Chapitre_2_files/C2 - lessons_2


Chapitre_2_files/C2 - lessons_2
Chapter 2
Lesson 1
Would Kyle and Peter miss a day at school to
play video games?
Yes, they would. They would miss a day at
school to play.
Would Steve steal money to buy a game?
No, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t steal money
to buy a game.
I’ve already waited in front of a shop for a
day to buy a game and I think I wouldn’t do it
again. It’s too tiring! What else? I guess I
wouldn’t lie to play video games. I am an
honest person. And I know for sure that I
wouldn’t steal or kill anyone to play. Unless it is
an excellent game. But there is no way I would
miss a day at school to play! School rules!
would + BV est utilisé pour parler de ce que
l’on voudrait faire ou bien de ce que l’on ferait
dans une situation hypothétique.
would + BV = conditionnel en français.
Chapter 2
Lesson 2
Did he use to play online?
Yes, he did. He used to play online.
Did they use to weigh a hundred kilos?
No, they didn’t. They didn’t use to weigh a
hundred kilos.
I’m a little nervous about this year ’s exams
so I’ve made up my mind: I won’t play video
games this year! If I stick to that, it will help me
improve my marks because last year, I used to
go to bed late too often and I was tired in class.
I also used to think about video games all the
time! I didn’t use to do my homework seriously.
But all this is going to change. Just wait and
used to + BV est utilisé pour parler d’actions
que l’on faisait autrefois.
Chapter 2
Lesson 3
Can Kevin play video games after 11 o’clock?
No, he mustn’t play after 11 o’clock if he
doesn’t want to be without video games for two
weeks. But he can play on school days.
Do they have to break their piggybank to buy a
No, they don’t. They don’t have to break
their piggybank to buy a game.
When Kate wants a game, she has to get better
marks at school.
can + BV : parler de ce que l’on est autorisé à
mustn’t + BV : parler de ce qu’il est interdit de
have / has to + BV : parler de ce que l’on doit
faire. (do / does have to + BV dans les
don’t / doesn’t have to + BV : parler de ce que
l’on n’a pas besoin de faire.
Chapter 2
Lesson 4
People ought to be 18 to play Resident Evil 6.
When you work at a video game store, you
ought not to sell demo CDs, but you ought to
work 35 hours a week.
In case of epileptic fit, you ought to call 911.
ought to + BV permet de parler de ce que l’on
doit faire (vis à vis de la loi).
Dans les négations ought not to + BV pour
parler de ce que l’on ne doit pas faire.
Chapter 2
Lesson 4 (part 2)
I need your help. I’m stuck in the temple of
First you need to go back to the entrance of
the temple and put on your Zora outfit and your
lead boots… What!? You don’t have them. You
have to find them!
What do I need to do to get them?
You have to catch a thirty-pound fish and
show it to Jacob. He’ll give you the boots.
need to + BV permet de parler de ce que l’on a
besoin de faire.
have to + BV permet de parler de ce que l’on
doit faire.
Ne pas oublier qu’à la 3° personne du
singulier au présent simple on aura:
needs to + BV / has to + BV dans les affirmations.
does + sujet + need to / have to + BV dans les
sujet + doesn’t need to / have to + BV dans les
Chapter 2
Lesson 5
Has she been lying to her parents in order to
Yes, she has. She has been lying to her
parents in order to play.
Have they been fighting at school since they
started to play?
No, they haven’t. They haven’t been
fighting at school since they started to play.
But they have been saying swear words.
On utilise le present perfect en be + V-ing pour
indiquer que l’on s’intéresse plus à l’activité
qu’au résultat.
Ex: They have been stealing money  ils ont volé
de l’argent, c’est grave! Que vont-ils faire après,
vendre de la drogue, tuer, …
They have stolen money  combien ont-ils volé.
Ici, c’est la somme qui est importante.
Le present perfect en be + V-ing permet aussi
de faire le bilan d’une action qui n’est pas
Ex: I’ve been playing the guitar since I was ten.
Chapter 2
Lesson 6
Has Jane dreamt about a video game yet?
Yes, she has. She has already dreamt about
a video game.
Have they ordered Zombie Killers 4 yet?
No, they haven’t. They haven’t ordered the
game yet.
People say I’m a video game addict
because I’ve already played all kinds of games:
war games, shoot them ups, … And I have
already played while I was eating. But I
shouldn’t worry about what people say
because you have to lie to play to be an addict
and I haven’t done that yet. And I haven’t
broken anything because of a game yet. Really,
there is nothing to worry about.
Le present perfect avec ALREADY permet de
parler de ce que l’on a déjà fait.
ALREADY se place entre l’auxiliaire HAVE et le
participe passé.
Le present perfect avec YET à la forme
négative permet de parler de ce que l’on n’a
pas encore fait, mais qui pourrait bientôt se
YET se place toujours en fin de phrase
(questions et négations).

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