Around Laronde 14 01 27


Around Laronde 14 01 27
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. Semaine du 27 janvier / Week of January 27 Lundi / Monday 27 Fire drill this week Mardi / Tuesday 28 Mercredi / Wednesday 29 School-­‐wide Lice check – Merci to all the volunteers! Jeudi / Thursday 30 Vendredi / Friday 31 Hot lunch Athletic Calendar for this week Lundi/Monday 20 Mardi/Tuesday 21 8am Girls Basketball practice 2:45pm Girls Basketball practice Mercredi/Wednesday 22 Jeudi/Thursday 23 8am Boys Basketball practice 3pm Boys’ Basketball game here vs Ocean Cliff Vendredi/Friday 24 3pm Girls’ Basketball game here vs Ocean Cliff 2:45 Boys Basketball practice La franco-­‐manie de la semaine: C’est l’un de Paul. C’est celui de Paul. Translation: This is Paul’s. Why is it tricky? Actually, we are not sure why it is difficult for students to learn. New Theme -­‐ Respect We introduced our third theme from our new mission statement to students on Thursday: Respect. For the next couple of weeks we will discuss this very important value in the classroom and would appreciate your involvement at home as w ell. You will find on page 3 of this memo an activity that you can do with your children. Have fun with it! We Create Change -­‐ Update We have one last week left in our "We Create Change" fundraiser. Last week's bake sale added $250 for a growing total of nearly $750. Please continue to send any spare change as donation to the classroom schoolhouse boxes. To cap off our fundraiser, this Friday, January 31st we are going to have a school-­‐wide spirit day. Students are invited to dress as all things Disney. Character costumes, t-­‐shirts and accessories are all part of the theme. Students are asked to please make a minimum $0.50 donation in their classrooms to participate in Disney Day. Thank you for your continued support of this important fundraiser for Free The Children and our Leadership team. For more information, please visit­‐involved/campaigns/we-­‐create-­‐change/ PlaceSpeak You may have received an email from the district regarding PlaceSpeak earlier this week. The district emailed over 50,000 parents asking if they wished to provide input into the district’s social media policy. This move is part of the district’s broader consultation strategy to connect with the public. If you accept to connect to this topic, it requires a verification from you. The district has received a few inquiries as to whether or not the service is indeed from them and would like to reassure all parents that: Yes, it is indeed from Surrey Schools and that there is a privacy protection measure, should you wish to respond. Self-­‐Regulation Our staff have been exploring the potential of self-­‐regulation to help students be “in the optimal zone of learning” and to learn how to deal with the multiple stressors that they face on a daily basis. You may find out more about self-­‐regulation by clicking here: Our School Planning Council is working on offering a parent evening session on self-­‐regulation in the next few months. Stay tuned… Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. FSA – for parents in grades 4 and 7 If you have a child in grade 4 or 7, he/she will write the Ministry’s Foundation Skills Assessment this January-­‐February. Please refer to the document at the bottom of this newsletter for further details. There is an opportunity for students to “practice” before the assessment by following the link below. Next week / La semaine prochaine Lundi / Monday 3 Electronic FSA week – students in grade 4 and 7 only Mme Burden and Mme Sanft’s classes go to MacMillan Space Centre all day Mardi / Tuesday 4 HTHT 9am Mme Metcalfe, 10:45 Mme Knoll, 1pm Mme Pulsifer Mercredi / Wednesday 5 HTHT 9am Mme Rouleau-­‐Guest, 10:45 M. James, 1pm Mme Sanft Jeudi / Thursday 6 Vendredi / Friday 7 Hot Lunch Scroll further down… Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. Dear Laronde Families,
We have been introducing our mission statement for École Laronde by bringing to
life each value one at a time. Thus far we have done activities both in school and at
home for Pride of Speaking French as well as Kindness. Our next value is
Respect. The students will be completing in school activities about respecting
themselves, others, and this place.
Please take some time to participate in this short at-home activity about respect.
• Talk about the definition of respect and discuss what it means.
• Read a short book together or watch a short TV show and discuss
which characters were respectful or disrespectful, why they acted that
way and how could they have acted differently.
• Talk about ways to show respect around your home and family.
respect |riˈspekt|
a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities,
qualities, or achievements: the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor.
• the state of being admired in such a way: his first chance in over fifteen years to regain
respect in the business.
• due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others: respect for
human rights.
verb [ with obj. ]
admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or
achievements: she was respected by everyone she worked with | (as adj. respected) : a
respected academic.
• have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of: I respected his
• avoid harming or interfering with: it is incumbent upon all boaters to respect the
• agree to recognize and abide by (a legal requirement): he urged all foreign nationals
to respect the laws of their country of residence.
For further discussion or ideas about respect please feel free to visit
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. Hi Moms or Dads!
We need you and your 8-12 year old son with ADHD to help with a study at UBC!
We are studying how boys with ADHD think about their social interactions, compared to boys
without ADHD. Moms or dads and their sons can visit the Parenting Lab at the University of
British Columbia, or may have research assistants visit their home. Boys will complete three
social interaction tasks on the computer, and complete some questionnaires about themselves.
Parents will be asked to complete some questionnaires as well.
This study takes about 60 minutes.
Families will receive a $15 honourarium for their participation.
How to get involved
Appointments are scheduled for families at a time convenient for them (e.g., evenings, weekends).
Participation in this research project is entirely voluntary.
Contact us for more details:
Phone: 604.822.9037
Email: [email protected]
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. Tel: 604.596.7733
Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)
Important Information for Parents ( 20 1 3 /1 4 )
What is the Foundation Skills Assessment?
When do we see FSA results?
Does the FSA count toward students’ marks?!
Who writes the FSA?
Where can I get more information?
District Info Sheet
Rev. December 2013
8040-03 (RCSS)
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. 

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