New French Government


New French Government
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New French Government
(Euronews, 2014)
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The line-up of the new French government has been announced as President Hollande sets about
reasserting his authority over economic policy.
Monsieur Emmanuel Macron.
Out go Arnaud Montebourg and other left-wing ministers who’d spoken out against austerity. The new
economy minister is seen as distinctly pro-business. Emmanuel Macron, who is 36, is a former merchant
banker and presidential advisor. The prime minister told French TV news, “We must help companies, big
companies which represent France throughout the world, but also small and medium-sized firms,
tradesmen, the social economy, start-ups, places where the vast majority of people work and where
wealth is created. Without our companies’ wealth, there’s no job creation.
Manuel Valls also said he would call a vote of confidence in parliament soon, seeking to head off any
potential rebellion from the disgruntled left. MPs are due to examine the new budget and other reforms.
Europe is also watching. The new government will want to convince Brussels that its growth-boosting
measures are within EU rules.
01. the line-up
02. sets about reasserting
03. out go
04. left-wing ministers
05. who’d (who had) spoken out
06. a former merchant banker
07. advisor
08. throughout the world
09. small and medium-sized firms
10. tradesmen
11. wealth
12. call a vote of confidence
13. seeking to head off
14. the disgruntled left
15. MPs are due to examine
16. are within EU rules
la composition
entreprend de réaffirmer
des ministres de gauche (de ‘l’aile gauche’)
qui s’étaient élevés contre / avaient critiqué
un ancien banquier d’affaires
un conseiller
partout dans le monde
des PME
la richesse
demander un vote de confiance
cherchant à empêcher / détourner
la gauche mécontente
les membres de parlement doivent étudier
respectent les règles de l’UE
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New French Government
(Euronews, 2014)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
The _l______-_u_____ of the new French government has been announced as President Hollande
_s_______a__________ _r____________ his authority over economic policy.
de réaffirmer
Monsieur Emmanuel Macron.
Out go Arnaud Montebourg and other _l______-w_________ ministers who had _s__________o_____
de gauche
(s’étaient) élevés / avaient critiqué
against austerity. The new economy minister is seen as distinctly pro-business. Emmanuel Macron, who
is 36, is a _f___________ _m_____________b___________ and presidential _a_______________. The
banquier d’affaires
prime minister told French TV news, “We must help companies, big companies which represent France
_t_______________ the world, but also _s_________and_m_________-_s____________f_________,
partout (dans)
des PME
_t_______________, the social economy, start-ups, places where the vast majority of people work and
where _w_____________ is created. Without our companies’ wealth, there’s no job creation.
Manuel Valls also said he would call a vote of confidence in parliament soon, _s_____________t______
cherchant à
_h___________o__________any potential rebellion from the _d________________________ left.
MPs are due to examine the new budget and other reforms.
Europe is also watching. The new government will want to convince Brussels that its growth-boosting
measures _a________w____________ EU rules.