Devoir 04 Français 1 1er semestre I. Decide between un and le


Devoir 04 Français 1 1er semestre I. Decide between un and le
Devoir 04 Français 1 1er semestre
I. Decide between un and le while writing out the objects.
1. a
2. the
3. the
5. a
4. a
6. the
9. the
7. a
10. a
8. the
11. a
12. the
II. Conjugating verbs:
The “I”; “he”; “she” forms in French -- all take the ending -e.
Example: I’m singing = je chante
1. He’s dancing.
2. I’m singing.
3. She hates le football.
4. I’m speaking le français.
he’s singing = il chante
5. She loves la glace.
6. I hate le devoir.
7. He’s singing.
8. She’s speaking.
b. trente - quatorze =
to dance = danser
to speak = parler
to love = aimer
to hate = détester
to sing = chanter
exemple: un + un = you write: 1 + 1 = deux
9. I’m dancing.
10. He’s speaking.
III. Do the following equations (Faites les problèmes suivants)
a. huit + dix-sept =
she’s singing = elle chante
c. onze + douze =