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CMSA News December 2011
Published on a quarterly basis by the CMSA Newsletter Committee
President’s Message
I would like to start off by thanking each of you for being a part of
the CMSA and for the honour of serving as your president. We
are in for some very exciting times in the area of meat science,
times in which meat science will have tremendous impact on our
world’s protein supply. Our meat supply today is better and safer
than ever in many measurable ways thanks to developments and
application of meat science.
Continued on page 2
Message du Président
President’s Message
2011 – 2012 Executive and
Committee Members
Memorandum of
Understanding between CMSA
and AMSA
ICoMST 2012 Update
2012 Scholarship Applications
J’aimerais commencer par remercier chacun d’entre vous pour
votre participation dans l’ASCV et pour l'honneur de m’avoir
choisi en tant que président. Nous vivons des moments très
passionnants dans le domaine des sciences de la viande, au
moment où les sciences de la viande auront un impact important
sur notre approvisionnement mondial des protéines. Notre
approvisionnement de viande actuel est meilleur et plus sûr que
jamais et ce de plusieurs façons mesurables, grâce aux
développements et l’application des sciences de la viande.
Suite sur la page 2
Ronald A Chisholm
Scholarship - Undergraduate
Percy Gitelman Memorial
Scholarship – Graduate
CMC Associate Members
Scholarship – Graduate
2011 Annual General Meeting –
2011 – 2012 Membership
Canadian Meat Science Association
c/o Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P5
President’s Message
Message du président
On the other hand, we have great challenges ahead to
meet the demands for quantity, quality and safety of
meats. These new challenges more than ever will take
a concerted effort from everyone involved. Your
participation in the CMSA is an important part of the
collective efforts that are required in meat science
Par contre, nous avons de grands défis à relever dans
le futur pour répondre aux exigences de quantité, de
qualité et de salubrité des viandes. Ces nouveaux défis
nécessiteront plus que jamais un effort concerté de
toutes les personnes impliquées. Votre participation
dans l’ASCV est une partie importante de ces efforts
collectifs qui sont requis dans les sciences de la viande
In this issue of the newsletter you can find information
on our last Annual General Meeting which was held
in Halifax, this year’s Executive Committee and all the
sub-committees which are working actively towards
next spring’s AGM in Quebec City, as well as other
information on activities such as a Memorandum of
Understanding with our American counterparts,
ICoMST 2012 in Montreal, student scholarships and
our membership directory. Hosting ICoMST 2012
here in Canada is particularly exciting and we have a
special committee which has been diligently planning
for a great conference in Montreal next August. Many
of you are involved in one or multiple committees or
quietly contributing in other ways and I would like to
thank each of you for your efforts. Please take the
time to review this newsletter for information on many
of these activities and the people involved.
Dans ce bulletin d’information, vous trouverez des
informations sur notre dernière Assemblée Générale
Annuelle qui s’est tenue à Halifax, une liste des
membres du comité Exécutif et tous les sous-comités
qui travaillent activement à préparer l’AGA qui se
tiendra au printemps prochain dans la ville de
Québec, ainsi que d’autres informations sur les
activités telles que le Protocol d’Entente avec nos
homologues américains, ICoMST 2012 à Montréal,
les bourses d’études et le répertoire de nos membres. Il
est particulièrement excitant d’être les hôtes
d’ICoMST 2012 ici au Canada et nous avons un
comité spécial qui planifie diligemment une grande
conférence à Montréal au mois d’août 2012. Beaucoup
d’entre vous participent dans un ou dans de nombreux
comités ou encore contribuent silencieusement de
d’autres façons. Je tiens à remercier chacun d’entre
vous pour vos efforts. Veuillez prendre le temps de
passer à travers ce bulletin pour des informations sur
ces activités et les personnes impliquées.
Congratulations to everyone involved with organizing
the Canadian Meat Council’s recent “Technical
Symposium on Pathogen Reduction” which was held
in Toronto on October 6-7, 2011. If you didn’t have
the opportunity to attend, you can find copies of
presentations on the Council’s web site (www.cmccvc.com) under publications. This annual symposium
provides great technical information on issues of high
priority to the meat industry and is a great opportunity
for interaction among meat researchers, industry
technical staff and others involved in services to the
meat industry.
Félicitations à tout le monde impliqué dans
l’organisation du « Symposium technique sur la
réduction des agents pathogènes » tenu par le Conseil
des Viandes du Canada et qui a eu lieu les 6 et 7
octobre 2011 à Toronto. Si vous n’avez pas eu
l’occasion d’y assister, vous trouverez des copies des
présentations sur le site Web du CVC (www.cmccvc.com) sous la section publications. Ce symposium
annuel fournit beaucoup d’informations techniques sur
les questions de haute importance de l’industrie de la
viande et c’est une excellente opportunité d’interaction
entre les chercheurs, le personnel technique de
l’industrie et autres personnes impliqués dans les
services de l’industrie de la viande.
(continued on the next page)
(suite sur la page suivante)
President’s Message
Please continue to be active in whatever way you can
with CMSA activities.
Be sure to renew your
membership and encourage your colleagues to renew
or join CMSA. Membership is free for students and I
would urge you to let students know about the CMSA.
If you have any contributions or suggestions for future
newsletters, please don’t hesitate to contact Ruth Ball
at the CMSA office. Visit the CMSA web site
membership, contacts and more.
Audit Committee
Chair: Zeb Pietrasik
Members: Dana Pierce, Claude Gariépy
Promotion & Membership Committee
Chair: Tania Ngapo
Members: Ruth Ball, Lise Vachon
I take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry
Christmas and happy holidays. I hope you look back
on 2011 with good memories and are looking forward
with enthusiasm to the year ahead.
Nominations & Elections Committee
Chair: Parthiban Muthukumarasamy
Members: Tania Ngapo
Brian Sullivan
President, CMSA, 2011-2012
Education Committee
Chair: Mauricio Arcila
Members: John Farlinger, Sylvain Fournaise,
Isabelle Girard, Manuel Juarez, Monique
Message du président
Newsletter Committee
Chair: Sandra Gruber
Members: Isabelle Girard, Susan Markus,
Jon Meadus, Nalaila Sungael, Xianqin Yang
Je vous encourage à continuer de participer
activement de quelque façon que ce soit dans les
activités de l’ASCV. Assurez-vous de renouveler votre
adhésion et encouragez vos collègues à renouveler leur
adhésion ou de se joindre en tant que membre de
l’ASCV. L’adhésion est gratuite pour les étudiants et je
vous encourage fortement d’informer les étudiants à
propos de l’ASCV. Si vous avez des contributions ou
suggestions pour les prochains bulletins, n’hésitez pas
à communiquer avec Ruth Ball au bureau de l’ASCV.
Visitez le site Web de l’ASCV (www.cmsa-ascv.com)
pour plus de renseignements sur l’adhésion, les
coordonnées et plus encore.
Symposium Committee
Chair: Peter Purslow
Members: Claude Gariépy, Manuel Juarez
Website and Electronic Communications
Chair: Bethany Uttaro
Members: Frances Nattress
Je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter un
joyeux Noël et un joyeux temps de fêtes. J’espère que
vous garder de bons souvenirs de l’année 2011 et que
vous anticipez l’année qui vient avec enthousiasme.
2012 ICoMST Committee
CMSA Representatives: Linda Saucier,
Frances Nattress
Brian Sullivan
Président, ASCV, 2011-2012
Memorandum of Understanding
Introduction The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) and the Canadian Meat Science Association/Association scientifique canadienne
de la viande (CMSA/ASCV) recognize the need for interassociation communication and cooperation. Today’s international meat
industry realities have highlighted the need for associations to work together to inform members and the public on matters important
to the meat science discipline.
Purpose The purpose of this MOU is to provide a communications and collaboration structure for AMSA and CMSA/ASCV. This network
will enable both associations to better serve their members and the international meat science community
Scope Short Term – upon establishment of the MOU AMSA and CMSA/ASCV staff and volunteers will set up protocols for exchange of information that can be passed on to our
respective members in newsletters and through our websites.
AMSA and CMSA/ASCV will link one another’s web sites (www.meatscience.org and www.cmsa-ascv.ca)
AMSA and CMSA/ASCV will promote one another’s association-sponsored events through online calendars and newsletters.
AMSA and CMSA/ASCV will seek to facilitate regular dialogue between the associations’ leadership.
Medium Term AMSA and CMSA/ASCV representatives will regularly participate in one another’s annual meetings.
AMSA and CMSA/ASCV will collaborate on scientific white papers and other information pieces on subjects of mutual interest as
determined by the association’s boards.
The associations will explore options for leveraging AMSA’s relationship with the Federation of Animal Science Societies and
Elsevier to assist CMSA/ASCV with dues collection, meeting planning, abstract publishing and information dissemination.
The associations will explore an incentive pricing structure for dual memberships in both associations.
Long Term AMSA and CMSA/ASCV will pursue participation with the global meat science community in determining common needs to work
towards an organization structure that will advance the worldwide meat science discipline.
Termination and amendments This MOU will expire 1 year from signing or upon 60 days written notice by either party. It may be amended or extended at any time
with approval of each of the AMSA and CMSA/ASCV boards of directors.
For the
American Meat Science Association
2441 Village Green Place
Champaign, Illinois 61822
p: +1 217 356-5370
For the
Canadian Meat Science Association
Association scientifique canadienne de la viande
c/o 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
p: +1 780 492-3651
Protocole d’entente Introduction L'American Meat Science Association (AMSA) et l'Association scientifique canadienne de la viande (CMSA / ASCV) reconnaissent le
besoin de communication et de coopération inter-association. Les réalités actuelles de l’industrie internationale de la viande ont mis en
lumière le besoin pour ces associations de travailler conjointement afin d’informer leurs membres et le public sur des questions
importantes dans le domaine des sciences de la viande.
Objectif L’objectif de ce protocole d’entente est de fournir une structure de communication et de collaboration pour l’AMSA et le CMSA / ASCV.
Ce réseau permettra aux deux associations de mieux servir leurs membres et la communauté internationale des sciences de la viande.
Programme À court­terme –à la mise en place du protocole d’entente Le personnel et les bénévoles de l’AMSA et du CMSA/ASCV mettront en place des protocoles pour l’échange d'informations pouvant
être transmises à nos membres respectifs dans les bulletins d’information et sur nos sites web.
L’AMSA et le CMSA/ASCV relieront leurs sites Web respectifs (www.meatscience.org et www.cmsa-ascv.ca)
L’AMSA et le CMSA/ASCV présenteront les événements parrainés par l’une ou l’autre des associations par le biais des calendriers en
ligne et bulletins d’information.
L’AMSA et le CMSA/ASCV s'efforceront de faciliter un dialogue régulier entre les dirigeants des associations.
À moyen terme Les représentants de l’AMSA et du CMSA/ASCV participeront de façon régulière aux réunions annuelles de chacune des deux
L’AMSA et le CMSA/ASCV collaboreront sur des livres blancs scientifiques et autres pièces d’informations sur des sujets d'intérêt
commun tel que déterminé par les Conseils d’Administration des associations.
Les associations étudieront des options pour tirer parti des relations de l’AMSA avec la Federation of Animal Science Societies et
Elsevier pour aider le CMSA / ASCV dans la collecte des cotisations, la planification des réunions, la soumission de résumées et la
diffusion d’information.
Les associations examineront des modalités de tarification incitatives pour l’adhésion simultanée dans les deux associations.
À long­terme L’AMSA et le CMSA/ASCV poursuivront leur participation avec la communauté internationale des sciences de la viande en déterminant
les besoins communs pour tendre vers une structure d'organisation qui fera avancer la discipline des sciences de la viande au niveau
Résiliation et Modifications Ce protocole d'entente est valable pour une durée d’un an à partir de la date de la signature ou après 60 jours de préavis écrit par l’une des
deux parties. Il peut être modifié ou prolongé en tout temps avec l'approbation de chacun des conseils d’administration de l’AMSA et du
American Meat Science Association
2441 Village Green Place
Champaign, Illinois 61822
p: +1 217 356-5370
Association Scientifique Canadienne de la Viande
c/o 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5 CANADA
p: +1 780 492-3651
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
August 12 – 17, 2012
Hilton Montréal Bonaventure Hotel
Montréal, Québec
There is now less than one year left until the 58th International Congress of Meat Science and
Technology in Montréal. This important event for the meat sector is hosted by the CMSA, the CMC
and INITIA, a non for profit organisation invested in technology and knowledge transfer to the
food industry. Planning is in full swing. Canada had 12 delegates at this year’s ICoMST that was
held in Belgium. The Montréal congress was highlighted with a very active booth and a
presentation by Linda Saucier and Phyllis Shand on the last day of the congress.
Since attendance in Belgium was exceptional (They had to relocate the congress to accommodate
all attendees!), we are optimistic that the Montréal congress will be very well attended. Phyllis
Shand and Lynn McMullen, Chair and Vice Chair of the Scientific Program Committee are carefully
planning a scientific program that will clearly address the theme of the congress “The Healthy
World of Meat”. International experts who work in all aspects of meat production and processing
are being invited to present the latest advances in their specific areas of expertise. They will be
joined by speakers whose topics will be selected from research papers submitted to the congress.
A highlight will also be over 400 scientific posters presented by researchers and graduate
students, part of the future of the meat research and development communities.
Our communication team chaired by Carole Brodeur with the able assistance of Sophie Banville
(Vice Chair) and Carla Abbatemarco launched the ICoMST 2012 website on August 7th. It will
provide the latest information on all aspects of the congress. For details on the congress, you can
visit the website at http://icomst2012.ca/ or link to it through the CMSA website (http://cmsaascv.ca/). Please register your email address on our website to receive news about
congress updates.
An important part of ICoMST is the social program. This program includes an Accompanying
persons’ program as well as unique dinners, the congress banquet and scenic and technical tours.
Manuel Juarèz and Nather Aziz (Chair and Vice Chair) are working with their Hospitality Committee
to develop a social program that will suit everyone’s taste and showcase the Montréal area. The
Hilton hotel is a beautiful venue in itself and will be home to the banquet. It is also perfectly
situated in the heart of Montréal so that visiting the area is easy.
There are two unique initiatives for ICoMST 2012, the CMSA Global Meat Quality and Safety
Industry Day and the Student Program. On Thursday, August 16, a series of speakers who will
address topics of specific interest to the meat industry will be invited. There will be a special one
day registration package that will allow those who cannot attend the whole congress to participate
in these sessions. The Organizing Committee has recognized that future innovations in the meat
industry and the meat research and development community rely on the development of the next
generation of highly qualified personnel. ICoMST 2012 will feature a 3-day course for graduate students
immediately prior to the congress. Three major topic areas will be covered, carcass quality, lipids and
sensory evaluation and processing.
Also, there will be awards for the best student poster submissions
and oral presentations.
The American Meat Science Association is planning to bring 10 graduate students to Canada about one
week prior to the congress. This group will tour meat-related facilities in Canada, will attend the student
course and will complete their visit by attending ICoMST.
Finally, Sylvie Dobinson of the CMC is our Treasurer. She is doing a wonderful job keeping our budget on
track and, with the assistance of Yvon Bertrand (Vice Chair), is chairing our Finance Committee. Yvon is
actively managing our sponsorship program. ICoMST 2012 is a unique opportunity for the Canadian meat
Industry to showcase its products and its vision with the international community through sponsorship of
the congress. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Details of the program can be found at
We hope to see you in Montréal next August and share this rare opportunity with you!
Frances Nattress, Ph.D.
ICoMST Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre
6000 C & E Trail
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada T4L 1W1
Ph: (403) 782-8140
Email: [email protected]
Linda Saucier, Ph.D., agr., chm.
ICoMST Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
Université Laval, Dept. of Animal Science
Pavillon Paul-Comtois
2425, rue de l’Agriculture, Local 4203
Québec (Québec), Canada G1V 0A6
Ph: (418) 656-3766
Email: [email protected]
CMSA Scholarship Recipients
Percy Gitelman Memorial Scholarship
2011 Aaron Pleitner University of Alberta
2010 Alain Doyen Université Laval
2009 Emefa Monu University of Alberta
2008 Fernando Luciano University of Manitoba
2007 Eveline Plamondon Université Laval
2006 Héctor R. Martinez Ramirez University of Guelph
2005 Anas Al-Nabulsi University of Manitoba
2004 Nadia Bergeron University of Montreal
2003 Parthiban Muthukumarasamy University of Manitoba
2002 Nancy Rheault Université de Montréal
2001 Alexander Gill University of Manitoba
2000 Bethany Uttaro University of Guelph
1999 Melaney Wasney University of Manitoba
1998 Susan Buchko University of Manitoba
Canadian Meat Council Associate Members’ Scholarship
2011 Marie-Eve Brassard Université Laval
2010 Eric Pouliot Université Laval
2009 Samira Dadgar University of Saskatchewan
2008 Jorge Andrés Correa Université Laval
2007 Rob Michitsch Dalhousie University
2006 Laura Sherman University of Alberta
2005 Haihong Wang University of Saskatchewan
2004 Donald Boucher Université Laval
2003 Lucas Jesse Gursky University of Alberta
2002 Michael Peirson University of Manitoba
2001 Jennifer Janz University of Alberta
2000 Marcel Marcoux Université Laval
R.A. Chisholm Scholarship
2011 Lorraine Li University of Guelph
2011 Jamie Ross University of Guelph
Please distribute
to all interested
Ronald A. Chisholm Undergraduate Scholarship Program 2012
The Canadian Meat Science Association (CMSA) is pleased to be involved in awarding the Ronald A. Chisholm
Undergraduate Scholarships. Two scholarships will be awarded in 2011 to promising undergraduate students
interested in studying Meat Science in Canada.
“Founded in 1938, Ronald A. Chisholm Limited is one of the leading
trading companies in the world of meat and dairy products of Canadian
and international origins. With sales exceeding $1 billion per year, the
company prides itself on being the market leader in creating market
opportunities for the unique and dynamic agri-food products that Canada
continues to create year after year, that the rest of the world cannot
The purpose of these scholarships is to promote quality education and development of meat science in Canada. The
awards are valued at $2,500 each and will be presented at the CMSA Technical Symposium on May 31, 2012 in
Quebec City, QC. Travel expenses and registration fees for the meeting will be provided for the scholarship winners.
Winners will be expected to be in attendance for the Scholarship presentation at the Technical Symposium.
All applicants will receive a one-year complimentary membership in CMSA.
Undergraduate students in any year of a recognized, full time B.Sc. program in Agriculture and/or Food Science at a
Canadian University are eligible to apply. Previous CMSA Scholarship Program winners are not eligible.
Application Procedure
An application form can be obtained from CMSA at:
[email protected] or http://cmsa-ascv.ca
Ruth Ball
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Applicants can submit the application by mail to the Canadian Meat Science Association. Applications can be
submitted in English or French.
Evaluation Procedure:
The applications are reviewed by referees from industry and from government/academia and will be evaluated on:
Individual academic performance and research potential, based on the academic record of the student, letters of
reference provided
Demonstration of interest in the pursuing graduate studies or career in meat science (eg: project in meat
science related field; summer work experience etc)
Essay on why the applicant wants to attend the Canadian Meat Council Annual Meeting.
DEADLINE to receive application:
January 9, 2012
Applications should be mailed to:
Ruth Ball
Canadian Meat Science Association
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Veuillez distribuer
à tous les étudiants
Programme de bourses de 1er cycle Ronald-A.-Chisholm 2012
L’Association scientifique canadienne de la viande (ASCV) est heureuse de participer à l’attribution des Bourses de 1er cycle
Ronald-A.-Chisholm. Deux bourses seront décernées en 2011 à des étudiants de 1er cycle prometteurs intéressés à étudier en
sciences de la viande au Canada.
"Fondée en 1938, Ronald A. Chisholm Limited est l'une des maisons de commerce les plus éminentes au monde pour la
viande et les produits laitiers d'origine canadienne et internationale. Avec des ventes de plus de 1 milliard de dollars par
année, la compagnie est fière d'être le leader du marché dans la création
d’opportunités commerciales pour les produits agroalimentaires unique et
dynamique que le Canada continue de créer année après année, que le reste du
monde ne peut pas fournir."
Ces bourses ont pour but de promouvoir l’éducation et le perfectionnement de
qualité en sciences de la viande au Canada. Les prix valent 2 500 $ chacun et
seront remis lors du Colloque technique de l’ASCV, le 31 mai 2012, à Québec, PQ. Les frais de voyage et les droits
d’inscription en prévision de l’assemblée seront assumés au nom des lauréats des bourses. Les lauréats devront être présents à
la remise des bourses dans le cadre du Colloque technique.
Tous les demandeurs recevront une adhésion gratuite d’un an auprès de l’ASCV.
Les étudiants du 1er cycle inscrits à l’une ou l’autre des années d’un programme reconnu et à temps plein d’études de B. Sc. en
agriculture et/ou science alimentaire auprès d’une université canadienne sont admissibles à poser leur candidature. Les lauréats
antérieurs du Programme de bourses de l’ASCV n’y sont pas admissibles.
Modalités de demande
Il est possible d’obtenir un formulaire de demande auprès de l’ASCV à :
[email protected] ou http://cmsa-ascv.ca ou
Ruth Ball, ASCV / CMSA, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton (Alberta) T6G 2P5
Les demandeurs peuvent présenter leurs demandes par la poste à l’Association scientifique canadienne de la viande. Les
demandes peuvent être présentées en français ou en anglais.
Procédure d’évaluation
Les demandes seront examinées par des appréciateurs de l’industrie et des milieux gouvernementaux/universitaires et seront
évaluées selon les critères suivants :
le rendement scolaire et le potentiel de recherche individuels, à la lumière du dossier pédagogique de l’étudiant et des
lettres de répondants fournies;
une expression d’intérêt à poursuivre des études supérieures ou une carrière en science de la viande (projet dans un
domaine lié à la science de la viande, expérience professionnelle estivale, etc.);
une dissertation sur les motifs pour lesquels le demandeur souhaite assister à l’assemblée annuelle du Conseil des
viandes du Canada.
Les demandes doivent être transmises par la poste à :
Ruth Ball
Association scientifique canadienne de la viande / CMSA
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Please complete all sections. Incomplete applications will not be considered
Family name of
Given name(s) of
Current mailing address
Apartment number
Postal Code
Permanent mailing address (if different from above)
Apartment number
Telephone number
Postal Code
Alternate phone
e-mail address
University you are attending
Faculty and Program you are enrolled in
Year in program
Grade Point Average –
On a scale of -
Name of Department Head
Telephone number
Fax number
e-mail address
2. Honours, Awards and Scholarships received
3. Describe your Education and Work Experience
4. Describe your Extracurricular Activities
5. Explain why you want to attend CMSA meeting in Quebec City, May 2012 (Maximum 1 pg.)
(Please include how you expect the meeting would benefit your career objectives and the impact
attending would have on your ability to affect change in the meat and livestock industry.)
Ronald A. Chisholm Undergraduate Scholarship &
CMSA Travel Support Application
Application Form
It is strongly recommended that your application be critically reviewed by a professor
or student advisor(s) prior to submittal.
Two Letters of Reference
The referee’s must be able to provide a professional assessment of your academic,
personal skills and research potential.
One letter must be from one of your professors
Both letters must be on the organization’s official letterhead
Both letters must be received in a sealed envelope with an official stamp or referee’s
signature across the seal
Official transcripts are required from your current college/university.
They must be received in the original sealed envelope
The Deadline to receive your application is January 9, 2012
Please include all of the required documents in one package.
Send your application packages to:
CMSA Scholarship
c/o Ruth Ball
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Revised October 6, 2011
Veuillez remplir toutes les sections. Les demandes incomplètes seront refusées.
Nom de famille
du demandeur
Prénom(s) du
Adresse postale actuelle
No d’appartement
Code postal
Adresse postale permanente (si elle diffère de celle susmentionnée)
No d’appartement
No de téléphone
Code postal
Autre no de téléphone
Adresse courriel
Université que vous fréquentez
Faculté et programme dans lesquels vous êtes inscrit
Année du programme
Moyenne pondérée cumulative –
Sur une échelle de -
Nom du directeur de département
No de téléphone
No de télécopieur
Adresse courriel
2. Mérites, prix et bourses obtenus
3. Décrivez vos études et votre expérience professionnelle
4. Décrivez vos activités parascolaires
5. Expliquez pourquoi vous souhaitez assister à l’assemblée de l’ASCV à Québec, en mai 2012
(maximum d’une page).
(Veuillez mentionner comment, selon vous, l’assemblée avantagera vos objectifs de carrière et
l’effet qu’aura votre participation sur votre capacité d’effectuer un changement dans l’industrie
de la viande et du bétail.)
Demande de bourse de 1er cycle Ronald-A.-Chisholm et
de subvention de voyage de l’ASCV
Liste de vérification
Formulaire de demande
Il est vivement recommandé de faire examiner d’un point de vue critique votre
demande par un professeur ou un ou plusieurs conseiller(s) pédagogique(s) avant de
présenter le tout.
Deux lettres de répondants
Les répondants doivent pouvoir fournir une évaluation professionnelle de votre
rendement scolaire, de vos aptitudes personnelles et de votre potentiel en recherche.
Une lettre doit provenir de l’un de vos professeurs.
Les deux lettres doivent être présentées sur le papier à en-tête officiel de l’organisme.
Les deux lettres doivent nous parvenir dans une enveloppe scellée portant le sceau
officiel et la signature des répondants par-dessus ce sceau.
Relevés de notes
Vous devez fournir un relevé de notes officiel provenant de votre collège/université
Le tout doit nous parvenir dans l’enveloppe d’origine dument scellée.
La date limite pour présenter votre demande est le 09 janvier 2012
Veuillez inclure tous les documents exigés dans une trousse.
Faites parvenir votre trousse de demande à :
Bourse de l’ASCV
a/s de Ruth Ball
Centre agricole/forestier, local 4-10
Université de l’Alberta
Edmonton (Alberta) T6G 2P5
Les candidatures tardives seront refusées.
Dernière mise à jour : le 6 octobre 2011
Please distribute to
interested students.
CMSA Graduate Student Scholarship Program 2011
The Canadian Meat Science Association (CMSA) is pleased to be involved in awarding two scholarships per year to
promising graduate students studying Meat Science in Canada. These scholarships are:
Percy Gitelman Memorial Scholarship, sponsored jointly by the Canadian Meat Science Association and
Newly Weds Foods, Inc.
CMC Associate Members Scholarship, sponsored by the Associate Members of the Canadian Meat
The purpose of these scholarships is to promote quality education and development of meat science research in
Canada. The awards are valued at $3,000 each and will be presented at the CMSA Technical Symposium on May
31, 2012 in Quebec City, QC. Travel expenses and registration fees for the meeting will be provided for the
scholarship winners. Winners will be expected to present a 15 minute communication on their research at the
Technical Symposium.
All applicants will receive a one-year complimentary membership in CMSA.
Graduate students in any year of a recognized, full time MSc. or PhD. program at a Canadian University, who are
conducting applied or basic meat research, are eligible to apply. Previous CMSA Scholarship Program winners are
not eligible.
Application Procedure
An application form can be obtained from CMSA at:
[email protected] or http://cmsa-ascv.ca
Ruth Ball
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Applicants can submit the application by mail to the Canadian Meat Science Association. Applications can be
submitted in English or French.
Evaluation Procedure:
The applications are reviewed by referees from industry and from government/academia and will be evaluated on:
Scientific merit and innovation of the project, including appropriateness and validity of experimental
design, degree of innovation of the project and the contribution of the research to basic knowledge.
Potential impact of the project on the meat industry and to meat science, keeping in mind that some projects
may have a significant impact only in the long term.
Individual academic performance and research potential, based on the academic record of the student,
letters of reference provided and the project description.
DEADLINE to receive application:
January 9, 2012
Applications should be mailed to: [email protected]
Ruth Ball
Canadian Meat Science Association
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Pour diffusion aux
Programme de bourses d’études supérieures spécialisées
2012 de l’ASCV
L’Association Scientifique Canadienne de la Viande (ASCV) est heureuse d’être impliquée dans l’attribution
annuelle de deux bourses d’études à des étudiants gradués prometteurs, étudiant en Science de la viande au Canada.
Ces bourses d’études sont :
La bourse commémorative Percy Gitelman parrainée conjointement par l’ASCV et Newly Weds Foods.
La bourse d’étude des membres associés du Conseil Canadien des Viandes (CCV) parrainée par les
membres associés du CCV.
Les objectifs de ces bourses d’études sont de promouvoir une éducation de qualité et le développement de la
recherche en science de la viande au Canada. Les bourses, d’une valeur de 3 000 $ chacune, seront attribuées lors
du symposium annuel de l’ASCV le 31 Mai, 2012 à Québec, PQ. Les dépenses de voyage et les frais d’inscription
pour le symposium seront couverts pour les récipiendaires des bourses d’études. Les récipiendaires seront appelés à
faire une courte présentation (15 minutes) de leur projet de recherche lors du symposium.
Tous les candidats recevront une adhésion gratuite d’un an à l’ASCV
Tout étudiant inscrit à un programme de Maîtrise ou de Doctorat reconnu à temps plein dans une université
canadienne et qui réalise de la recherche appliquée ou fondamentale en science de la viande peut poser sa
candidature. Les étudiants ayant déjà bénéficié d’une bourse de l’ASCV ne sont pas éligibles.
Les candidats doivent soumettre les documents suivants, en français ou en anglais, au l’ASCV soit par la poste ou:
Ruth Ball
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
[email protected] ou http://cmsa-ascv.ca
Les demandes seront évaluées par un comité d’évaluation composé de membres provenant de l’industrie, des
milieux académiques et gouvernementaux. Les dossiers seront classés selon :
Le mérite scientifique et le caractère innovateur du projet incluant la pertinence et la validité du plan
expérimental, le degré innovateur du projet et la contribution de la recherche aux connaissances fondamentales.
L’impact potentiel du projet sur l’industrie et la science de la viande tout en considérant que certains projets
peuvent avoir un impact significatif à long terme seulement
La qualité du dossier académique du candidat et sa capacité pour la recherche évaluées à partir de ses notes
académique, de ses lettres de référence et de la description de son projet.
Les demande doivent être par la poste à
Ruth Ball
4-10 Agriculture Forestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
le 09 Janvier, 2012
Family name of
Given name(s) of
Current mailing address
Apartment number
Postal Code
Permanent mailing address (if different from above)
Apartment number
Telephone number
Fax number
Postal Code
e-mail address
University and Department attending
Program (Masters or Ph.D)
Year in program
Name of Supervisor
List of Graduate level courses you have taken/are currently taking
Please describe when you expect to finish all requirements of the program you are enrolled in
and your future plans following graduation
Title of Research Project
Summary of Objectives of Research Project (Maximum 1/2 page). Please list succinctly.
Describe Research Project (Maximum 2 pages)
(Please include background, objectives, experimental design, present status. Must include at
least three key references important to the development of your project.)
Describe Scientific Merit of Project
(eg - contribution of the research to basic scientific knowledge; will the project lead to the
development of significant new knowledge and/or useful technology)
Is the project being done in collaboration with an industry(s) supporter? Is the project
supported by a grant program? Do you hold any other scholarships?
Technology transfer – Has the project work been presented at any conferences or are there any
publications resulting from the research? Are there any patents submitted on the research?
Describe Innovation of Project
(Is it innovative and if so, why; are you aware of any other data/studies relevant to this research
effort; has the research been duplicated elsewhere)
Describe Potential Impact of Project on the Meat Industry.
Describe Benefits Relating to Meat Science
CMSA Graduate Scholarship Application Check-List
Application Form
It is strongly recommended that your application be critically reviewed by your
supervisor(s) prior to submittal.
Two Letters of Reference
The referee’s must be able to provide a professional assessment of your academic,
personal skills and research potential.
One letter must be from your supervisor; he/she is to comment on the level of student
involvement in development of the project
Both letters must be on the organization’s official letterhead
Both letters must be received in a sealed envelope with an official stamp or referee’s
signature across the seal
Official transcripts are required from your current graduate school.
They must be received in the original sealed envelope
The Deadline to receive your application is January 9, 2012
Please include all of the required documents in one package.
Send your application packages to:
CMSA Scholarship
c/o Ruth Ball, CMSA Administrator
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Revised October 6, 2011
Nom du
Prénom(s) du
Adresse de correspondance actuelle
Code postal
Adresse de correspondance permanente (si différente de celle susmentionnée)
Numéro de téléphone
Code postal
Numéro de
Courriel :
Université et département fréquentés
Programme (Maîtrise ou Ph.D)
Année du programme
Nom du superviseur(s)
La liste de cours de niveau gradués que vous avez pris/prenez actuellement
Veuillez indiquer les délais selon lesquels vous prévoyez réunir toutes les exigences liées au
programme auquel vous êtes inscrit; par ailleurs, veuillez décrire vos projets futurs, une fois
que vous aurez obtenu votre diplôme.
Titre du projet de recherche
Résumé des objectifs du projet de recherche (½ page tout au plus). Veuillez les énumérer
Veuillez décrire votre projet de recherche (2 pages tout au plus).
(Veuillez en précisez le contexte, les objectifs, le schéma expérimental et l’état actuel. Il faut
mentionner au moins trois références principales qui soient essentielles à la réalisation de votre
Veuillez décrire le mérite scientifique qui découle de votre projet.
(p. ex., contribution à la recherche liée aux connaissances scientifiques de base; ce projet
mènera-t-il au développement de nouvelles connaissances importantes ou de technologie utile?)
Ce projet est-il réalisé en collaboration avec un membre de l’industrie? Le projet bénéficie-t-il
d’un programme de subvention? Bénéficiez-vous d’une ou de plusieurs autres bourses
Transfert technologique – Le travail lié à ce projet a-t-il été présenté lors d’une quelconque
conférence ou bien avez-vous publié des documents concernant vos recherches? Avez-vous
présenté des demandes de brevet liées à vos travaux de recherche?
Veuillez décrire le caractère innovant de votre projet.
(Votre projet est-il innovant? Si oui, en quoi l’est-il? Connaissez-vous d’autres études qui
traitent du même sujet ou détenez-vous des données qui sont en rapport avec vos travaux de
recherche? Le thème de cette recherche a-t-il été repris ailleurs?)
Veuillez décrire les retombées éventuelles de votre projet sur l’industrie de la viande.
Veuillez indiquer les avantages que ce projet représente pour la science de la viande.
Lettres de référence – Veuillez fournir deux lettres de recommandation établies par des
personnes qui sont à même de procéder à une évaluation professionnelle de votre niveau, de vos
compétences personnelles et de votre potentiel de recherche. L’une des lettres de
recommandation doit être établie par la personne qui dirige votre recherche.
Veuillez joindre à votre demande un relevé de notes de l’école d’études supérieures que vous
fréquentez actuellement.
Aide-mémoire : demande pour la bourse d’études supérieures spécialisées de l’Association
scientifique canadienne de la viande
Formulaire de demande
Nous vous conseillons fortement de faire réviser votre demande en profondeur par votre
superviseur avant de la présenter.
Deux lettres de recommandation
Les personnes fournissant vos références doivent être en mesure de faire une évaluation
professionnelle de votre potentiel scolaire, de vos compétences personnelles et de vos capacités
dans le domaine de la recherche.
Une des lettres doit provenir de votre superviseur; il doit présenter ses observations sur le niveau
de la participation d'étudiant à l'étude du projet
Les deux lettres doivent être imprimées sur du papier à correspondance officielle de l’organisation.
Nous devons recevoir les deux lettres dans des enveloppes scellées d’un sceau officiel ou de la
signature de la personne fournissant la référence.
Relevé de notes
Un relevé de notes officiel de l’école d’études supérieures que vous fréquentez actuellement est
Le relevé de notes doit être livré dans l’enveloppe scellée originale.
Date limite pour recevoir l'application: le 09 janvier 2012
Veuillez envoyer tous les documents requis ensemble.
Les colis doivent être envoyés à l’adresse suivante :
CMSA Scholarship
a/s de Ruth Ball, CMSA Administrator
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Les demandes reçues après la date limite ne seront pas acceptées.
Modifié le 6 octobre 2011
Annual General Meeting
Thursday May 5, 2011
Halifax BC Room, Marriott Halifax Harbourfront Hotel, Halifax, NS
Call to Order and Verification of Quorum
P. Muthukumarasamy
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 ADT, 17 members were present
Welcome and Introductions
P. Muthukumarasamy
Muthukumarasamy welcomed all to the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Approval of Agenda (p.1-2)
Additions to the agenda
 Collaboration with AMSA
 Passport program
P. Muthukumarasamy
Approval of Minutes of May 6, 2010 Annual General Meeting (p.3-8) T. Jones
Motion to accept minutes as is-L. Saucier moved, L. McMullen seconded, Motion Carried
5. Old Business
a) Administrative support for CMSA
P. Muthukumarasamy
Ruth Ball is providing excellent administrative support. Original contract for 2010 was 5K but
position requires more time than originally proposed. Proposed contract for 2011is 9K, this is reflected
in the 2011 budget. A CMSA subgroup will review the administrative duties and make recommendation
for streamlining the work to minimize admin costs. Ideas to increase revenues for CMSA will be
explored. The contract for Ruth Ball will be extended for one year and based on the review, the contract
will be reviewed for next year.
Motion to move forward with Ruth Ball to provide administrative support for 2011. L. McMullen moved, M.
Arcila seconded, Motion Carried
b) Proposed extension of CMSA President’s term to 2 years
H. Bruce
 Brought up at last AGM and discussed at executive meetings in 2010. The president term will not be
extended to 2 years because the total time commitment would be 6 years (president elect, president,
past president). The past president will be more involved in the executive than in the past.
6. New Business
a) President’s Report (p.9)
P. Muthukumarasamy
 Set up Chisholm undergraduate scholarships, 2 x $2500. Travel and registration costs will be covered
 Excellent speakers have been invited for the CMSA Technical symposium
 ICoMST 2012 has made significant progress and is well underway
 Discussions on collaborations with AMSA have been initiated
 CMSA website has a new look
 Students have been actively involved in CMSA committees
 Ruth Ball has provided a seamless transition in administrative support
 Appreciation for all the support provided by the CMSA executive and financial audit team
b) Secretary-Treasurer’s Report
1. Audit Committee Report (p.10)
T. Jones
2. 2010 Financial Statement (p.11)
3. 2010 Budget versus Actual (p.12)
 ACTION : Include a variance column
4. Motion to Approve 2010 Financial Statement
Motion: to accept the financial report as presented with an added column for the % variance. C. Delaloye
moved, M. Arcila seconded. Motion carried.
5. 2011 Proposed Budget (p.13)
 ACTION: For 2011 - reflect Golf Tournament money outside of the budget. Remove the
funds as an expenditure and report the total funds collected for the golf tournament as a
separate line item that is tracked similar to the GICs as a restricted fund. Golf tournament
funds will be used for student competitions at ICoMST 2012.
Translation costs were high for Chisholm scholarships. Fair evaluation is possible using
French speaking evaluators, translations are not always accurate.
ACTION: Education committee will explore options to reduce the translation costs.
6. Motion to Approve 2011 Budget
Motion to accept the 2011 budget with a separate line item for the golf tournament funds. P. Shand moved,
L. Saucier seconded, Motion Carried.
7. Motion to Appoint Audit Committee for 2011
 Deferred to New Business i) nominations and elections
8. Motion to Appoint Signing Authorities
Motion: to keep the signing authority with Lynn McMullen and Heather Bruce at the University of Alberta.
L. Saucier moved, C. Delaloye seconded, motion carried.
c) 2012 ICoMST Update (p.14-16)
L. Saucier/ICoMST Committee
 4 Sponsors to date- Sanimax, BIC, CMC and Viscofan
 Grants are being applied for
 Administrative support is being donated by CMC (Sylvie Dobinson) and AAFC (Loree
 Contract is signed with INITIA and the Hilton
 There is a negotiated MOU that if there is a deficit for ICoMST that the CMSA will carry up to
a maximum 30K
 Excellent scientific program is being prepared by Phyllis Shand and Lynn McMullen. An
industry day is organized to include all industry related talks on the same day as the banquet to
facilitate a high rate of industry participation.
 Registration costs will need to be determined by August, rate will be influenced by receiving a
TRANSAC grant.
 Manuel Juarez has taken over as hospitality chair from Tania Ngapo. He needs assistance from
people from Quebec with the tours. Ideas for technical and scenic tours are gratefully accepted.
d) Technical Symposium Report (p.17)
B. Sullivan
 Received 24 abstracts for posters
 2 students were involved in the technical symposium committee
 Program speakers-Brice Minvielle, Dr. Scott Weese, Dr. Michael Ngadi
 ACTION: Committee to explore options to streamline or automate the process for receiving and
processing abstracts in the future, which is currently very time consuming. Journals could be a
possibility, a balance should be sought between Canadian (Canadian Journal of Animal Science)
and international meat science. Shand-Meat Science (Elsevier) abstracts are published in a special
issue, higher profile than and more prestigious than CJAS. Gariepy- CJAS is struggling and could
use additional support.
e) Education Committee Report (p.18-19)
M. Arcila
 Eight applications were evaluated for the selection of the Percy Gitelman (Aaron Pleitner) and the
CMC Associate Member Scholarships (Marie-Eve Brassard).
 Eight applications were evaluated for the selection of 2 undergraduates for the Ronald A. Chisholm
undergraduate scholarships.
 ACTION: Education committee will hold a conference call in June to discuss translation and
criteria for selection.
 $4K CMC Associate Membership dues were used to support the travel and translation for the
undergraduate scholarships.
 Discussion was held to look at means to increase the interactions and communications with the
CMC. The CMC AGM is at the same time as CMSA AGM. The newsletter appears to be the only
means. Goals for 2011 include increased interaction/communication with the CMC.
f) Promotion and Membership Committee Report (p.20-22)
P. Muthukumarasamy for T. Ngapo
 The membership is stable, distribution is similar over last 3 years.
 Involved in the advertisement and promotion of the undergraduate scholarships
 CHALLENGE: CMSA members inform the promotions chair of names of other potential members to
increase the effectiveness of and revenues for CMSA.
g) Website & Electronic Communications Committee Report (p.23-25)
P. Muthukumarasamy for B. Uttaro
 Website is now hosted by Netfirms, it is much improved.
 B. Uttaro will continue next year and pass it on after ICoMST 2012.
 Question: Delaloye- Will the administrative support be able to carry on from Bethany? AnswerMuthukumarasamy- The administrative duties and costs will be reviewed during 2011.
h) Newsletter Committee Report (p.26)
P. Muthukumarasamy for M. Klassen
 3 newsletters went out this year
 Mark Klassen’s term has finished
 Loree Verquin (AAFC-Lacombe) has provided administrative support for the newsletter since 2006, she is
stepping down and the CMSA is thankful for her support.
i) Nominations & Elections Committee Report (p.27)
H. Bruce
1. Election of 2011 Executive
 President elect: Peter Purslow will let his name stand. There is a desire to have a high name profile
for the CMSA president for ICoMST in 2012.
 Secretary/Treasurer-Tineke Jones will stay for one more year
 Director Ontario- John Farlinger will let his name stand
 Director West- Sandra Gruber will let her name stand
 Audit Committee- Chair: Zeb Pietrasik will let his name stand
Claude Gariepy will stay on
Dana Pierce will let her name stand
Call for other nominees. None
Motion: To Accept the new members of the executive and audit committee as nominated.
H. Bruce moved, McMullen seconded, motion carried
2. Appointment of Committee Chairs and Membership for 2011-2012
 Director Ontario-Symposium Chair
 Director West- Newsletter Chair
 Chairs of each committee to contact potential members, volunteers are welcome
 Description of activities of each committee are on the website
7. Other Business
a) Collaboration with AMSA
B. Sullivan
Sullivan-presented a letter received from the AMSA for discussion that could serve as terms of reference for a
“The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) seeks to establish a formal relationship with the
Canadian Meat Science Association (CMSA). To that end, the following ideas are submitted for consideration as a
roadmap for that relationship
Short Term
 Set up communication between AMSA and CMSA staff and volunteers for information that can be passed
on to our respective members in newsletters and through the website.
 Exchange web links.
 Promote association sponsored events through online calendars and newsletters.
 Facilitate regular dialogue between the associations’ leadership.
Medium Term
 Regularly participate in one another’s annual meetings.
 Collaborate on scientific white papers and other information pieces on subjects of mutual interest.
 Explore options for leveraging AMSA’s relationship with the Federation of Animal Science Societies and
Elsevier to assist CMSA with dues collection, meeting planning, abstract publishing and information
 Develop an incentive pricing structure for dual memberships in both associations.
Long Term
 Participate with the global meat science community in determining common needs to work towards an
organization structure that will advance the worldwide meat science discipline.”
Motion: The CMSA executive committee is given the authorization to sign a MOU with the AMSA. L. Saucier
moved, M. Arcila seconded, motion carried
Question- How many members and how many are industry?
Answer: Shand- The AMSA has approx. 2000 members, suspect 50% are industry members
Question-How many CMSA are also AMSA members?
Answer: At least 4. Shand has been on the AMSA program committee for last 3 years as an international
committee member. The AMSA has developed strong conferences over last few years.
Discussion: Participation with the AMSA is seen as a good thing but CMSA does not want to be taken over.
b) Passport Program
P. Shand
Shand explained the Passport program for AMSA students that could be explored for Canadian students.
 Currently AMSA students attend the ICoMST course and tour for 1 week to learn about the meat industry.
A subsidy is required but costs are not known. Students pay ½ of the costs- airfare, transportation,
accommodation etc. Perhaps Canadian students participate- ask for permission to tag along.
 Rick Holley as chair of student affairs program for ICoMST 2012 is not planning for the Passport program.
 Potential for the CMSA education committee to collaborate with the AMSA on this?
Shand will put together an ICoMST 2012 survival kit gift basket as a fundraiser for AMSA students at the
Reciprocal Meat Conference as a promotion for ICoMST 2012.
c) Dany Garant introduced himself and he is looking for co-applicants for an NSERC Research Network.
8. Adjournment
Sullivan thanked Bruce and Muthukumarasamy for their past contributions and the confidence that the members
have placed in him. The main goals for 2011-2012 are to increase the communications within the CMSA, with the
industry, and with the AMSA and to grow the membership and provide increased value for CMSA members.
Bruce moved to adjourn the AGM at 9:10.
Attendance Annual CMSA meeting, May 5, 2011, Halifax, NS
Total number of attendees at the end of the meeting-23.
Tineke Jones
Cindy Delaloye
Canadian Beef Grading Agency
Mauricio Arcila
Canadian Beef Breeds Council
John Farlinger
Lynn McMullen
University of Alberta
Michelle Beveridge
University of Alberta
Aaron Pleitner
University of Alberta
Jeyachchandran Visvalingam
University of Manitoba
Linda Saucier
University of Laval
Claude Gariepy
AAFC- St. Hyacinthe
Marie-Pierre Fortier
University of Laval
Marie-Eve Brassard
University of Laval
Phyllis Shand
University of Saskatchewan
Zeb Pietrasik
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Dana Pierce
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Dave Old
Value Added Meat Program
Pierre Falardeau
Centre développement du Porc du Québec Inc.
Mueen Aslam
Heather Bruce
University of Alberta
Brian Sullivan
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement
Parthi Muthukumarasamy
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Mohsen Jafarikia
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement
Dany Grant
AgriDigit Inc.
Purposes / Activities
• To promote the application of science and technology to the production, processing, packaging,
distribution, preparation, evaluation, and utilization of all meat and meat products.
• To stimulate and provide forums and other media for the exchange, discussion, and dissemination of
information and ideas.
• To develop and sponsor activities designed to promote the adoption of sound and useful research and
educational techniques.
• To promote the coordination of educational, research, development and service activities in meat
science and related areas.
• To promote recognition of those engaged in meat science.
Membership Classifications
• Professional Member - Any person who is active in any aspect of Meat Science and who evidences
interest in supporting the objectives of the Association shall be eligible to become a Professional
• Emeritus Member - Any person who has retired from active professional life shall be eligible for
Emeritus Membership upon application, providing that person has been a Member for a minimum of five
(5) years.
• Student Member - Any person registered in a full time course of technical or academic study at a
college or university.
• Corporate Member - Any organization with an interest in meat science and the objectives of the
Association. Corporate members are entitled to one professional membership with all its privileges as
well as special services as determined by the executive of the Association.
2011 CMSA Membership Summary
92 members
47 Professional Members
15 Academia 7 Industry
22 Government 4 Emeriti/Retired
13 Corporate Members
32 Student Members
149 members
53 Regular members
85 Associates
11 Honourary members
TOTAL (CMSA & CMC) = 241
Canadian Beef Grading Agency
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement, Inc.
Centre du développement du porc du Québec Inc.
Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd.
Elanco Animal Health
Fédération des producteurs de porcs du Québec
Folio Instruments Inc.
Intervet/Schering Plough
M & M Meat Shops Ltd.
Ontario Swine Improvement Inc
P&H Foods
PIC Canada Ltd.
Cindy Delaloye
Brian Sullivan
Pierre Falardeau
Nather Aziz
Sandra Gruber
Danielle Pettigrew
Gordon Howes
Rob Leslie
Coleen Stevens
Sylvain Fournaise
Dyann Birtch
Murray Hundt
Serge Pommier
Aalhus, Jennifer
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8116
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Adams, David
1409-1665 The Collegeway
Mississauga ON L5C 0A9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Altwasser, Garnet
PO Box 800 Stn Main
Brooks AB T1R 1B7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Annamalai, Kenneth
Freybe Gourmet Foods
27101 - 56 Ave
Langley BC V4W 3Y4
Phone: (604) 607-7426
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Apolzan, Peter
Melrose International Trading
5160 Decarie Blvd, Suite 830
Montréal QC H3X 2H9
Phone: (514) 345-8580
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Arcila, Mauricio
Canadian Beef Breeds Council
320, 6715 - 8th Street N.E.
Calgary AB T2E 7H7
Phone: (403) 730-0350
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Aslam, Mueen
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8106
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Aubin, Alexandre
Gaspor – Fermes St-Canut Farms
14105 Chemin Dupuis
St-Canut, Mirabel QC J7N 3H7
Phone: 450-712-0475
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Aziz, Nather
Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd.
313 Memno Street, RR #2
Breslau ON N0B 1M0
Phone: 519-648-2506 x296
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Ballantyne, Bill
203 Carmichael Close NW
Edmonton AB T6R 2K6
Phone: 780-433-0967
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Emeritus
Baudry, Guy
Springhill Farms
PO Box 10000
Neepawa MB R0J 1H0
Phone: (204) 476-3393 x 101
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Bell, Marshall
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Category: CMSA, Student
Bennell, Sydney
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Bergeron, Nadia
Universite de Montreal
Faculte de medecine veterinaire, 3200, rue Sicotte, CP 5000
St-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 7C6
Phone: 450-773-8521 #1-0142
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Beveridge, Michelle
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Category: CMSA, Student
Bielak, Robert
St. Helen's Meat Packers Ltd.
1 Glen Scarlett Rd
Toronto ON M6N 1P5
Phone: (416) 769-1788
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Bienvenue, Jean
Frigo Royal
3100 Bouthillier
St-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 2A3
Phone: (450) 773-9565
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Binnie, Mary Ann
Canadian Pork Council
1962 Faircloth Road
London ON N6G 5J3
Phone: 519-438-0337
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Birtch, Dyann
Ontario Swine Improvement Inc
PO Box 400
Innerkip ON NOJ 1MO
Phone: (519) 469-8109
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Bourbonnière, Christian
Metro Richelieu
11701 Albert-Hudon
Montreal-Nord Quebec H1G 3K6
Phone: (514) 328-8004
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Bourcier, Robin
Sunterra Meats
Trochu AB
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Brassard, Marie-Eve
Université Laval
4463 rue Pontchartrain
Québec PQ G2A 3R8
Phone: 418-843-5084
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Breton, Vincent
Viandes du Breton
150 Chemin des Raymond
Rivière-du-Loup Québec G5R 5X8
Phone: (418) 863-6711 x 347
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Brochu, David
Seapass Trading Inc.
10 Notre Dame, Bureau 103
Repentigny QC J6A 2N9
Phone: (450) 841-3347
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Bruce, Heather
Dept. of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-492-9871
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Bursztyn, Leonardo
Premier Meats Inc
270 Boulevard Joseph-Carrier
Vaudreuil QC J7V 5V5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Calkins, Chris
University of Nebraska
A213 Animal Science, Box 830908
Lincoln NE / USA 68506-0908
Phone: 402-472-6314
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Campbell, Larry
148 Snelgrove Dr.
Carp ON K0A 1L0
Phone: 613-839-0284
Email: [email protected].
Category: CMSA, Emeritus
Chandrasekara, Anoma
Dept. of Biochemistry
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's NL A1B 3X9
Phone: 709-737-8026
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Ciszewski, Henry
Packall Packaging Inc.
2 Shaftsbury Lane
Brampton ON L6T 3X7
Phone: (905) 793-0177
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Coleman, Chad
Impex Inc., P.J.
240 - 3300 Cavendish Blvd.
Montreal QC H4B 2M8
Phone: (514) 369-2035
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Comtois, Stéphane
STC food Inc
6600 Trans Canada Highway, Suite 750
Pointe Claire QC H9R 2S2
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Cons, Stanley
Emballages C&C Packing Inc.
6800 boul. Des Grandes Prairies
St-Leonard QC H1P 3P3
Phone: (514) 939-2273
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Cooney, Brian
B. W. Cooney & Associates Inc.
28 Simpson Road
Bolton ON L7E 1G9
Phone: (905) 857-7880 #227
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Cordeiro, Roniele
Department of Food Science
University of Manitoba, Ellis Building
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
Phone: 204-474-9621
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Correa, Jorge
Canadian Meat Council
407 - 1545 Carling Ave
Ottawa ON K1Z 8P9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Corsetti, Ettore
Corsetti Meat Packers Limited
2255 St Clair Ave West
Toronto Ontario M6N 1K6
Phone: (416) 762-7281
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Coutts, Neil
Bouvry Exports Calgary LTd.
PO Box 2024
Fort Macleod Alberta T0L 0Z0
Phone: (403) 553-4431
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Couture, Martin
9900, 6e Rue
Montreal QC H1C 1G2
Phone: 514-648-6001 x3303
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Cummins, Eddie
McCormick Canada
2155 Drew Road
Mississauga ON L5S 1S7
Phone: (905) 405-5050
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Daniels, Cam
Canada Beef Export Federation
235, 6715-8 Street NE
Calgary AB T2E 7H7
Phone: 403-274-0005
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
D'Aoust, Chris
2401 Bristol Circle
Oakville ON L6H 6P1
Phone: 905-829-7141
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Darley, Ken
Griffith Laboratories
757 Pharmacy Avenue
Toronto ON M1L 3J8
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Davidson, Don
Maple Leaf Pork
6897 Financial Drive
Mississauga Ontario L5N 0A8
Phone: (905) 285-1579
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
de Groot, Simon
Beechgrove Country Foods Inc
20 Minuk Acres
Scarborough ON M1E 4Y6
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
De Silva, Ganiesha
Universit of Peradeniya
Institute of Agriculture
Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
DeChamplain, Pascal
Les Ingrédients Alimentaires BSA, s.e.c. / l.p.
6005 Boul. Couture
St.-Leonard QC H1P 3E1
Phone: (514) 852-2719
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Delaloye, Cindy
Canadian Beef Grading Agency
310, 6715 - 8th Street NE
Calgary AB T2E 7H7
Phone: 403-274-0301
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Diarra, Moussa
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
DiBattista, Vince
Zadi Foods Ltd.
65 Deerhurst Dr
Brampton ON L6T 5R7
Phone: 905-799-6666
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Dimitrijevic, Vesna
Meat & Commerce
2173 Heathcliff Court
Oakville ON L6M 0A5
Phone: 905-469-6345
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Dingle, Max
4968 Bella Vista Crescent
Nanaimo BC V9V 1M5
Phone: (250) 756-4160
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Domingues, Mike
Cambridge Meat Packers
1678 Morrison Road
Cambridge ON N1R 5S2
Phone: (519) 620-2800
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Doyen, Alain
Université Laval
Departement de Sciences et Technologies des Aliments, 370
Chemin Ste Foy
Québec PQ G1S 2J3
Phone: 418-473-4074
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Drung, Arnold
Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd.
313 Menno St
Breslau ON N0B 1M0
Phone: (519) 648-2506 #236
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Du, Tammy
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Entz, Scott
Cargill Meat Solutions
PO Bag 3850, 472 Ave & Hwy 2A N
High River AB T1V 1P4
Phone: (403) 652-6564
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Eyyuboglu, Yuksel
Food Philosophers
#314-55 Ellerslie Avenue
Tonronto ON M2N 1X9
Phone: 416-733-8144
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Fakheri, Ali (Mohammadali)
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-908-0350
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Falardeau, Pierre
Centre du développement du porc du Québec Inc.
2590 boul. Laurier, bureau 450
Québec PQ G1V 4M6
Phone: (418-650-2440
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Farlinger, John
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs
1 Stone Road West, 3rd Floor NE
Guelph ON N1G 4Y2
Phone: 519-826-4457
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Faruqui, Zeb
Design Label Systems
150 Capital Court
Mississauga ON L5T 2R8
Phone: 905-405-1121
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Faucitano, Luigi
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Dairy & Swine Research and Development Cetnre, 2000
College Street
Sherbrooke PQ J1M 1Z3
Phone: 819-565-9174
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Ferraro, Joe
Cambridge Meat Packers
1678 Morrison Road
Cambridge ON N1R 5S2
Phone: (519) 620-2800
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Filice, Antonio
Les Viandes Or-Fil International Inc.
2080 Monterey St
Laval QC H7L 3S3
Phone: (450) 687-5664 #23
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Firth, Nigel
Nova Scotia Agricultural College
Haley Institute
Truro NS B2N 5E3
Phone: 902-893-6645
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Fisico, Frank
Cryovac - Sealed Air Corporation: Brampton
2365 Dixie Rd.
Mississauga ON L4Y 2A2
Phone: (905) 273-5656
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Flomen, David
Viscofan Canada
290 Benjamin Hudon
St-Laurent PQ H4N 1J4
Phone: (514) 333-1700 x 222
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Fontaine, Alexandre
Montpak International Inc.
4293 Rue Hogan
Montreal Quebec H2H 2N2
Phone: (800) 527-8641
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Forster, Greg
Silliker Canada Co.
90 Gough Road, Unit 4
Markham ON L3R 5V5
Phone: (905) 479-5255
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Fortier, Marie-Pierre
Université Laval
Dépt des sciences animales
Montreal QC
Phone: (581) 329-8909
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Fournaise, Sylvain
1580 rue Eiffel
Boucherville PQ J4B 5Y1
Phone: 514-858-9000
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Galbraith, Jayson
Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development/UofA
5712-48 Avenue
Camrose AB T4V 0K1
Phone: 780-679-5171
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Garant, Dany
AgriDigit Inc.
176 Rue St-Georges
St-Lazare QC G0R 3J0
Phone: (418) 883-2224
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Garcia-Hernandex, Rigoberto
University of Alberta
Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Sciences
Edmonton AB
Phone: (780) 200-9973
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Gariépy, Claude
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
CRDA, 3600 Casavant Ouest
St-Hyacinthe QC J2S 8E3
Phone: 450-768-3261
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Génest, Bérengère
7815 Henri-Bourassa West
Montreal PQ H4S 1P7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Gibney, Matt
Cargill Meat Solutions
165 Dunlop Drive
Guelph ON
Phone: (403) 652-6564
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Gill, Colin
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8113
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Girard, Francine
Agromex Inc.
251, Route 235
Ange-Gardien QC J0E 1E0
Phone: (450) 293-3694 #619
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Girard, Isabelle
Aliya's Foods Ltd
10655 - 66 Ave NW
Edmonton AB T6H 1X5
Phone: 780-288-5260
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Glotman, Barry
West Coast Reduction Ltd.
105 N. Commercial Drive
Vancouver BC V5L 4V7
Phone: (604) 255-9301
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Golding, Kevin
150 Research Lane, Suite 307
Guelph ON N1G 4T2
Phone: (519) 780-3341
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Gruber, Sandra
Elanco Animal Health
250 - 200 Quarry Park Blvd SE
Calgary AB T2C 5E3
Phone: (403) 671-0781
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Haley, Gary
Vantage Foods Inc
306 - 809 Manning Rd NE
Calgary AB T2E 7M9
Phone: (403) 215-2828
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Harper, Allison
University of Guelph
9585 RR5
Mount Forest ON N0G 2L0
Phone: 519-323-2437
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Hicks, Dennis
Pemberton & Associates Inc.
3610 Nashua Drive
Mississauga ON L4V 1X9
Phone: (800) 668-6111 x 17
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Hiscock, Colleen
Vienna Meat Products
100 Commerce Valley Drive West
Markham ON L3T 0A1
Phone: (905) 747-3322 ext. 2129
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Hoey, Gavin
Chisholm Limited, Ronald A.
3300 - 2 Bloor Street W.
Toronto ON M4W 3K3
Phone: (416) 967-6000
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Holdstock, Jamie
University of Alberta
AFNS, 4-10 Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 403-835-0521
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Holley, Richard
University of Manitoba
Dept of Food Science, 250 Ellis Building, 13 Freedman
Cesecent, fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
Phone: 204-474-9601
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Howes, Gordon
Folio Instruments Inc.
277 Manitou Drive, Unit A
Kitchener ON N2C 1L4
Phone: 519-748-4612
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Howse, Gerry
Newly Weds Foods Co.
450 Superior Boulevard
Mississauga ON L5T 2R9
Phone: (519) 573-9996
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Hrynets, Yuliya
Dept. of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-660-5162
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Huber, Conrad
Piller Sausages & Deli Ltd.
443 Wismer St, PO Box 338
Waterloo ON N2J 4A4
Phone: (519) 743-1412 ; 519-772-3314
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Hundt, Murray
P&H Foods
648-16 Avenue
Hanover ON N4N 3N3
Phone: 519-364-1770
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Ishoy, Mark
Eastern Meat Solutions
19 Rangemore Rd
Etobicoke ON N8Z 5H9
Phone: 416-252-2791
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Johns, David
Winpak Ltd.: Winnipeg
100 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg MB R3J 3T3
Phone: (204) 889-1015
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Jones, Tineke
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8868
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Juárez, Manuel
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8118
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Knecht, Walter
Hermann Laue Spice Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 1479, 119 Franklin Street
Uxbridge ON L9P 1N6
Phone: (905) 852-5100
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Kuropas, Joe
Epsilon Chemicals Ltd.: Mississauga
214 - 2550 Argentia Road
Mississauga ON L5N 5R1
Phone: (905) 821-1922
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Labrecque, Francis
Levinoff-Colbex S.E.C.
8600 - 8E Ave
Montréal Québec H1Z 2W4
Phone: (514) 725-2405
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Lacroix, Monique
INRS - Institut Armand-Frappier
Universite Laval, 531 des Prairies
Laval QC H7V 1B7
Phone: 450-687-5010
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Laforest, Jean-Paul
Université Laval
Pavillon Paul Comtois, 2425 rue de l'Agriculture, local
Quebec QC G1V 0A6
Phone: 418-656-2131 x3496
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Langlois, Lori
A.N. Deringer
64-66 N. Main St. PO Box 1309
St. Albans VT / USA 05478
Phone: (802) 524-8110
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Lauer, John
Phone: (519) 725-4496
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Laws, Jim
Canadian Meat Council
407 - 1545 Carling Ave
Ottawa ON K1Z 8P9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Lee, Vernon
Nitta Casings (Canada) Inc.
57 Steelcase Road West
Markham ON L3R 2M4
Phone: (905) 475-6441
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Leider, Larry
European Quality Meats and Sausages
14 Westwyn Court
Brampton Ontario L6T 4T5
Phone: (905) 453-6060 x 229
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Leroux, Didier
Produits Alimentaires Viau Inc.
6625 Ernest-Cormier
Laval QC H7C 2V2
Phone: (450) 665-6100 x 3232
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Leslie, Rob
Intervet / Schering Plough
16750 route Transcanadienne
Kirkland QC H9H 4M7
Phone: 403-580-9857
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Lessard, Marcel
VLM Food Trading International Inc.
406 - 3535 St. Charles Blvd.
Kirkland QC H9H 5B9
Phone: (514) 426-4100
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Levasseur, Denis
Lucyporc (3646319 Canada inc.)
212, Canton Sud
Yamachiche QC G0X 3L0
Phone: (819) 296-1754 #104
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Lin, Tsung-Jung (Terrance)
McGill University
Dept Animal Science, 21-111 Lakeshore Rd
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9
Phone: (514) 839-9168
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Lippa, Frank
Heat Sealing Packaging Supplies & Equipment
61 Pippin Road
Concord ON L4K 4N6
Phone: (905) 669-6770
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
López Campos, Óscar
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: (403) 728-8195
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
MacLeod, L.W,
12 Ballantyne Court
ON M9A 1W9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Mandell, Ira
University of Guelph
Department of Animal & Poultry Science
Guelph ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext 5-3337
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Markus, Susan
Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development
Provincial Building, 4705-49 Avenue
Stettler AB T0C 2L0
Phone: 403-742-7570
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Marshall, Richard
Gridpath Solutions Inc.
328 Glover Rd.
Stoney Creek ON L8E 5M3
Phone: 905-643-0955
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Martinez, Tony
Donald's Fine Foods
22940 Fraser Hwy.
Langley BC V2Z 2T9
Phone: (604) 533-3911 x 102
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
McCoy, Shannon
DuPont Qualicon
27 Resolute Cres
Whitby ON L1P 1G9
Phone: (905) 666-9985
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
McKinney, Carla
3M Canada Company
300 Tartan Drive
London ON N5V 4M9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
McMullen, Lynn
Dept. of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-492-6015
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
McNicol, Graham
Global Food Horizons Inc.
14 Simonston Blvd.
Thornhill ON L3T 4L1
Phone: 905-764-7130
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Meadus, Jon
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8111
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Mercier, Yvon
475 rue Vauquelin
Mont St. Hilaire
QC J3H 3W2
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Messner, Tim
Packpro Systems Inc.
10 Paisley Lane
Stouffville ON L4A 7X4
Phone: 905-642-1300 x 28
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Michel, Hugo
Kristom Canada
1077 St. Mathieu, Suite 205
Montreal PQ H3H 2S4
Phone: (514) 223-5812
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Mills, Jennifer
Purac America
111 Barclay Boulevard
Lincolnshire IL / USA 60069
Phone: (847) 634-6330
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Mior, Werter
Export Packers Co. Ltd.
107 Walker Drive
Brampton ON L6T 5K5
Phone: (905) 792-9700 x 4205
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Mizrahi, Henry
Lesters Foods Ltd
2105 Boulevard Industriel
Laval QC H7S 1P7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Montour, Marc
Montour Ltee
1080 Michele-Bohec
Blainville QC J7C 5N5
Phone: (450) 433-1312
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Monu, Emefu
Dept. of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 203, 11148-27 Avenue
Edmonton AB T6J 4L7
Phone: 780-432-8006
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Morin, Steve
2200, Avenue Pratte
St-Hyacinthe Québec J2S 4B6
Phone: (450) 771-0400 x 3414
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Mueller, Walter
Springer's Meats Inc
544 Parkdale Ave N
Hamilton ON L8H 5Y7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Muir, Dave
3M Canada Company
300 Tartan Drive
London ON N5V 4M9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Mulock, Bill
Admiral's Gate, Unit 702-40 Trott Blvd.
Collingwood ON L9Y 5K5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Munro, David
Canadian American Boxed Meat Corp.
6905 Kenderry Gate
Mississauga ON L5T 2Y8
Phone: (905) 949-8882
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Murray, K.G.
Suite B 212, 71 Bayberry Dr.
Gueph ON N1G 5K9
Phone: (519) 836-7119
Category: CMC, Honorary
Muthukumarasamy, Parthiban
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1400 Merivale Road
Ottawa ON K1A 0Y9
Phone: 613-773-5365
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Muysson, Nancy
Viskase Companies Inc.
418 Verulam Road, Hwy 36, RR 3
Lindsay ON K9V 4R3
Phone: 1-800-461-0330
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Nabuurs, Mike
Atlantic Beef Products Inc
95 Train Station Rd, PO Box 40
Albany PE COB 1A0
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Nalaila, Sungael
204-10811-115 St NW
Edmonton AB T5H 3L2
Phone: (780) 885-6001
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Nattress, Frances
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8140
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Newton, Dave
Canworld Foods Ltd.
10 Shornecliffe Road, Unit 2
Toronto ON M9A 4E3
Phone: (416) 233-1900 x222
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Ngapo, Tania
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
CRDA, 3600 Casavant Blvd. West
Saint-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 8E3
Phone: 450-768-3000
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Nicol, Laurie
Ontario Independent Meat Processors Association
7660 Mill Road
Guelph ON N1H 6J1
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Nuys, Arie
Delft Blue Inc.
425 Dobbie Drive
Cambridge ON N1T 1S9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Old, Dave
182 Chapalina Terrace SE
Calgary AB T2X 3X3
Phone: (403) 816-9060
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Parent, Jean
Norampac Inc.
1061 rue Parent
Saint-Bruno QC J3V 6R7
Phone: (450) 461-8654
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Parent, Martin
P.A.R. Marketing Inc.
25, Rue des forges, Suite 419
Trois-Rivieres QC G9A 6A7
Phone: (819) 379-1521
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Passmore, Larry
World Pac International Canada
220 Broad Street E, Suite 116
Dunnville ON N1A 1G2
Phone: (905) 541-3324
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Peethambaran, Krishnadas
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-438-4625
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Petronaci, Anthony
Ryding Regency Meat Packers
145A Bethridge Rd
Etobicoke ON M9W 1N4
Phone: 416-744-0660
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Pettigrew, Danielle
Fédération des producteurs de porcs du Québec
555 boulevard Roland-Therrien, Bureau 120
Longueuil PQ J4H 4E9
Phone: 450-679-0540
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Pickering, Tim
A.N. Deringer
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Picory, Sébastien
Viandes Seficlo Inc.
1660, avenue Le Neuf
Becancour QC G9H 2E4
Phone: (819) 233-2653
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Pierce, Dana
Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development
Food Processing Development Centre
6309-45 Street
Leduc AB T9E 7C5
Phone: (780) 980-4869
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Pietrasik, Zeb
Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development
6309-45 Street
Leduc AB T9E 7C5
Phone: 780-986-4862
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Pigeon, Robert
1868, Boul. des Sources, Bureau 300
Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5R2
Phone: (514) 697-0099
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Plant, David
Kerry Ingredients & Flavours
2280 North Park Drive
Brampton ON L6S 6C6
Phone: (519) 341-9471 (home office)
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Plawiuk, Nestor
6221 Highway #7, Unit 8
Woodbridge ON L4H 0K8
Phone: 905-264-1170 x 4370
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Pleitner, Aaron
University of Alberta
AFNS, 4-10 Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Plourde, Denis
Groupe CNP
180, rue L.P. Lebrun
Rivière du Loup Québec G5R 5W8
Phone: (418) 868-0060 x 221
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Poitras, Jacques
Aliments Asta Inc.
511 Ave de la Gare, CP 187
St-Alexandre QC G0L 2G0
Phone: (418) 495-2728
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Pommier, Serge
PIC Canada Ltd.
45 Chantal
Shefford PQ J2M 1T9
Phone: 450-375-3565
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Potter, Jennifer
University of Alberta
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, 4-10
Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Pouliot, Genevieve
Université Laval
Québec QC
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Pouliot, Eric
Departement de Sciences et Technologies des Alimen
Universite Laval, 594 ave Claudel
Québec PQ G1P 2B8
Phone: 418-656-2131 x8823
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Powell, Frank
33 Weldrick Road East, Unit 804
Richmond Hill ON L4C 8W4
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Price, Ray
Trochu Meat Processors Ltd. / Sunterra Farms
Box 266, 117 Main St
Acme AB T0M 0A0
Phone: (403) 546-3818
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Price, Mick
7403 118A Street
Edmonton AB T6G 1V4
Phone: 780-437-6529
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Emeritus
Proulx, Denis
Viandes Sherrington Meats
4 du Domaine Sedillot
Sherrington PQ J0L 2N0
Phone: (450) 454-1150
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Proulx, André
Aliments Trans Gras Inc.
2825 Power
Drummondville QC J2C 6Z6
Phone: (819) 472-1125
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Pshebniski, Claudette
Santa Maria Foods ULC
10 Armthorpe Road
Brampton ON L6T 5M4
Phone: (905) 494-2318
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Purslow, Peter
Dept. of Food Science
University of Guelph
Guelph ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 x52099
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Read, Brian
XL Foods
Grey Road #12, #5042223, RR #6
R.R.6 Markdale ON N0C 1H0
Phone: (519) 986-4459
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Reda, Joe
Viau Foods Inc.
6625, rue Ernest-Cormier
Laval QC H7C 2V2
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Reynolds, Bruce
L.N. Reynolds Co. Ltd.
10160 Hurontario St.
Brampton ON L7A 0E4
Phone: (905) 840-3700
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Roberts, Diane
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
204-545 University Crescent
Winnipeg MB R3T 5S6
Phone: 204- 945-7678
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Romanova, Anna
Golden Interbridge Trading Inc.
688 Hastings St W, Suite 600
Vancouver BC V6B 1P1
Phone: (604) 669-3744 x 107
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Ruffo, Tony
The New Zealand and Australian Lamb Company Limite
10 Shorncliffe Road
Islington ON M9B 3S3
Phone: (416) 231-5262 #231
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Ryley, Jeff
R.A. Chisholm Limited
3300 - 2 Bloor Street W.
Toronto ON M4W 3K3
Phone: (416) 967-8200
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Salim, Heba
University of Guelph
Animal and Poultry Science
Guelph ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 x56225
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Sarx, Gordon
Curwood Packaging (Canada): Waterloo
316 Ridgemere Court
Kitchener ON N2P 2W6
Phone: (519) 748-2611
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Saucier, Linda
Université Laval
2425 rue de l'Agriculture, Pavillon Paul-Comtois Local 420
Quebec PQ G1V 0A6
Phone: 418-656-2131x6295
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Schlosser, Julianna
First Spice Mixing Co.
98 Tycos Drive
Toronto ON M6B 1V9
Phone: (416) 787-1201
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Schwartz, David
Quality Meat Packers Limited
2 Tecumseth St
Toronto ON M5V 2R5
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Serenko, Todd
Ecolab Co. (Food and Beverage Division)
5105 Tomken Road
Mississauga ON L4W 2X5
Phone: 1-800-461-5081 , ext. 6239
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Shahidi, Fereidoon
Department of Biochemistry
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 232 Elizabeth
St. John's NL A1B 3X9
Phone: 709-737-8552
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Shand, Phyllis
University of Saskatchewan
Dept. of Food and Bioproduct Sciences, 51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 5A8
Phone: 306-966-8842
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Sliffe, Kent
Marel Food Systems
8145 Flint Street
Lenexa KS / USA 66214
Phone: 913-888-9110
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Slinde, Astri
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-435-1225
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Smurawski, Rick
Tri-Meats Inc.
17 W. 622 Butterfield Rd., Suite 200
Oakbrook Terrace IL / USA 60181
Phone: 630-705-2800
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Snajdman, Dan
Jadee Meat Products Ltd.
4710 Bartlett Rd
Beamsville ON L0R 1B0
Phone: (905) 563-5381
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Soucy, Roland
689 Couves Crescent
Greenfield Park QC J4V 1T7
Phone: (450) 672-7146
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Honorary
Springmann, Peter
Country Prime Meats
3171 Highway 97
Lac La Hache BC V0K 1T1
Phone: 250-396-4111
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Squires, James
University of Guelph
Dept. of Animal & Poultry Science, ANNU Room 223, 491
Gordon Street, Building #70
Guelph ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 x53928
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Academia
Stevens, Coleen
M&M Meat Shops Ltd.
640 Trillium Drive, P.O. Box 2488
Kitchener ON N2H 6M3
Phone: 519-895-1075
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Stewart, Bill
Red Arrow Products Co. Inc.: Brampton
P.O. Box 68606
Brampton ON L6R 0J8
Phone: (905) 458-1209
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Stoll, Lane
Food and Bioproducts Sciences
University of Saskatchewan, 51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 1R4
Phone: 306-966-5040
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Streeter, Dwight
Jarvis Industries Canada Ltd.
3915 - 78th Avenue S.E., Bay A
Calgary AB T2C 2J6
Phone: (403) 236-5350
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Sullivan, Brian
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement Inc.
Central Experimental Farm, Building 54, Maple Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0C6
Phone: 613-233-8872 x23
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Corporate
Takeuchi, Lindy
National Starch ULC
106 Summerlea Road
Brampton ON L6T 4X3
Phone: (905) 454-5492
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Taylor, Garry
Reiser (Canada) Co.
1549 Yorkton Court, Unit #4
Burlington ON L7P 5B7
Phone: (905) 631-6611
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Terfloth, Marc
Terfloth & Cie (Canada) Inc., B.
500 - 1 Westmount Square
Montreal QC H3Z 2P9
Phone: (514) 939-2341
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Thomas, Michael
Dimex Trading Inc.
218 St. Paul St. West, 2nd Floor
Montreal QC H2Y 1Z9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Tiffin, Robert
45 Deerpark Cr.
Kitchener ON N2M 4R3
Phone: 519-744-7746
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Emeritus
Tomassetti, Marcello
White Veal Meat Packers
37 Fenmar Drive
Weston Ontario M9L 1S9
Phone: (416) 745-7448
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Trahan, Denis
Atrahan Transformation Inc.
860 Chemin des Acadiens
Yamachiche QC G0X 3L0
Phone: (819) 296-3791
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Uttaro, Bethany
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8107
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Vachon, Lise
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
CRDA, 3600 Casavant Blvd. West
Saint-Hyacinthe PQ J2S 8E3
Phone: (450) 768-3333
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Vail, Kathleen
Dept of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Ag/For Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-245-5550
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Valade, Doris
Malabar Super Spice Co. Ltd.
459 Enfield Rd.
Burlington ON L7T 2X5
Phone: 905-632-2062
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Van Coppenolle, Erik
Handtmann Canada Limited
654 Colby Drive
Waterloo ON N2V 1A2
Phone: (519) 725-3666
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Van Vloten, Peter
Pfizer Animal Health
185 Barker Ave. South
Listowel ON N4W 1Z7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Vandray, Wally
Brecon Foods Inc.
189 Hymus Blvd, Suite 406
Pointe-Claire PQ H9R 1E9
Phone: (514) 426-8140 x 248
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Vanelli Weschenfleder, Angela
Université Laval
7542, rue Boyer
Laval PQ H2R 2R8
Phone: 514-951-7893
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Verdon, Lucie
Canadian Swine Health Board
220 Laurier Ave West, Suite 900
Ottawa ON K1P 5Z9
Phone: (613) 230-4445
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Industry
Victorica, Sebastián
HAP Foods Canada Ltd.
1255 University - Office 1501
Montreal QC H3B 3X2
Phone: 514 397 9494
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Visvalingam, Jeyachchandran
University of Manitoba
Dept Food Science, 250 Ellis Bldg
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Walker, Nicholas
Bassett & Walker International, Inc.
2 Berkeley Street West Suite 303
Toronto ON M5A 4J5
Phone: (416) 363-7070
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Wallace, Mike
Canada Compound Corporation
391 Rowntree Dairy Road
Woodbridge ON L4L 8H1
Phone: (905) 856-5005
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Wang, Haihong
Food Processing Development Centre
Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development, 6309-45 Street
Leduc AB T9E 7C5
Phone: 780-980-4721
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Weaver, Robert
9 Grandview Place, RR #3
Prescott ON K0E 1T0
Category: CMC, Honorary
Whitman, Matt
University of Guelph
101 Elkington Drive
Kitchener ON N2B 1S1
Phone: 519-742-1393
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Wiebe, Robert
Maxxam Analytics Inc.
6740 Campobello Road
Mississauga ON L5N 2L8
Phone: 905-817-5700
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Wiliquet, Denis
2700 W Silver Spring Drive
Milwaukee WI / USA 53211
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Wilkinson, Joe
Wilkinson Foods International Ltd.
3 - 2850 Argentia Road
Mississauga ON L5N 8G4
Phone: (905) 286-1619
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Willard, Dale
Canada First Brands
77 - 2455 Cawthra Rd
Mississauga ON L5A 3P1
Phone: (905) 566-9855 x 228; 224
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Regular
Williamson, Jennifer
Department of Human Nutritional Sciences
University of Manitoba, 122 Savoy Crescent
Winnipeg MB R3R 2N9
Phone: 204-791-9244
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Wilson, Chris
Elanco Animal Health
150 Research Lane, Suite 120
Guelph ON N1G 4T2
Phone: (613) 220-6770
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Industry
Wollmann, Michael
Quality Processors
Box 849
Neepawa MB R0J 1H0
Phone: 204-476-3562
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Xu, Joseph
Janada Trading Ltd.
708 - 1155 West Pender St
Vancouver BC V6E 2P4
Phone: (604) 731-5152
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Yang, Xianqin
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail
Lacombe AB T4L 1W1
Phone: 403-782-8569
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Government
Young, Mark
Smurfit - MBI
1115 - 34th Avenue S. E.
Calgary AB T2G 1V5
Phone: (403) 214-5221
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Zeppieri, Johnny
Marcus Food Co.
70 Limeridge Street
Aurora ON L4G 7X9
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate
Zhang, James
Dept. of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
Edmonton AB T6G 2P5
Phone: 780-708-0720
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMSA, Student
Zilli, Edward
Bravo Products and Exports Inc.
7050 Weston Rd., Suite 220
Vaughn ON L4L 8G7
Email: [email protected]
Category: CMC, Associate