Vous êtes cordialement invité au séminaire : Missions - L2E


Vous êtes cordialement invité au séminaire : Missions - L2E
Vous êtes cordialement invité au séminaire :
Missions and activities of
the division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber
Systems (ECCS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
and of the department of Electrical Engineering
at the University of Arkansas
Dr. Samir El-Ghazaly, Distinguished Professor
University of Arkansas, Department of Electrical Engineering,
3217 Bell Engineering Center, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA,
Email : [email protected]
Short biography: Samir M. El-Ghazaly, Distinguished Professor, Department Head, and TwentyFirst Century Leadership Chair in Electrical Engineering at the University of Arkansas, has joined in
August 2013 the National Science Foundation (NSF) as director of the Division of Electrical,
Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG). El-Ghazaly's
leadership and research experience spans academia, industry, and government. From 2002 to 2007 he
was a professor and head of the department of electrical and computer engineering at the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville. His academic career began in the department of electrical engineering at
Arizona State University. El-Ghazaly also has conducted research at universities and centers in
Europe, as well as at Motorola and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the U.S. From 2009
to 2012 he served as an ECCS program director, while retaining his academic position. El-Ghazaly
received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and his B.S.E. and
M.S.E. in electronics and communications engineering from Cairo University. He has served the
engineering community with distinction, particularly as chair of the IEEE Periodicals Committee, as
President of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and as editor-in-chief for the IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. El-Ghazaly has received numerous recognitions and
awards, and he is a Fellow of IEEE. ECCS has an annual budget of more than $100 million for
fundamental research and education to advance robotics, nanoelectronics, wireless platforms,
photovoltaics, and the smart grid, as well as other national priorities. The division also supports stateof-the-art instrumentation, the Science and Technology Center for Energy Efficient Electronics
Science, and the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network.
Date : Le Mercredi 9 Avril 2014, 14h-15h
Lieu : Salle de réunion du L2E, Campus de Jussieu, Couloir 65-66, 1e étage
Contact : H. Kokabi, Professeur (UPMC, L2E), Email : [email protected], Tél : 0144275467