March 20, 2016 - Plymouth


March 20, 2016 - Plymouth
Plymouth-Trinity United Church
March 20th, 2016
Palm/Passion Sunday
Call to worship (see insert or back of bulletin)
* Processional Hosanna, loud Hosanna
VU 123
Welcome and greetings
* Response
MV 161
vs. 1, 2
I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.
I will not abandon you; all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called and chosen; you are mine.
Je t’ap-pren-drai mon nom à cha-que pas.
Lis-le en tous ceux que tu ren-con-tre-ras.
En ver-sant l’eau en mon nom,
pro-cla-me la com-mu-nion;
et de Jé-sus, qui s’est don-né, suis les pas.
* Opening prayer (see insert or back of bulletin)
* Hymn
Morning has broken
VU 409
He came riding on a donkey
VU 124
Family time
* Hymn
Prayer of confession
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison. (VU 946)
Affirmation of grace
* Psalm
Psalm 118, parts 3 and 4
VU 837
* Affirmation of faith (A new creed)
* Confession de foi
* Hymn
O sacred head / O douloureux visage
En. 1, 2 ; Fr. 2, 4
Prayer of illumination
OT: Old Testament
NT: New Testament
VU: Voices United
MV: More Voices
* the congregation standing, as able
VU 145
Luke 19:29-40
Luke 22:66-23:31
NT 83
NT 88
The word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
What about those stones?
Personal reflection
* Hymn
Just as I am / Tel que je suis
see insert
Minute for mission
* Offertory
MV 85
Take, O take me as I am;
summon out what I shall be;
set your seal upon my heart and live in me.
Oh ! Prends-moi tel que je suis;
Fais-moi vivre que pour toi.
Viens, mets ton sceau sur mon cœur;
viens vivre en moi.
Prayer of dedication
Announcements & sharing in the life of the community
Prayers of the people (see insert: Above the crowd)
The Lord’s Prayer
* Hymn
What wondrous love / O merveilleux amour
En. 1, 2 ; Fr. 1, 3
VU 147
* Benediction
* Response
MV 161
vs. 3, 4
Tu au-ras be-soin de moi en che-min.
En tous lieux, sens ma pré-sence et mon sou-tien.
Com-me cet-te femme en pleurs
qui a surmonté ses peurs,
touche et laisse aller Jé-sus sur son che-min.
I have given you a name, it is mine;
I have given you my Spirit as a sign.
With my wonder in your soul,
make my wounded children whole;
go and tell my precious people they are mine.
Plymouth-Trinity United Church
380 Dufferin Ave. Sherbrooke, QC, J1H 4M7
819 346-6373 - [email protected]
Ministers: All of us
Clergy: the Rev. Samuel V. Dansokho - 873 200-2011
Organist and Music Director: Leslie Young
Secretary: Daniel Laplante – 819 346-6373
Caretaker: Christopher Bryant
Board Chair: Ann Fowlis - [email protected]
Webmaster: Michael Eby - [email protected]
Welcome to all who are worshipping with us! On this
Palm/Passion Sunday, may our hearts and actions shout louder
and last longer by the grace of God!
Bienvenue à l’Eglise Unie Plymouth-Trinity ! Il y a des Bibles en
français disponibles sur la table à l’entrée pour ceux qui en désirent.
If you are a visitor, please join us for fair-trade coffee after the
service and take a peace candle back to your congregation.
We thank our volunteers:
Reader: Janet McBurney
Ushers: Val Rawlings, Carol Smith
Sexton: Carol Imbeault
Bulletin covers this week are donated by Ruby & Stuart
Robinson in memory of Ruby's parents Jessie & Harry MacLeod.
Happy birthday to Sophie Bourgault (6 years old), Ben Albright
(March 21st), Andrew Brown (March 21st) and Joyce Hebert
(March 22th).
Easter Flowers: If you are interested in donating money towards
flowers to decorate the church on Easter Sunday, please contact
Kristi Roht at 819 566-6296. If you are making a donation in
memory of someone, please give Kristi the name when you give
the donation.
As of March 15th, the proceeds from the UCW Shamrock Tea and
Sale were $1,382. Thank you to all who helped achieve this.
Following worship will be our monthly Mission and Service
birthday and anniversary luncheon, celebrating March birthdays
and anniversaries. We have these luncheons throughout the
year, thanks to teams of volunteer cooks, as an opportunity to
share a time of fellowship with one another, all while making
donations to the Mission and Service fund to help spread our
love around the world.
Church office: Daniel Laplante will be in Tuesday to Friday
mornings from 9:00 to 12:00. Messages for Daniel can be sent to
[email protected].
If you wish to receive numbered offering envelopes to facilitate
your donations and receive a tax receipt, please contact Allan
Marshall at [email protected] / 819-562-1032 or
Andrew Brown [email protected] / 819-346-4679.
This Week
Maundy Thursday service: We will be joining St. Andrew’s,
256 Queen, (Lennoxville) on Thursday at 7:30 PM for the Maundy
Thursday service, including Communion and a ritual of
Good Friday service: Our annual ecumenical service with
St. Andrew’s and Lennoxville at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church, 256 Queen, (Lennoxville) on Friday at 10:30 AM. Claudia
Demers will be preaching.
A Christian meditation group is being formed. Meditation also
known as contemplative prayer, is the prayer of silence and
listening. Psalm 46:10 states: Be still and know that I am God. Please
contact Carol Smith for more information (819 569-6514 or
[email protected]).
Un groupe de méditation chrétienne est en train de s’établir.
La méditation, également connue comme la prière
contemplative, est la prière du silence et de l’écoute. Comme
l’indique le Psaume 46:11 : Arrêtez, et sachez que je suis Dieu. Pour
plus d’informations, veuillez contactez Carol Smith (voir
coordonnées ci-dessus).
Next Week
Sunday, March 27th – Easter
Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Luke 24:1-12
Easter Sunday, sunrise worship at Beauvoir 7:00 AM. We can
gather at P-T in the parking lot at 6:45 AM to travel together or
meet at Beauvoir at 7:00 AM. If you need transportation, check
with the minister.
- 10:30: Easter worship with Communion at PlymouthTrinity.
We will be sharing in Holy Communion. The wooden
Benevolent Fund box will be on the table at the back of the
sanctuary next Sunday. Each time we share in Holy
Communion we have the opportunity to donate to this fund,
which is used to purchase food vouchers for the minister to
distribute to people in need, including our own members.
Il n’y aura pas de culte en français dimanche prochain. Nous
célébrerons tous ensemble le dimanche de Pâques à 10h30.
Outreach projects
Gifts with Vision, 2015-2016: A giving catalogue from The United
Church of Canada for throughout the year: It gives us the
chance to give to others in the name of friends or family. An
example: a gift of $100 supports building a water treatment and
supply plant for Duplan Secondary School. The current Gifts with
Vision catalogue is available on the front and back tables or visit for more information.
Lenten share calendar: This year we’re supporting the local
settlement agency for refugees and other immigrants, Service
d’aide aux Néo-Canadiens (SANC). An example: on March 24th,
give 75¢ if your church serves as a centre for community groups.
Next Sunday, March 27th, we can return our Lenten share gifts.
Moisson Estrie: Food banks throughout Canada are facing a crisis
due to the recent dramatic rises in the price of fresh produce,
especially vegetables, caused by climate changes in the US and
the lower value of the Canadian dollar. This also results in more
people needing help. Food banks will thus be relying more on
dried and canned vegetables; please consider buying an extra
one of these items for Moisson Estrie each week during the
winter months. Check their website for further information:
The Cancer Society's annual daffodil campaign is now under way.
If you would like to order daffodils, please see Pam or Michael
Eby by March 27th. The daffodils will be distributed on Sunday
April 10th, and the cost is $10 for 10 flowers.
In the Community
Climate change – effects on us and by us: We all feel it; we all
see it, but very few know what it is about. Something is terribly
wrong. Thank God, it is late but not too late. Join Denis Dionne
(part of the Lunkenbein family), a scientist and militant for a
greener and more sustainable environment. Come, hear and
share information re ways we can become part of the solution.
Please fill-in Denis’s questionnaire (available in electronic* and
paper versions) and prepare your questions. Our first session is
on Wednesday, March 23th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM; the second will
be on April 20th.
*Available at / Disponible à :
Changement climatique: nos actions - ses effets: Le réchauffement
climatique est l’expression d’une réalité menaçante et bien complexe.
Notre responsabilité est engagée et nous pouvons faire quelque chose.
Venez pour une série de rencontres avec une personne qui a dévoué sa
vie à la cause: Denis Dionne, conseiller supérieur en environnement, EGS
Ecosupport. Remplissez le questionnaire ci-joint* et venez pour en savoir
davantage afin de mieux agir. Notre première rencontre se tiendra le
mercredi 23 mars, 19h-20h30; la deuxième sera le 20 avril.
(VU 508)
1. Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and thou bidd’st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
2. Just as I am, thy love unknown
has broken every barrier down;
now to be thine, yea, thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
3. Tel que je suis, bien va-cil-lant,
en proie au doute à chaque ins-tant,
lutte au de-hors, crainte au de-dans,
A-gneau de Dieu, je viens, je viens !
4. Tel que je suis, ton cœur est prêt
à pren-dre le mien tel qu'il est,
pour tout chan-ger, Sau-veur par-fait,
A-gneau de Dieu, je viens, je viens !
You are our God, and we give thanks to you.
You are our God, we extol you.
This is the gate of the Lord:
The righteous and the sinners shall enter through it.
This is God’s doing—
It is marvellous and frightening in our eyes.
Dear God in Jesus of Nazareth,
we feel your urgency, your invitation to enter the gate,
the gate of danger and death.
Direct us as you did your disciples.
We sense your immediacy, your final determination
to face death and a new life after death.
Prepare us as we join you in the coming of the Holy Week.
Grant us wisdom,
so that we may know the humility of riding on a donkey.
Bless us with your courage,
so that we can proclaim,
“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Help us worship you,
as we march, sing, dance, and praise,
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Amen.
Creator of all,
you call us to be the voices of justice and peace.
You give us the words and the opportunities
to encourage the weary and free the oppressed.
Every day you offer us new teachings and experiences;
we listen with open ears and compassionate hearts.
Yet sometimes it is easier for us to disappear into the crowd.
Awaken us with your Spirit;
renew our commitment and strengthen our voices
that we may be heard above the crowd.
With you, may we all shout words of peace and be agents for change.