Bahij Hojeij - Beirut Art Film Festival


Bahij Hojeij - Beirut Art Film Festival
Bahij Hojeij
Bahij Hojeij studied philosophy and theatre in Beirut and film in Paris at the Ecole Nationale
Supérieure Louis-Lumière - Université Paris VIII - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He
has been teaching film (script-writing and direction) at the Institut des Beaux-Arts at the
Lebanese University since 1990. In 1980, at the beginning of his career, he produced a number of
magazines, programs and documentaries for television. In 1995 he launched his own production
company, "Online Films - Beirut". He later produced and directed several feature documentaries,
among others Beirut, ruins in dialogue, The National Museum, a challenge to forgetting, and
Kidnapped. Between 2004 and 2011 he produced and directed two feature films: Zennar El Nar
(Fire Belt) and Chatti Ya Dini (Her Comes the Rain); both awarded several Arab and international
2015 : Le Musée Sursock revisité
2014 : Beaufort dévoilé
2011 : 100 ans de presse au Liban
2011 : Chatti Ya Dini (Que vienne la pluie)
2007 : Le Pont de Maameltein
2004 : Zennar El Nar (La Ceinture de Feu)
2002 : La Future B.N de Beyrouth
2001: Cités d’Orient, Beyrouth
2001 : Les moissons de la mémoire
2000 : Liban message d’une terre sainte
1998 : Kidnappés
1997 : Beyrouth dévoile ses trésors
1996 : Le Musée National, défi à l'oubli
1993 : Beyrouth, le dialogue des ruines
1987 : La ligne verte

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