
8:00 (4-5)
" C ’ast pas mot, c a s t lul" (1979, Comedle)
Aldo Maccione. Valene Mairesse Un acteur italien demand
dun scenanste a ecnre un scenario a son intention.
10:00 (9) * * * “Topaz” (1969, Suspense) John Forsythe. Kann
Dor Based on the story by Leon Uris. A French secret agent
investigates Cuba's link with the Soviets.
11:00 (4-5) **V4 "L a fotle m ission du Dr. Schaeffer" (1967,
C o m e d le ) Jam es Coburn, Godfrey Cam bridge. Un
psychiatre, chotsi pour aider le president des Etats Unis a
tromper sa solitude, devient la cable d'agents secrets etrarv
1205 (11-12)
“The Dangerous Deya of K k m a Jo n e s"
(1966, Western) Robert Morton. Diane Baker. An ex­
lawman reluctantly agrees to deliver a prisoner to jail.
2:30 (6) *» “The Wrecking Crew" (1968, Comedy) Dean Mar­
tin. Elke Sommer Secret agent Matt Helm searches for a
large quantity of gold that must be returned to insure interna­
tional solvency
2:30 (4-6) »** “Lattra d un Inconnua" (1947, Dram*) Joan
Fontaine, Louis Jourdan. Un musioen insouciant et tetard
recort une lettre d un inconnue
9:00 (7) " T h u r s d a y '* C h ild ” A once robust 17-year-old
courageously laces a risky heart transplant with the love and
support of his large, dose-knit family; Gena Rowlands. Don
Murray and Rob Lowe star.
2:30 (6) »• “F. Scott Fitzgerald In Hollywood” (1978, Drama)
Jason Miller, Tuesday Weld The nse. fall and return of the
bnlliant jazz age novelist is portrayed
6:00 (2-3) ~V 4 "Tenspeed and Brown Sh oe " (1980. Adven­
ture) Ben Vereen, Jeff Goldblum A stuffy young lawyer is
swept up in an incredible senes of espionage activities when
he becomes the unwilling accomplice of a shifty con man
11:30 (4-6)
“La Dernier Round” (1926, Comedle) Buster
Keaton. Sally O'Neill. Un |eune anstocratH bonasse est en­
voys par ses parents en pieme nature
12:05 (11-12) »*♦ “The Courtship of Eddie's Father” (1963,
Comedy) Glenn Ford. Shirley Jones A young boy uses a
peculiar and humorous standard to determine the "perfect
wife for his widowed father
12:55 (7) * * "K in gd o m of The SpW ara" (1977, Horror) William
Shatner, Tiffany Bolling Thousands of mutant tarantulas in
search of tood attack an Anzona town. (R)
2:30 (6) *»V4 “The Outer S p a c e C o n n e c t io n " (1975,
Documentary) Narrated by Rod Sorting New evidence
appears to suggest that human life on this planet began with
the arrival of ''ancient astronauts" who settled in the Peru­
vian Andes and the Bermuda Triangle
2:30 (4-5)
7 00 (2-3)
"The Brady Brid es" (1980 Comedy) Maureen
McCormick, Eve Plumb Sisters Marcia and Jan Brady fall in
love with two very different men and try to plan a double
wedding m spite of problems involving their well-meaning but
intrusrve family.
9:00 (8) “The Warrlora" (Premiere, Drama)
11:00 (4-5)
“Lea Aventuree de Lucky Lady” (1975, Com ­
edle) Liza Minelli, Burt Reynolds La veuve d'un traffiquant
s'alle a deux chevaliers d Industrie pour faire passer une
cargaison d alcohol en contrebande aux Etats-Unis
12:05 (11-12) * * “Drum s of Africa" (1963, Adventure) Frankie
Avalon, Lloyd Bochner. A white hunter accompanied by a
band of raiders attempts to stall the construction of a railroad
line through East Africa.
1:00 (4-5) *»* “Le Tig re a * perfume a la dynam ite" (1965,
Aventura) Roger Hanin, Margaret Lee Un agent secret est
charge de proteger le tresor decouvert au large de Pointe-aPitre par une expedition trandase.
1.-00 (8)
"The Feerla Spreading" (1975, Suapenee) Tandy
Cronyn. Denholm Elliott. An attractive young journalist on a
routine assignment is suddenly taken hostage by two prison
•*'/> "LJbre com m e le ve n t" (1969, A ventura) Mark
3:00 (8) * « “Buster and Bttlle" (1974, Drama) Jan-Michael
Vincent. Joan GoodfeOow. A popular young man falls in love
with a girl in the wrong side of town
L e s t e r . J o h n M ills . U n ) e u n e g a r c o n q u i e t a it v ic t im e d u n
t r a u m a b s m e p a y c h iq u e n e p a n e p a s . e t M a 'm t e r e s s e t o u t e fo * s a la n a t u r e
Jap an ese S te a k h o u se
p iw c e
d in in g r o o m
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