PROF. DR. BERNARD HOURCADE (b. 1946 ) is a geographer


PROF. DR. BERNARD HOURCADE (b. 1946 ) is a geographer
(b. 1946 ) is a geographer, senior research fellow at CNRS (Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris), research team: “Mondes
Iranien et Indien” (Iranian and Indian Worlds).
Agrégé in history and geography (1969);
Doctor in geography (Univ. Paris-Sorbonne, 1975)
Director, the French Institute of Iranian Studies (IFRI) in Tehran
Founder and Director (1993-2005) of the research team “Mondes
Iranien et Indien” (CNRS, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, INALCO,
Research Fellow at CNRS Paris (1983-1993), and Senior research
Fellow since 1993.
Research fellow and Director, the French Institute of Iranian Studies
(IFRI) in Tehran (1978-1983)
Lecturer in geography, University of Pau, (1972-1978,
Teacher of French civilization, the French Institute of Tehran (19701972)
As resident in Iran, or through yearly research trips in Iran since 1970,
B.H. has conducted numerous academic research in social, cultural
and political geography of Iran, and on urban Iranian society, in
collaboration with Iranian academic institutions and scholars. He
works also as a consultant on Iran for public French and international
public institutions, for think tanks, and private companies.
Last publications on Iran:
Forthcoming May 2010 : Géopolitique de l’Iran. Paris A. Colin.
- Tehran Alborz . Mashhad, 1388/2009.[Essays translated into
- L’Iran au XXe siècle. Paris, Fayard, New ed. 2007.(coll. JP Digard et
Y Richard)
- Atlas of Tehran Metropolis . Tehran Geographic Information Center,
2005 (Coll. M. Habibi).
- Iran. Nouvelles identités d’une république. Paris, Belin, 2002.
« Iran : la difficile marche vers la démocratie », Différences, (Revue
du MRAP), 273, 2010, pp. 21-23.
« The Rise to Power of Iran's "Guardians of the Revolution" Middle
East Policy, .XVI, 2, 2009.
« L’Iran face au défi de l’ouverture internationale ». Moyen Orient, 1,
2009, pp. 12-17.
« Réza, ancien général des Gardiens de la révolution ». in Bromberger
Ch. ed. L’Iran derrière le miroir. pp. 119-128. Aix en
Provence, La pensée de Midi. Actes Sud, 2008.
« Iran−USA ». in Daniel. S. Guerre d'aujourd'hui, Paris, Ed de la
Villa, 2008, pp 265−305.
«La crise du nucléaire iranien. Le rôle de la Russie et des vétérans de
la guerre Iraq-Iran”. Confluences Méditerranée, 65, 2008, pp.