info on climbing courses


info on climbing courses
climbEUR courses winter 2016-17
and spring 2017
Please note that you have only until 23/11 to enrol for course 1 (beginners –
December) and 2 (progress – Jan/Feb)!
Both course 1 & 2 will take place in Brussels-located gyms! (not Braine l’Alleud,
which doesn't seem to suit anyone)
As requested by those who already enrolled, the ‘Progress in your climbing’
course will take place on Tuesdays, not Wednesdays!
Don't forget to click on the doodle link on the climbEUR home page and indicate
your interest for the spring courses – you have until 15/01/2017 to doodle!
Courses winter 2016-17
Indoor course for beginners – 4 evening sessions – December 2016
Dates: Wednesdays 30/11, 7/12, 14/12, 21/12/2016 (dates could be adapted according to
the participants’ preferences)
Time: 19.30-22.30
Place: To be confirmed. The sessions can be organised in Poseidon (Woluwé Saint
Lambert) or other climbing walls in Brussels.
Main goal: To learn the basics of safe indoor climbing, progressing towards basic
Programme: This is a standard course for beginners. Depending on the participants’
expectations, the programme will be focused more on climbing skills, technical skills or
a mixed approach. The course will also be adapted to the climbing level of the
• You need to be a member of climbEUR:
• You need to be insured (e.g. by being a member of an Alpine Club, or arrange
insurance per session with the owner of the climbing wall)
Price: Approx. €40-70 per person depending on no. of participants plus indoor wall
entrance fee (€7-10) and equipment costs. Note that the price corresponds to approx.
half of the actual cost, the other half is paid by the club!
2. NEW!! ‘Progress in your climbing’ – indoor course for advanced climbers – 8
evening sessions – Jan/Feb. 2017
Dates: Tuesdays in January and February (10, 17, 24, 31/01 + 7, 14, 21 or 28/02, 7/03)
Time: 19.30-22.30
Place: To be confirmed. The sessions can be organised in Poseidon (Woluwé Saint
Lambert) or other climbing walls in Brussels.
For whom? Are you stuck at a certain level of difficulty? Are you struggling with a
particular problem and just cannot seem to progress further? If so, consider this course,
meant for intermediate climbers whose progress has stalled.
Main goal: Overcome problems such as passing overhangs, staying in balance, hand and
foot placement, efficient body movement … in order to improve your performance and
progress to the next level.
advanced climbing techniques
strategy and tactics in climbing
how to plan your climbing training so that it brings best results (theory)
how to manage your climbing trainings (practice)
Conditions for participation:
You should be able to climb minimum 5c indoors
You commit to go climbing a second time in the week throughout the duration of
the course, to put in practice what you learnt and/or execute the training plan
You need to be a member of climbEUR:
You need to be insured (e.g. by being a member of an Alpine Club, or arrange
insurance per session with the owner of the climbing wall)
Price: Approx. €80-140 per person depending on no. of participants plus indoor wall
entrance fee (€7-10) and equipment costs. Note that the price corresponds to approx.
half the actual cost, the other half is paid by the club!
The enrolment for course 1 & 2 must be done by 23 November 2016, by
sending an e-mail to Magdalena Starostin and paying the course fee to
the climbEUR account BE97 3101 1902 5049
[email protected]
Courses spring 2017
A number of courses are being considered, but this depends on your interest!
So … please read the short descriptions below, and if you think you would be interested,
mark your choice in doodle (link on climbEUR home page) by 15/01/2017.
Outdoor course for beginners (4 days)
Main goal: to learn the basics of safe outdoor climbing, progressing towards basic
• Discovery of 4 well-known Belgian climbing sites alongside of the Meuse between
Namur and Dinant
• Techniques and security on the rocks (lead climbing, belaying, abseiling, building
anchors, via ferrata, …), communication, interpretation of topos, route finding,
• Single and multi-pitch routes
Prerequisite: Ideally you should be able to climb 5a indoors
Standard outdoor course for advanced (3-4 days)
Main goal: to achieve full autonomy on equipped routes
• Learn how to read and apply climbing guidebooks and route finding on the rock
• Brief refreshment of the safety techniques, safety rules for the lead climber and
for the belayer
• Leading on equipped routes, strategy and basic techniques
• Multipitch climbing, setting up anchors, changing the lead, abseiling, etc.
Prerequisite: You should have already climbed outdoors on single & multipitch routes
Security, safety and basics of traditional climbing (4 days)
Autonomie en falaise équipée : Cours axés sur l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des
techniques de progression et de sécurité en falaise équipée (consignes de sécurité pour le
grimpeur et l’assureur, escalade en tête, installation de la moulinette, descente en rappel
auto-assuré ou contre-assuré, relais en parois, rappels multiples…). Idéalement 4
journées en falaises à l’essentiel des cours outdoor beginner actuels. Minimum 2
journées pour revoir des éléments de base à l’essentiel des cours outdoor advanced
actuels. Approche indoor : Possibilité de voir ou revoir l’essentiel en 2 à 4 séances de 4
heures en salle (à organiser avec le gestionnaire).
Escalade Traditionnelle = sur coinceurs : Cours axés sur l’apprentissage et le
perfectionnement du placement de coinceurs/friends & des possibilités naturelles (blocs,
arbres, lunules…) et sur les techniques de progression et de sécurité spécifiques à la
falaise peu ou non équipée (consignes de sécurité particulières, relais triangulaires…).
Idéalement 4 journées en falaises. Minimum 2 séances pour voir des éléments de base.
Rescue and self-rescue techniques (indoor and outdoor, 2-4 days)
Techniques de bases : Cours axés sur l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des
techniques de sauvetages permettant d’assister son second ou de se débrouiller en cas de
problèmes en parois (réchappe lors d’une retraite en escalade en tête, remontée sur
corde fixe lorsqu’on ne parvient pas à passer un passage ou si l’on est descendu trop bas
en rappel, mouflage pour aider son second dans un passage difficile, intervention pour
débloquer son partenaire et en rappel avec lui…). Idéalement 4 journées en falaises.
Minimum 2 journées pour voir des éléments de base. Approche indoor : Possibilité de
voir ou revoir certains éléments en 2 à 4 séances de 4 heures en salle (à organiser avec
le gestionnaire).
Via Ferrata (indoor and outdoor, 2-4 days)
Autonomie en Via Ferrata : Cours axés sur l’apprentissage des techniques de
progression et de sécurité spécifiques à la Via Ferrata (consignes de sécurité,
progression avec les longes et la corde dans les passages difficiles, passage de
tyrolienne, sauvetage & auto-sauvetage de base... Selon la matière à apprendre : 1/2 à 2
journées en falaises à fait partie des cours outdoor beginner actuels. Approche indoor :
Possibilité de voir ou revoir l’essentiel en 1 à 2 séances de 4 heures en salle (à organiser
avec le gestionnaire).