biblioteca - Universidade de Coimbra


biblioteca - Universidade de Coimbra
Bibliografia Pedagógica
ANTUNES, Ricardo - Adeus ao trabalho? : ensaio sobre as metamorfoses e a centralidade do mundo do
trabalho. 3ª ed.. São Paulo : Cortez Editora ; Campinas : Editora da Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, 1995. COTA: BP 316.334.2 ANT.
BANERJEE, Subhabrata Bobby - Corporate social responsibility : the good, the bad and the ugly.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2007. COTA: BP 330.3 BAN.
CAPPELLIN, Riccardo ; WINK, Rüdiger - International knowledge and innovation networks : knowledge
creation and innovation in medium technology clusters. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. COTA: BP
330.341 CAP.
CARRON DE LA CARRIÈRE, Guy - La diplomatie économique : le diplomate et le marché. Paris :
Economica, 1998. COTA: BP 339.9 CAR.
CRAMER, Christopher J. - Civil war is not a stupid thing : accounting for violence in developing
countries. London : Hurst & Company, 2006. COTA: BP 327 CRA.
CROW, Graham ; ALLAN, Graham - Community life : an introduction to local social relations. New
York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994. COTA: 316.7 CRO.
INEQUALITIES of the world. Edited by Goran Therborn. London :Verso, 2006. COTA: BP 304 INE.
MOBILE methodologies. Edited by Ben Fincham, Mark McGuinness, Lesley Murray. Houndmills :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. COTA: BP 316.7 MOB.
MOSES, Jonathon Wayne - International migration : globalization's last frontier. Bangkok [etc.] : White
Lotus [etc.], 2006. COTA: BP 314 MOS.
MULTIMEDIA cartography. Editors William Cartwright, Michael P. Pererson, Georg Gartner 2nd ed..
Berlin : Springer, 2007. COTA: BP 911 MUL.
MYCONOS, George - The globalizations of organized labour : 1945-2005. Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2005. COTA: BP 323.4 MYC SEN.
NELSON, Roger B. - An introduction to copulas. New York : Springer, 2006. COTA: BP 519.2 NEL.
RAGIN, Charles C. - Redesigning social inquiry : fuzzy sets and beyond. Chicago : University of
Chicago Press, 2008. COTA: BP 303 RAG.
RICHMOND, Oliver P. - Peace in international relations. London : Routledge, 2008. COTA: BP 327
SAGAN, Scott Douglas ; WALTZ, Kenneth N. - The spread of nuclear weapons : a debate renewed :
with sections on iNdia and Pakistan terrorism, and missile defense. [2nd ed.]. New York : W. W. Norton
& Company, 2003. COTA: BP 327 SAG.
SEN, Amartya - Identity and violence : the illusion of destiny. London : Penguin Books, 2007. COTA: BP
316.334.3 SEN.
SOROS, George - The new paradigm for financial markets : the credit crisis of 2008 and what it means.
London : PublicAffairs, 2008. COTA: BP 336.76 SOR.
SOUTH ASIA in the world : problem solving perspectives on security, sustainable development, and good
governance. Edited by Ramesh thakur and Oddny Wiggen. Tokyo : United Nations University Press,
2004. COTA: BP 327 SOU.
STOCKHAMMER, Engelbert - The rise of unemployment in Europe : a Keynesian approach.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2004. COTA: BP 331.1 STO.
VARIKAS, Eleni - Penser le sexe et le genre. Paris : PUF, 2006. COTA: BP 316.334.3 VAR.
WEBSTER, Eddie ; LAMBERT, Rob ; BEZUIDENHOUT. Andries - Grounding globalization : labour in
the age of insecurity. Malden : Blackwell Publishing, 2008. COTA: BP 316.334.2 WEB.
WOMEN'S studies on the edge. Edited by Joan Wallach Scott. Durham : Duke University Press, 2008.
Bibliografia Geral
FOUCAULD, Jean-Baptiste de - L'abondance frugale : pour une nouvelle solidarité. Paris : Odile Jacob,
2010. COTA: COP-1950.
FRANÇA. Leis, decretos, etc. -Code de la mutualité : textes mis à jour au 10 janvier 2010. Paris :
Editions des Journaux Officiels, 2010. COTA: COP-1952.
GESTION (La) des entreprises sociales. Sous la direction de Sybille Mertens. Liége: Edi.Pro-Editions
des CCI, 2005. COTA: COP-1954.
GHOSN-BARREAU, Maya - 100 pistes pou un management éthique. Cormelles-le-Royal : Editions
EMS Management & Société, 2010. COTA: COP-1953.
MAC GINTY, Roger - No war, no peace : the rejuvenation of stalled peace processes and peace accords.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. COTA: 327 MAC.
McSWEENEY, Bill - Security, identity, and interests : a sociology of international relations. [Reprinted].
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. (Milton Keynes : Lightning Source, 2010). COTA:
327 MCS.
MIALL, Hugh - Emergent conflict and peaceful change. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. COTA:
327 MIA.
PALGRAVE advances in peacebuilding : critical developments and approaches. Edited by Oliver P.
Richmond. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. COTA: 327 PAL.
PHILIPPE, Jean - Les mots du mutualisme : la Banque Coopérative au plus près de l'humain. Pau :
Editions Cairn, 2009. COTA: COP-1951.
POUZET, Marc ; MAFFESOLI, Michel - Mutualisme financier, société de personnes et postmodernité.
Paris : CNRS Editions, 2009. COTA: COP-1949.
SERVET, Jean-Michel - Le grand renversement : de la crise au renouveau solidaire. Paris : Desclée de
Brouwer, 2010. COTA: COP-1955.
WHOSE peace? : critical perspectives on the political economy of peacebuilding. Edited by Michael Pugh,
Neil Cooper and Mandy Turner. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. COTA: 327 WHO.
Divulgação bibliográfica
Ana Serrano
[email protected]
Tratamento técnico
Fernanda Mexia
[email protected]
Ângelo Pinto
[email protected]