Mediator Panorama US


Mediator Panorama US
Importation of a database using mediator m_pano.dll
(Link with Panorama)
To import a database from Panorama proceed as follows:
a) Mediator setup
From the “Options” window (Configuration -> Options) on the “Supervision” tab, select
the mediator m_pcvue.dll and validate with “OK”.
b) Mediator configuration
The configuration of the m_pano.dll mediator is done by clicking on the button "Setup",
on the "Supervision" tab in the "Options" window:
The following dialog box appears:
Panorama Version:
The mediator can manage a link with Panorama P2 or E2. Select here the Panorama
version you use.
DDE Link/ OPC Link:
The link with Panorama can either be done by DDE or OPC. Select the type of link you
want to set up in Alert and Panorama. For a DDE link, you then need to specify the name
of the application (DDE server name) and the “subject” Alert will connect to. For an OPC
link, enter the name of the OPC server in "Server Name".
Import options:
The option "Viewing of the imported alarms" lets you know, during import, which
alarms are already imported. The option "Link with the <alarm> property" allows Alert
to connect to the property instead of the variable. This allows a better link between
Alert and Panorama.
Acknowledgement and mask:
These options allow you to manage the transmission of acknowledgements and masking
between Alert and Panorama.
c) Importation of alarms
To import Panorama alarms in ALERT, click on "Import" in the "List of variables to supervise"
(Settings ->Supervision). The reading of the database depends on the Panorama version:
Version Panorama P2:
With Panorama P2, you need to do an export of alarms and variables in a file and then fill in
these files when doing an import.
Panorama E2:
With Panorama E2, just fill in the name of the project
Use the buttons ">", "<" ">>" and "<<" to select the variables you want to import for the
same on-call group. You can then select in "Selection to be imported", the type of variables
to be created (Variable, event or alarm) you must also select an on-call group and you can
also select a functional group.
The option "Recovery of the alarm group" can recover the functional group of Panorama.
To finish importation you must click "Import" or "OK". Clicking "OK" will close the import
window while clicking "Import" will allow you to do another import.