CCC Fall Calendar - Stories on the Way


CCC Fall Calendar - Stories on the Way
Le dimanche
La Cathédrale Christ Church réunit des
personnes venant de plusieurs quartiers de
Montréal. Appartenant à différentes cultures,
nous représentons la diversité de l’Église
anglicane à travers le monde.
8h00 Sainte Communion
Une messe basse dite en anglais plus
traditionnel et d’une durée d’environ quarantecinq minutes.
10h00 Eucharistie chantée
La grand-messe, avec participation du chœur de
la cathédrale et activités pour les enfants.
4h00 Vêpres chantées
Partagez avec nous la riche tradition liturgique
et musicale vieille de plusieurs siècles.
Diffusées en direct 91.3FM (Sherbrooke - 100.3FM )
En Semaine
En semaine des moments de prière et de
musique attirent des gens qui travaillent au
centre-ville ainsi que des visiteurs.
Du lundi au vendredi
Prière du matin
12h15 Eucharistie
Prière du soir
7h45 (mercredi) Eucharistie
Le premier samedi de chaque mois
11h45 Messe du dimanche suivant,
célébrée en français.
La Communauté du Rédempteur rassemble
des anglicans francophones, membres de la
Tous sont invités à la table du Seigneur,
pour communier ou pour recevoir une
bénédiction, selon le cas.
Une oasis spirituelle
au coeur de Montréal
Our Mission Statement
Notre Déclaration de Mission
To love God with an open heart, an enquiring mind,
a growing soul and a fervent strength in daily prayer,
worship, silence, study, and music.
Christ Church
Christ Church Cathedral brings together people
from many parts of Montreal. We come from
many different backgrounds, representing a
cross-section of the Anglican Communion around
the world.
To love our neighbours as ourselves, transforming lives
as followers of Christ and seeking social justice,
in fellowship, pastoral care, and stewardship
of all God has entrusted to us.
8.00am Holy Communion
A quiet said service which lasts about forty-five
minutes using traditional language.
We belong to the Anglican Church of Canada and the
world-wide Anglican Communion, celebrating the
Sacraments, discerning the Word of God in the Bible.
10.00am Choral Eucharist
Our main Sunday service using modern language
with choir and Sunday School.
4.00pm Choral Evensong
Share with us the beauty of this centuries-old
musical and liturgical tradition.
We welcome diversity and fully include people of
all cultural backgrounds, ages and sexual
orientations, and rejoice in the ministry of
women and men as bishops, priests,
deacons and community leaders.
broadcast live 91.3FM (Sherbrooke100.3FM )
Aimer Dieu d’un coeur ouvert, avec un esprit critique,
une âme qui s’épanouit, et une force fervente
nourrie de prière quotidienne, de culte,
de silence, d’étude et de musique.
Aimer notre prochain comme nous-mêmes, en
transformant des vies en tant que disciples du Christ,
travaillant ensemble à la justice sociale,
dans la solidarité et dans un esprit pastoral, ainsi que
la gestion de tout ce que Dieu nous a confié.
Nous appartenons à l’Église anglicane du Canada
et à la Communion anglicane à travers le monde.
Nous célébrons les sacrements, et discernons
la parole de Dieu dans la Bible.
Nous accueillons la grande diversité humaine à bras
ouverts, que ce soit celle de la culture,
de l’âge ou de l’orientation sexuelle, et nous
réjouissons du ministère des femmes et des
hommes en leur capacité d’évêques, de prêtres,
de diacres et de leaders communautaires.
Daily Prayer
Photograph by Jonathan Sa’adah
Prière quotidienne
Cathedral Calendar
September to
December 2011
During the Week
Our weekday worship and music attract people
who work in, or are visiting the city centre.
Monday through Friday
8.15am Morning Prayer
12.15pm Eucharist
5.15pm Evening Prayer
7.45am (Wednesday) Eucharist
First Saturday of each month
11.45am Eucharist of the following Sunday
in French.
The Communauté du Rédempteur brings
together French speaking Anglicans
attached to the Cathedral.
Everyone is welcome to receive Communion
or a blessing at our services, as appropriate.
A spiritual oasis
in the heart of Montreal
Family Saturdays
Activities for parents, children and friends
Sometimes all together, sometimes apart
10am—1pm (lunch provided)
September 24th Painting Party
October 22nd
Introduction to Children’s Spirituality
November 26th Making Christmas Holy
- Advent for Children
December 17th Pageant Dress Rehearsal for the Kids
Eggnog for the Grown-ups!
Liturgical Dance Group
Meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm
in Fulford Hall or the Cathedral.
Contact the Cathedral Office for more details.
Cathedral Staff
The Very Rev’d J. Paul Kennington
The Rev’d Rhonda Waters
Hon. Assts: The Rev’d Dr Elizabeth Rowlinson
The Rev’d Dr Roger Balk
Lay Readers: Yolande Ferron
Tania Lesack
Canon Dr Constance Middleton-Hope
Licensed Spiritual Director: Vivian Lewin
Director of Music: Patrick Wedd
Senior Verger: Rob Wells
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Verna Peris
Cathedral Office
1444 Union Avenue. Montreal, QC, H3A 2B8
Secretary: Eva Brebner
tel: (514) 843-6577 local 236
email: [email protected]
The secretary is available
Monday to Thursday 9am to 4:45 pm.
On peut joindre la secrétaire
du lundi au jeudi entre 9h et 16h45.
A renewed Church
A renewed vision
Groups & Study
Sunday September 4th
Pentecost 12
Sunday October 30th
Sunday September 11th
Sunday School begins
Pentecost 13
Friday November 4th
Annual Fundraising Concert
7.30pm Favorite Anthems and Hymns - Come & Sing!
Sunday September 18th
Pentecost 14
Preacher Canon Eric Beresford President Atlantic School of Theology
Followed by Extra Vestry Meeting
Sunday November 6th
All Souls’ Requiem
Sung to Fauré’s Requiem, with the Cathedral Dancers.
Saturday September 24
Sunday September 25th
Family Saturday
Back to Church Sunday
“I’m inviting you!”
All Saints’ Sunday
Sunday November 13th
Remembrance Sunday
Saturday September 24
Annual Roast Beef Dinner
(from 5pm in Fulford Hall—charge to cover costs)
Sunday November 20th
The Reign of Christ
‘Laudate Dominum’ The Cathedral Dancers.
A renewed world
Sunday October 2nd
Pentecost 16
An Instructed Eucharist
Parish apple picking afternoon
(please sign up for transport - charge to cover costs)
Sunday October 9th
Followed by Thanksgiving Lunch (charge to cover costs)
From 7pm Friday October 14th - October 16th
Fall Retreat at Auberge Schweizer (register before Sept. 25)
Maintaining Our Spiritual Infrastructure
Retreat leader: The Rev’d Karen Chalk
The Word made flesh
Saturday November 26th
Sunday November 27
Advent Sunday
Advent Series: Renewing Worship
Procession with lessons & Carols for Advent
Saturday December 10th 5pm
Sunday October 16th
Saturday October 22nd
Pentecost 18
Family Saturday
Saturday October 22nd Cursillo Ultreya
10.45am ‘Laudate Dominum’ New Ballet Group
11am Eucharist & Ultreya & potluck lunch
Everyone is welcome
Sunday October 23rd
Pentecost 19
Weekly Concerts at Christ Church
Wednesday 1pm Organ Recital
Saturday 5pm Varied Programmes
(freewill offering)
For information about the Cathedral Choirs and
other musical events contact Patrick Wedd
Advent 2
Sing-along Messiah
Sunday December 11
Advent Series: Renewing Worship
Advent 3
Wednesday December 14th
Carols with the Bishop
Saturday December 17th
Family Saturday
Organ Recital - Patrick Wedd
’La Nativité du Seigneur’ Messiaen
Sunday December 18th
Advent Series: Renewing Worship
10am Christmas Pageant
Cathedral Liturgy
Where do we come from?
Why do we do this?
Where are we going?
9am - 9.45am on the four Sundays of Advent
in the Chapter House. (Nov 27, Dec 4, 11 & 18)
Prayer and Study
Tuesdays in N.D.G.
from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Family Saturday
Sunday December 4th
Advent Series: Renewing Worship
Renewing Worship
a Study Course for Advent
Advent 4
Saturday December 24th
Christmas Eve
Festival of Lessons & Carols for Christmas
Dance by the Laudate Dancers.
11pm Midnight Mass
Presider: The Rt Rev’d Barry B. Clarke, Bishop of Montreal
Sunday December 25th
Christmas Day
Preacher: The Rt Rev’d Barry B. Clarke, Bishop of Montreal
No Evensong on Christmas Day
Study, pray and share fellowship together.
Everyone is welcome to join this group, please speak to one
of the clergy for more information.
Cathedral @ Dio
A casual gathering of university students
for worship, bible study, and supper
Tuesdays from 6—9pm
Beginning September 20th
Montreal Diocesan Theological College 3475 University
Cathedral Book Group
Meets one Sunday evening each month.
September 11th "The Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver
October 16th "Far from the Madding Crowd" Thomas Hardy
October 23rd: Group visit to Rialto Theatre,
December: Movie Night - with Jane's famous eggnog
Speak to Ann Elbourne, Jane Aitkens
or Diana Bouchard for more information.
Young Adults Fellowship
For more information about events
speak to Magda or Rhonda.

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