Proposal for the 3rd MMHN Conference Jordi Ibarz Gelabert


Proposal for the 3rd MMHN Conference Jordi Ibarz Gelabert
Proposal for the 3rd MMHN Conference
Jordi Ibarz Gelabert
Migration processes in shaping the labor market in the dock work of Barcelona in
the Early Francoism. (Provisional title)
This communication reports the results of an investigation in progress about the
structure and formation of labor market in dock work at the port of Barcelona.
The labor market in the dock work of Barcelona presents a great segmentation. The low
mobility among workers of both specialty of the port indicates the existence of very
different characteristics to each. We start with the results of a previous work which has
investigated the influence of the residential structure of the dock workers in the city of
Barcelona in connection with their specialty. Now we wont deepen the importance of
diverse geographic origins in regard to the labor market structure.
Also we want to rebuild the biographical and migratory life histories of port workers
who were in the port of Barcelona during the early years of Francoism, and the same
with his parents. We try to know the occupations and birthplaces of each other from
their place of origin in various parts of Spain and Catalonia, to its establishment in
Barcelona as dockworkers. We also look at the works of his descendants.
The working methodology is the analysis of a representative sample of all port workers
of the 40s of the twentieth century. The study is based on joint use of business and of
the administration sources to try to rebuild these migratory paths and their effect on the
formation and structure of labor market at the dock work.
Jordi Ibarz Gelabert (Barcelona,1962) is Ph.D. in History since 2001. Is an assistant
professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the Universitat de Barcelona.
He has published several articles and books focusing on trade unionism and industrial
relations of dockers at the port of Barcelona. These publications include "Working the
silence. Labor relations of dockers at the port of Barcelona in the Early Francoism,
1939-1947'' (2004) and "Images in the waterfront. The crafts of dock work in the
Barcelona of the XIX and XX centuries" (2008) (in Catalan). Recent research has been
carried out in the glass sector, on wich has been published "With virile gesture. Trade
union policy and women's work in the glass industry in Spain, 1880-1923" in Gender
and labor policies in contemporary Spain, 1836-1936 (2007).
Jean-Claude Hocquet a été professeur des Universités à Venise et à Lille, puis directeur
de recherche au CNRS (classe exceptionnelle, aujourd’hui émérite). Il a dirigé le
laboratoire d’Histoire de l’Université Charles De Gaulle à Lille. Il a été président du
Comité International de Métrologie Historique et président de la Commission
Internationale d’Histoire du Sel. Il a collaboré à la Storia di Venezia (Enciclopedia
Italiana) et publie régulièrement dans la revue Studi Veneziani. .
Parmi ses livres on peut citer :
Le Sel et la fortune de Venise, vol. l, Production et monopole, vol. 2, Voiliers et
commerce en Méditerranée 1200-1650, PU Lille 1978-1979.
Le sel et le pouvoir, de l'an mil à la Révolution Française. Ed. Albin Michel, Paris 1985
Les hommes et la mer dans I'Europe du Nord-Ouest de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Lille
Horizons marins, itinéraires spirituels (Ve-XVIIIe siècles), vol. I, Mentalités et sociétés,
vol. II, Marins, navires et affaires, Paris, Publ. Sorbonne 1987
Le roi, le marchand et le sel, PU Lille 1987.
"Les pêcheries médiévales", in M. MOLLAT, Histoire des pêches maritimes en France,
Toulouse, Privat, 1987
Metrologische Strukturen und die Entwicklung der alten Mass-Systeme, St. Katharinen,
Scripta Mercaturae Verlag 1988
Introduction à la métrologie historique, Paris, Ed. Economica 1989.
Le sel de la terre, Paris, Ed. Du May 1989
Genèse et diffusion du système métrique, Paris 1989.
Das Salz in der Rechts- und Handelsgeschichte, Hall in Tirol, Berenkamp, 1991.
Chioggia, capitale del sale nel Medioevo, Chioggia, Il Leggio 1991.
Der Staat und das Messen und Wiegen, St. Katharinen, Scripta Mercaturae Verlag
Une activité universelle. Mesurer et peser à travers les âges, Caen 1993-1994.
La métrologie historique, Paris, coll. Que sais-je ? 1995.
Diversité régionale et locale des poids et mesures de l'ancienne France, Caen 1996-97.
Systèmes économiques et finances publiques (Les origines de l'Etat moderne en
Europe), Paris, PUF 1996.
Denaro, navi e mercanti a Venezia, Rome, Il Veltro 1999.
Venise et Bruges, l’essor urbain au Moyen Age, Paris, La Documentation française
Le sucre, de l’Antiquité à son destin antillais, Paris, Editions du CTHS 2000.
Hommes et paysages du sel, une aventure millénaire, Arles, Actes Sud 2001.
Una Città nel Mediterraneo, l’Opulenta Salernum, Salerne, Il Pagusio 2001.
Le Monde du sel ; Mélanges offerts à Jean Claude Hocquet, Hall-in-Tirol, Berenkamp
Comercio marítimo en el Mediterráneo medieval y moderno, Grenade, La Nao 2002.
Kaufmannsbücher und Handelspraktiken vom Spätmittelalter bis zum beginnenden 20.
Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, Steiner Verlag 2002.
Venise au Moyen Age, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2003, reédition 2005.
Le Saline dei Veneziani e la crisi al tramonto del Medioevo, Il Veltro, Roma 2003
Venise et la mer, XIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard 2006)
Le Sel de la Baie, Histoire, archéologie, ethnologie des sels atlantiques, PU Rennes
Venise et le Monopole du sel (2 volumes) (à paraître).
Venise, cité de l’art (en préparation).

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