Great Expectations, Charles Dickens


Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
Bibliographie :
HOLLINGTON, Michael. Charles Dickens: David Copperfield. Collection CNED-Didier Concours
HOLLINGTON, Michael. “The Terror of Childhood”: Gothic Realism in Great Expectations. Etudes anglaises, -.
Dickens. Twentieth Century Views, edited by Martin Price. S-TC-72 (une collection d’essais écrits au XX siècle)
Etudes universitaires récentes :
CHARLES DICKENS, Great Expectations. Ouvrage collectif. Coordination : Jean-Pierre Naugrette. Préface : Sylvère
Monod. Ellipses-Marketing. Collection CAPES / Agrégation Anglais, .
Liens vers d’autres sites :
Study guide to Great Expectations (NovelGuide)
Great Expectations: plot summary, character descriptions, place descriptions, quotes, biography ,
topic tracking (Bookrags)
Great Expectations: notes and essays by Harvard essayists (Harvard)
Resource page for Dickens information and works online: works,life and family, Dicken’s
London. (Homepage of Ritva Raesma)
Historical and biographical info on Dickens as well as scholarly commentary and criticism of
his writings (The Victorian Web)
e-texts (Great Literature On-line)
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