

For more than 30 years, Ar te has been expressing its passion
for beautiful wallcover ings in its collections.
Depuis plus de 30 ans Arte affiche sa passion
des beaux revêtements muraux.
In the professional Ar te showrooms you can feel and touch
the products and discover the wide var iety of colour s, patter ns and
textures. The decor of the showroom is a har monious mar r iage
of restraint, elegance and functionality with a.o. an interactive
presentation system with large pivoting panels that make it possible to
perfectly visualise all the wallcover ings.
D a n s s e s s h ow ro o m s p ro f e s s i o n n e l s vo u s p o u ve z s e n t i r e t t o u c h e r l e s
c ré a t i o n s d a n s l e u r s va r i é t é s d e c o u l e u r s e t d e t e x t u re s .
L e d é c o r d e c h a q u e s h ow ro o m e s t vo l o n t a i re m e n t s o b re, a f i n d e l a i s s e r
l a p a ro l e a u x p ro d u i t s . U n s y s t è m e d e p ré s e n t a t i o n i n t e r a c t i f
de panneaux coulissants per met une visualisation optimale des
revê t e m e n t s mu r a u x .
The showroom is not solely intended to showcase the latest designs,
but also to present Ar te’s full product range. You will be advised by
professionals who will guide you through the Ar te prog ramme and help
you optimise your choice.
O n n e m o n t re p a s s e u l e m e n t l e s n o u ve l l e s c o l l e c t i o n s , t o u t e l a g a m m e
c o m p l è t e y e s t p ré s e n t é e. U n s p é c i a l i s t e vo u s a i d e r a p a r d e s c o n s e i l s
p ro f e s s i o n n e l s à c h o i s i r p a r m i l a g a m m e d ’ A r t e l a d é c o r a t i o n l a p l u s
r a f f i n é e e t p e r s o n n a l i s é e.
This showroom is located in the renowned Design Centre Chelsea Harbour.
You will discover our wallcover ings in an interactive presentation system.
Ce showroom se trouve dans le quartier renommé du Design Centre Chelsea Harbour.
Vous y découvrez nos revêtements muraux g râce au système de présentation interactif .
In the heart of the artistic distr ict of Saint-Ger main-des-Prés in Par is you will find our showroom.
Here we present our complete wallcover ing prog ram and samples.
Venez découvr ir notre showroom au coeur du quartier artistique de Saint-Ger main-des-Prés à Par is.
Nous vous y présentons notre gamme complète et nous y mettons des échantillons à disposition.
You will find our Dutch showroom in the rural town of Culemborg. The showroom is located in the
ETC Expo, a trade centre for professionals from the inter ior design industr y.
Aux Pays-Bas, notre showroom est situé dans le village campagnard de Culemborg. Il se trouve
au coeur de l’Expo ETC, un centre commercial aménagé pour les professionnels du secteur de la
décoration d’intér ieur.
Design Centre Chelsea Harbour
Second Floor, Design Centre East, London SW10 0XF
United Kingdom
t 0800 500 3335
[email protected]
ETC Expo B.V. 96a/96b
Randweg 20 - 4101 AC Culemborg
The Netherlands
t 0800 235 27 83
[email protected]
6 bis, Rue de l’Abbaye,
75006 Paris (Saint-Germain-des-Prés)
t +33 (0)1 46 33 86 97 - f +33 (0)1 46 33 85 11
[email protected]
Head office
Industriezone ‘De Waerde’
Senator A. Jeurissenlaan 1210 - 3520 Zonhoven
t +32 11 81 93 00
[email protected]
L‘Européen, 1390, avenue du Campon,
06110 Le Cannet
t +33 (4) 92 18 09 16 - f +33 (4) 92 18 92 65
[email protected]
Let’s stay in touch!
Arte Walls