New Books: 25 February 2014


New Books: 25 February 2014
Chancellor Oppenheimer Library
New Books: 25 February 2014
Open shelves
306.36209687 SLEI
Sleigh, D. & Westra, P. c2013. The taking of the slaver Meermin, 1766. Cape Town: Africana
322.420968 TURN(KENI)
Keniston, B. 2013. Choosing to be free: the life story of Rick Turner. Auckland Park, South Africa:
Jacana Media.
333.9516 SPAT
Cushman, S.A. & Huettmann, A. (eds). c2010. Spatial complexity, informatics, and wildlife
conservation. Tokyo: Springer.
335.43 BADI
Badiou, A. c2009. Of an obscure disaster: on the end of state-truth. Maastricht: Jan van Eyck
Academie; Zagreb: Arkzin.
337.68 MART
Martin, W.G. 2013. South Africa and the world economy remaking race, state, and region. Univ. of
Rochester Press.
355.4768 COUZ
Couzens, T. 2013. South African battles. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball.
364.1680968 ROSE
Rose, R. 2013. The grand scam: how Barry Tannenbaum conned South Africa’s business elite.
Cape Town: Zebra Press.
415 LARS
Larson, R.K. 2010. Grammar of science. MIT Press.
415 MIYA
Miyagawa, S. c2010. Why agree? Why move?: unifying agreement-based and discourseconfigurational languages. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
507.1 CONC
Tsaparlis, G. & Sevian, H. (eds). c2013. Concepts of matter in science education. Dordrecht; New
York: Springer.
519.2 CINL
Çınlar, E. c2011. Probability and stochastics. New York; London: Springer.
519.5 INTR
James, G. et al. 2013. An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in R. New York:
519.55 SHUM
Shumway, R.H. & Stoffer, D.S. c2010. Time series analysis and its applications: with R examples.
New York: Springer.
530.11 FREU
Freund, J. c2008. Special relativity for beginners: a textbook for undergraduates. Hackensack,
N.J.: World Scientific.
570.71 ARNO
Arnon, I. et al. 2014. APOS theory: a framework for research and curriculum development in
mathematics education. New York: Springer-Verlag.
579.5165 PATH
San-Blas, G. & Calderone, R.A. (eds). c2008. Pathogenic fungi: insights in molecular biology.
Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press.
DSL 595.7092
Scott-Stokes, N. 2006. Wild and fearless: the life of Margaret Fountaine. London: P. Owen;
Chester Springs, PA: Dufour Editions.
658.1511 DRUR
Drury, C. 2012. Management and cost accounting. Student manual. Andover: Cengage Learning.
659.1092 VUND(VUND)
Vundla, P. 2013. Doing time. Auckland Park, South Africa: Jacana Media.
660.2995 MURZ
Murzin, D.Y. 2013. Engineering catalysis. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter.
660.634 THER
Satyanarayana, T. et al. (eds). 2013. Thermophilic microbes in environmental and industrial
biotechnology: biotechnology of thermophiles. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
660.634 THER
Mandenius, C-F. & Titchener-Hooker, N.J. c2013. Measurement, monitoring, modelling and control
of bioprocesses. Heidelberg, Germany; New York: Springer.
671.53 SHAW
Shaw, M.C. 2005. Metal cutting principles. New York: Oxford University Press.
791.43019 SPEC
Hamon-Sirejols, C. & Gardies, A. c1997. Le spectaculaire. Lyons: Aléas.
791.43025 GARD
Gardies, A. 1993. L'Espace au cinéma. Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck.
791.43096 TCHE
Tcheuyap, A. c2005. De l'écrit à l'écran: les réécritures filmiques du roman africain francophone.
Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
801.95 MACH
Macherey, P.1970. Pour une théorie de la production littéraire. Paris, F. Maspero.
828.9685 RORK
Rorke, F. 2012. The call: a true story of love and courage. Morija, Lesotho: Morija Museum &
840.937 HYBR
Desblache, L. 2012. Hybrides et monstres: transgressions et promesses des cultures
contemporaines. Dijon: Éditions Universitaires de Dijon.
Kassab-Charfi, S. & Bahi, M. 2013. Mémoires et imaginaires du Maghreb et de la Caraïbe. Paris:
Honoré Champion.
842.914 NOVA
Novarina, V. c1987. Le discours aux animaux. Paris: P.O.L.
843.9109 DIVE
Diver, R. 2013. Enfants russes, écrivains français: Nathalie Sarraute, Romain Gary. Paris: Honoré
Champion éditeur.
843.914 BON
Bon, F. c1990. Calvaire des chiens. Paris: Minuit.
843.914 CHEV
Chevillard, E. c2007. Sans l'orang-outan. Paris: Minuit.
843.92 SEWT
Sewtohul, A. c2012. Made in Mauritius. Paris: Gallimard.
848.4 PASC
Pascal, B. 1962. Pensées. Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
848.9665 KATE
Kateb, Y. c1956. Nedjma: roman. Paris: Seuil.
848.9665 KOUR(NICO)
Nicolas, J.P. c1985. Comprendre Les soleils des indépendances d'Ahmadou Kouroum. Issy les
Moulineaux (France): Les classiques africains.
848.9665 KOUR(BORG)
Borgomano, M. 2000. Des hommes ou des bêtes: Lecture de En attendant le vote des bêtes
sauvages, d'Ahmadou Kourouma. Paris: Harmattan.
852.409 POPO
Bosisio, P. 1975. Popolarità e classicità nel teatro comico del Cinquecento. Milano: Principato.
863.64 MART
Martín Gaite, C. c2009. Caperucita en Manhattan. Madrid: Siruela.
869.09 PELO
Peloso, S. c1992. La voce e il tempo: modelli stórico-letterari della tradizione portoghese / Silvano
Peloso. Viterbo: Sette Città.
960.071 TEAC
Babawale, T. et al. (eds). c2009. Teaching and propagating African and dispora history and culture
= Ensino e divulgação da história e da cultura da África e da diáspora Africana. Lagos, Nigeria:
Published for Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization by Concept Publications.
968.18 GLEI
Gleijeses, P. 2013. Visions of freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the struggle for
Southern Africa, 1976–1991. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.