it`s black radish season


it`s black radish season
The fruit of a partnership with a local farmer, Plantex offers, for your specialities
and from stock, conventional and organic black radishes.
Botanical name:
Raphanus sativus var niger
Of unknown origin (Mediterranean basin or Western Asia), black radish is a plant
with branched flowering stems suitable for growing up to 80 cm. Its leaves are
villous and the root can measure up to 20 cm. The root contains a black sheath and
a white section with a characteristic taste and odour. Farmed by sowing from May
to early August, it is harvested two months later.
Common name:
Black radish
Family :
Part used:
Black radish root
Available forms:
- Dry extract
- Aqueous fluid extract
- Hydro-alcoholic fluid
- Glycerinated fluid extract
- Concentrate
- Juice
- Custom formula
Potential applications :
- Soft capsules
- Vial
- Biscuits
- Draining agent
Containing, among other things, sulphur compounds, black radish is traditionally
used as a:
 Detoxifier/diuretic
 Choleretic (bile secretion stimulant)
 Cholagogue (promotes discharge of bile)
 Liver and gallbladder draining agent
 Treatment of digestive disorders resulting from poor biliary circulation
It is thus an ideal ingredient for relieving organs suffering from changes in eating
habits and excesses.
« Bile stimulation. Commission E in Germany has approved the use of freshly
pressed black radish juice for treating dyspepsia resulting from poor biliary
circulation. Despite a lack of clinical trials demonstrating the efficacy of black radish
for this purpose, Commission E deemed that the traditional use and in vitro and
animal trials provided sufficient evidence to recognise the benefits of black radish
juice. According to this body, it stimulates bowel peristalsis and has an action on the
bile ducts, thus promoting bile secretion and healthy digestion.”
(source :
ZAC de la Croix Blanche, 25 rue du Petit Fief
 (0033) 1 60 16 69 25
91 700 Sainte Geneviève des Bois
(0033) 1 60 16 69 37
[email protected]
Restriction for use :
Not to be taken in cases of gallstones/bile duct obstruction.
Regulation :
The regulatory status of the herb in the Member States of the European Union for food supplements is given below:
Belgium : root, fruit, leaf approved under a positive list
France : root approved under a positive list
Iceland : Whole plant not approved under a negative list
Ireland : seed approved under a positive list
Italy : seed, root approved under a positive list
This information and advice does not under any circumstances claim to treat any illness, and does not constitute an
incitement to stop using conventional medical treatments, nor is it a special recommendation to use any specific
treatment, nor a diagnosis.
ZAC de la Croix Blanche, 25 rue du Petit Fief
 (0033) 1 60 16 69 25
91 700 Sainte Geneviève des Bois
(0033) 1 60 16 69 37
[email protected]