Revues d`audience internationale à comité de lecture


Revues d`audience internationale à comité de lecture
Revues d’audience internationale à comité de lecture
(Les noms des personnes dont les travaux ont été encadrés sont indiqués en italiques)
Burgos, G., J.-P. Montagner, E. Beucler, Y. Capdeville, A. Mocquet, M. Drilleau, Oceanic
Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary from surface wave dispersion data, J. Geophys. Res., 119,
1079-1093, doi:10.1002/2013JB010528, 2014.
Mocquet, A., O. Grasset, C. Sotin, Very high-density planets – a possible remnant of gas giants, Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. A, 2014, 372, 20130164, doi:10.1098/rsta.2013.0164, 2014.
Deschamps, F., O. Dauteuil, O. Bourgeois, A. Mocquet, F. Guillocheau, Post-breakup and
paleotopography of the North Namibian Margin during the Meso-Cenozoic, Tectonophysics, 589,
103-115, 2013.
Drilleau, M., E. Beucler, A. Mocquet, O. Verhoeven, G. Moebs, G. Burgos, J.-P. Montagner, P.
Vacher, A Bayesian approach to infer radial models of temperature and anisotropy in the transition
zone from surface wave dispersion curves, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 1165-1183,
doi:10.1093/gji/ggt284, 2013.
Dehant, V. et al., dont A. Mocquet, Future Mars geophysical observatories for understanding its
internal structure, rotation, and evolution, Planet. Space Science, 68, 123-145, doi :
10.1016/j.pss.2011.10.016, 2012.
Fund, F., L. Morel, A. Mocquet, Assesment of the FES2004 derived OTL model in the west of France
and preliminary results about impacts of tropospheric models, in Geodesy for Planet Earth,
Kenyon, S., Pacino, M.C., Marti, U. Eds., IAG Symp. Series, 136(3), 573-579, doi:10.1007/978-3642-20338-1_70, 2012.
Bouley, S., D. Baratoux, J. Vaubaillon, A. Mocquet et al., Power and duration of impact flashes on the
Moon : Implication for the cause of radiation, Icarus, 218, 115-124, doi :
10.1016/j.icarus.2011.11.028, 2012.
Fund, F., L. Morel, A. Mocquet, A discussion of height reductions for zenith hydrostatic delays
derived from weather models, J. Appl. Geod., 5, 71-80, doi : 10.1515/JAG.2011.006, 2011.
Fund, F., L. Morel, A. Mocquet, J. Boehm, Assessment of ECMWF-derived tropospheric delay
models within the EUREF Permanent Network, GPS Solutions, 15, 39-48, doi:10.1007/s10291010-0166-8, 2011.
Mocquet, A., P. Rosenblatt, V. Dehant, O. Verhoeven, The deep interior of Venus, Mars, and the
Earth : A brief review and the need for planetary surface-based measurements, Planet. Space
Science, 59, 1048-1061, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2010.02.002, 2011 (invited paper).
Rivoldini, A., T. Van Hoolst, O. Verhoeven, A. Mocquet, V. Dehant, Geodesy constraints on the
interior structure and composition of Mars, Icarus, 213, 451-472, doi:10.1016/
j.icarus.2011.03.024, 2011.
Verhoeven, O., A. Mocquet, P. Vacher, A. Rivoldini, M. Menvielle, P.-A. Arrial, G. Choblet, P. Tarits,
V. Dehant, T. Van Hoolst, Constraints on thermal state and composition of the Earth’s lower mantle
from electromagnetic impedances and seismic data,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, B03302,
doi:10.1029/2008JB005678, 2009.
Mocquet, A., Analysis and interpretation of the October 21, 1766 earthquake in the southeastern
Caribbean, J. Seism., 11, 381-403, 2007.
Sotin, C., O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, Mass-radius curve for extrasolar Earth-like planets and ocean
planets, Icarus, 191, 337-351, 2007.
Audemard, F.A. et al., dont A. Mocquet, Quaternary faults and stress regime of Venezuela, Rev. Asoc.
Geol. Arg., 61, 480-491, 2006.
Arroucau, P., A. Mocquet, P. Vacher, Atténuation de l’intensité macrosismique pour la France
métropolitaine: importance de l’intensité épicentrale, C. R. Geosciences, 338, 596-605, 2006.
Lognonné, P. et al., dont A. Mocquet, The long lived Martian Geoscience Observatory, European
Space Agency, Special Publication 588, 163-170, 2006.
Mocquet, A., Geological and architectural context of historical earthquakes in Eastern Venezuela, J.
Earthq. Engin., 9, 129-146, 2005.
Perrot, J., P. Arroucau, J. Guilbert, J. Deverchère, Y. Mazabraud, J. Rolet, A. Mocquet, M. Mousseau,
L. Matias, Analysis of the Mw = 4.3 Lorient earthquake sequence : A multidisciplinary approach to
the geodynamics of the Armorican Massif, westernmost France, Geophys. J. Int., 162, 935-950,
Tobie, G., O. Grasset, J. L. Lunine, A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Titan’s internal structure inferred from a
coupled thermal-orbital model, Icarus, 175, 496-502, 2005.
Tobie, G., A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Tidal dissipation within large icy satellites: Applications to Europa
and Titan, Icarus, 177, 534-549, 2005.
Verhoeven O., A. Rivoldini, P. Vacher, A. Mocquet, G. Choblet, M. Menvielle, V. Dehant, T. Van
Hoolst, J. Sleewaegen, J.-P. Barriot, P. Lognonné, Interior structure of terrestrial planets: Modeling
Mars’ mantle and its electromagnetic, geodetic, and seismic properties, J. Geophys. Res., 110,
E04009, doi: 10.1029/2004JE002271, 2005.
González, J., M. Schmitz, F. Audemard, R. Contreras, A. Mocquet, J. Delgado, F. De Santis, Site
effects of the 1997 Cariaco, Venezuela earthquake, Engin. Geol., 72, 143-177, 2004.
Judenherc, S., M. Granet, J. P. Brun, G. Poupinet, J. Plomerova, A. Mocquet, U. Achauer, Images of
lithospheric heterogeneities in the Armorican segment of the Hercynian Range in France,
Tectonophysics, 358, 121-134, 2002.
Castillo, J., A. Mocquet, G. Saracco, Wavelet transform : a tool for the interpretation of upper mantle
converted phases at high frequency, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4327-4330, 2001.
Castillo, J., A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Détecter la présence d’un océan dans Europe à partir de mesures
altimétriques et gravimétriques, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 330, 659-666, 2000.
Lognonné, P., D. Giardini, B. Banerdt, J. Gagnepain-Beyneix, A. Mocquet et al., The NetLander very
broad band seismometer, Planet. Space Sci., 48, 1289-1302, 2000.
Lognonné, P., D. Giardini, B. Banerdt, J. Gagnepain-Beyneix, A. Mocquet et al., An European seismic
network on Mars with NETLANDER, ORFEUS Newsletter, 2 (2) 12, 2000.
Mocquet, A., M. Menvielle, Complementarity of seismological and electromagnetic sounding
methods for constraining the structure of the Martian mantle, Planet. Space Sci., 48, 1249-1260,
Harri, A. M. et al. dont A. Mocquet, Network science landers for Mars, Adv. Space Res., 23, 19151924, 1999.
Mocquet, A., A search for the minimum number of stations needed for seismic networking on Mars,
Planet. Space Science, 47, 397-409, 1999.
Vacher, P., A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Computation of seismic profiles from mineral physics: the
importance of the non-olivine components for explaining the 660 km depth discontinuity, Phys.
Earth Planet. Inter., 106, 275-298, 1998.
Mocquet, A., P. Vacher, O. Grasset, C. Sotin, Theoretical seismic models of Mars: the importance of
the iron content of the mantle, Planet. Space Science, 44, 1251-1268, 1996.
Vacher, P., A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Comparisons between tomographic structures and models of
convection in the upper mantle, Geophys. J. Int., 124, 45-56, 1996.
Mocquet, A., Y. Fukao, On the recovery of seismic source parameters at low frequencies, Phys. Earth
Planet. Inter., 83, 41-56, 1994.
Mocquet, A., Y. Fukao, On the source time function of the October 13, 1963 Kurile islands
earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 115-118, 1992.
Mocquet, A., B. Romanowicz, Three-dimensional structure of the upper mantle beneath the Atlantic
ocean inferred from long-period Rayleigh waves 2. Inversion, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 6787-6798,
Mocquet, A., B. Romanowicz, J. P. Montagner, Three-dimensional structure of the upper mantle
beneath the Atlantic ocean inferred from long-period Rayleigh waves 1. Group and and phase
velocity distributions, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 7449-7468, 1989.
Actes de conférences internationales (résumés étendus)
Langlais, B., H. Amit, H. Larnier, E. Thébault, A. Mocquet, A new model for the (geo)magnetic field
spectrum to estimate the radius of planetary dynamos, 45th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf.,
Houston, Texas, 2014.
Banerdt, B. et al. dont A. Mocquet, INSIGHT: A discovery mission to explore the interior of Mars,
44th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2013.
Dandonneau, P.-A. et al., dont A. Mocquet, The SEIS InSight VBB Experiment, 44th Annual Lunar
Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2013.
Langlais, B., H. Amit, H. Larnier, E.Thébault, A. Mocquet, A new model for the magnetic power
spectrum : application to the internal structure of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, EPSC
Meeting, Londres, Grande-Bretagne, 8-13 septembre 2013.
Mocquet, A., O. Grasset, C. Sotin, Super-dense remnants of gas giant exoplanets, EPSC Meeting,
Londres, Grande-Bretagne, 8-13 septembre 2013.
Sotin, C., O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, Are terrestrial exoplanets Earth-like, Venus-like, or the remnants
of gas- or ice-giants ? DPS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 6-11 octobre 2013.
Banerdt, B. et al. dont A. Mocquet, INSIGHT: An integrated exploration of the interior of Mars, 43rd
Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2012.
Drilleau, M., E. Beucler, A. Mocquet, O. Verhoeven, G. Burgos, J.-P. Montagner, A Bayesian
approach to infer temperature in the transition zone from surface waves, SEDI Meeting, Leeds,
Grande-Bretagne, 1-6 juillet 2012.
Lognonné, P. et al. dont A. Mocquet, INSIGHT and single-station broadband seismology: From signal
and noise to interior structure determination, 43rd Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston,
Texas, 2012.
Mimoun, D. et al. dont A. Mocquet, The INSIGHT SEIS Experiment, 43rd Annual Lunar Planet.
Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2012.
Panning, M. P., A. Mocquet, E. Beucler, W. B. Banerdt, P. Lognonné, L. Boschi, C. Johnson, R. C.
Weber, INSIGHT: Using Earth data to demonstrate inversion techniques for Mars’ interior, 43rd
Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2012.
Robert, O. et al. dont A. Mocquet, The INSIGHT Very Broad Band (VBB) seismometer payload, 43rd
Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2012.
Rosenblatt, P., S. Le Maistre, V. Lainey, A. Rivoldini, A. Mocquet et al., A Phobos geodesy
experiment to constrain its bulk interior structure and origin, EPSC Meeting, Madrid, Espagne, 2328 septembre 2012.
Tobie, G., O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, M. Behounkova, J. Besserer, O. Cadek, G. Choblet, The tidal
response of super-Earths and large icy worlds, EPSC Meeting, Madrid, Espagne, 23-28 septembre
Banerdt, B. et al. dont A. Mocquet, GEMS (Geophysical Monitoring Station), EPSC Abstracts, 6,
EPSC-DPS2011-331, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, 3-7 octobre 2011.
Besserer, J., A. Mocquet, G. Tobie, G. Choblet, M. Behounkova, O. Cadek, Coupling tidal effects and
heat transfer in planetary bodies, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, 3-7 octobre 2011.
Kobayashi, N. et al., dont A. Mocquet, SELENE-2 Lunar BroadBand Seismometer: A key instrument
to open a new window of Lunar science, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba-city, Japon, 2227 mai 2011.
Lognonné, Ph. et al. dont A. Mocquet, The GEMS (Geophysical Monitoring Station) SEISmometer,
EPSC Abstracts, 6, EPSC-DPS2011-1507-1, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, 3-7
octobre 2011.
Rivoldini, A., T. Van Hoolst, O. Verhoeven, A. Mocquet, V. Dehant, Constraints on the interior
structure and composition of Mars from geodesy, 42nd Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf.,
Houston, Texas, 2011.
Beucler, E., A. Mocquet, M. Macquet, M. Drilleau, RÉSoNANSS: A regional contribution to
seismological observations in Western France, ESC Meeting, Montpellier, France, 6-10 September
Tobie, G., H. Amit, O. Grasset, B. Langlais, M. Le Feuvre, A. Mocquet, O. Verhoeven, Probing
Jupiter’s moons’ interiors with tidal deformation and magnetic fields, EPSC Abstracts, vol. 5, 2010.
Vergne, J., and RESIF-RLBP Group, dont E. Beucler et A. Mocquet, Evolution of the French
Permanent Broadband Network (RLBP) in the framework of the RESIF Infrastructure, ESC
Meeting, Montpellier, France, 6-10 September 2010.
Neal, C.R. et al., dont A. Mocquet, Lunar Geophysical Instrument Package as a payload for the
International Lunar Netwok, 40th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2009.
Robuchon, G., G. Tobie, G. Choblet, O. Cadek, A. Mocquet, Thermal evolution of Mercury :
implication for despinning and contraction, 40th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston,
Texas, 2009.
Mimoun, D. et al., dont A. Mocquet, The EXOMARS – HUMBOLDT Payload SEIS experiment,
39th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2008.
Rivoldini, A., V. Lainey, O. Verhoeven, A. Mocquet , T. Van Hoolst, V. Dehant, Phobos’ acceleration
and Mars interior, SEDI Meeting, Prague, Tchéquie, July 2006.
Tobie, G., O. Grasset, J. L. Lunine, A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Models of Titan’s interior and the origin of
its atmospheric methane, DPS Meeting #36, #44.09, 2004.
Arroucau, P., J. Perrot, J. Deverchère, A. Mocquet, Y. Mazabraud, Aftershocks of the 2002,
September 30th, Mw 4.3 earthquake in Southern Brittany, France, and their tectonic significance,
Intern. Conf. “Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics”, Saint-Malo, France, 14-16 avril
Castillo, J., N. J. Rappaport, A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, Clues on Titan’s internal structure from CassiniHuygens missions, 33rd Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2002.
Tobie, G., G. Choblet, A. Mocquet, J. Pargamin, C. Sotin, Tidally heated convection within Europa’s
ice shell, 33rd Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, 2002.
Sotin, C., J. Castillo, F. Deschamps, O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, Heat transfer through the outer ice shell
of Europa: constraints on the presence of a deep ocean, DPS meeting #31, #66.04, 1999.
Lognonné, P. et al., dont A. Mocquet, Discovering the deep and shallow interior of Mars with the
NETLANDER mission, 6th SEDI Meeting, Tours, France, 5-10 Juillet 1998.
Mocquet, A., On the interpretation of solid-body tides raised by Phobos in Mars, 6th SEDI Meeting,
Tours, France, 5-10 Juillet 1998.
Sotin, C., J. Castillo, F. Deschamps, O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, The magnetic field of earth-like planets:
constraints on the internal structure and dynamics of planetary bodies, 6th SEDI Meeting, Tours,
France, 5-10 Juillet 1998.
Mocquet, A., P. Vacher, C. Sotin, Iron content of the martian mantle: the potential of seismological
investigations, 27th Annual Lunar Planet. Science Conf., Houston, Texas, March 18-22, 1996, 895896, 1996.
Mocquet, A., C. Beltran, M. Lugo, J. A. Rodriguez, A. Singer, Seismological interpretation of the
historical data related to the 1929 Cumana earthquake, Venezuela, 3rd Intern. Symp. Andean
Geodyn., ORSTOM Ed., Paris, France, 203-206, 1996.
Mocquet A., C. Beltran, M. Lugo, J. A. Rodriguez, A. Singer, Interpretacion sismologica de los datos
historicos del sismo de Cumana del 17/01/1929, Mem, 2ndo. Coll. Micr. Sism. Cumana, Venezuela,
11-14 Juin 1995, (1996).
Sotin, C., S. Labrosse, A. Mocquet, Nusselt-Rayleigh relationship for a fluid heated from below and
from within: application to the cooling rate of the martian core, 27th Annual Lunar Planet. Science
Conf., Houston, Texas, March 18-22, 1996.
Mocquet, A., Y. Fukao, Inversion of source dynamics by waveform modeling of long period surface
waves, Seism. Soc. Japan, semi-annual Meeting, October 1989, Progr. and Abstr., 2, p. 178, 1989.
Mocquet, A., B. Romanowicz, A tomographic study of the Atlantic upper mantle using long-period
Rayleigh waves, Seism. Soc. Japan, semi-annual Meeting, April 1989, Progr. and Abstr., 1, p. 209,
Actes de conférences nationales (résumés étendus)
Le Feuvre, M., A. Mocquet, O. Verhoeven, Dissipation de marée du manteau martien : contraintes sur
la taille de grain, la température et la composition, colloque quadriennal Programme National de
Planétologie, Brest, 13-15 Septembre 2010.
Verhoeven, O., A. Rivoldini, P. Vacher, A. Mocquet, G. Choblet, M. Menvielle, V. Dehant, T. Van
Hoolst, J. P. Barriot, P. Lognonné, Contraintes géophysiques sur la structure interne de Mars, Actes
Coll. Nat. de Planét. INSU, Nancy, France, Septembre 2006.
Tobie, G., G. Choblet, A. Mocquet, C. Sotin, La dissipation de marée dans différents corps solides du
système solaire, Actes Coll. Nat. de Planét. INSU, Nantes, France, 10-12 Septembre 2002.
Lognonné, P., B. Banerdt, D. Giardini, T. Spohn, A. Mocquet et l’équipe SEIS/NL, Expérience de
sismologie SEIS sur NetLander, Actes Coll. Nat. de Planét. INSU, Nantes, France, 10-12
Septembre 2002.
Verhoeven, O., A. Rivoldini, V. Dehant, M. Menvielle, A. Mocquet et al., Mission Netlander : la
synergie entre les expériences Magnet-Neige-Seis comme clef de voûte d’une nouvelle
modélisation de la structure interne de Mars, Actes Coll. Nat. de Planét. INSU, Nantes, France, 1012 Septembre 2002.
Mocquet, A., P. Vacher, O. Grasset, C. Sotin, Etude théorique de la structure profonde de Mars, Coll.
Nat. Plan. I. N. S. U., Grenoble, France,14-17 Septembre 1998, S2-1, 1-4.
Sotin, C., J. Castillo, F. Deschamps, O. Grasset, A. Mocquet, Détection d'océans dans les satellites
galiléens : relations entre les modèles d'évolution et les données de gravimétrie, Coll. Nat. Plan. I.
N. S. U., Grenoble, France,14-17 Septembre 1998, S2-9, 1-4.
Mocquet, A., Etude tomographique de la rupture du séisme des îles Mariannes du 8 Août 1993, Atelier
Tomographie I. N. S. U., Lyon, France, 7-8 Novembre 1994.
Mocquet, A., O. Grasset, C. Sotin, P. Vacher, Modèle sismique du manteau de Mars, Coll. Nat. Plan. I.
N. S. U., Toulouse, France, 2, S17-7, 1-14, 1994.
Revues d’audience nationale à comité de lecture (diffusion des connaissances)
Lognonné, P., A. Mocquet, E. Beucler et al., InSight 2016 : Premier observatoire géophysique
martien, Geochronique, 125, 13-15, 2013.
Fund, F., L. Morel, A. Mocquet, Modélisation des retards troposphériques pour les observations GPS
et impacts sur l’estimation de la hauteur ellipsoïdale, Revue XYZ, 123, 27 – 32, 2010.
Fund, F., L. Morel, A. Mocquet, Estimation des déplacements causés par la surcharge océanique dans
l’Ouest de la France à l’aide des réseaux GPS permanents, Revue XYZ, 124, 25 – 30, 2010.