Submission guidelines - Cahiers du monde russe
Submission guidelines - Cahiers du monde russe
Cahiers du monde russe ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Submission guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les œuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV). ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Référence électronique Éditeur : Éditions de l'EHESS Document accessible en ligne sur : Document généré automatiquement le 29 septembre 2016. La pagination ne correspond pas à la pagination de l'édition papier. © École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Submission guidelines Submission guidelines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Submissions to Cahiers du Monde russe should be original work not published previously in any language. Author commits oneself to keep the exclusive rights of his article to the Review until its acceptation by the editorial board (and then until its publication). All articles considered by the editors to have potential for publication will be subject to anonymous peer review by scholars in the field. Once an article has been evaluated it may be accepted, sent to the author for revision and resubmission, or rejected. Whatever the case, we report back to authors about their submissions after the editorial board’s meeting, ordinarily within five months. Articles, around 60 000 signs, including footnotes and spaces, should be submitted as e-mail attachment in RTF or Word format to [email protected] Please include your work and/or private mailing address, e-mail address and institutional affiliation at the end of the submission. If you don’t want your e-mail address to be indicated at the end of your article in the Cahiers, please precise it. Edition languages : English, French, Russian Provide an ABSTRACT (about 10 lines). Do not hesitate to propose maps and illustrations or good définition photos (300dpi), after getting rights for their reproduction from their owners or curators of the fonds the documents are from. Figures should be submit in their initial file (for instance, Excel). Just as maps and photos which have to be provided in a separate file, with indication of their place in the text. Transliteration 11 Pay attention to the transliteration. In texts in English, transliteration is the following : Russe Anglo-Saxon transliteration (articles in English) ё ë ж zh й i у u х kh ц ts ч ch ш sh щ shch ъ ´´ ы y ь ´ э ė ю iu я ia Text 12 13 14 15 The article may include subheadings announcing its different parts. Names: Please give full names, including patronymics, on first reference in text and notes, for all individuals whom you treat in depth, for authors /editors of works under review, and historical figures who might be difficult to distinguish from others with similar initials. Russian names Russian figures, wherever possible, should be identified with full first name in text and double initials in notes. They should never be anglicized, but written in transliterated form (Dostoevskii, not Dostoievsky). Tables, graphics or illustrations, provide the title and the source, and the place in the text. Cahiers du monde russe 2 Submission guidelines Footnotes Journal article citation 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Whenever possible provide number (issue) and date of a journal article in addition to the volume : Example (first reference) : Ann M. Kleimola, “The Duty to Denounce in Muscovite Russia,” Slavic Review, 31, 4 (Dec. 1972): 770-785. Example (second reference) : Kleimola, “The Duty to Denounce in Muscovite Russia,” 780. Article in Russian: A. E. Petrov, “Ėpokha Dmitriia Donskoi (do 1830 goda),” Prepodovanie istorii v shkole, no. 7 (2002): 16-25. Russian in transliterated form. For periodicals that do not regularly provide volume numbers, or Russian journals, you may put a “no.” preceded by a comma. second reference Petrov, “Ėpokha Dmitriia Donskoi (do 1830 goda),” 22. Book citation 23 24 25 26 First reference to books, articles in a book: give the complete name, title, place, publisher, date and page number cited. First reference – Naum Jasny, Soviet Industrialization, 1928-1952 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961), 152. – Jarmo Kotilaine, “Mercantilism in Pre-Petrine Russia,” in Jarmo Kotilaine and Marshall Poe, eds., Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia (New York: Routledge, 2004), 433-460. – André Vaillant, Manuel du vieux slave (P.: Institut d’études slaves, 1964), 234. – O.F. Kudriavtsev, ed., Rossiia v pervoi polovine XVI v.: Vzgliad iz Evropy (M. : Russkii mir, 1997), 63. Second reference – Jasny, Soviet Industrialization, 32. – Kudriavtsev, ed., Rossiia v pervoi polovine XVI v., 96. The name of some cities may be abbreviated such as P. stands for Paris; M. for Moscow; L. for Leningrad and SPb. for Sankt-Peterburg Archives 27 28 29 30 In references to archives, write out the full name of the archive in the language of the country in which it is located at the first reference and thereafter cite it by the standard acronym. In reference to the Russian archives give the fond, opis´, delo, and list as f., op., d., and l. Whenever possible, give as much information as possible about the archives. Ex. (first reference) RGASPI (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv social´no-politicheskoi istorii), f. 17, Tsentral´nyi komitet, op. 2, Plenumy, d. 514, Ob´´edinennyi plenum TsK i TsKK VKP(b), 7-12 ianvaria 1933, l. 70-95. Ex. (second reference) : RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 514, l. 71. Pour citer cet article Droits d'auteur © École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Cahiers du monde russe 3