Rediscovering John - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum


Rediscovering John - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
Rediscovering John
Essays on the Fourth Gospel in Honour of Frédéric Manns
Edited by
L. Daniel Chrupcała
© 2013 Fondazione Terra Santa - Milano
Edizioni Terra Santa - Milano
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher.
Edizioni Terra Santa
Via G. Gherardini 5 - 20145 Milano (Italy)
tel.: +39 02 34592679 fax: +39 02 31801980
e-mail: [email protected]
Finito di stampare nell’ottobre 2013
da GESP s.r.l. – Città di Castello (Pg)
per conto di Fondazione Terra Santa
ISBN 978-88-6240-190-6
Editor’s Preface
Frédéric Manns: Biographical and Academic Profile
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Johannine Fallacies: Ten Common Misconceptions Regarding John’s Gospel
Rosario Pierri
Il Correttore del Vangelo di Giovanni del codice Vaticano Gr. 1209
Domingo Muñoz León
La Carta de San Ignacio de Antioquía a los Magnesios
y su relación con el Evangelio y las Cartas de San Juan
Michèle Morgen
« Jésus-Christ venu dans la chair » et le commandement d’amour.
Une structure théologique fondamentale des écrits johanniques
Francis J. Moloney
The Love Theme in the Gospel of John
Dirk van der Merwe
Early Christian Spirituality in the Gospel of John: A Toraic Stimulus
Cornelis Bennema
Virtue Ethics in the Gospel of John: The Johannine Characters as Moral Agents
Michael Labahn
Das ‚Fruchtbringen‘ der Glaubenden und das ewige Leben zwischen
Gegenwart und Zukunft: Eschatologie und Ethik im vierten Evangelium
Alviero Niccacci
From the Banquet of Alliance to the Banquet of Wisdom
and to the Banquet of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
Leben für den Kosmos statt Sterben für Israel: Überlegungen zur
Überlieferungsgeschichte des sog. ‚Einsetzungsberichts‘ im Johannesevangelium
Urban C. von Wahlde
The Great Public Miqvaot at Bethesda and Siloam, The Development
of Jewish Attitudes Toward Ritual Purity in Late Second Temple Judaism,
and Their Implications for the Gospel of John
Maurizio Marcheselli
Il profilo narrativo del personaggio ‘i giudei’ in Gv 1–12
Rainer Riesner
John 1:14 and ‘the Disciple whom Jesus loved’
Mary L. Coloe
‘Behold the Lamb of God’: John 1:29 and the Tamid Service
Giancarlo Biguzzi
Gv 2–4: la prima ed esemplare sezione del Quarto Vangelo
Romano Penna
Il vino nelle nozze di Cana (Gv 2,1-11) e in Filone Alessandrino
Luis Díez Merino
La serpiente de bronce y la interpretación targumica de Juan 3,14
Mirosław S. Wróbel
John 8:44 as crux interpretum
Giorgio Giurisato
The Farewell Discourse (John 13–17): Text, Context and Intertext
Yves Simoens
Un pouvoir peut en cacher un autre ; un péché aussi. Interprétation de Jn 19,11
Craig S. Keener
Youthful Vigor and the Maturity of Age: Peter and the Beloved Disciple in John 20–21
Index of Biblical References
Index of Ancient Sources
Index of Modern Authors
Editor’s Preface
The idea of dedicating a Festschrift to honor Professor Frédéric Manns on the happy
occasion of his 70th birthday came to mind in the autumn of 2011 and work on this
project had been continuing ever since. Felicitously achieving this goal, the Faculty of
Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum) and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land present this volume to Father Manns with gratitude for
his profound scholarship and a lifetime service in the Holy Land. It is but a small token
of esteem and appreciation for his teaching, writing and preaching.
During his academic career lasting almost 40 years, Prof. Manns contributed to the
formation of 14 PhD students (other 4 theses being still in process), not to mention the
numerous students in theology (Masters) and in Biblical theology (Licentiate). Each of
these graduates can testify to Manns’ firm intellectual integrity and his tireless efforts
in monitoring, advising and guiding them to successful completion.
In addition to being a fully qualified teacher, Prof. Manns is undoubtedly a very
prolific and versatile scholar. His research interests include Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity and New Testament exegesis (Johannine corpus, Pauline epistles, 1
Peter), as well as Judeo-Christianity, a field in which his work enjoys international
reputation. Yet the beginning of his scientific profession was very modest. Speaking
in private one day, Manns confided in me that at the time of his arrival in Jerusalem
at the SBF, he felt inadequate to start a writing vocation. It was due to the pressing
invitation of Fr. Bellarmino Bagatti, then the director of the Studium, that the young
scholar took up his pen and from that day has not stopped writing. Evidently our illustrious honoree discovered his flair in this means of communication, as evidenced
by his extensive bibliography.
Perusing through Father Manns’ writings, it is easy to see a prominent and distinctive place devoted to the Gospel of John; he has dedicated much of his academic
life to the study and elucidation of this. It seemed therefore suitable to focus on this
subject in the Festschrift honoring him. The title, Rediscovering John, relates to Manns’
significant contribution towards the better understanding of the Fourth Gospel especially its Jewish background, but it also testifies to a renewed interest on this topic in
contemporary research.
The volume comprises 21 studies authored by renowned scholars from various
parts of the world, from different institutions and denominations. Even if the contributors enjoyed considerable freedom in developing their essays, this book nevertheless features a congruent collection: while the first half of the studies examines
general issues (history of interpretation, textual transmission, intertextuality, theological themes, archaeology), the second half treats literary, narrative and exegetical
approaches to particular texts of the Fourth Gospel.
I have been privileged to work on this Festschrift, cooperating with the scholars
from all over the world to produce what I hope is a worthy tribute to Father Manns as
he reaches a milestone in his life.
The publication of this volume has been greatly facilitated by the invaluable support, assistance and advise I have received from many people. I especially owe a debt
of gratitude to my confrere Lionel Goh, doctoral student at the SBF, who undertook
to proofread and translate various texts. I also express my deep appreciation to the
entire staff of the Edizioni Terra Santa of Milan, under the supervision of Elena Bolognesi, for an excellent collaboration and for their professional and efficient work
during the whole publishing endeavour. Finally, due acknowledgement is made to the
contributors who have, of course, been crucial to the production of this book. It was
a pleasure for me to collaborate with them and to each of them I extend my heartfelt thanks for their generous involvement in this process, from timely submission to
prompt revision of essays.
We augur that this rich collection of studies will help to stimulate further discussion and reflection on the Fourth Gospel, as well as constitute an incentive to an already distinguished scholar to continue writing challenging and thought-provoking
essays and books.
In presenting this Festschrift to Prof. Manns, we wholeheartedly wish him everything that is good for many years to come: qui vivat atque floreat ad plurimos annos!
L. Daniel Chrupcała
Cornelis Bennema
Wales Evangelical School of Theology,
U.K. / University of South Africa (UNISA),
Pretoria, South Africa
Giancarlo Biguzzi
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Roma,
Lesław Daniel Chrupcała, ofm
Faculty of Biblical Sciences and
Archaeology (SBF), Jerusalem, Israel
Mary L. Coloe, pbvm
Biblical Department at Yarra Theological
Union, MCD University of Divinity,
Melbourne, Australia
Luis Díez Merino, cp
Departamento de Filologia Semítica,
Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Giorgio Giurisato, osb
Theologische Schule, Benediktinerabtei
Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Craig S. Keener
Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary, Wake Forest NC, USA
Michael Labahn
Martin-Luther-Universität HalleWittenberg, Halle, Germany
Maurizio Marcheselli
Facoltà Teologica dell’Emilia-Romagna,
Bologna, Italy
Francis J. Moloney, sdb
Australian Catholic University,
Melbourne, Australia
Michèle Morgen
Faculté de Théologie Catholique,
Université de Strasbourg, France
Domingo Muñoz León
CSIC, Instituto de Teología “Francisco
Suárez”, Madrid, Spain
Alviero Niccacci, ofm
Faculty of Biblical Sciences and
Archaeology (SBF), Jerusalem, Israel
Massimo Pazzini, ofm
Faculty of Biblical Sciences and
Archaeology (SBF), Jerusalem, Israel
Romano Penna
Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma,
Rosario Pierri, ofm
Faculty of Biblical Sciences and
Archaeology (SBF), Jerusalem, Israel
Rainer Riesner
Institut für Evangelische Theologie,
Technische Universität Dortmund,
Yves Simoens, sj
Centre Sèvres, Facultés jésuites de Paris,
Dirk van der Merwe
University of South Africa (UNISA),
Pretoria, South Africa
Urban C. von Wahlde
Loyola University of Chicago IL, USA
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
Universität Siegen, Germany
Mirosław Stanisław Wróbel
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin,
ABAnchor Bible
ACNTAugsburg Commentary on the New Testament
AGSUArbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und Urchristentums
AnBibAnalecta Biblica
AnGregAnalecta Gregoriana
AThArbeiten zur Theologie
AThANTAbhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments
AusBRAustralian Biblical Review
BACBiblioteca de Autores Cristianos
BARBiblical Archaeology Review
BAZBiblische Archäologie und Zeitgeschichte
BBBBonner Biblische Beiträge
BBRBulletin for Biblical Research
BDAGW. Bauer - F.W. Danker - W.F. Arndt - F.W. Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon
of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, Chicago - London
F. Blass - A. Debrunner - F. Rehkopf, Grammatik des neutestamentlichen
Griechisch, Göttingen (1896 / 197614) 200118
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Bibbia e Oriente
Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
Beiträge zur evangelischen Theologie
Biblioteca Midrásica
Biblical Interpretation Series
Bibel und Kirche
The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Black’s New Testament Commentaries
Bibliotheca Sacra
Biblioteca teologica
Biblisch-theologische Studien
Biblische Untersuchungen
Bible et Vie Chrétienne
Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Biblische Zeitschrift
Beihefte zur ZAW
Beihefte zur ZNW
Cahiers de la Revue Biblique
Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible
Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly
Corpus Christianorum: Series Latina
J.-B. Frey, Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum: Recueil des inscriptions juives
qui vont du 3e siècle avant Jésus-Christ au 7e siècle de notre ère. I: Europe; II:
Asie - Afrique (Sussidi allo studio delle antichità cristiane 1 / 3), Città del
Vaticano 1936 / 1952
Cahiers de Joséphologie
The Center for New Testament Textual Study
Cristianesimo nella storia
Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplément, ed. L. Pirot - A. Robert et alii, Paris 1928Didaskalia (Lisboa)
Dizionario di spiritualità biblico-patristica: I grandi temi della S. Scrittura
per la «Lectio Divina», ed. S.A. Panimolle, Roma I/1992edited by
Études Bibliques
Eerdmans Critical Commentary
Early Christianity and its Literature
Euntes Docete
Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII: Theologie
Evangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
Ephemerides Liturgicae
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Estudios Bíblicos
Evangelische Theologie
Exegetisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, ed. H. von Balz - G.
Schneider, 3 vols., Stuttgart etc. 1978-1983
The Expository Times
Forschungen zum Alten Testament
Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments
Grande Lessico del Nuovo Testamento, 16 vols., Brescia 1965-1992 (= ThWNT)
Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament
Herders biblische Studien
Horizons in Biblical Theology
Handbuch zum Neuen Testament
Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament / Herders
Theological Commentary on the New Testament
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
International Critical Commentary
I. Eph.
Die Inschriften von Ephesos (Inschriften griechisher Städte aus Kleinasien
11.1-17.4), ed. H. Wankel et alii, 8 vols. in 10, Bonn 1979-1984
U.B. Schmid - W.J. Elliott - D.C. Parker (ed.), The New Testament in Greek
IV: The Gospel According to St. John. Edited by the American and British
Committees of the International Greek New Testament Project. II: The
Majuscules (NTTS 37), Leiden - Boston 2007
International Journal of Systematic Theology
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology
Journal of Biblical Literature
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement Series
Journal of Theological Studies
Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament
Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
Liber Annuus
The Loeb Classical Library
Lectio Divina
Library of New Testament Studies
Lumière et vie
Septuaginta / The Septuagint
Le Monde de la Bible
Masoretic text
Marburger theologische Studien
Nestle - Aland / B. et K. Aland et alii, Novum Testamentum Graece, Stuttgart
The New American Commentary
NAC Studies in Bible & Theology
The New Century Bible Commentary
New International Commentary on the New Testament
New International Greek Testament Commentary
Novum Testamentum
Novum Testamentum: Supplement Series
Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen
Das Neue Testament Deutsch
Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus
New Testament Studies
New Testament Tools and Studies
The Oxford Classical Dictionary, ed. S. Hornblower - A. Spawforth, Oxford
Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament
Pillar New Testament Commentaries
Pellican New Testament Commentaries
Notices et textes des papyrus grecs (p. par.) du Musée du Louvre et de la
Bibliotheque impériale, ed. M. (A.-J.) Letronne - W. Brunet de Presle - E.
Egger, Paris 1865
Patrologia Graeca, ed. J.-P. Migne, 166 vols., Paris 1857-1886
Proche-Orient Chrétien
Princeton Theological Monograph Series
Quaestiones disputatae
Revue Biblique
Revue des Sciences Religieuses
Rivista Biblica
Regensburger Neues Testament
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques
Recherches de science religieuse
Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände
Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge
Studies in the Bible and early Christianity
SBF. Maior / Minor Studium Biblicum Franciscanum: Collectio Maior / Collectio Minor
Society of Biblical Literature: Dissertation Series
Society of Biblical Literature: Symposium Series
Stuttgarter Bibelstudien
Studiorum Novi Testamenti auxilia
Society for the New Testament Studies: Monograph Series
SOC Coll
Studia Orientalia Christiana: Collectanea
Sacra Pagina
Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici
Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testament
Studi Biblici (Bologna)
Studies of the Texts of the Desert of Judah
Studia Patavina
Studia Theologica
St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly
Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 vols., Grand Rapids MI 19641976 (= ThWNT)
texto hebreo
Theology Digest
Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament
Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, ed. G. Kittel - G. Friedrich,
10 vols., Stuttgart etc. 1933-1979
texto masorético
Theologische Realenzyklopädie, ed. G. Krause - G. Müller, 36 vols., Berlin New York 1977-2004
Trinity Journal
Theological Studies
Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum
Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur
Turchia: la Chiesa e la sua storia
Tyndale Bulletin
Theologische Zeitschrift
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Vetus Testamentum: Supplement Series
Word Biblical Commentary
Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
Zürcher Bibelkommentare
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie
Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche
Frédéric Manns: Biographical and Academic Profile
Frédéric Manns was born on October 3, 1942 in Windhorst (Croatia) to French parents, Jean and Thérèse Weber. From 1953 to 1960 he studied humanities in Strasbourg,
France, where his family had moved. In 1960 he obtained a Bachelor degree in Philosophy, and in 1963-64 he attended the University of Lyon where he graduated with
a “Certificat d’études littéraires générales (Lettres classiques)” specializing in Greek.
Following his novitiate in 1961, he made his temporary profession and seven years
later he made his solemn profession to the Order of Friars Minor. He was ordained on
June 29, 1969.
In 1969 he graduated with a Licentiate in Theology from the University of Strasbourg. From 1969 to 1971 he attended the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, where
he graduated with a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture (June 1971). A short time later at
the same Institute he was declared Candidatus ad doctoratum (February 1972). He inscribed at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (= SBF) in Jerusalem between 1972-73
and was awarded a degree in Biblical Theology (June 1973) with the thesis entitled
L’arrière-fond judaïque de Jean 8,31-59 (moderator Elpidius Pax) later published in 1976.
Finally in 1989 he graduated with a degree in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical
Biblical Commission with the thesis dedicated to the Dormitio Mariae and immediately
published: Le récit de la Dormition de Marie (Vat. grec 1982): Contribution à l’étude des origines de l’exegèse chrétienne, Jerusalem 1989.
In the early seventies he enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he
studied under the guidance of Prof. David Flusser in view of his teaching at the SBF which
began in 1976. At the Hebrew University he studied and researched Judaism during the
intertestamental period, a relatively new discipline at the time. It was then that he began
to identify the area of study that would become his field of speciality in the years following, i.e. the Jewish background of the New Testament, especially the gospel of John.
Since 1975 he has taught for almost forty years without interruption in all three
cycles of the SBF of Jerusalem. In 1980 he was first appointed “Professor Extraordinarius” and four years later he became full Professor of New Testament exegesis and
early Judaism. Since December 2012 he is “Professor Emeritus”.
Frédéric Manns: Biographical and Academic Profile
During the years he taught a variety of subjects. His first mission (Certificate in
classical literature obtained in Lyon) saw him teach Philological reading of the New
Testament (1974-75). During those years he also taught courses and gave seminars
on the themes of Jewish sects, Aramaic Language (1975-76), Introduction to Rabbinic
Literature (1976-77), The Minim (1977-78). In the following years he identified and defined what would become his field of teaching research: Introduction to the Mishnah,
Aramaic Language and Introduction to the New Testament (1978-79), Biblical Aramaic,
targumic traditions in St. John and again Jewish sects (1979-80). In 1980-81 he offered
a course in Aramaic from the targum and a course on the History of exegesis: a reinterpretation of some biblical themes. In 1981-82 he again taught Jewish sects and
exegesis of 1 Peter in the light of Judaism. Within a few years Fr. Frédéric shifted the
center of his interest from languages (Greek and Aramaic) to the themes that would
characterise him during his academic journey: the gospel of John and the Johannine
works, on the one hand, and Judaism and 1 Peter on the other.
In April 1996 he was appointed Director of the SBF and was later confirmed for a
second term in March 1999. It was during this second term that the SBF was elevated
to Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (4th September 2001).
The evolution of his writings follows the flow of his research, from the initial archaeological and epigraphic interests (e.g., the publication of Byzantine seals from the
Museum of the Flagellation or ancient precious stones from Greek-Roman times in Palestine), from Judeo-Christian studies and languages (philological contributions) to Judaism and the Johannine works. In the first years he dedicated intensive study to JudeoChristianity, publishing two books: Essais sur le Judéo-Christianisme (1977), Bibliographie du
Judéo-Christianisme (1979) and several articles devoted to the Jewish background of the
gospel of John. Fr. Manns then turned to the study of Judaism with publications which
have since become classics: Pour lire la Mishna (1984), La prière d’Israël à l’heure de Jésus
(1986) and Le Midrash: Approche et commentaire de l’Écriture (1990). All these works were
soon translated into other languages. Alongside these monographs, he also wrote several articles on the same theme. With the vast experience gained, he devoted himself to
the Johannine corpus, always searching for connections with the Jewish world of Christian origins. In the early nineties he published L’Evangile de Jean à la lumière du Judaïsme
(1991) and Le Judaïsme: Milieu et mémoire du Nouveau Testament (1992). He dedicated the
mid-nineties to the translation and study of the Targums, in particular those of Ruth,
Song of Songs, Esther, and Ecclesiastes.
During those same years, in addition to scientific studies concerning its specific
field, he published a series of popular books: Jésus fils de David: Les Évangiles, leur contexte juif, et les Pères de l’Église (1994); Saveurs bibliques: Étude de quelques symboles bibXVIII
Frédéric Manns: Biographical and Academic Profile
liques (1994); Lire la Bible en Église (1996); Mais pour vous qui suis-je? Éléments de christologie
(1997); Une approche juive du Nouveau Testament (1998); «Là où est l’Esprit, là est la liberté»
(1998); Abba: Au risque de la paternité de Dieu (1999); Le Judéo-christianisme, mémoire ou
prophétie? (2000); Les enfants de Rébecca: Judaisme et christianisme aux premiers siècles de
notre ère (2002); Un père avait deux fils: Judaïsme et christianisme en dialogue (2004); “Heureuse es-tu, toi qui as cru”: Marie, une femme juive (2005); Les racines juives du christianisme
(2006); Shaoul de Tarsos: L’appel du large (2008); Qu’est-ce que la nouvelle évangélisation?
(2012). Almost all of these contributions, published for the first time in France or Canada, have been translated into other languages. His book dedicated to Jerusalem, Antioche, Rome: Jalons pour une théologie de l’église de la circoncision (2009) can be considered
his major work of theological synthesis.
Prof. Manns has been a favourite choice as a moderator for licentiate and PhD thesis defense at the SBF. A simple glance at the archives reveals that he masterly directed
dozens of licentiate theses and since 1983-84 nine doctoral theses in Biblical Theology
and five in Biblical Sciences. Currently, as emeritus professor of the SBF, he is following the final stages of four more theses. Several times he participated as a Reader or
Censor for doctoral dissertations presented in other institutes or universities. Due to
his commitment and expertise he has been often invited by his grateful ex-alumni to
teach courses and give conferences in their academic institutions.
He has also been a much appreciated guide for some of the excursions of the SBF,
and in particular the excursion in the footsteps of the apostle Paul in Turkey and
Greece (including Cyprus). In this area, he has also collaborated with other universities, in particular with the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Biblical
Institute for the external program in September in which he served as an expert biblical scholar of St. Paul, St. John and their background.
Turkey holds a special place in his heart. He participated assiduously in study symposia organized by the late Msgr. Luigi Padovese dedicated to St. Paul (Tarsus) and St.
John (Ephesus). He took part many times in workshops organized by the international
fraternity of the Order Friars Minor in Istanbul (at the Church of Saint Mary Draperis),
an institute established with the specific task of working for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue in Turkey.
Inspired by a sincere ecumenical spirit and based on a solid cultural base, he organized several symposia in Jerusalem (1993, 1995, 1997) on dialogue between the three
monotheistic religions, with other professors of the SBF. He was chief editor of the
monograph Proceedings of the second symposium on the sacrifice of Isaac: The Sacrifice of Isaac in the Three Monotheistic Religions: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Interpretation of the Scriptures held in Jerusalem, March 16-17, 1995 (1995).
Frédéric Manns: Biographical and Academic Profile
We must not forget his passion for traveling and the long period he spent in Africa
(Togo) in his youth doing community service. He was a tireless traveler despite some
misfortune: his close friends will remember the three days spent in prison in the New
Delhi (India) airport and his return from a Far East adventure that ended with immediate surgery in a Jerusalem hospital. Helped also by a gift of foreign languages,
he has traveled all over the world lecturing on a wide range of themes including new
methods in exegetical and theological fields. It is possible therefore to say that his vast
erudition and ability to communicate have been appreciated in all five continents.
His ministry at the service of the Franciscan Order is worth a special mention. On
several occasions he preached retreats for the Minister General and his Council. The
Minister General sent him as an expert to the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East (1024 October 2010) and in March 2010 he was appointed member of the Committee of
the “Service for Dialogue” set up by the Minister General and the General Definitory.
Recently (February 2013), at the invitation of the Minister General OFM he took part in
an international meeting of the Committee of the Service for Dialogue in Nairobi (Kenya) with the purpose of reflecting on the theme of dialogue with Islam, the religion
with which we share faith in one God. The result was the drafting of the “Message on
dialogue with Islam in Africa”.
And let us not forget, as a sign of his openness and intellectual vitality, his relationship with computers, something not so easy for those who come into contact
with new technologies at a relatively advanced age. His thirst for novelty and desire
to compete led him to experiment with this new frontier. He learned how to use modern means for evangelization: a periodically updated personal blog, articles published
online, correspondence with his “fans” through the use of Facebook and other social
networks. He recently (February 2013) represented the Custody of the Holy Land at a
conference held in Rome on “digital evangelization”.
Forty years have passed since Fr. Frédéric taught his first course at the SBF and his
verve remains unchanged. We, his students, can testify that his spirit has not mellowed
and his desire to learn and communicate has remained the same: an example for the
future generations to emulate some of the many good things that he accomplished
and the ideas that he offered. To dear Fr. Frédéric we extend our sincere good wishes
for a long life and good health in the service of the Church, both in the academic world
of the SBF, and in other undertakings to which obedience will lead him.
Massimo Pazzini, ofm
Dean of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
N.B. The following list*, arranged in chronological order, does not claim to be complete or
exhaustive. It contains printed monographs, edited books, scholarly papers in periodicals, essay
collections and conference proceedings, as well as book reviews. With some exceptions, numer-
ous writings are not included here that were published in popular journals and magazines, such
as La Terre Sainte (in different languages), Discover the Bible, L’Osservatore Romano, and many others.
1. “Un sceau de la Transfiguration”, LA 25 (1975) 164-170; 46 Pls.
2. “La Vérité vous fera libres”: Etudes exégétique de Jean 8,31-59 (SBF. Analecta 11), Jerusalem 1976,
221 pp.
3. “Un hymne judéo-chrétien: Philippiens 2,6-11”, ED 29 (1976) 259-290.
4. “Les sceaux byzantins du Musée de la Flagellation”, LA 26 (1976) 213-271; Pls. 25-44.
5. “Quelques poids et pesons du Musée de la Flagellation”, in E. Testa et alii (ed.), Studia
Hierosolymitana in onore del P. Bellarmino Bagatti. I: Studi archeologici (SBF. Maior 22), Jerusalem
1976, 81-109; Pls. 13-24.
6. “Magdala dans les sources littéraires”, ibid. 307-337.
7. “François d’Assise, exégète”, in Francesco d’Assisi nel 750mo della morte (1226-1976) (Quaderni
di Terra Santa), Jerusalem 1976, 201-224.
8. Essais sur le Judéo-Christianisme (SBF. Analecta 12), Jerusalem 1977, 226 pp.
9. “Nouvelles traces des cultes de Néotera, Sérapis et Poséidon en Palestine”, LA 27 (1977)
10. “La halakah dans l’évangile de Matthieu”, Ant 53 (1978) 3-22.
11. “Remarques sur Actes 15,20.29”, Ant 53/3-4 (1978) 443-451.
12. “Le troisième jour il y eut des noces à Cana”, Mar 40/no. 121 (1978) 160-163.
13. “Lc 2, 41-50 témoin de la Bar Mitswa de Jésus”, Mar 40/no. 122 (1978) 344-349.
* Compiled by L.D. Chrupcała.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
14. “Vivre l’Ecriture pour mieux la comprendre: Un aspect de l’herméneutique juive et judéochrétienne”, LA 28 (1978) 45-59.
15. “Gemmes de l’époque gréco-romaine provenant de Palestine”, LA 28 (1978) 147-170; Pls.
16. “Une aggadah judéo-chrétienne sur St Joseph”, CJ 26/2 (1978) 211-215.
17. “La prière de Joseph avant sa mort dans l’Histoire de Joseph le Charpentier”, CJ 26/2 (1978)
18. “Philippians 2:6-11: A Judeo-Christian Hymn”, ThDig 26 (1978) 4-10.
19. [Review] A. Serra, Contributi dell’antica letteratura giudaica per l’esegesi di Giovanni 2,1-12 e 19,2527, Roma 1977, LA 28 (1978) 255-259.
Bibliographie du Judéo-Christianisme (SBF. Analecta 13), Jerusalem 1979, 265 pp.
“Une prière judéo-chrétienne dans le Canon Romain”, Ant 54 (1979) 3-9.
“L’affrontement entre le judaïsme rabbinique et le judéo-christianisme”, Ant 54/2-3 (1979)
“Col 1,15-20: midrash chrétien de Gen 1,1”, RevSR 53/2 (1979) 100-110.
“L’hymne judéo-chrétien de 1Tim. 3,16”, ED 32/3 (1979) 323-339.
“Une source de l’aggadah juive: la littérature grecque”, LA 29 (1979) 111-144.
“Nouvelles inscriptions grecques de Palestine”, LA 29 (1979) 238-243; Pls. 23-24.
“La mort de Marie dans le texte de la Dormition de Marie”, Aug 19/3 (1979) 507-515.
“Halakhah in Matthew’s Gospel”, ThDig 27 (1979) 151-154.
[Review] D. Patte, Early Jewish Hermeneutic in Palestine, Missoula MT 1975, LA 29 (1979) 363366.
[Review] M.E. Isaacs, The Concept of Spirit: A Study of Pneuma in Hellenistic Judaism and its Bearing on the New Testament, London 1976, LA 29 (1979) 366-369.
[Review] W. Rordorf, Sabbat et dimanche dans l’Eglise ancienne, Neuchâtel 1972, LA 29 (1979)
[Review] J.P. Martin, El Espíritu Santo en los orígenes del Cristianismo: Estudio sobre I Clemente,
Ignacio, II Clemente y Justino Mártir, Zürich 1971, LA 29 (1979) 391-392.
33. “L’arrière-plan socio-économique de la Parabole des ouvriers de la onzième heure et ses
limites”, Ant 55/1-2 (1980) 259-268.
34. “L’origine d’une Aggadah sur la création d’Adam”, Ant 55/3 (1980) 439-441.
35. “Un midrash chrétien: le récit de la mort de Judas”, RevSR 54/3 (1980) 197-203.
36. “L’Evangile de Jean, réponse chrétienne aux décisions de Jabne”, LA 30 (1980) 47-92.
37. “Une ancienne prière au Saint-Sépulcre de Jérusalem”, Aug 20/1-2 (1980) [= Mélanges A.G.
Hamman] 233-241.
38. “L’étude de l’Ecriture comme santification du Nom: Un aspect de l’herméneutique juive et
judéo-chrétienne”, Henoch 2 (1980) 129-146 (146-149: Italian Summary).
39. “Les judéo-chrétiens à Nazareth”, MB no. 16 (1980) 14-20.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
40. [Review] D. Mollat, La Parole et l’Esprit: Exégèse spirituelle. I: La Vie et la Gloire; II: Textes, Paris
1980, LA 30 (1980) 434-435.
41. [Review] S. Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday
Observance in Early Christianity, Rome 1979, LA 30 (1980) 445-446.
42. “L’origine du thème «Verbum abbreviatum»”, Ant 56 (1981) 208-210.
43. “Traces d’une Haggadah pascale chrétienne dans l’Apocalypse de Jean?”, Ant 56/2-3 (1981)
44. “Le lavement des pieds: Essai sur la structure et la signification de Jean 13”, RevSR 55 (1981)
45. “Les rapports Synagogue-Église au début du IIe siècle après J.-C. en Palestine”, LA 31 (1981)
46. “Nouvelles inscriptions grecques et latines de Palestine”, LA 31 (1981) 245-248; Pls. 15-16.
47. “Marc 6,21-26 à la lumière des dernières fouilles du Machéronte”, LA 31 (1981) 287-290.
48. “L’histoire du judéo-christianisme”, in D.-M.A. Jaeger (ed.), Papers Read at the 1979 Tantur
Conference on Christianity in the Holy Land (Studia Oecumenica Hierosolymitana 1), Tantur Jerusalem 1981, 136-145.
49. “Judeo-Christian Context of 1 Tim 3,16”, ThDig 29 (1981) 119-122.
50. “Rabbinic Reactions to Early Christian Polemic”, ThDig 29 (1981) 235-237.
51. [Review] D. Flusser, Die rabbinischen Gleichnisse und der Gleichniserzähler Jesus. I: Das Wesen der
Gleichnisse, Bern etc. 1981, LA 31 (1981) 378-384.
52. [Review] J.B. Bauer, Clavis Apocryphorum Supplementum complectens voces versionis Germanicae
Libri Henoch Slavici, Libri Jubilaeorum, Odarum Salomonis, Graz 1980, LA 31 (1981) 402.
53. [Review] P. Hofrichter, Nicht aus Blut, sonder monogen aus Gott geboren: Textkritische, dogmengeschichtliche und exegetische Untersuchung zu Joh 1,13-14, Würzburg 1978, LA 31 (1981) 404.
54. [Review] S.D. Sfriso, Adhaerere Deo. L’unione con Dio: Filologia e storia di una locuzione biblica,
Brescia 1980, LA 31 (1981) 405-406.
55. [Review] B. Bagatti, Alle origini della Chiesa. I: Le comunità giudeo-cristiane, Città del Vaticano
1981, LA 31 (1981) 406-407.
56. [Review] B. Bagatti, La Chiesa primitiva apocrifa, Roma 1981, LA 31 (1981) 407-408.
57. [Review] G. Cambier, Problèmes d’histoire du christianisme: Hommages à Jean Hador, Bruxelles
1980, LA 31 (1981) 414-415.
58. “L’Evangile de Jean, réponse chrétienne aux décisions de Jabne: Note complémentaire”, LA
32 (1982) 85-108.
59. “Note sur la ‘Dormition de Joseph’”, Henoch 4 (1982) 37-40.
60. “Jean-Baptiste, témoin de Jésus d’après le quatrième Evangile”, in G.C. Bottini (ed.), Studia
Hierosolymitana. III: Nell’Ottavo Centenario Francescano (1182-1982) (SBF. Maior 30), Jerusalem
1982, 97-119.
61. “Les chrétiens à Pella lors de la première révolt juive”, MB no. 22 (1982) 37-39.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
62. “François d’Assise et l’Ècriture”, La vie spirituelle no. 651 (1982) 487-512.
63. [Review] P.J. Kobelski, Melchizedek and Melchireša, Washington D.C. 1981, LA 32 (1982) 564-566.
64. [Review] P. Sacchi (ed.), Apocrifi dell’Antico Testamento, Torino 1981, LA 32 (1982) 577-580.
65. [Review] E. Junod - J.-D. Kaestli, L’histoire des Actes apocryphes des apôtres du IIIe au IXe siècle: les
cas des Actes de Jean, Genève etc. 1982, LA 32 (1982) 582-585.
66. [Review] C. Del Valle, La Misná: Edición y traducción, Madrid 1981, LA 32 (1982) 585-588.
67. [Review] J.E. Latham, The Religious Symbolism of Salt, Paris 1982, LA 32 (1982) 614.
68. [Review] B. Bagatti, Alle origini della Chiesa. II: Le comunità gentilo-cristiane, Città del Vaticano
1982, LA 32 (1982) 621-622.
Le symbole eau-Esprit dans le judaïsme ancien (SBF. Analecta 19), Jerusalem 1983, 340 pp.
“Le judéo-christianisme dans la littérature rabbinique”, Ant 58/2-3 (1983) 201-217.
“En marge des récits de la résurrection dans l’Évangile de Jean: le verbe voir”, RevSR 57
(1983) 10-28.
“Traditions targumiques en Jean 2,1-11”, Mar 45/no. 130 (1983) 297-305.
“Le Paraclet dans l’Evangile de Jean”, LA 33 (1983) 99-152.
“Une réfutation des thèses judéo-chrétiennes par les rabbins du 3e siècle dans le traité Sanhédrin 43a”, BeO 25/no. 136 (1983) 97-103.
“La halakah dans l’Évangile de Matthieu: Note sur Mt. 16,16-19”, BeO 25/no. 137 (1983) 129-135.
“La fuite en Égypte dans l’Évangile apocryphe du Pseudo-Matthieu”, Aug 23/1-2 (1983) 227-235.
“Le prime generazioni cristiane della Palestina alla luce degli scavi archeologici e delle fonti letterarie”, Ant 58 (1983) 70-84 = in G. Cardaropoli (ed.), La Terra Santa. Studi di archeologia:
Atti del simposio «Trent’anni di Archeologia in Terra Santa», Roma 27-30 aprile 1982 (Bibliotheca
23), Romae 1983, 70-84.
[Review] R.P. Martin, Carmen Christi: Philippians 2:5-11 in Recent Interpretation and in the Setting
of early Christian Worship, Grand Rapids MI, LA 33 (1983) 472.
[Review] M. Adinolfi, Il sacerdozio comune dei fedeli, Roma 1983, LA 33 (1983) 472-473.
[Review] A. Fuchs, Konkordanz zu Gespräch Jesu mit dem Teufel: Version A und B, Linz 1983, LA
33 (1983) 473.
[Review] J.P. Petuchowski, “I nostri maestri insegnavano…”: Storie rabbiniche scelte, Brescia
1983, LA 33 (1983) 474.
82. Pour lire la Mishna (SBF. Analecta 21), Jerusalem 1984, 245 pp.
83. Some Weights of the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods (SBF. Museum 7), Jerusalem 1984,
48 pp.
84. “ ‘Confessez vos péchés les uns aux autres’: Essai d’interprétation de Jacques 5,16”, RevSR
58/4 (1984) 233-241.
85. “ ‘La maison où réside l’Esprit’: 1 P 2,5 et son arrière-plan juif ”, LA 34 (1984) 207-224.
86. “Sara, modèle de la femme obéissante: Etude de l’arrière-plan juif de 1 Pierre 3,5-6”, BeO
26/no. 140 (1984) 65-73.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
87. “Jacques 2,24-26 à la lumière du judaïsme”, BeO 26/no. 141 (1984) 143-149.
88. “Une nouvelle source littéraire pour l’étude du judéo-christianisme”, Henoch 6 (1984) 165179 (179-180: Italian Summary).
89. [Review] A.J. Heschel, Der Mensch fragt nach Gott, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1982, LA 34 (1984) 508509.
90. “Exégèse rabbinique et exégèse johannique”, RB 92/4 (1985) 525-538.
91. “Luc 24,32 et son contexte juif ”, Ant 60 (1985) 225-232.
92. “Racines juives et nouveauté chrétienne en Jean 9”, LA 35 (1985) 69-106.
93. “En marge des dernières fouilles de Capharnaüm: un problème de halàka juive”, BeO 27/
no. 145 (1985) 171-177.
94. “Les oeuvres de miséricorde dans le quatrième Évangile”, BeO 27/no. 146 (1985) 215-221.
95. “Une tradition liturgique sous-jacente à Gal 3,28”, in I. Vázquez Janeiro (ed.), Noscere Sancta:
Miscellanea in memoria di Agostino Amore OFM († 1982). I: Storia della Chiesa, archeologia, arte
(Bibliotheca 24), Romae 1985, 95-100.
96. “Chiesa e Sinagoga”, in V. Levi - R. Ciuni (ed.), La Storia di Gesù, VI, Milano 1985, 1926-1927.
97. “Magdala”, MB no. 38 (1985) 43-44.
98. [Review] D. Bivin - R. Blizzard, Jr., Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus: New Insights from
a Hebraic Perspective, Austin TX 1984, LA 35 (1985) 486-492.
99. [Review] F.F. Bruce, The Gospel of John, Grand Rapids MI 1984, LA 35 (1985) 492-493.
100.[Review] M.P. Fernández (ed.), Los capítulos de Rabbí Eliezer: Versión crítica, introducción y notas, Valencia 1984, LA 35 (1985) 502-504.
101.[Review] G. Kittel - G. Friedrich (ed.), Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Grand
Rapids MI, LA 35 (1985) 510-511.
102.[Review] W.D. Davies - L. Finkelstein (ed.), The Cambridge History of Judaism. I: Introduction,
Cambridge 1984, LA 35 (1985) 513-514.
103. La prière d’Israël à l’heure de Jésus (SBF. Analecta 22), Jerusalem 1986, xii-304 pp.
104.“Traditions targumiques en Jean 10,1-30”, RevSR 60/3-4 (1986) 135-157.
105.“Lecture symbolique de Jean 12,1-11”, LA 36 (1986) 85-110.
106.“Le Journal d’Egérie 37,3 à la lumière des traditions judéo-chrétiennes”, SOC Coll 19 (1986)
107.“Logos”; “Pentecost”, in G. Wigoder et alii (ed.), Illustrated Dictionary & Concordance of the
Bible, New York - London 1986, 630; 774 / 20052 (new rev. edition), 588-589; 734.
108.[Review] A.S. Van der Woude (ed.), The World of the Bible, Grand Rapids MI, LA 36 (1986) 411413.
109.[Review] S.A. Panimolle, Lettura pastorale del vangelo di Giovanni, I, Bologna 1984, LA 36 (1986)
110.[Review] C. Di Sante, La preghiera di Israele: Alle origini della liturgia cristiana, Casale Monferrato 1985, LA 36 (1986) 431-433.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
111.[Review] C. Mondésert (ed.), Le monde grec ancien et la Bible, Paris 1984; J. Fontaine - C. Piétri
(ed.), Le monde latin antique et la Bible, Paris 1985; P. Riché - G. Lobrichon (ed.), Le Moyen Age
et la Bible, Paris 1984; C. Savart - J.-N. Aletti (ed.), Le monde contemporain et la Bible, Paris 1985,
LA 36 (1986) 434-440.
112. Leggere la Mišnah (Studi Biblici 78), Brescia 1987, 241 pp. [= 82 Italian trans.]
113.“«Ante lucem» dans la lettre de Pline le Jeune à Trajan (Ep. X,06)”, Ant 62/2-3 (1987) 338343.
114.“La condescendance divine: Racines juives et développements patristiques”, Ant 62/4
(1987) 404-422.
115.“Luc 7,47 et les traditions juives sur Rahab”, RevSR 61 (1987) 1-16.
116.“Le symbolisme du jardin dans le récit de la Passion selon St Jean”, LA 37 (1987) 53-80.
117.“L’origine judéo-chrétienne de la prière Unde et memores du Canon Romain”, EphLit 101
(1987) 60-68.
118.“Saint-Sépulcre. III: La tradition littéraire préconstantinienne (Ier-IIIe s.)”, in L. Pirot et alii
(ed.), Dictionnaire de la Bible. Supplément, XI/fasc. 61, Paris 1987, cols. 418-431 | trans. in a
separate volume German: “Het Heilige Graf ”, Sint Odilienberg 1988, 21-28; Spanish: “El
Santo Sepulcro: La tradición literaria preconstantiniana (s. I-III)”, Zaragoza 1991, 21-30.
119.[Review] A. Dupont-Sommer - M. Philonenko (ed.), La Bible. Écrits intertestamentaires, Gallimard 1987, LA 37 (1987) 452-454.
120.[Review] A.R.C. Leaney, The Jewish and Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, Cambridge 1984, LA
37 (1987) 462-464.
121. John and Jamnia: How the Break Occured Between Jews and Christians c. 80-100 A.D., Jerusalem
1988, 74 pp. / reprint 1997.
122.“Une tradition rabbinique réinterprété dans l’Évangile de Mt 22,1-10 et en Rm 11,30-32”,
Ant 63/2-3 (1988) 416-426.
123.“ ‘Le péché, c’est Belial’: 1 Jn 3,4 à la lumière du judaïsme”, RevSR 62 (1988) 1-9.
124.“Une tradition liturgique juive sous-jacente à Jacques 1,21b”, RevSR 62/2-3 (1988) 85-89.
125.“Le récit de la Dormition de Marie (Vat. grec 1982): Contribution à l’étude des origines de
l’exégèse chrétienne”, Mar 50/no. 138 (1988) 439-555.
126.“Les mots à double entente: Antécédents et fontion herméneutique d’un procédé johannique”, LA 38 (1988) 39-57.
127.“La liturgie de renvoi des catéchumènes d’après ‘Constitutions Apostoliques 8,6,5’ et un
parallèle juif possible”, EphLit 102/3 (1988) 234-238.
128.“Une tradition judéo-chrétienne mentionnée par Egérie”, Henoch 10/3 (1988) 283-290 (291:
Italian Summary).
129.“Quand les morts sortiront du mont des Oliviers”, MB no. 55 (1988) 8-9.
130.“Un épisode tragique de la vie de Cyrille de Jérusalem: La tentative de reconstruction du
Temple de Jérusalem sous Julien l’Apostat”, Annales: La commission des pèlerinages chrétiens (Jérusalem) 3 (1988) 66-84.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
131.[Review] R. Riesner, Jesus als Lehrer: Eine Untersuchung zum Ursprung der Evangelien-Überlieferung, Tübingen 19883, LA 38 (1988) 498-503.
132.[Review] M.J. Mulder (ed.), Mikra: Text, Translation, Reading and Interpretation of the Hebrew
Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Assen/Maastricht - Philadelphia PA 1988, LA
38 (1988) 516-520.
133.[Review] S. Safrai (ed.), The Literature of the Sages. First Part: Oral Tora, Halakha, Mishna, Tosefta,
Talmud, External Tractates, Assen/Maastricht - Philadelphia PA 1988, LA 38 (1988) 520-524.
134. Le récit de la Dormition de Marie (Vat. grec 1982): Contribution à l’étude des origines de l’exégèse
chrétienne (SBF. Maior 33), Jerusalem 1989, 253-x pp., 32 Pls.
135.“Lecture midrashique de Jean 11”, LA 39 (1989) 49-76.
136.“Une altercation doctrinale entre les rabbins et les judéo-chrétiens au début du troisième
siècle: Sifre Dt 32,1 (§ 306)”, Vetera Christianorum 26 (1989) 49-58.
137.“Jacob, le Min, selon la Tosephta Hulin 2,22-24: Contribution à l’étude du christianisme
primitif ”, CrSt 10 (1989) 449-465.
138.“Note sur l’origine des impropères du Vendredi Saint”, EphLit 103/2-3 (1989) 275-277.
139.“La lutte contre les judéo-christianisme en Mekilta de R. Ismaël, Ex 15,1”, SOC Coll 22 (1989)
140.“Israël dans la réflexion des Pères de l’Église”, Rivista di Scienze Religiose 3 (1989) 129-142.
141.“Il giudeo-cristianesimo e il fenomeno della mobilità”, in Pontificium Consilium de Spirituali Migrantium atque itinerantium (ed.), L’epoca patristica e la pastorale della mobilità umana
(Senza frontiere: serie teologico-pastorale), Padova 1989, 15-53.
142.“Le merveilleux dans l’Evangile”, Évangile Aujourd’hui no. 143 (1989) 26-34.
143.[Review] M. Alexandre, Le commencement di livre Genèse I-V: La version grecque de la Septante et
sa réception, Paris 1988, LA 39 (1989) 339-340.
144. Le Midrash: Approche et commentaire de l’Écriture, Jerusalem 1990, 162 pp.
145.“Une tradition juive dans les commentaires du Cantique des Cantiques d’Origène”, Ant 65
(1990) 1-22.
146.“La technique du al tiqra dans les Évangiles”, RevSR 64 (1990) 1-7.
147. “La polémique contre les judéo-chrétiens en Pesiqta de Rab Kahana 15”, LA 40 (1990) 211-226.
148.“Joseph de Tibériade, un judéo-chrétien du quatrième siècle”, in G.C. Bottini - L. Di Segni
- E. Alliata (ed.), Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries: Essays in Honour of
Virgilio C. Corbo, OFM (SBF. Maior 36), Jerusalem 1990, 553-559.
149.“L’évêque ange de l’Église”, EphLit 104/2-3 (1990) 176.
150. L’Evangile de Jean à la lumière du Judaïsme (SBF. Analecta 33), Jerusalem 1991, 548 pp. / 20002.
151.“La parabole des talents: Wirkungsgeschichte et racines juives”, RevSR 65/4 (1991) 343-362.
152.“Le Targum du Cantique des Cantiques: Introduction et traduction du codex”, LA 41 (1991)
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
153.“Israël et l’Eglise: Un problème d’héritage”, Did 21 (1991) 3-16.
154.“Les sectes juives au seuil du Nouveau Testament”, Communio (Paris) 16/no. 94 (1991) 14-28
| trans. German: “Jüdische Sekten zur Zeit Jesu”, IKZ Communio (Rodenkirchen) 20/no. 114
(1991) 114-127; Polish: “Sekty żydowskie u progu Nowego Testamentu”, Communio (Poznań)
11/no. 63 (1991) 5-18.
155.“Judaïsme/christianisme, un héritage commun?”, PJR: Praxis juridique et religion 8/2 (1991)
156. Le Judaïsme: Milieu et mémoire du Nouveau Testament (SBF. Analecta 36), Jerusalem 1992, 263
pp. / 20012.
157.“Le thème de la maison dans l’évangile de Marc”, RevSR 66/1-2 (1992) 1-17.
158.“Le Targum de Qohélet - Manuscrit Urbinati 1: Traduction et commentaire”, LA 42 (1992)
159.“Le symbole de l’échelle sur les lampes baptismales de Terre Sainte”, EphLit 106 (1992) 6874.
160.“Une prière juive reprise en Luc 1,68-69”, EphLit 106/2 (1992) 162-166.
161.“Littérature rabbinique et exégèse du Nouveau Testament: A propos de Luc 4”, Did 22 (1992)
162.“L’anonyme de Plaisance 30,3 à la lumière d’un texte caraïte”, CrSt 13/1-2 (1992) 165-169.
163.(ed.) with E. Alliata, Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents [Festschrift E.
Testa] (SBF. Maior 38), Jerusalem 1993, 522 pp.
164.“A Survey of Recent Studies on Early Christianity”, ibid. 17-25.
165.“La liste des premiers évêques de Jérusalem”, ibid. 419-431.
166.“La liste des premiers évêques de Jérusalem”, in F. Blanchetière - M.D. Herr (ed.), Aux
origines juives du christianisme (Cahiers du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem: Série
“Hommes & Sociétés” 2), Jérusalem 1993, 133-158.
167.“Le Targum Lamentations Manuscrit Urbinati 1: Traduction et Commentaire”, LA 43 (1993)
168. Jewish Prayer in the Time of Jesus (SBF. Analecta 22), Jerusalem 1994, xi-291 pp. / 20022. [= 103
English trans.]
169. Il Giudaismo: Ambiente e memoria del Nuovo Testamento (StBi 26), Bologna 1994, 253 pp. [= 156
Italian trans.]
170. Jésus fils de David: Les Évangiles, leur contexte juif, et les Pères de l’Église, Paris 1994, 194 pp.
171. Saveurs bibliques: Étude de quelques symboles bibliques (Le Pain de la Parole), Chiry-Ourscamp
1994, 168 pp.
172.“Une décoration insolite sur une lampe byzantine”, EphLit 108/3 (1994) 232-236.
173.“Le milieu juif de l’hymne d’Ap 12,10-12”, Bogoslovska smotra: Ephemerides Theologicae Zagrabienses [= In Memory of Marijan Jerko Fućak] 64/1-4 (1994) 128-136.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
174.“Le Targum de Ruth - Ms Urbinati 1: Traduction et commentaire”, LA 44 (1994) 253-290.
175.“Une tradition judéo-chrétienne rapportée par Eusèbe de Césarée”, CrSt 15 (1994) 145-148.
176.“Sapienza e follia in Mc 3,20-35”, Theotokos 2 (1994) 27-36.
177.(ed.), The Sacrifice of Isaac in the Three Monotheistic Religions: Proceedings of a Symposium on the
Interpretation of the Scriptures Held in Jerusalem, March 16-17, 1995 (SBF. Analecta 41), Jerusalem
1995, 202 pp., 8 figs.
178.“The Binding of Isaac in Jewish Liturgy”, ibid. 59-67.
179.“The Targum of Genesis 22”, ibid. 69-80.
180.“Note on the Sacrifice of Isaac in the Fourth Gospel”, ibid. 99-100.
181.“La fête des Juifs de Jean 5,1”, Ant 70 (1995) 117-124.
182.“Encore une fois le Lithostrotos de Jn 19,13”, Ant 70/2 (1995) 187-197.
183.“Lire les Ecritures en Eglise”, RevSRel 69/4 (1995) 436-452.
184.“La théologie de la nouvelle naissance dans la première lettre de Pierre”, LA 45 (1995) 107141.
185.“La Femme et la synagogue à l’époque de Jésus”, EphLit 109/2 (1995) 159-165.
186.“Le Shema Israel, clé de lecture de quelques textes johanniques”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti
del V Simposio di Efeso su S. Giovanni Apostolo (Turchia 8), Roma 1995, 107-117.
187.“La pace è un dono di Dio nella preghiera biblica ed ebraica”, in G. Lauriola (ed.), La pace
come impegno (Centro Studi Personalisti “Giovanni Duns Scoto”. Quaderno 5), Castellana
Grotte (Bari) 1995, 1-13.
188.“Les premièrs communautés chrétiennes de Nazareth”, MB no. 90 (1995) 14-15.
189.“Costumi matrimoniali nel giudaismo” [Rut], in G. Ravasi (ed.), La Bibbia per la famiglia. III:
Giudici - Rut - Samuele - Re [Supplement to “Famiglia Cristiana” no. 3, January 18, 1995],
Milano 1995, 80-83.
190.“Amore umano e divino nel matrimonio di Tobia”, in G. Ravasi (ed.), La Bibbia per la famiglia.
IV: Cronache - Esdra - Neemia - Tobia - Giuditta - Ester [Supplement to “Famiglia Cristiana” no.
37, September 20, 1995], Milano 1995, 232-235.
191. L’Israël de Dieu: Essais sur le christianisme primitif (SBF. Analecta 42), Jerusalem 1996, 339 pp.
192. Lire la Bible en Église (Vivre la Parole), Paris - Montréal 1996, 351 pp.
193. La preghiera d’Israele al tempo di Gesù (StBi 28), Bologna 1996, 287 pp. [= 103 Italian trans.]
194.“Le Targum d’Esther: Manuscrit Urbinati 1”, LA 46 (1996) 101-166.
195.“Un document judéo-chrétien: la source propre à Luc”, BeO 38/no. 187 (1996) 43-62.
196.“Je vous appelle mes amis” [John 13–17], BeO 38/no. 190 (1996) 227-238.
197.“The Temple of Jerusalem and Its Cleansing by Jesus”, in L. Goh (ed.), Studium Biblicum OFM
Hong Kong 50th Anniversary: The Open Lectures, 5th-7th Nov. 1995, Hong Kong 1996, 15-34.
198.“The Passion of Jesus According to St. John (John 18:1-19:42)”, ibid. 46-62.
199.“Prayer in Rabbinic Literature and the ‘Our Father’ ”, ibid. 80-97.
200.“Women in the Gospel of John”, ibid. 114-131.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
201.“In margine al memorandum”, in G. Bissoli (ed.), Gerusalemme: Realtà, sogni e speranze (Quaderni di Terra Santa), Jerusalem 1996, 15-18.
202. Mais pour vous qui suis-je? Éléments de christologie (Vivre la Parole), Paris - Montréal 1997,
206 pp.
203.“Liturgie juive et liturgie chrétienne: un problème de méthode”, EphLit 111 (1997) 28-36.
204.“«Domine, labia mea aperies»: Liturgie juive et liturgie chrétienne”, EphLit 111/3 (1997)
205.“La Galilée dans le quatrième Évangile”, Ant 72/3 (1997) 351-364.
206.“Introduction au Targum Sheni d’Esther (Ms Urbinati 1)”, LA 47 (1997) 117-128.
207.“La sagesse nourricière dans l’Évangile de Jean”, BeO 39/no. 194 (1997) 207-234.
208.“ ‘Lettura giudaica’ della Scrittura”, in M. Adinolfi - P. Kaswalder (ed.), Entrarono a Cafarnao:
Lettura interdisciplinare di Mc 1. Studi in onore di P. Virginio Ravanelli (SBF. Analecta 44), Jerusalem 1997, 21-27.
209.“La struttura del Vangelo di Marco”, ibid. 41-47.
210.“Il Figlio di Dio (Mc 1,1)”, ibid. 81-90.
211.“Gesù insegna con autorità (Mc 1,27)”, ibid. 147-162.
212.“Una aproximación judía al Nuevo Testamento”, Teología Espiritual 41 (1997) 335-350 = in
Comisaría Franciscana de Tierra Santa de Valencia, Aragón e Baleares (ed.), Biblia y arqueología en Tierra Santa: Ciclo de conferencias, Valencia 1997, 21-36.
213.“El Evangelio de Juan a la luz del judaísmo”, Teología Espiritual 41 (1997) 351-365 = in Comisaría Franciscana de Tierra Santa de Valencia, Aragón e Baleares (ed.), Biblia y arqueología en
Tierra Santa: Ciclo de conferencias, Valencia 1997, 37-51.
214. Une approche juive du Nouveau Testament (Initiations bibliques), Paris 1998, 298 pp.
215. La symphonie de la Parole: Pour une lecture existentielle de la Parole de Dieu (La Pain de la Parole),
Chiry-Ourscamp 1998, 248 pp.
216. «Là où est l’Esprit, là est la liberté» (Vivre la Parole), Paris - Montréal 1998, 223 pp.
217. L’Israele di Dio: Sinagoga e Chiesa alle origini cristiane (StBi 32), Bologna 1998, 374 pp. [= 191
Italian trans.]
218. Gesù figlio di Davide: Il Vangelo nel suo contesto giudaico (Parola di vita), Milano 1998, 254 pp.
[= 170 Italian trans.]
219.“Le milieu sémitique de l’Évangile de Marc”, LA 48 (1998) 125-142.
220.“Elements de christologie johannique”, BeO 40/no. 197 (1998) 169-192.
221.“The Grave of Moses in Jewish Literature”, in M. Piccirillo - E. Alliata (ed.), Mount Nebo: New
Archaeological Excavations 1967-1997 (SBF. Maior 27), Jerusalem 1998, 65-69.
222.“Paul et sa lecture juive des Écritures”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti del V Simposio di Tarso su S.
Paolo Apostolo (Turchia 12), Roma 1998, 29-39.
223.“Jean 21: Contribution à l’ecclésiologie du quatrième Évangile”, in R. Fabris (ed.), La Parola
di Dio cresceva (At 12,24): Scritti in onore di Carlo Maria Martini nel suo 70° compleanno (Supplementi alla RivBib 33), Bologna 1998, 195-213.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
224. Abba: Au risque de la paternité de Dieu (Vivre la Parole), Paris - Montréal 1999, 234 pp.
225.“Pâque juive et pâque chrétienne”, EphLit 113 (1999) 31-46.
226.“Une tradition judéo-chrétienne à Rome”, EphLit 113/3 (1999) 228-231.
227.“Souffrances et joie dans la première lettre de Pierre”, LA 49 (1999) 259‑282.
228.“Esegesi di Gv 19,25-27”, Theotokos 7 (1999) 325-338.
229.“Traces de liturgie juive dans la Première Lettre de Jean”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti del VII
Simposio di Efeso su S. Giovanni Apostolo (Turchia 13), Roma 1999, 117-125.
230.“La symbolique animale évoque-t-elle l’Esprit Saint?”, Lumen vitae 54/3 (1999) 255-267.
231.“Les témoignages archéologiques liés à la vie de Jésus”, Dossiers d’archéologie no. 249 (1999)
232.“Le vêtement de gloire: sur la nudité d’Adam et d’Eve”, Cahiers Ratisbonne no. 7 (1999) 90-97.
233.[Review] L. Martignani, “Il mio giorno”: Indagine esegetico-teologica sull’uso del termine ἡμέρα
nel quarto vangelo, Roma 1998, LA 49 (1999) 560-563.
234. Le Judéo-christianisme, mémoire ou prophétie? (Théologie historique 112), Paris 2000, xvii-383
235. Voi, chi dite che io sia? Meditazioni sul Cristo, Sapienza di Dio (Vangelo e vita), Assisi 2000, 220
pp. [= 202 Italian trans.]
236.“Blessed are the Meek for they Shall Inherit the Earth”, LA 50 (2000) 37-51.
237.“La morale domestique in 1 P”, Did 30 (2000) 3-27.
238.“Les Juifs et Jésus: 2000 ans d’interrogations, 200 ans de recherches exégétiques”, in E.
Franco (ed.), Mysterium Regni ministerium Verbi (Mc 4,11; At 6,4): Scritti in onore di mons. Vittorio
Fusco (Supplementi alla RivBib 38), Bologna 2000, 157-199.
239.“L’ecclésiologie de 1 Pierre”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti del VI Simposio di Tarso su S. Paolo Apostolo (Turchia 14), Roma 2000, 109-128.
240.“The oldest sources for studying Christianity: a problem of Methodology”, in Associazione
Biblica Salesiana (ed.), La tua Parola è luce sul mio cammino: Atti del IV Convegno mondiale ABS
su Parola di Dio e formazione salesiana, Cremisan, 23 agosto-2 settembre 1999, Roma 2000, 21-39.
241.“Il dialogo ebraico-cristiano verso il terzo millennio”, in V. Brosco (ed.) Terzo millennio cristiano: Verifiche e prospettive ecclesiali, Napoli 2000, 319-328 / as a separate volume: Il dialogo
ebraico-cristiano: Verso il terzo millennio (Terzo millennio cristiano 24), Napoli 2000, 29 pp.
242.“Judíos y cristianos leyendo la Biblia”, Reseña Bíblica no. 26 (2000) 31-38.
243.“Israele nell’opera lucana”, Incontro 2 (2000) 49-53.
244.[Review] M. Berder, «La pierre rejetée par les bâtisseurs»: Psaume 118,22-23 et son emploi dans les
traditions juives et dans le Nouveau Testament, Paris 1996, LA 50 (2000) 545-548.
245. Le Midrash: Approche et commentaire de l’Écriture (SBF. Analecta 56), Jérusalem 1990, 200 pp.
[= 144 rev. edition]
246. Dieu est Amour: Découverte de la Trinité dans les Écritures et dans la Tradition (Le Pain de la Parole), Chiry-Ourscamp 2001, 134 pp.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
247. 你们说我是谁? 基督学的要素, Hong Kong 2001, ii-182 pp. [= 202 Chinese trans.]
248.“The Prayers of the Books of Maccabees and the Shemone Ezre”, LA 51 (2001) 109-132.
249.“The Jewish Sacred Scriptures”, Jnanatirtha. Journal of Sacred Scriptures 1/1 (2001) 63-78.
250.“Une tradition judéo-chrétienne dans le Traité des mystères de Hilaire de Poitiers”, in S.C.
Mimouni - F.S. Jones (ed.), Le judéo-christianisme dans tous ses états: Actes du colloque de Jérusalem 6-10 juillet 1998 (LD Hors Série), Paris 2001, 317-321.
251.“A Response to Professor A. Shinan”, in A. Niccacci (ed.), Jerusalem: House of Prayer for All
Peoples in the Three Monotheistic Religions: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Jerusalem, February 17-18, 1997 (SBF. Analecta 52), Jerusalem 2001, 73-80.
252.“Opening Remarks”; “Conclusion”, ibid. 19-25; 185-186.
253.“Scoperte archeologiche e tradizioni antiche sulla Dormizione e Assunzione di Maria”, in G.
Calvo Moralejo - S. Cecchin (ed.), L’Assunzione di Maria, Madre di Dio. Significato storico-salvifico
a 50 anni dalla definizione dogmatica: Atti del 1° Forum Internazionale di Mariologia, Roma, 30-31
ottobre 2000 (Forum 1), Città del Vaticano 2001, 169-182.
254.“ ‘Jésus dit à Pierre: remets le glaive au fourreau. Le calice que le Père m’a donné, est ce que
je ne le boirai pas?’ (Jn 18,11)”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti dell’VIII Simposio di Efeso su S. Giovanni
Apostolo (Turchia 15), Roma 2001, 15-25.
255.[Review] M.M. Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John, Grand Rapids MI - Cambridge U.K.
2001, LA 51 (2001) 430-432.
256.[Review] A. García-Moreno, Jesús el Nazareno, el Rey de los Judíos: Estudios de Cristología Joánica,
Pamplona 2001, LA 51 (2001) 432-434.
257. Les enfants de Rébecca: Judaisme et christianisme aux premiers siècles de notre ère (Vivre la Parole), Paris 2002, pp. 320.
258.“Liturgia ebraica e liturgia cristiana a confronto: Problemi di metodologia”, EphLit 116/4
(2002) 404-418.
259.“Dialogue between Jews and Christians in the Holy Land”, Melita Theologica 53 (2002) 27-39.
260.“Rabbinic Literature as a Historical Source for the Study of the Gospelsʼ Background”, LA
52 (2002) 217-246.
261.“Guerra e pace nella tradizione giudaica”, DSBP vol. 32 (2002) 98-133.
262.“Guerra e pace nel Nuovo Testamento”, ibid. 134-178.
263.“De la réalité au symbole: 2 Cor 3,7-18 à la lumière de la tradition juive”, in L. Padovese (ed.),
Atti del VII Simposio di Tarso su S. Paolo Apostolo (Turchia 16), Roma 2002, 29-46.
264.“The Christology of the First Letter of John”, in V. Lopasso - S. Parisi (ed.), Liber Scripturae:
Miscellanea in onore del Prof. P. Francesco Tudda ofm (Teologia e Teologi 3), Soveria Mannelli
(Catanzaro) 2002, 51-84.
265.“The Paraclete in Jesusʼ Farewell Discourses (John 13-17)”, in A. Schneider - P. McCloskey
(ed.), The Lord is Spirit: Essays Honoring Bernardin Schneider, O.F.M., Cincinnati OH 2002, 101110.
266.“Franciscans and Holy Scripture”, in Secretariatus Generalis Pro Formatione et Studiis
(ed.), Acta International Congress of the Universities and Research Centres, Roma - Formica - Milano, 18-28 Sept. 2001, Roma 2002, 215-218.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
267. L’Évangile de Jean et la Sagesse (SBF. Analecta 62), Jerusalem 2003, 316 pp.
268. 智慧的泉源 : 聖經的象徵, Hong Kong 2003, ii-122 pp. [= 171 Chinese trans.]
269.“Les pseudo-clémentines (Homélies et Reconnaissances): Etat de la question”, LA 53 (2003)
270.“Une source rabbinique sur le judéo-christianisme”, Ricerche storico bibliche [= Il giudeocristianesimo nel I e II sec. d.C.: Atti del IX Convegno di Studi Neotestamentari, Napoli,
13-15 settembre 2001] 15/2 (2003) 123-169.
271.“Philippiens 2,10-11 et la prière juive ʻAleinou”, in M. Nobile - L. Oviedo (ed.), Sanctum Evangelium observare: Saggi in onore di Martino Conti (Bibliotheca 38), Roma 2003, 61-68.
272.“Gli Apocrifi nei testi di Ambrogio e di Agostino”, in P. Pasini (ed.), 387 d.C.: Ambrogio e Agostino, le sorgenti dell’Europa (Mostre e letture d’arte), Milano 2003, 490-501.
273.“Schede sugli Atti di Filippo e di Tommaso”, ibid. 446.
274.[Review] M. Talbot, “Heureux les doux, car ils hériteront la terre” (Mt 5,4 (5), Paris 2002, LA 53
(2003) 479-480.
275.[Review] M. Tiwald, Wanderradikalismus: Jesu erste Jünger - ein Anfang und was davon, Frankfurt a.M. etc. 2002, LA 53 (2003) 480-482.
276. Un père avait deux fils: Judaïsme et christianisme en dialogue (Vivre la Parole), Paris 2004, 414 pp.
277. L’impronta di Dio: la bellezza del creato nella Bibbia e nel Cantico di San Francesco. Una presenza di
pace e di dialogo: la Terra Santa e i Francescani (Quaderni τὰ βιβλία 1), Sacile 2004, 55 pp.
278.“Les Juifs dʼAntioche”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti dell’VIII Simposio Paolino: Paolo tra Tarso e Antiochia. Archeologia, storia, religione (Turchia 18), Roma 2004, 107-137.
279.“Il male/Maligno e il peccato negli scritti giudaici intertestamentari”, DSBP vol. 38 (2004)
280.“La cristologia giudeo-cristiana”, in G. Lauriola (ed.), Dalle cristologie al cristocentrismo (Centro Studi Personalisti “Giovanni Duns Scoto”. Quaderno 20), Castellana Grotte (Bari) 2004,
281.“La Terra Santa e i Francescani”, in Europa, Israele, Palestina. Il diritto a servizio della pace: Atti
del Convegno, Roma 30 novembre 2002 (Persuasione e retorica), Roma 2004, 13-42.
282.“Terra Santa. Alle origini dellʼevento cristiano”, Notiziario: dell’Ufficio Nazionale per la pastorale del tempo libero, turismo e sport (Roma) no. 10 (2004) 75-81.
283.“Jérusalem, pèlerinage éclaté de trois religions”, Évangile Aujourd’hui no. 203 (2004) 6-12.
284.[Review] D. Fricker, Quand Jésus parle au masculin-féminin: Etude contextuelle et exégétique dʼune
forme littéraire originale, Paris 2004, LA 54 (2004) 472-474.
285.[Review] L. Orlando, Il Vangelo di Giovanni: Lettura teologica, Taranto 2003, LA 54 (2004) 476477.
286.[Review] L. Orlando, Le lettere di San Giovanni: Lettura teologica, Taranto 2003, LA 54 (2004)
287.[Review] M. Mazzeo, Lettere di Pietro. Lettera di Giuda: Nuova versione, introduzione e commento,
Milano 2002, LA 54 (2004) 483-484.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
288. “Heureuse es-tu, toi qui as cru”: Marie, une femme juive (Biblik), Paris 2005, 218 pp.
289.“Le judéo-christianisme nazoréen. Sources et critique des sources: réalité ou fiction?”, EstBíb
63/4 (2005) 481-525.
290.“Quelques variantes du Codex Bezae de Luc 24”, LA 55 (2005) 131-139.
291.“Les traditions targumiques dans le commentaire de Qohelet de St Jérôme”, Did 35/1-2
(2005) 65-84.
292.“Apocalisse e apocalissi”, in E. Bosetti - A. Colacri (ed.), Apokalypsis: Percorsi nell’Apocalisse
in onore di Ugo Vanni (Commenti e studi biblici: Sezione Studi biblici), Assisi (Perugia) 2005,
293.“Rabbinic literature as a historical source for the background of the Gospels”, in E. Dal Covolo - R. Fusco (ed.), Il contributo delle scienze storiche allo studio del Nuovo Testamento: Atti del
convegno: Roma, 2-6 ottobre 2002 (Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche: Atti e documenti
19), Città del Vaticano 2005, 7-35.
294.“Une tradition synoptique reprise en Jn 12,26”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Atti del X Simposio di
Efeso su S. Giovanni Apostolo (Turchia 19), Roma 2005, 29-44.
295.“Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho”, in J. Pastor - M. Mor (ed.), The Beginnings of Christianity: A
Collection of Articles, Jerusalem 2005, 359-378.
296.“Maria donna ebrea”, in G. Lauriola (ed.), Da Cristo a Maria (Centro Studi Personalisti
“Giovanni Duns Scoto”. Quaderno 22), Castellana Grotte (Bari) 2005, 67-78.
297.“LʼEucharistie et le repas pascal juif ”, Évangile Aujourd’hui no. 206 (2005) 15-20.
298.[Review] F. Ramos Pérez, Ver a Jesús y sus signos y créer en él: Estudio exegético-teológico de la
relación «ver y créer» en el Evangelio según san Juan, Roma 2004, LA 55 (2005) 542-543.
299.[Review] J.P. Meier, Un certain Juif Jésus: Les données de lʼhistoire. I: Les sources, les origines, les
dates, Paris 2005, LA 55 (2005) 547-551.
300.[Review] R. Hachili, Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period,
Leiden - Boston 2005, LA 55 (2005) 558-563.
301. Les racines juives du christianisme, Paris 2006, 310 pp.
302. Que sait-on de Marie et de la Nativité?, Montrouge (Haus-de-Seine) 2006, 157 pp.
303. Maria, uma mulher judia: Feliz és tu que acreditaste!, Lisboa 2006, 157 pp. [= 288 Portuguese trans.]
304.“Zacharie 12,10 relu en Jean 19,37”, LA 56 (2006) 301-310.
305.“Lecture juive du Nouveau Testament: deux exemples”, Did 36/2 (2006) 53-70.
306.“Il matrimonio nellʼAntico Testamento”, DSBP vol. 42 (2006) 14-83.
307.“Il matrimonio nel giudaismo antico”, ibid. 139-191.
308.“La risurrezione nel giudaismo antico”, DSBP vol. 44 (2006) 151-183.
309.“Quelques variantes du Codex Bezae de Luc 22”, in R. Pierri (ed.), Grammatica intellectio Scripturae: Saggi filologici di Greco biblico in onore di Lino Cignelli OFM (SBF. Analecta 68), Jerusalem
2006, 272-292.
310.“Mount Tabor”, in J.H. Charlesworth (ed.), Jesus and Archaeology, Grand Rapids MI 2006, 167177 | trans. Spanish: “El monte Tabor”, in Id. (ed.), Jesús y la arqueología (Ágora 25), Estella
(Navarra) 2009.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
311.“Le désir dans la Bible”, Évangile Aujourd’hui no. 210 (2006) 22-26.
312.[Review] U. Luz, Studies in Matthew, Grand Rapids MI - Cambridge U.K. 2005, LA 56 (2006)
313.[Review] J.H. Charlesworth (ed.), Jesus and Archaeology, Grand Rapids MI - Cambridge U.K.
2006, LA 56 (2006) 678-679.
314. Trenta domande (e trenta risposte) su Maria e la nascita di Gesù (Paralleli), Milano 2007, 144 pp.
[= 302 Italian trans.]
315.“Traditions sacerdotales dans le quatrième Evangile”, LA 57 (2007) 215-228.
316.“Encore une fois: la dernière Cène, un repas pascal”, Did 37/2 (2007) 27-32.
317.“Parola di Dio, Sacra Scrittura e Tradizione nel Primo Testamento”, DSBP vol. 46 (2007) 22172.
318.“«Laissez les morts enterrer leurs morts»: Rupture ou continuité de Jésus avec le judaïsme?”, in J.E. Aguilar Chiu et alii (ed.), «Il Verbo di Dio è vivo»: Studi sul Nuovo Testamento in
onore del Cardinale Albert Vanhoye, S.I. (AnBib 165), Roma 2007, 25-34.
319.“Le signe de Cana à la lumière de la tradition juive”, in M. Josipović - B. Odobašić - F. Topić
(ed.), U službi Riječi i Božjega naroda: Zbornik radova u čast mons. dr. Mati Zovkiću u povodom 70.
obljetnice života i 35 godina profesorskog djelovanja (Studia Vrhbosnensia 14), Sarajevo 2007,
320. Maria, una mujer judía (Colección Sauce 161), Madrid 2008, 207 pp. [= 288 Spanish trans.]
321. Shaoul de Tarsos: L’appel du large (Roman), Brive-la-Gaillarde 2008, 224 pp.
322. Saulo di Tarso: La chiamata all’universalità (Marana tha 1), Milano 2008, 156 pp. / 20092 (enl.
edition) [= 321 Italian trans.]
323. Sinfonia della Parola: Verso una teologia della Scrittura (Marana tha 2), Milano 2008, vi-231 pp.
324. Voici l’Homme: Une lecture juive des Évangiles, Brive-la-Gaillarde 2008, 309 pp.
325.“ ‘Pour que l’Ecriture s’accomplît’: Vers une rétroversion araméenne” [John 19:24, 28, 36,
37], EstBíb 66/1-4 (2008) 429-444.
326.“Jewish interpretations of the Song of Songs”, LA 58 (2008) 277-295.
327.“Pavol z Tarzu osvietený Kristom” [Paul of Tarsus, illuminated by Christ], Studia Biblica Slovaca 2008, 64-82. [Slovac with English Summary]
328.“L’approche juive du Nouveau Testament”, in N. Ciola (ed.), Nuovo Testamento: teologie in dialogo culturale. Scritti in onore di Romano Penna nel suo 70. compleanno (Supplementi alla RivBib
50), Bologna 2008, 125-138.
329.“Deux prières juives dans l’Évangile de Matthieu”, in J.E. Aguilar Chiu - K.J. O’Mahony - M.
Roger (ed.), Bible et Terre Sainte: Mélanges Marcel Beaudry, New York - Bern 2008, 193-198.
330. 厄弗辣因之子默西亚 [Messiah son of Ephraim], Studium Biblicum Annual 2005, Hong Kong 2008,
99-103. [Chinese]
331.[Review] D. Flusser, with R.S. Notley, The Sage from Galilee: Rediscovering Jesus’ Genius, Grand
Rapids MI - Cambridge U.K. 2007, LA 58 (2008) 574-585.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
332. Jerusalem, Antioche, Rome: Jalons pour une théologie de l’église de la circoncision (SBF. Analecta
73), Milano 2009, 441 pp.
333. Beata lei che ha creduto: Maria donna ebrea (Marana tha 3), Milano 2009, 164 pp. [= 288 Italian
334.“La preghiera giudaica nei testi dell’Intertestamento”, DSBP vol. 51 (2009) 162-212.
335.“Historicity of the Fourth Gospel”, Malabar Theological Review 4/2 (2009) 103-116.
336.“Nevyčerpateľné bohatstvo Božieho slova. Úvaha o zmysle Biskupskej synody v roku 2008”
[Inexhaustible richness of the Word of God. Reflection on the meaning of the Synod of
Bishops in 2008], Studia Biblica Slovaca 1/1 (2009) 55-72. [Slovac with English Summary]
337.“Paul et sa lecture juive des Écritures en Ga 4,21-31”, in L. Padovese (ed.), Paolo di Tarso:
Archeologia, storia, ricezione, II, Cantalupa (TO) 2009, 7-20.
338.“Antecedenti giudaici della teologia paolina del battesimo”, ibid. 29-45.
339.“De la réalité au symbole: 2 Cor 3,7-18 à la lumière de la tradition juive”, ibid. 353-372.
340. François, va, répare mon Église, Brive-la-Gaillarde 2010, 168 pp.
341.“A Jewish Reading of 1Peter 2,1-10”, LA 60 (2010) 171-187.
342.“Salvezza-Redenzione negli scritti giudaici intertestamentari”, DSBP vol. 54 (2010) 115-148.
343.“A rabbinikus irodalom mint történelmi forrás az evangéliumok hátterének tanulmányozásához” [Rabbinic Literature as a Historical Source for the Study of the Gospelsʼ Background], Studia Biblica Athanasiana 11 (2010) 93-123. [= 260 Hungarian trans.]
344.“La obra de Saulo de Tarso en el marco del judaísmo del siglo I de la era cristiana”, in San
Pablo y la apertura universal del Evangelio: Actas del XIV Simposio de Teología Histórica (5-7 mayo
2009) (Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer: Series valentina 58), Valencia 2010, 9-29.
345.“Reazione al paolinismo del II secolo a est del Giordano”, in B. Pirone - E. Bolognesi (ed.),
San Paolo letto da Oriente: Atti del Convegno internazionale in occasione dell’anno paolino (Damasco, 23-25 aprile 2009) in memoria di Michele Piccirillo (1944-2008) (Studia Orientalia Christiana:
Monographiae 18), Milano 2010, 53-67.
346.“Targum and Rabbinical Literature as a Possible Background of the New Testament”, in
M. Vugdelija (ed.), Biblija - knjiga Mediterana par excellence: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog
znanstvenog skupa održanog od 24. do 26. rujna 2007. u Splitu (Biblioteka Knjiga Mediterana 61),
Split 2010, 151-165.
347.“Textes rabbiniques sur la paix”, in E. Bons - D. Gerber - P. Keith (ed.), Bible et paix: Mélanges
offerts à Claude Coulot (LD 233), Paris 2010, 305-318.
348.“Saúl de Tarso, judío antes y después de su iluminación”, in Facultad de Teología “Redemptoris Mater” (ed.), Actas del II Congreso Teológico Internacional “San Pablo y la Nueva Evangelización” en el Año Paulino 2008-2009: del 1 al 4 de Diciembre de 2008, Callao (Pérou) 2010, 128-136.
349.“Gerusalemme/Sion”, in R. Penna - G. Perego - G. Ravasi (ed.), Temi Teologici della Bibbia
(Dizionari San Paolo), Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2010, 533-554.
350.“Guerra e pace”, ibid. 658-664.
351.“Le mystère de l’élection”, Communio (Paris) 35/no. 211 (2010) 38-50.
352.“Paix et médiation (Luc 10,1-11)”, Évangile Aujourd’hui no. 229 (2010) 6-16.
Selected Bibliography of Frédéric Manns
353.[Review] D. Flusser, Judaism of the Second Temple Period. II: The Jewish Sages and Their Literature,
Grand Rapids MI - Jerusalem 2009, LA 60 (2010) 468-473.
354. Ecce homo: Una lettura ebraica dei Vangeli (I pellicani), Torino 2011, 346 pp. [= 324 Italian trans.]
355.“Exégèse judéo-chrétienne de Mt 27,51 et parallèles”, in J.M. García Pérez (ed.), Rastreando
los orígenes. Lengua y exégesis en el Nuevo Testamento: En memoria del profesor Mons. Mariano Herranz Marco (Studia Semitica Novi Testamenti 17), Madrid 2011, 163-171.
356.“Il linguaggio relazionale dell’antica tradizione ebraica”, in P. Martinelli - L. Bianchi (ed.),
In caritate veritas: Luigi Padovese, vescovo cappuccino Vicario Apostolico dell’Anatolia. Scritti in
memoria (Teologia spirituale), Bologna 2011, 313-326.
357.“Le sfide della Third Quest”, in M. Sodi (ed.), Theo-loghía: Risorsa dell’Universitas scientiarum
(Strumenti 12), Città del Vaticano 2011, 57-71.
358.“The Historical Character of the Fourth Gospel”, LA 61 (2011) 127-210.
359.“II regno di Dio nel giudaismo”, DSBP vol. 57 (2011) 141-162.
360.“Ricchezza e povertà nel giudaismo intertestamentario”, DSBP vol. 59 (2011) 73-97.
361.“Dio è amore (agapê): esegesi di 1 Gv 4,8.16”, La Sapienza della Croce 26/2 (2011) 237-249.
362.“Encore une fois ‘Jésus et le disciple’ ” [John 18–19], Did 41/2 (2011) 29-52.
363. Qu’est-ce que la nouvelle évangélisation?, Montrouge Cedex (France) 2012, 188 pp.
364. Nuova evangelizzazione: La riscoperta del battesimo (Evangelizzare oggi 2), Milano 2012, 152 pp.
365. Simfonija Besede: Na poti k teologiji Svetega pisma [Symphony of the Word: Towards a Theology
of the Holy Scripture], Ljubjana 2012, 247 pp. [= 323 Slovenian trans.]
366.“A Jewish Approach to the Gospel of John. Part One: A Methodological Problem”, Ant 87/2
(2012) 259-279.
367.“Some Jewish traditions in the FG”, Ant 87/3 (2012) 549-608 [Part Two]; 87/4 (2012) 743-783
[Part Three].
368.“Note complémentaire à T. Hulin 2”, LA 62 (2012) 351-355.
369.“Gesù e il tempio”, in A. Pitta - G. Di Palma (ed.), «La Parola di Dio non è incatenata» (2Tm 2,9):
Scritti in onore di Cesare Marcheselli-Casale nel suo 70° compleanno (Supplementi alla RivBib 54),
Bologna 2012, 75-90.
370.“El misterio de la Trinidad y sus preparaciones en el judaísmo”, in La oración cristiana, oración
trinitaria: testigos y maestros (Semanas de Estudios Trinitarios 45), Salamanca 2012, 13-26.
371. Il giudaismo e l’Israele di Dio: L’ambiente del Nuovo Testamento e le origini cristiane (Economica
EDB), Bologna 2013, 592 pp. [= 169 + 217]
372.“Atti 27-28: un midrash?”, in G. Laia (ed.), L’ultimo viaggio di Paolo, Pozzuoli 2013 [in press].
373.“Lecture juive de Jean 20,12”, in S. Parisi - V. Lopasso (ed.), Verbum gratiae: Miscellanea in
ricordo di Giovanni Berlingieri, Cosenza 2013 [in press].