Les Voyages_cond_futur


Les Voyages_cond_futur
Les Voyages
Think about a dream vacation you would like to go on and answer the following questions below in
French, using the future or conditional tense. Be sure to answer in complete sentences. Use a separate
piece of paper if needed.
1. Where will you go? How will you get there?
J’irai à Londres en avion.
2. What will you pack? (mettre dans mes valises) BE SPECIFIC!
3. When will you leave? (partir)
4. Where will you stay? (rester)
5. How long will you stay? (passer)
6. When will you arrive? (arriver)
7. How will you get around? (prendre)
8. With whom will you travel? (voyager)
9. What are some of the activities that you will do on vacation? BE SPECIFIC! USE CONDITIONAL!
(faire, voir, acheter, prendre, visiter, etc.)
Exemple: S’il faisait beau, je ferai du vélo à Paris.
10. When will you leave? (quitter)
11. When will you return? (retourner)