Bibliography - Résistances civiles de masse


Bibliography - Résistances civiles de masse
Two basic books
n our choice of bibliography, we have preferred the practical
approach. Two are possible: the nonviolent and philosophical
approaches or the pragmatic tools for resolving the conflicts.
This choice corresponds to the line of thought of this website.
The first is in no way of less interest, as will be indicated at the end.
his following books greatly inspired the contents of this site.
Several passages have been extracted from them.
GENE SHARP, "Civilian-Based Defense, A Post-Military Weapons
System", Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey 08540,
1990 et à : [email protected]
JEAN MARICHEZ et XAVIER OLAGNE, "La guerre par actions
civiles : Identité d'une stratégie de défense", published in 1998 by
la Fondation pour les Études de Défense, and distribute by
La documentation française, 29 quai Voltaire, 75344 Paris cedex 07,
tél. (0)1 40 15 70 00,
Other books of
Gene Sharp
The Albert Einstein
Résistances civiles de masse:
Action Civile et Défense. 45, chemin de la Pérouse. F73800 Arbin.
See the site of the
SHARP, GENE, "Self-Reliant Defense, Without Bankrupcy or War";
The Albert Einstein Institution, Boston MA, 1992 ;
"The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle", Monograph 3,
The Albert Einstein Institution, Boston MA,1990 ;
"Making Europe Unconquerable : The Potential of Civilian-Based
Deterrence and Defense", Ballinger, New York 1985;
"Social Power and Political Freedom", Porter Sargent, Boston 1980 ;
"Gandhi as a Political Strategist", Porter Sargent, Boston 1979
"The Politics of Nonviolent Action", qui comprend trois tomes :
"Power and Struggle", "The Methods of Nonviolent Action",
"The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action", Porter Sargent, Boston 1973.
De nombreux livrets parmi lesquels : "The Anti-Coup",
"From dictatorship to democracy", "There are realistic alternatives";
The Albert Einstein Institution, Boston MA
Books classified
according to Authors
"Strategic Nonviolent Conflict : The dynamics of People Power
in the Twentieth Century", Praeger, Westport 1993
ANV, Ventabren F13122, "La dissuasion civile n° 59" ; "Où en est
la recherche n° 72" ;
"Actes du colloque Défense et citoyenneté en Europe", ParisLa Défense 1993, N° 87 ;
"Les Stratégies civiles de défense, Actes du colloque international
de Strasbourg", 1987
"The Relevance of Civilian-Based Defense to U.S. Security Interest",
Military Review, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Vol. 56 No. 5 &6, 1976
BARNETT, ROBERT, "Resistance and Reform in Tibet",
Hurst and Co., Londres
BLEIKER ROLAND, "Nonviolent Struggle and the Revolution
in East Germany" ; Monograph 6, Albert Einstein Institution,
Cambridge MA, USA 1993
BOSERUP, ANDERS, ANDREW MACK, "War without Weapons :
Nonviolence in National Defence", Francis Pinter, London 1974 ; et
Shocken Books, New York 1975 (Traduction de l'original danois)
BURRIT, ELIHU, "Thoughts and Things at Home and Abroad",
Philips, Sampson, NY 1954
EBERT, THEODOR, "Soziale Verteidigung", Band 1 und 2,
Waldkircher Verlag 1981, "Gewaltfreier Aufstand: Alternative
zum Bürgerkrieg", Verlag Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau 1967,
"Demokratische Sicherheitpolitik : von der Territorialen zur sozialen
Verteidigung", Carl Hanser Verlag, München 1974
EGLITIS, OLGERTS, "Nonviolent Action in the Liberation of
Latvia", Monograph 5, The Albert Einstein Institution, Cambridge
MA, USA 1993
GALTUNG, JOHAN, "Anders Verteidigen, Beiträge zur Friedens
und Konfliktforschung", Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, Reinbecker
1982 ; "Es gibt Alternativen, Vier Wege zu Frieden und Sicherheit",
Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1984
GERAERTS, GUSTAAF, "Possibilities of Civilian Defence in
Western Europe", Amsterdam and Lisse, Swets and Zeitlinger 1977
HOLST, JOHAN JORGEN, "Civilian-based Defense in a New Era",
Monograph 2,
The Albert Einstein Institution, Cambridge MA, USA 1990
KING-HALL, SIR STEPHEN, "Defence in the Nuclear Age",
Victor Gollancz, London 1958 ; et Nyack New York, 1959 ;
"Power Politics in The Nuclear Age : A Policy for Britain",
Victor Gollancz, London 1962
KRUEGLER, CHRISTOPHER, "Liddle Hart and the Concept of
Civilian-Based Defense";
Ph. D. Dissertation, Syracuse University, 1984
LAKEY GEORGE, "Powerful Peace Making : a Strategy for a living
Revolution", New Society, Philadelphia and Santa Cruz 1987
LIDDELL HART, CAPTAIN SIR BASIL H. "Deterrent or Defence",
Faber and Faber London 1954 ; et Stevens and Sons, London 1960 ;
"Strategy : The Indirect Approach", Signet Book, New American
Library, New York 1974
Action : A Research Guide", Garland, New York/London 1997
(Document très complet, indispensable pour la recherche)
Avec CHRISTOPHER KRUEGLER, "Toward Research and Theory
Building in the Study of Nonviolent action", Monograph 7, The
Albert Einstein Institution, Cambridge MA, USA 1990
"La dissuasion civile", Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense
Nationale, Paris 1985, diffusé par MAN, 31 rue de Reuilly,
75 012 Paris
MIR, "Les monographies de la défense civile",
Cahiers de la Réconciliation, Paris
MULLER, JEAN MARIE, "Désobéir à Vichy", Ed. Presses
Universitaires de Nancy, 1994;
"Stratégie de l'action nonviolente", Seuil, Paris 1981
NIEZING, JOHAN (Commission présidée par), "The Dutch Research
Project on Civilian Defence", Bulletin of Peace Proposals Nr 4, 1978
NVA, "Résistances civiles, Les leçons de l'Histoire",1989, "L'action
nonviolente: Guide théorique et pratique", F45202 Montargis 1985
PARKMAN, PATRICIA, "Insurrectionary Civil Strikes in Latin
America 1931/1961" ; Monograph 1, The Albert Einstein Institution,
Cambridge MA, USA, 1990
POWER, ROGER S., WILLIAM B. VOGELE, "Protest, Power and
Change : An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action from ACT-UP to
Women’s Suffrage" ; Garland, NY/London 97
RAVALOSON, JAONA, "Transition démocratique à Madagascar";
L’Harmathan, Paris
ROBERTS, ADAM, "Civil resistance in the East European and
Soviet Revolutions", The Albert Einstein Institution, Monograph
Series Nr 4, Cambridge MA, USA 1991 ; "Nations in Arms : The
Theory and Practice of Territorial Defence" ; Chatto&Windus,
London 1976 ; "Civil Resistance to Military Coups, Journal of Peace
Reseach", Vol XII, No 1, Oslo 1975 ;
Avec CARTER, HOGGETT et DAVID, "Nonviolent Action",
Housmans Bookshop, London 1970 ; "The Strategy of Civilian
Defence, Nonviolent Resistance to Aggression"; Harmondsworth
(England) and Baltimore Md (USA), Penguin Books, 1969.
"Csechoslovakia 1968 : Reform, repression and Resistance",
Colombia University Press, New York 1969
RUGOVA, IBRAHIM, "La question du Kosovo", Fayard, Paris 1994
SEMELIN, JACQUES, "Quand les dictatures se fissurent,
Résistances civiles à l'Est et au Sud", Desclée de Brower, Paris 1995 ;
"Sans armes face à Hitler, la résistance civile en Europe", Payot, Paris
Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York 1939 ; Réédition Garland,
NewYork & London 1972
SCHMID, ALEX P., "Social Defense and Soviet Military Power",
Den Haag, Distributiecentrum Overheispublicaties, 1985
VALK, GILIAM DE, "Research on Civilian-based Defence :
proposals for research projects by the Netherlands Steering
Committee Social Defence", Amsterdam, SISWO Publikatie, 1993
"Civilian Defence : Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung über Civilian
Defence" ; Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag, Bielefeld 1968 ;
"Eine andere Verteidigung ? Alternativen zur atomaren
Abschreckung", Carl Hanser Verlag, München1973
Ethic and philosophical
LA BOETIE, "Le discours de la servitude volontaire",
Payot, Paris 1976
MELLON, CHRISTIAN, "Ethique et nonviolence des armes",
Assas éditions, Paris 1995 ;
Avec JACQUES SEMELIN, "La Nonviolence",
Que sais-je, PUF Paris 1994 ;
MAN, "Nonviolence éthique et politique", Librairie FPH, Paris 1996
MULLER, JEAN MARIE, "Principes et méthodes de l’intervention
civile", Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1997 ;
"Lexique de la nonviolence", IRNC, ANV, F13122 Ventabren 1988 ;
"Vous avez dit "Pacifisme"?, Cerf, Paris 1984
SEMELIN, JACQUES, "Pour sortir de la violence",
Les éditions ouvrières, Paris 1985
rganisms for Civil Strategy in conflict resolution
Site of the Albert Einstein Institution in Boston
Research in Civil Strategy.
Site of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict in Washington
Promoting the choice of Civil Strategy, training and assistance.