies in the fields of constitutive modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of materials particularly solid polymers, biomaterials, soft biological tissues and polymer composites; fatigue of solid polymers, biomaterials, soft biological tissues and polymer composites; polymer processing; and
theory and applications of Configurational Mechanics.
Contributing significantly to fundamental research in the area of Mechanics of Solid Polymers and its engineering
Contributing to and establishing a strong multi-disciplinary research link between University and Industry.
Making valuable contributions to engineering education especially in the field of Mechanical and Material Engineering.
Post-Doctoral Research in Material Science and Engineering, 2007-present
Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF) - MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
Research: Mechanical response of injection molded short fiber reinforced thermoplastics. Experimental investigation,
constitutive modeling and Finite Element implementation
Advisors: Prof. Noëlle Billon and Dr. Luisa Silva
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Applied Mechanics, 2003-2006
École Centrale de Nantes, France
Dissertation: Definition of a new predictor for fatigue life of elastomers (in French)
Advisor: Prof. Erwan Verron
Fellowship: Allocation de Recherche
Ph.D. Jury Committee:
1. Prof. André Chrysochoos, Université de Montpellier II (Chair)
2. Prof. Gérard A. Maugin, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie Paris
3. Prof. Jean-Claude Grandidier, École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique de Poitiers
4. Prof. Erwan Verron, École Centrale de Nantes
5. Dr. Lucien Laiarinandrasana, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris
6. Dr. Franck Morel, École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers d’Angers
Degree awarded with Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury (Highest Distinction for a Ph.D.)
Master of Science (M.S.) in Applied Mechanics, 2002-2003
École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique - Université de Poitiers, France
Thesis: Study of viscoelastic behavior of semi-crystalline polymers (in French)
Advisors: Prof. Jean-Claude Grandidier and Dr. Sylvie Castagnet
Scholarship: Bourse du Gouvernement Français
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Mechanical Engineering, 1996-2000
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Thesis: Static and dynamic stabilities analysis of tin cutter suction dredger (in Indonesian)
Advisor: Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro
Since 2007
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF) - MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Bordeaux, France
Graduate Research Associate, Teaching Assistant
École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France
Field Engineer
Cementing and Stimulation Department, Halliburton Energy Services, Indonesia
Constitutive modeling of the thermo-mechanical behavior of solid polymers (elastomers and thermoplastics),
biomaterials, polymer composites and soft biological tissues
Fatigue of solid polymers, biomaterials, polymer composites and soft biological tissues
Theory and application of Configurational Mechanics on the durability analysis of solid polymers
(A) Rubber, Polymer, Biomaterial, Polymer Composite, Soft Biological Tissue. (B) Constitutive Modeling, Fatigue.
(C) Configurational Mechanics, Continuum Thermo-Mechanics, Computational Mechanics.
C ONTINUUM M ECHANICS - 1st year of Ph.D. and Master’s. Course delivered in English
FATIGUE OF M ATERIALS - 2nd year of École d’Ingénieur. Course delivered in English and French
F INITE E LEMENT A NALYSIS - 2nd year of École d’Ingénieur. Course delivered in French
M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING D ESIGN - 1st year of École d’Ingénieur. Course delivered in French
I NSTABILITY OF S TRUCTURES - 2nd year of École d’Ingénieur. Course delivered in French
S OLID P OLYMERS - 3rd year of École d’Ingénieur. Course delivered in French
M ATERIAL S CIENCES - 1st year of École d’Ingénieur. Lab work delivered in French
F INITE E LEMENT A NALYSIS USING ABAQUS© - 3rd year of École d’Ingénieur. Lab work delivered in French
S TATICS - 2nd year of Undergraduate. Course delivered in Indonesian
S TRENGTH OF M ATERIALS - 2nd year of Undergraduate. Course delivered in Indonesian
1st year of École d’Ingénieur is equivalent to 3rd year of Undergraduate
2nd year of École d’Ingénieur is equivalent to 4th year of Undergraduate
3rd year of École d’Ingénieur is equivalent to 1st year of Master’s degree
Prix Mahar Schützenberger. Young Researcher Award from the Franco-Indonesian Association for Sciences Development (AFIDES). June 2005.
Allocation de Recherche. Ph.D. scholarship from the French Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology. (2003-2006).
Bourse du Gouvernement Français. Master’s scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2002-2003).
Salutatorian. Second-highest graduate in academic achievement at commencement of Mechanical Engineering
Department graduation, Bandung Institute of Technology - Indonesia. October 2000.
Current undergraduate students
Agung Zenithya. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Mechanical response
of a filled rubber: Experimental investigation. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Taufan Prawira. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Mechanical response
of a filled rubber: Experimental investigation. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Raditya Danu Wibowo. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Constitutive
modeling of the large strain non-linear elastic response of rubber. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Gustom Prihono. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Constitutive modeling
of the large strain non-linear elastic response of rubber. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Anggun Faridza. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Constitutive modeling of
the large strain non-linear elastic response of rubber. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Adli Yunus Achmad. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Simple rheological
model to describe stress relaxation in rubber. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Restu Muhamad. B.S. candidate at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Research: Simple rheological
model to describe stress relaxation in rubber. Co-supervised with Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro from Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. January 2009 - present.
Trilingual : Indonesian - English - French
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance
- Will Duran, US Historian -
1. Andriyana, A. Finite elastic deformations of incompressible anisotropic solids. (To be submitted for publication
to International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics).
2. Andriyana, A., Baquet, E., Billon, N. and Silva, L. Simple shear of a short fiber reinforced polymer composite: Digital image correlation and continuum viscoelastic model. (To be submitted for publication to Mechanics Research
3. Andriyana, A., Saintier, N. and Verron, E. Configurational Mechanics and Critical Plane Approaches: Concepts
and applications to the prediction of rubber fatigue. (To be submitted for publication to International Journal of
4. Andriyana, A., Silva, L. and Billon, N. Mechanical response of a short fiber reinforced thermoplastic. Part II :
Constitutive modeling. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. (Submitted).
5. Andriyana, A., Billon, N. and Silva, L. Mechanical response of a short fiber reinforced thermoplastic. Part I :
Experimental investigation. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. (Submitted).
6. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2008). Theoretical investigation on the fatigue life of elastomers incorporating material inhomogeneities. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber V. Boukamel, Laiarinandrasana, Méo and Verron (eds).
Page 179-184. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, ISBN 978 0 415 45442 1.
7. Verron, E. and Andriyana, A. (2008). Definition of a new predictor for multiaxial fatigue crack nucleation in rubber.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 56, 417-443. Elsevier Publisher.
8. Andriyana, A., Saintier, N. and Verron, E. (2008). Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of rubber using Configurational
Mechanics and Critical Plane Approach: a comparative study. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber V. Boukamel,
Laiarinandrasana, Méo and Verron (eds). Page 191-196. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, ISBN 978 0 415 45442
9. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2007). Prediction of fatigue life improvement in natural rubber using configurational
stress. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 44, 2079-2092. Elsevier Publisher.
10. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2005). Effect of the hysteretic response of elastomers on the fatigue life. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IV. Austrell and Karl (eds). Page 31-36. A.A. Balkema Publishers. Taylor & Francis Group,
ISBN 0 415 38346 3.
1. Andriyana, A., Billon, N. and Silva, L. A phenomenological model for the mechanical responses of a short fiber reinforced thermoplastic. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials. Edinburgh, UK. 2009. (Accepted).
2. Andriyana, A., Billon, N. and Silva, L. Comportement mécanique d’un thermoplastique chargé des fibres courtes.
Études expérimentales et modélisation. 22ème Congrès sur la Déformation des Polymères Solides (DEPOS). La
Colle sur Loup, France. 2009.
3. Verron, E., Andriyana, A. and Aït-Bachir, M. Predicting fatigue crack nucleation in rubber with the Eshelby stress
tensor. EUROMECH 502 Colloquium on Reinforced Elastomers. Dresden, Germany. 2008.
4. Andriyana, A., Saintier, N. and Verron, E. Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of rubber using Configurational Mechanics and Critical Plane Approach: a comparative study. 5th European Conference on the Constitutive Models
for Rubber (ECCMR). Paris, France. 2007.
5. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Theoretical investigation on the fatigue life of elastomers incorporating material
inhomogeneities. 5th European Conference on the Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR). Paris, France. 2007.
6. Verron, E. and Andriyana, A. Fatigue life prediction of rubber under multiaxial loading using configurational mechanics. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC). Budapest, Hungary. 2006.
7. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Nouvelle grandeur prédictive de la durée de vie en fatigue multiaxiale des élastomères. 12ème Colloque de Recherche l’Intergroupe de l’École Centrale. Paris, France. 2006.
8. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Influence de l’hystérésis sur la durée de vie en fatigue des élastomères. 17ème Congrès
Français de Mécanique (CFM). Troyes, France. 2005
9. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Effect of the hysteretic response of elastomers on the fatigue life. 4th European
Conference on the Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR). Stockholm, Sweden. 2005
10. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Généralisation du modèle viscoélastique solide de Kelvin au cas hyperélastique néoHookéen : Cas de la traction uniaxial cyclique. 10ème Colloque de Recherche l’Intergroupe de l’École Centrale.
Lyon, France. 2004
1. Andriyana, A. Prediction of multiaxial fatigue crack initiation in rubber. Laboratoire Biomécanique et Biomatériaux Ostéo-Articulaires (B2OA). University of Paris XII, France. April 2007.
2. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. A new multiaxial fatigue life predictor for rubber. 170th Technical Meeting and Rubber
Mini Expo. Rubber Division of American Chemical Society (ACS). Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati OH, USA. 2006.
(Trip canceled due to visa issue).
1. Andriyana, A. Fatigue life prediction of rubberlike materials. Polymer Processing Internal Seminar. Centre de Mise
en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF), MINES ParisTech. January 2008.
2. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Mécanique configurationnelle - Application à la prédiction de la durée de vie en
fatigue des élastomères. Fatigue of Elastomers Internal Seminar. École Centrale de Nantes. January 2006.
3. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Prédiction du renforcement de la durée de vie en fatigue des élastomères. Journée
des doctorants de deuxième année. Université de Nantes. May 2005.
4. Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. Approche thermo-mécanique pour modéliser le comportement hystérétique des
élastomères sous chargement cyclique. Poster in Doctoriales des Pays de la Loire 2004. Université de Nantes.
September 2004.
1. Andriyana, A. Introduction to Non-Linear Continuum Mechanics. Draft version. (In progress).
1. Andriyana, A. Définition d’une nouvelle grandeur prédictive pour la durée de vie en fatigue des matériaux élastomères. Ph.D. Dissertation, 136 pages. École Centrale de Nantes, France. 2006.
The mind is much like a parachute. It functions best when open
- Unknown -
These are the very fine individuals that I have or had the honor/luxury of collaborating on teaching and research works
and/or co-authoring some scientific publications.
1. Prof. Erwan Verron
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
École Centrale de Nantes
1, rue de la Noë, BP 92101, 44321 Nantes - France
Phone : +33 2 40 37 68 42
: +33 2 40 37 25 66
Email : [email protected]
2. Prof. Arnaud Poitou
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
École Centrale de Nantes
1, rue de la Noë, BP 92101, 44321 Nantes - France
Phone : +33 2 40 37 16 70
: +33 2 40 37 25 66
Email : [email protected]
1. Prof. Noëlle Billon
Professor of Material Science and Engineering
MINES ParisTech, Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF)
1, rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis - France
Phone : +33 4 93 95 74 20
: +33 4 93 95 97 52
Email : [email protected]
1. Dr. Nicolas Saintier
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Bordeaux
Esplanade des Arts et Métiers, 33405 Talence - France
Phone : +33 5 56 84 53 61
: +33 5 56 84 53 66
Email : [email protected]
1. Dr. Sylvie Castagnet
Researcher of CNRS (French National Research Center)
École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique (ENSMA) de Poitiers
Av. Clément Ader, BP 40109, 86961 Futuroscope - France
Phone : +33 5 49 49 82 26
: +33 5 49 49 82 38
Email : [email protected]
2. Prof. Jean-Claude Grandidier
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique (ENSMA) de Poitiers
Av. Clément Ader, BP 40109, 86961 Futuroscope - France
Phone : +33 5 49 49 83 41
: +33 5 49 49 82 38
Email : [email protected]
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Hungarian Biochemist -
My education background is in Mechanical Engineering. My research experience began during my undergraduate program when I worked, under the supervision of Dr. Bagus Budiwantoro, at studying the stability of tin cutter suction
dredger used in tin mining. My research as graduate student was conducted at the University of Poitiers, France, under
the supervision of Prof. Jean-Claude Grandidier and Dr. Sylvie Castagnet. We worked on the viscoelastic behavior of
semi-crystalline polymers. It provided insights which encouraged me to work on the constitutive modeling of materials
and the mechanical behavior of solid polymers.
Mechanical response of injection molded short fiber reinforced thermoplastics. Experimental
investigation, constitutive modeling and Finite Element implementation
Reduced weight for high fuel efficiency, high corrosion resistance, ease of processing and low-cost tooling are among
the major driving forces behind the growing use of short fiber reinforced thermoplastics in many industrial sectors,
particularly in the automotive industry such as bumper beam, dashboard, sunroof frame, ... Therefore, it is of great
interest to have knowledge of the mechanical performances of these materials. At the macroscopic level, fiber reinforced
thermoplastics exhibit strong directional dependencies. Moreover, in many cases, inelastic responses such as time/ratedependence, temperature dependence, hysteresis and permanent strain are also observed (see for example the work of
Schapery (1968) and references therein).
Recently, a considerable effort has been devoted to the modeling of the mechanical behavior of polymer composites.
Among the earlier investigations is the work of Schapery (1968), which focused on linear viscoelastic models to describe
the creep behavior and Spencer (1984) who investigated the use of invariants in the description of anisotropic response.
More recently, thermodynamically consistent models for elastoplastic, viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior were developed (see Schapery (1997); Holzapfel and Gasser (2001); Gasser and Holzapfel (2002) among others). Note that the
common feature of the previously mentioned models is that they were developed for composites in which the fibers are
continuously arranged in the ground matrix. By contrast, in injection molded short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, the
fibers are discontinue and having dispersed orientation (Mlekusch, 1999a).
An alternative approach to predict the mechanical response of polymer composites is by the use of micromechanical
models. Micromechanical composite models are derived based on the properties of the individual components of the
composite and their arrangement. Properties such as the elastic modulus, the Poisson’s ratio and the relative volume
fractions of both fiber and matrix are the fundamental quantities that are used to predict the elastic properties of the
composite. The approach has been widely applied to linear elastic materials (Mlekusch, 1999b) and extended to materials which exhibit dissipative processes, e.g. elasto-plasticity (Doghri and Tinel, 2005), viscoelasticity (Lévesque et al.,
2004), and viscoplasticity (Pierard and Doghri, 2006). When the fiber orientation is dispersed, Advani and Tucker (1987)
proposed the use of (symmetric) generalized structural tensor (tensor of orientation) of second and fourth orders.
In the present work, the mechanical behavior of an injection molded short fiber reinforced thermoplastic is addressed. A detailed experimental investigation which probes the mechanical behavior under different loading con-
ditions is described. As an attempt to capture experimentally-observed response, a three-dimensional simple phenomenological model is developed. It is to note that our approach is based solely on a continuum approach within
the framework of multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into elastic and inelastic parts. Indeed, the
present model is an extension of the work of Lion (1997a,b) and Miehe and Keck (2000) to the case of anisotropic solids.
Thus, excluding micromechanical considerations. Moreover, we restrict our study to the mechanical theory, and hence
only isothermal processes are considered and thermal variables such as temperature and entropy are neglected. In order to account for distributed short fiber orientations in a continuum sense, a second order structural tensor is adopted.
The proposed model is based on assumption that the strain energy function of the composite is given by a linear mixture
of the strain energy of each constituent: isotropic part representing the ground matrix and an anisotropic part describing the family of short fibers. Hence, taking into account the fiber content and orientation. The efficiency of the model
is assessed in an upcoming paper (Andriyana et al., 2009a,c).
Development of a new predictor for rubber fatigue
The last decade experienced a major advance in the development of finite element based tools for the simulation of a
wide range of industrial rubber parts. This was mainly motivated by the need to improve time and cost efficiencies in
highly competitive industries particularly in automotive Anti-Vibration Systems (AVS) industry. While the basic concept
of finite element method capable of predicting stress and strain histories has been well established, the use of these
histories to estimate fatigue life of rubber parts in service remains a critical issue. Two approaches are generally adopted
to define end of life: crack nucleation and crack growth approaches. While crack growth approach has been extensively
studied and used in rubber since the pioneering work of Rivlin and Thomas (1953), less attention has been given to
crack nucleation approach despite its simplicity (see Mars and Fatemi (2002) and the references herein). In fact, the
latter is advantageous to predict the spatial distribution of fatigue life in ideal parts, i.e. without macroscopic defect,
as it relates the fatigue life to the history of quantities defined at material points in the sense of continuum mechanics.
Therefore, this approach can be used during the product development process in order to reduce the number of fatigue
In the industrial context, AVS end-of-life is defined by a significant decrease in their mechanical stiffness. Previous
studies showed that this decrease can be correlated with the number of cycles required to cause the appearance of
a crack of a certain size. Thus, experimentally, both stiffness decrease and crack occurrence can be used to define
samples end-of-life. In order to relate experimental measurement of the end-of-life with numerical results, a relevant
continuum mechanics quantity should be defined. Then, for given loading conditions, the numerical values of this
quantity are plotted against the end-of-life, i.e. number of cycles to failure, to obtain the so-called Wöhler curve. This
mechanical quantity is referred to as a predictor. The three most widely used predictors for rubber are the maximum
principal stretch, the maximum principal stress and the strain energy density. However, they fail to give satisfying results
in unifying multiaxial fatigue data.
In order to prevent fatigue failure of rubber parts in service, a relevant and well-defined fatigue life predictor is
required. In our opinion, a relevant predictor should fulfil the following conditions:
It should be written in terms of continuum mechanics quantities rather than fracture mechanics quantities in
order to predict the spatial distribution of fatigue life in each particle of a rubber body without macroscopic defect.
Its formulation should be motivated by the physical phenomena observed during fatigue crack nucleation experiments. Thus, the microscopic mechanisms representative of fatigue damage should be considered to derive the
It should be theoretically well-formulated.
It should be easily implementable into finite element softwares without requiring excessive running time.
Finally, in order to validate the theoretical derivation, the multiaxial ability of the predictor has to be demonstrated. For
different loading conditions (for example uniaxial tension, equibiaxial tension, torsion, shear etc.), the predictor should
be able to unify experimental end-of-life data, i.e. the corresponding Wöhler curves have to be superimposed.
In order to understand physical phenomena which take place during fatigue crack nucleation and growth in rubber, experimental results of rubber fatigue available in the literature are explored. Based on these literature studies, we
consider that the configurational stress tensor introduced firstly by Eshelby (1951, 1975) appears to be an appropriate
continuum mechanics quantity to develop a relevant fatigue life predictor. In elasticity, the new predictor is given by
the smallest eigenvalue of this tensor and the normal of the potential fatigue crack plane is given by the eigenvector
associated with the smallest eigenvalue (Andriyana, 2006; Verron and Andriyana, 2008). An extension to the case of inelasticity is also proposed (Andriyana and Verron, 2007). To verify its efficiency, experimental data available in literature
are considered. Results show that the proposed predictor is capable to unify multiaxial fatigue data.
Comparative study of different approaches used for the prediction of rubber fatigue
In general, the fatigue life process involves a period during which cracks initiate in regions that were initially free of
observed cracks, followed by a period during which nucleated cracks grow to the point of failure. As mentioned previously, two approaches currently available for predicting fatigue life in rubber are the crack growth (propagation) and the
crack nucleation (initiation) approaches. In the crack growth approach, the behavior of a pre-existing crack in rubber
under mechanical loading is observed. The crack growth is determined by the calculation of the so-called tearing energy
for given specimen and crack shapes and for prescribed loading conditions. This approach is thus suitable to the case
where the crack path is well-identified (Saintier et al., 2006). Another inconvenient of this approach is that the initial
crack shape and position should be known, which is not possible in most engineering problems. Therefore, the crack
nucleation approach seems more appropriate to evaluate fatigue life under complex loading. Indeed, it offers simplicity
and familiarity as it is based on quantities that are defined at each material point in the sense of continuum mechanics. It is advantageous for analyzing the spatial distribution of fatigue life in rubber body. Under the umbrella of this
approach, two relatively newly-developed and promising methods are the Configurational Mechanics and the Critical
Plane Approach. While the Configurational Mechanics is expressed intrinsically in the material manifold the Critical
Plane Approach is written entirely in the deformed configuration of the body. Each method is assessed by considering experimental data available in literature. The first result of this comparative study is given in an upcoming paper
(Andriyana et al., 2009b).
Critical Plane Approach
The Critical Plane Approach is based on physical observation that macroscopic fatigue cracks initiate and grow within
material on certain privileged planes called critical planes. The corresponding failure is supposed to be due to the
stress and/or strain histories acting on these planes. The critical plane is then determined by identifying material plane
which maximizes the combination of relevant fatigue damage parameters, i.e. stress and/or strain. While this approach
enjoyed a great deal of success in metals, only few studies use the critical plane approach to predict fatigue failure in
rubber materials. This is mainly due to the fact that multiaxial loading effects in rubber, which often undergoes large
strain loading conditions, are not yet well understood. An attempt to use the critical plane approach in rubber can be
found in the work of Saintier et al. (2006)
Configurational Mechanics
As suggested by Gent et al. (1964); Mars (2002); Le Cam et al. (2004); Le Cam (2005) among others, macroscopic fatigue
crack nucleation in rubber corresponds to the propagation of microscopic inhomogeneities, such as micro-cracks, inclusions, cavities . . . , presumably present in the virgin material. Taking into consideration such phenomena in the
derivation of a macroscopic predictor echoes the concept of energy release rate which is the foundation of Fracture Mechanics. Nevertheless, in the present case the shape and position of initial defects in rubber parts are not known and
the definition of energy release rate is not straightforward.
In fact, a general and efficient way to analyze different kinds of material inhomogeneities within the framework of
Continuum Mechanics is provided by the theory of Configurational Mechanics (Maugin, 1993, 1995). The introduction of the Configurational Mechanics dates back to the outstanding works of Eshelby (1951, 1975). While in classical
Newtonian Mechanics, attention is focused on physical forces generated by displacements in physical space, i.e. the
three-dimensional Euclidean space, Configurational Mechanics deals with a different class of forces, referred to as configurational forces, generated by displacements not in the physical space but in the material space, i.e. the abstract set
of particles that constitute the body (Truesdell and Noll, 1965). While in the majority of studies involving Configurational Mechanics, attention is focused on its application to Fracture Mechanics, very recent studies attempt to use this
theoretical foundation to predict rubber fatigue (Andriyana, 2006; Andriyana and Verron, 2007; Verron and Andriyana,
Multiaxial fatigue of polymer matrix composites. From microscopical observation to life prediction of
industrial parts in service
The next phase of my research orientation is laid on the durability analysis of polymer matrix composites. Industrial
components made from short or long fiber reinforced polymers subjected to fluctuating mechanical and thermal loads
often fail due to the nucleation and growth of defects or cracks. The prevention of such failures requires a profound
knowledge of the physical mechanisms underlying the failure process. Indeed, during the design phase of polymer
composite parts, any possible aspects which could lead to fatigue failure should be taken into account. The present research project can be regarded as an attempt to improve life prediction of fiber reinforced polymer components under
service loading conditions. To this end, two main research paths can be pursued in parallel: experimental investigations
and theoretical development of a pertinent fatigue predictor. Various physical phenomena involved during fatigue crack
nucleation and growth from both microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints will be probed using different sets of experiments. This in turn will naturally lead to two classical distinct approaches: crack nucleation and crack propagation
approaches, developed in the frameworks of Continuum Mechanics and Fracture Mechanics respectively, dependently
on the definition of end-of-life of the industrial application in question. In the second research path, the ability of existing fatigue predictors in multiaxial thermo-mechanical problems will be explored. Special effort will be given in the
development of a new predictor adapted to anisotropic materials by focusing on the properties of the configurational
(Eshelby) stress tensor, a thermodynamical driving force governing local structural rearrangement, using the Configurational Mechanics framework.
Tissue Mechanics: Constitutive modeling and fatigue of soft biological tissues
In the last few years, there has been a significant growth in interest in the mechanical properties of soft biological tissues
treated from the continuum mechanical perspective. For the case of arterial tissues, the corresponding interest is mainly
motivated by the belief that mechanical factors may be important in triggering the onset of atherosclerosis, the major
cause of human mortality in the western world (Holzapfel et al., 2000). There exist two different approaches in the modeling of the mechanical response of soft biological tissues: Micromechanics and Continuum Mechanics approaches. In
the former, knowledge of the mechanics of the constituents of the microstructure of the tissue, together with knowledge
of their interactions are considered in order to develop a theoretical framework that would describe the mechanics of
the whole tissue. A second approach is based on the macroscopic description of the tissue as a whole and how the
tissue evolves under change in the mechanical environment. Such models, referred to as phenomenological models,
is a powerful and effective tool to explain various physical phenomena successfully without detailed knowledge of the
complexity of the internal microstructure of biological tissues in question. Regardless of the chosen approach, the corresponding constitutive equations are critical for obtaining a deeper insight into the physiological and the pathological
load carrying mechanisms in soft biological tissues.
Biological tissues are comprised largely of collagen fibers. It is believed that natural cyclic mechanical stresses cause
collagen structural degradation which leads to subsequent calcification and failure. However, when applying fatigue
failure, which is an engineering concept, to the living tissues, caution should be taken. Indeed, cyclic mechanical loading
and the microscopic damage resulting from it, can initiate a beneficial adaptive remodeling response within living tissue,
so it becomes stronger rather than weaker (Adams et al., 2006). For fatigue failure to occur in living tissue, microscopic
damage must accumulate faster than the adaptive remodeling response can cope with. This critical rate will depend
upon the metabolic rate of the tissue in question, and on the age and health of the individual.
My interest to pursue research in the field of Tissue Mechanics is also motivated by the fact that soft biological tissues
and rubberlike materials share some similarities in the structure (composite structures), mechanical characteristics
(such as non-linearity, heterogeneity, inelasticity or anisotropy) and constitutive modeling (Holzapfel, 2005).
Remark 1 The two previously mentioned research plans could be conducted in collaboration mainly with Professor
E RWAN V ERRON from the École Centrale de Nantes in France, Professor G ERHARD A. H OLZAPFEL from the Graz University
of Technology in Austria, Professor M ICHAEL K ALISKE from the Dresden University of Technology in Germany, Professor
N OËLLE B ILLON from the MINES ParisTech in France, Dr. N ICOLAS S AINTIER from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et
Métiers de Bordeaux in France and Dr. J EAN -B ENOÎT L E C AM from the Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée in France.
By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn
- Latin Proverb -
My first teaching experience began during my undergraduate program. I started to teach as Teaching Assistant in
Mechanical Engineering Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Until now, I have delivered several
courses for undergraduate and graduate students, including Continuum Mechanics, Fatigue of Engineering Materials,
Mechanical Engineering Design, Finite Element Analysis, Instability of Structure, Statics, Strength of Materials, Material
Sciences and Solid Polymers. I believe that teaching is mutually beneficial for both students and teacher. So many
things can be learnt during discussions with the students in the class. Teaching engages rethinking and discussion of
known solutions, which may deepen our understanding of an old problem and inspire new ideas for developing new
A first key aspect of effective teaching is to have a thorough preparation. Having a well-prepared teacher allows for a
clear presentation of the material and will avoid wasting time at the board which is damaging since it may lose students’
attention. Thus, my teaching begins before class by preparing myself and my course materials. I try to choose examples,
first for their usefulness in understanding the topic, and second as examples of how to work through the problems.
The second aspect is to maintain a good classroom atmosphere. I feel that my effectiveness as a teacher is due in
large part to my huge excitement about Mechanics, and my ability to convey this enthusiasm to my students. To facilitate
this process, I try to produce a casual, interactive classroom environment. I want my students to feel comfortable in
asking and answering questions. This helps to enhance their understanding of the material and I can re-evaluate and
revise my own method of instruction if necessary from their responses. Furthermore, I want my students to enjoy being
in class, and I think that the classroom atmosphere is crucial to this enjoyment. I try to maintain a sense of humor when
appropriate and pause frequently to ask students about their reactions to what I have just explained. This environment
helps students see that Mechanics, while challenging, can actually be fun. I must admit that I always enjoy it when
students are willing to work on extra. I strive for always more effective ways to challenge my students to achieve their
full potential, to encourage them to thoroughly learn fundamental concepts. It is important to know that not all students
come to the class with the same amount of preparation and level of skill, thus extra efforts are needed. I am willing to
involve this extra effort, and describe most concepts in an elementary fashion, and then reveal all of their advanced
Finally, interactions with students should not be limited to the classroom. Availability is another crucial thing I take
seriously. I provide not only scheduled office hours, but also allow for appointments whenever the students require.
This means being willing to take time outside of the classroom to address the various needs of the students. In my
experience, developing personal relationship with my students has always been the most rewarding aspect of teaching.
The students are individuals worthy of courtesy and respect and I will adapt my approach to teaching the subject matter
so as to meet their needs.
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