Online Community of Practise (OCP) Webinars 2015-2016


Online Community of Practise (OCP) Webinars 2015-2016
Online Community of Practise (OCP) Webinars 2015-2016
1. The Online Community of Practise Steering Committee will offer the following English
language webinars this fiscal year:
Learning Disabilities Supports - Oct. 2, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. with Alicia Homer,
Metro Toronto Movement for Literay; registration link:
Have you wondered what you need to know to better serve clients and learners who live with
diagnosed or suspected Learning Disabilities (LD), and how to help improve their success and
learning? Please join our Online Community of Practise (OCP) webinar to learn more about the ways
you can help the adults in your communities who may have been coping with this “invisible”
disability. We will review and share the supports developed by Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy
this year through their project, Creating Pathways of Learning Support for EO Clients with Learning
Please join us for this Online Community of Practise webinar to be presented by Alicia Homer, for
Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy's Learning Disabilities Supports Project.
Marketing and Outreach - What Works? - Nov.6, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. with Andrea
Dickinson, Tri-County Literacy Network; registration link:
Would you like other service providers and clients to be more aware of how literacy connects with
employment? Do you want to help other service providers and clients better understand how LBS
supports client and learner goals? Please join our Online Community of Practise (OCP) webinar to
learn more about the ways you can enhance connections and referral pathways through the use of
videos. We will review and share the development and outcomes of the Learning To Earning videos
produced by Tri-County Literacy Network as part of their recent MTCU funded project. Check out the
Learning To Earning videos at Please join Andrea Dickinson, Executive
Director, Tri-County Literacy Network for this important webinar!
As Executive Director of the Tri-County Literacy Network for the past 15 years, Andrea Dickinson has
had the opportunity to manage a number of exciting projects related to Marketing and Outreach
including Evaluating Outreach Strategies and Events, Learners Speak Out video, Need To Read
Festivals, Celebration of Learning Speakers Series and the most recent Learning To Earning project.
In addition, for twelve years prior to her involvement in the literacy field, Andrea was involved in front
line marketing and outreach in her role as the Education Coordinator with the Canadian Mental
Health Association. Andrea obtained her Master of Arts from the University of Toronto and since
childhood has been actively involved in volunteering for a variety of causes including her current
work with the TVCOGECO student film festivals.
Mental Health Awareness 2: Classroom Strategies - Dec.4, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
with Wendy Stanyon, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, registration link:
Building on the presentation “Mental Health/Illness Awareness: A Required Life Skill”, Wendy
Stanyon, an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology and a mental health nurse will offer LBS practitioners classroom strategies to
support clients and students dealing with mental illness.
Dr. Wendy Stanyon, RN, BN, MAEd, EdD
An associate professor in the Collaborative BScN program, Faculty of Health Sciences at UOIT, Dr.
Stanyon’s primary areas of interest include mental health awareness education and communitybased research with a focus on the determinants of health, vulnerable populations and mental
health. Recognized for her practicum expertise and strong links with clinical practice partners, she
has developed numerous partnerships with police, health and social service groups and works
collaboratively to promote greater understanding of mental illness and facilitate effective workplace
health promotion and communication strategies.
Literacy Materials - Maker Modules and Gamification - Feb. 5, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
with Summer Buron, Literacy Link South Central; registration link:
Traditionally used in the sales and marketing fields, gamification (the act of applying gamedesign elements in a non-game setting to increase engagement, change behaviour, or achieve a
desired result) is now being adopted by educators as a way to engage and motivate learners.
Join our Online Community of Practise (OCP) webinar to learn more about:
the core drives that make gaming appealing;
gamer psychology and how it motivates behaviour;
examples of gamification across several fields, including adult education;
do's and don'ts for using gamification and game elements in adult literacy programming.
Visit to access these Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) resources:
tip sheet: "Gamification Essentials for Educators",
sample exercise: "Using Gamification Techniques to Increase Learner Comfort with Typing", that
includes several elements of gamification
and the full LLSC "Gamification and Adult Literacy" report.
Summer joined Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) in 2012. With a corporate background that
includes adult education and administration, Summer brings her experience in classroom and
workshop facilitation, coaching and mentoring to her role at LLSC. She has done extensive work
in curriculum development, and her other focuses include adult and accelerated learning
philosophies, parental involvement in education, and effective communication. Summer has
coordinated several projects for Literacy Link South Central, including: “Targeted Employment
Support for Job Seekers with Low Literacy Skills” Labour Market Partnership strategy, 2013;
“Community Literacy to Employment Referral Service”, Ontario Works POS project, 2013 - 2015;
“Using Technology to Facilitate Connections between Literacy and the Broader Community” Job
Creation Partnership project, 2014 and "Exploring the Gap Between London’s Immigrants and
Local LBS Programs" Labour Market Partnership project, 2015
Performance Management - Strategies to Measure Results - Mar.4, 2016 10:00 a.m. –
11:00 a.m. with Claire Ramsay, Algonquin College; registration link:
As the end of the 2015-16 Literacy and Basic Skills contract approaches, Claire will be sharing an
analysis of EOIS-CaMS data that you can use to examine your own site’s performance and plan for
the year ahead.
Claire Ramsay is the Chair of the Academic Access Centre at Algonquin College. She has
responsibility for overseeing the Literacy and Basic Skills Program at three sites. The differences
between these sites have provided her with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how
the data in EOIS-CaMS can be used to improve program performance. Claire has presented
workshops on this topic for literacy networks and LBS sector conferences since 2013.
2. With the assistance of the Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (COFA), the
following French language webinars will also be presented:
Travailler avec le SIEO-SGC – enjeux et solutions communes Oct. 1, 1 :00 p.m. – 2 :00 p.m.
with Louise Lalonde, Centre moi, j’apprends; registration link:
Louise Lalonde est la directrice générale des centres de formation des adultes, Moi J’apprends. Moi
J’apprends permet aux adultes francophones des comtés de Prescott et Russell, des villes d’Ottawa,
de Hawkesbury et de Cornwall de prendre leur place dans la vie sociale, culturelle et économique de
leur communauté. Louise Lalonde a déjà offert plusieurs formations sur le SIEO-SGC. Elle est
devenue la référence francophone lorsqu’il s’agit de cette base de données. Elle pourra bien nous
guider et nous présenter des solutions quant aux enjeux du SIEO_SGC.
La gestion du rendement – stratégies pour mesurer les résultats, Nov. 5, 2015 1 :30 p.m. –
2 :30 p.m. with Michel Robillard, Coalition Ontarienne de formation des Adultes; registration
Nous savons bien que la gestion du rendement est d’une importance cruciale pour la survie de nos
organisations. Concrètement quelles sont les stratégies que nous pouvons utiliser pour mesurer les
résultats? Joignez-vous à nous afin d’en apprendre plus ce sujet.
Michel Robillard est directeur général de la COFA et à ce titre il fournit un leadership dans la
promotion et l’avancement de la formation des adultes francophones en Ontario. Depuis 2012, la
COFA développe le service de formation à distance en AFB qui sert l’Ontario français et gère le
projet innovateur des Partenariats en éducation et formation des adultes (PEFA) qui vise à
favoriser l'intégration des francophones (d'ici et d'ailleurs) au marché du travail. Avant de se
joindre à la COFA, Michel était sous-ministre adjoint et vice-président opérations de l’Agence
canadienne de développement économique du nord (CanNor). Michel a une expertise reconnue en
gestion de projets de transformation et cartographie des processus d’affaires.

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