Flash 19


Flash 19
Belgian Senators vising
Naonal Radio & Television
About 30 Senators and family, including some children, visited the RTBF in Brussels. It used to be the
na!onal Belgian broadcas!ng system, but for many
years broadcas!ng has been separated into two organiza!ons - the Flemish (Vrt) and the French
speaking, both being sponsored by their own cultural communi!es. As you might have read, it is not
always an easy issue in Belgium, since the rela!onship between both communi!es is not always very
However, for historical reasons, the two broadcas!ng systems s!ll share the same huge building in
Brussels. There is only a corridor separa!ng one
from the other. We visited the French speaking part
of the building (we hope visit the Flemish part of it
The first part of our visit was to the television studios, where some of the news is presented, and there
were other studios for poli!cal and other talkshows. Everyone quickly realized the main difference between the percep!on we have on the flat
screen and the reality of what happens in the studio;
Françoise Defauw hiding Senator Willy
Machiels, #12715, Senator Paul Van Bavel,
#23184, ASE Past President Paul Kaiser,
#26719, and ASE President Francis
Defauw, #22596.
On backside Senator Jean-Lou Peene,
#44651, Herman De Ridder, Past-President
JCI Senate Belgium, Senator #56508, and
Tom Diel9ens, Senator #57223
Everyone quickly realized the main difference between the
percep!on we have on the flat screen and the reality of
what happens in the studio; how the colours depend on the
ligh!ng and the effects you get by using different lenses
and cameras. A2erwards, we went to the radio studios,
where we were able to see what happens during the 12-oclock news, from behind the window. RTBF has three T.V.
Channels and about five radio channels covering general
informa!on, rock, classical music, entertainment and community events.
And then, we saw the News Room where local and interna!onal news is selected and edited by professional journalists to produce the script of the next edi!on. There are a
lot of people involved, including selec!ng the images and
transla!ng the news from the interna!onal agencies or interviews, in planning, producing and scheduling the programme.
And, as usual, a2er the visit, we all gathered for a nice
lunch in a “Brasserie” nearby, rounding off an excellent visit
in J.C.I. friendship.
François Deren, Senator # 54703
Une trentaine de Senateurs, conjoints et
enfants se retrouvèrent en visite dans les
studios de la Radio et Télévision Belges,
côté francophone, puisque vous vous en
doutez, le correspondant neerlandophone
occupe tout autant de place, de l’autre côté
d’un couloir central. Les différentes techniques de recherche de nouvelles, d’intervieuws ou d’enregistrement d’émissions
radiophiques ou télévisuelles nous furent
expliqués par le menu. Différents studios
nous furent montrés et nous eûmes l’occasion de parler avec de nombreux techniciens, des traducteurs avisés, des secrétaires de rédac!on et autres. Nous pûmes
assister à une émission radio en direct et à
la prépara!on d’un journal télévisé. La visite fut trop courte, mais elle nous permit
de nous familiariser avec les dessous de nos
journaux télévisés. Ensuite, et suivant nos
bonnes habitudes nous allions déguster un
délicieux repas dans un excellent restaurant
Una treintena de senadores, cónyuges e
hijos se encontraron visitando los estudios
de radio y televisión belga, en el lado
francófono, porque como se puede imaginar, la parte flamenca ocupa el mismo espacio, pero del otro lado del pasillo central.
Las diferentes técnicas de inves!gación de
no!cias, entrevistas, y grabación de emisiones de radio o televisión fueron explicadas en detalle. Nos mostraron diferentes
estudios y tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar
con muchos técnicos, traductores, secretarios de redacción … Pudimos asis!r a una
emisión de radio en vivo y a la preparación
de un no!ciero de televisión. La visita fue
muy corta, pero nos permi!ó familiarizarnos
con la parte detrás de cámaras de nuestros
no!cieros. Luego, siguiendo nuestras buenas costumbres, disfrutamos de una deliciosa comida en un restaurante excelente cercano a los estudios
Welcome speech by our
Na9onal Senate President
Emmanuel Jassogne, # 68214

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