Publications scientifiques 2002-2003


Publications scientifiques 2002-2003
Publications scientifiques 2002-2003
BEAUVAIS, Chantal (Philosophie)
"Edith Stein im Horizont der modernität", Edith Stein Jahrbuch. Jahreszeitschrift für Philosophie,
Theologie, Pädagogik, andere Wissenschaften, Literatur, Kunst 9 (2003), p. 510-523.
BLOOMQUIST, Gregory (Theology)
"The Intertexture of Apocalyptic Rhetorical Discourse: The Example of Luke-Acts," in The
Intertexture of Apocalyptic Discourse in the New Testament (Society of Biblical Literature
Symposium Series, 14). Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2002. Pp. 45-68.
CLIFFORD, Catherine (Theology)
"Lonergan and Ecumenism," in Theological Studies 63 (2002). Pp. 521-538.
CLIFFORD, C., Michael ATTRIDGE, Patricia BEATTIE, Damian MacPHERSON and Jaroslav
SKIRA, "A Reflection on The Nature and Purpose of the Church: A Stage on the Way to a Common
Statement", in One in Christ 37 (2002). Pp. 81-95.
"The Nature and Purpose of the Church," in Ecumenical Trends 32/9 (2003). Pp. 1-9.
"Theological Method and Dialogue: Learning from the Groupe des Dombes," in One in Christ, 38
(2003). Pp. 43-57.
CLIFFORD, C. and Thomas P. RAUSCH, Catholicism in the Third Millennium. Revised Edition.
Focus questions and glossary by Catherine E. Clifford. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2003.
FEIST, Richard (Philosophy)
FEIST, R. (ed.), "Husserl and Weyl: Phenomenology, Mathematics and Physics," in Husserl and
the Sciences: Selected Publisher. Ottawa: The University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Pp. 145-167.
FEIST, Richard and William SWEET (Eds.), "Husserl's Phenomenological Reductions and
Relativity," in Husserl and Stein Publisher. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research and Values
in Philosophy, 2003. Pp. 89-104.
GALL, Terry Lynn (Human Sciences)
GALL, T.L. and M.W. CORNBLAT, "Breast Cancer Survivors Give Voice: A Qualitative Analysis of
Spiritual Factors in Long-Term Adjustment," in Psycho-Oncology 11 (2002). Pp. 524-535.
"The Role of Religious Resources for Older Adults Coping With Illness," in The Journal of Pastoral
Care & Counseling 57/2 (2003). Pp. 211-224.
"Religious and Spiritual Attributions in Older Adults' Adjustment to Illness," in Journal of Psychology
and Christianity 22/3 (2003). Pp. 210-222.
GAUTHIER, Jacques (Sciences humaines)
Teresa od Dzieciatka Jezus, Doktor Kosciola. Krakow (Pologne), Wydawnictwo Karmelitow
Bosych, 2002.
GRAFANAKI, Sotiria (Human Sciences)
"On Becoming Congruent: How Congruence Works in Person-Centered Counselling and Practical
Applications for Training and Practice," in J. WATSON, R. GOLDMAN & M. WARNER (Eds.),
Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the 21st Century: Advances in Theory,
Research and Practice. Ross-on-Wye Uk: PCCS Publication, 2002. Pp. 278-290.
GRAFANAKI, S, G. KARLIS and J. ABBAS, "Leisure and Spirituality: A Theoretical Model", in
Leisure & Society 25/1 (2002). Pp. 205-214.
GUIRGUIS-YOUNGER, Manal (Human Sciences)
ROSS, & P. GAGNON, "Optimizing Research on End-of-Life Care for Seniors", in Geriatrics Today:
Journal of the Canadian Geriatric Society 6 (2003). Pp. 173-176.
Introduction to Psychology: Psychology Notes Study Charts for Students. Toronto: Pearson
Education Canada, 2003.
GUIRGUIS-YOUNGER, M., T. AUBRY and V. RUNNELS, A Study of the Deaths of Persons Who
Are Homeless in Ottawa: A Social and Health Investigation. Volume I; Methodology Template for
Monitoring Homeless Death. Volume II; Training Manual. Volume III. Ottawa, ON: City of Ottawa,
HURTUBISE, Denis (Théologie)
"God and Time in Whitehead's Metaphysics: Revisiting the Question," in American Journal of
Theology and Philosophy 24/2 (2003). Pp. 1-20.
HUELS, John (Canon Law)
The Pastoral Companion: A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. Third edition revised.
Quincy, Illinois: Franciscan Press, 2002.
"Ministers and Rites for the Sick and Dying: Canon Law and Pastoral Options," in GLEN,
Genevieve (ed.), Recovering the Riches of Anointing: A Study of the Sacrament of the Sick.
Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2002. Pp. 83-112.
"Law and Worship: Roman Catholic," in BRADSHAW, Paul (ed.), The New Westminster Dictionary
of Liturgy and Worship. Louisville/London/Westminster: John Knox Press, 2002. Pp. 271-272.
"Permissions, Authorizations, and Faculties in Canon Law," in Studia Canonica, 36 (2002). Pp. 2558.
Empowerment for Ministry: A Complete Manual on Diocesan Faculties for Priests, Deacons, and
Lay Ministers. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2003.
"Liturgical Laws, Authority of...," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 8, 2nd ed. Detroit: Thomson
Gale, and Washington: The Catholic University of America, 2003. Pp. 669-670.
"Religious, exemption of," in ibid., Vol. 12. Pp. 93-94.
"Preface," in SMITH, Patricia, Theoretical and Practical Understanding of the Integral Reordering of
Canon Law (Roman Catholic Studies, 16). Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, UK: Edwin Mellen
Press, 2002. Pp. i-iii.
JACQUES, Roland (Droit canonique)
"La notion canonique de 'jeunes églises' (can. 786) et les 'moyens suffisants' pour l'exercice du
ministère épiscopal", Studia Canonica 36/2 (2002), p. 319-342.
ROLAND, J. et M. BARNOUIN, "Quand l'Évangile débarque chez Confucius: le dossier Alexandre
de Rhodes", Mission 9/2 (2002), p. 187-211.
"Liên quan ñeán các cuoán töï ñieån và giáo lý cua Alexandre de Rhodes" [= À propos du
dictionnaire et du catéchisme d'A. de Rhodes], Ðònh Höôùng, Taäp san Nghiên cöùu & Nghò luaän
(Strasbourg), 32 (2002), p. 33-39.
"Moät tài lieäu ngôn ngöõ hoïc ñoái chieáu Nhaät-Hoa-Vieät biên soaïn taïi Áo Môn naêm 1632" [=
Un document de linguistique comparée, japonais-chinois-vietnamien, rédigé à Macao en 1632],
Ðònh Höôùng, 33 (2002), p. 4-26.
Les missionnaires portugais et les débuts de l'Église catholique au Viêt-nam. Các nhà truyeàn giáo
Boà Ðào Nha và thôøi kyø ñaàu cuœa Giáo hoäi Công giáo Vieät Nam. 2 volumes. Reichstett
(France), Éditions Ðònh Höôùng Tùng Thö, 2003.
"Veà tác phaåm ?Các nhà tiên phong ngöôøi Portugal và ngôn ngöõ hoïc Vieät Nam?" [= À propos
du livre Pionniers portugais de la linguistique vietnamienne], Ðònh Höôùng, 34 (2003), p. 148-160.
LAGUË, Micheline (Théologie)
"La non-pertinence des catégories masculine, féminine, féministe en spiritualité chrétienne",
Cahiers de Spiritualité ignatienne 106 (2003), p. 9-28.
MARTINEZ DE PISON, Ramon (Theology)
"Shame, Death, and Dying." in Pastoral Psychology 51/1 (2002). Pp. 27-40.
"Del templo en piedras al verdadero Templo de Dios: El itinerario de la vida en el Espíritu", dans
Communio XXXV/1 (2002). p. 63-78.
MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, Ramón, Michel BEAUDIN et Anne FORTIN, "Nos trajectoires
théologiques", dans
MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, Ramón, Michel BEAUDIN et Anne FORTIN, Des théologies en mutation:
Parcours et trajectoires (coll. Héritage et projet, 65). Montréal, Fides, 2002, p. 7-24.
MEIER, Augustine (Human Sciences)
"Narrative in Psychotherapy Theory, Practice and Research: A Critical Review," in Counselling and
Psychotherapy Research 2/4 (2002). Pp. 239-251.
"The Research Challenges for the Profession of Pastoral Counselling," in MEIER, A. (Ed.), In
Search of Healing. Ottawa, ON: The Society for Pastoral Counselling Research, 2003. Pp. 20-34.
"The Thematic Research Method and Its Application," in ibid. Pp. 224-240.
MELCHIN, Kenneth (Theology)
"Public Service Values and Ethics: Mapping the Terrain." Report prepared for Council of Science
and Technology Advisors (CSTA) and Industry Canada. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2002.
"Mediating for Insights: Lessons from the Work of Bernard Lonergan," in Interaction 15/3 (2002).
Pp. 14-17.
"Frameworks for Mediation and Conflict Analysis: A Conversation About Theory Development:
Contributions from the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan." Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual
Conflict Resolution Symposium, 2002. Ottawa: Carleton University, 2003.
"Exploring the Idea of Private Property: A Small Step Along the Road from Common Sense to
Theory," in Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 3 (2003). Pp. 11.
MELCHIN, K. and Cheryl A. PICARD, "Mediation and Insight: Contributions to the Field of Conflict
Resolution from the Work of Lonergan, in LAWRENCE, Fred (Ed.), Lonergan Workshop, 19.
Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College, 2003. Pp. 17.
MOOREN, Thomas (Human Sciences)
"José Maria Eca de Queiroz und das Christentum", in Laurentianum 43 (2002). Pp. 485-497.
"Unity in Diversity: The 'Prophets' Muhammad, Abraham and Jesus and the Islamo-Christian
Dialogue," in Mission 19 (2003). Pp. 33-61.
MORRISEY, Francis (Canon Law)
"The Power of Governance," in NEDUNGATT, G. (Ed.), A Guide to the Eastern Code. Rome:
Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2002. Pp. 657-674.
"Trustees and Canon Law," in Health Progress 83/6 (2002). Pp. 11-18.
"Further Thoughts on the Acquisition and Use of Temporal Goods," in Juri canonico quo sit Christi
Ecclesia felix. Salamanca, Bibliotheca Salmanticensis/ 244, 2002. Pp. 431-456.
"Cemetery Ministry: A Canonical Perspective," in Catholic Cemetery 42/11 (2002). Pp. 25-35.
"The Temporal Goods of the Diocesan Church," in Canon Law Society of Australia and New
Zealand Newsletter 2 (2002). Pp. 24-38.
"Acta Apostolicae Sedis," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Vol. 1. New York: ThomsonGale, 2002. Pp. 77.
"Canon Law, 1983 Code," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Vol. 3. New York: ThomsonGale, 2002. Pp. 34-37.
"Encyclical," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Vol. 5. New York: Thomson-Gale, 2002. Pp.
"Pope, Election of...," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Vol. 11. New York: Thomson-Gale,
2002. Pp. 498-501.
"Pronouncements, Papal and Curial," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., Vol. 11. New York:
Thomson-Gale, 2002. Pp. 747-748.
"The Application of Penal Law in Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors," in Eastern Legal Thought 2
(2003). Pp. 82-102.
"Improving the Identity of Catholic Health Care Institutions' Structures," in Dolentium hominum,
18/52, (2003). Pp. 28-134.
OLIVER, Luis (Human Sciences)
OLIVER, L., & V. WHIFFEN, "Perceptions of Parents and Partners in Men's Depressive
Symptoms," in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (2003).
OLIVER, L., & V. WHIFFEN, "The Relationship between Traumatic Stress and Marital Intimacy," in
D. CATHERALL, (Ed.), Handbook of the Family, Stress and Trauma (2002).
PAMBRUN, James (Theology)
"The Eye of Love and the Generosity of the Philosopher: The Encounter between Theology and
Philosophy," in Andrzej Viercinski (Ed.), Between Suspicion and Sympathy: Paul Ricoeur's
Unstable Equilibrium. Toronto: The Hermeneutic Press, 2003. Pp.266-284.
PANDIMAKIL, Peter (Human Sciences)
"Challenging Mission Today: The Issue of Surrogacy," in Mission 9 (2002). Pp. 261-286.
"El diálogo interreligioso: Problemas y promesas. Una perspectiva católica", Estudio Agustiniano
38 (2003) p. 107-129.
PROVENCHER, Normand (Théologie)
Trop tard? L'avenir de l'Église d'ici. Ottawa, Novalis, 2002.
Dieu! Réponse à Albert Jacquard. Ottawa, Novalis, 2003.
"Le rituel de Paul VI. Orientations théologiques et pastorales", dans Liturgie, foi et culture 37/174
(2003), p. 33-44.
RIOUX, Jean-François (Sciences humaines)
"La menace grandissante des armes de destruction massive", dans DAVID, Charles-Philippe,
Repenser la sécurité: nouvelles menaces et nouvelles politiques. Montréal, Fides, 2002.
"Le XXe siècle: de la fatigue de la guerre à la culture de la paix?", dans BACOT-DÉCRIAUD,
Michèle et Marie-Claude PLANTIN, La sécurité internationale d'un siècle à l'autre. Paris,
l'Harmattan, 2002.
RIOUX, Jean-François, et Katia GAGNÉ, "La protection des enfants dans les conflits armés", dans
CONOIR, Yvan et Gérard VERNA, L'action humanitaire internationale du Canada. Québec,
Presses de l'Université Laval, 2002.
RIOUX, Jean-François, et Marco SASSÒLI, Étude des mécanismes existants destinés à éclaircir le
sort des personnes portées disparues (coll. Les disparus). Genève, Comité international de la
Croix-Rouge, 2003.
SIMON, Derek (Theology)
"Salvation and Liberation in the Soteriology of Schillebeeckx," in Theological Studies 63/3 (2002).
Pp. 494-520.
"Towards Consolidating the Practical-Critical Soteriology of Edward Schillebeeckx," in Theoforum
33/3 (2003). Pp. 337-363.
SLATTERY, Maureen (Human Sciences)
"How Francoise Dolto Links Lacanian Psychoanalysis with the Christian Gospels," in The Journal
of Pastoral Care & Counseling 56/4 (2002). Pp. 363-377.
"How Women Make Life Meaningful: Canadian Women's Memoirs of Quest," in Theoforum, 34/1
(2003). Pp. 27-55.
VAN DEN HENGEL, John (Theology)
Bibliographie - Paul Ricoeur - Bibliography (Bibliographie annotée / Annotated Bibliography)
(Library Database - Multilys: Saint Paul University) Internet address forthcoming.
"Miriam of Nazareth: Between Symbol and History," in Athalya BRENNER (Ed.), Feminist
Companion, Sheffield: Academic Press, 2003.
WALTERS, Gregory (Theology)
"Visual Information Processing," in Sal SORACI Jr. and Kimiyo MURATA (Eds.), Technology,
Transcendence and Modernity: Marcel and Jaspers. Westport, Connecticut and London: Praeger
Publishers, 2003. Pp. 261-285.
"Communication and the Third Industrial Revolution: Technology and the End of Work?" in Karl
Jaspers' Philosophie: Gegen waertigkeit und Zukunft. Wuerzburg: Verlag Koenigshausen &
Neumann GmbH, 2003. Pp. 251-264.
"The Information Age Revolution and Human Rights," in MAZOUR, I.I., A.N. CHUMAKOV and W.C.
GAY (Eds.), Global Studies Encyclopedia. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 2003.
"MacIntyre or Gewirth? Virtue, Rights, and the Problem of Moral Indeterminacy," in William SWEET
(Ed.), Philosophical Theory and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ottawa: University of
Ottawa Press, 2003. Pp. 183-200.

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