15. Albinet, CT, Mandrick, K., Bernard, PL, Perrey, S


15. Albinet, CT, Mandrick, K., Bernard, PL, Perrey, S
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture :
15. Albinet, C.T., Mandrick, K., Bernard, P.L., Perrey, S., & Blain, H. (2014). Increased
cerebral oxygenation response and executive performance as a function of
cardiorespiratory fitness in older women: a fNIRS study. Frontiers in Aging
Neuroscience, 6:272. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00272 [IF à 5ans = 4,385]
14. Bousquet, J., Blain, H., Abecassis, F.,... Albinet, C., ... Bourquin, C. (2014). Living Lab
Falls-MACVIA-LR: The falls prevention initiative of the European Innovation
Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) in Languedoc-Roussillon.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2014.07.010 [IF à 5ans = 0,613]
13. Albinet, C.T. (2013). Editorial: Exercise sciences in the aging world. Journal of Aging
Science, 1(3), e 107. DOI: 10.4172/2329-8847.1000e107 [IF à 5ans = NC]
12. Abou-Dest, A, Albinet, C.T., Boucard, G., & Audiffren, M. (2012). Swimming as a
positive moderator of cognitive aging: a cross-sectional study with a multi-task
approach. Journal of Aging Research, 2012, Article ID 273185, 12 pages.
DOI:10.1155/2012/273185 [IF à 5ans = NC]
11. Boucard, G.K., Albinet, C.T., Bugaïska, A., Bouquet, C.A., Clarys, D., & Audiffren, M.
(2012). Impact of chronic exercise on executive functions in aging: a selective effect to
inhibition performance among middle-old adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise
Psychology, 34(6), 808-827. [IF à 5ans = 3,476]
10. Badets, A., Albinet, C.T., & Blandin, Y. (2012). Sensory-based mechanism for delayed
10.1016/j.actpsy.2012.08.004. [IF à 5ans = 2,609]
9. Albinet, C.T., Boucard, G., Bouquet, C.A., & Audiffren, M. (2012). Processing speed and
executive functions in cognitive aging: How to disentangle their mutual relationship?
Brain and Cognition, 79(1), 1-11. DOI:10.1016/j.bandc.2012.02.001. [IF à 5ans =
8. Audiffren, M., André, N., & Albinet, C.T. (2011). Effets positifs de l'exercice physique
chronique sur les fonctions cognitives des seniors : bilan et perspectives. Revue de
Neuropsychologie, 3(4), 207-225. [IF à 5ans = NC]
7. Albinet, C.T., Boucard, G., Bouquet, C.A., & Audiffren, M. (2010). Increased heart rate
variability and executive performance after aerobic training in the elderly. European
Journal of Applied Physiology. 109(4), 617-624. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-010-1393-y.
[IF à 5ans = 2,321]
6. Kemoun, G., Thibaud, M., Roumagne, N., Carette, P., Albinet, C., Toussaint, L., Paccalin,
M., Dugué, B. (2010). Effects of a Physical Training Programme on Cognitive Function
and Walking Efficiency in Elderly Persons with Dementia. Dementia and Geriatric
Cognitive Disorders; 29(2), 109-114. DOI: 10.1159/000272435. [IF à 5ans = 3,094]
5. Fezzani, K., Albinet, C., Thon, B., & Marquié, J.C. (2010). The effect of motor control
difficulty on the acquisition of a computer task: a comparison between young and old
adults. Behaviour & Information Technology. 29(2), 115-124. DOI:
10.1080/01449290701825139. [IF à 5ans = 1,426]
4. Albinet, C., Fezzani, K., & Thon, B. (2008). Vieillissement, activité physique et cognition.
Science & Motricité, 63, 9-36. [IF à 5ans = NC]
3. Albinet, C., Bernard, P-L., Palut, Y. (2006). Contrôle attentionnel de la stabilité posturale
chez la personne âgée institutionnalisée : effets d'un programme d'activité physique.
Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique, 49(9), 625-631. [IF à 5ans = NC]
2. Albinet, C., Tomporowski, P.D., & Beasman, K. (2006). Aging and concurrent task
performance: Cognitive demand and motor control, Educational Gerontology, 32(9),
689-706.[IF à 5ans = 0,487]
1. Albinet, C. & Fezzani, K. (2003). Instruction in learning a temporal pattern on an
anticipation-coincidence task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97(1), 71-79. [IF à 5ans =
Chapitres d’ouvrage:
3. Albinet, C.T., (in press). Processing speed. In S.K. Whitbourne (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of
Adulthood and Aging. Wiley Blackwell.
2. Albinet, C., Boucard, G., Bouquet, C., & Audiffren, M. (2012). Vieillissement, Exercice et
Cognition : les connexions entre cœur et cerveau. In M. Audiffren (Ed., pp. 199-215),
Créativité, motivation et vieillissement : les sciences cognitives en débat. Rennes :
Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
1. Albinet, C., Fezzani, K., & Thon, B. (2005). Apprentissage moteur et difficultés de la tâche
chez les personnes âgées : Déficit réel ou problème de masquage ? In L. Taconnat, D.
Clarys, S. Vanneste, & M. Isingrini (Eds., pp. 267-277), Manifestations Cognitives du
Vieillissement Psychologique, Paris : PubliBook.
Publications grand public ou de vulgarisation :
3. Albinet, C.T. (2014). L'exercice physique permet-il vraiment une meilleure oxygénation
cérébrale des seniors? La recherche en sciences du vivant, parution CNRS.
2. Audiffren, M., & Albinet, C. (2010). L’exercice physique, un modérateur du vieillissement
cérébral et cognitif. MicroScoop, le journal du CNRS, 60, mai 2010, 24-25.
1. Albinet, C. (2008). Faire du sport, remède au déclin des capacités d’apprentissage ? in
Dossier « Vieillir en France », Le mensuel de l’Université, juin 2008.
Résumés publiés dans des revues indexées ISI :
16. Audiffren, M., André, N., Albinet, C.T., Canivet, A., Pylouster, J., & Ferrand C. (2014).
Overcoming barriers: a way to help retired seniors to engage in regular physical activity.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), S468.
15. Albinet, C.T., Mandrick, K., Bernard, P-L., Perrey, S., & Blain, H. (2013). Exercise and
cognition in older adults: Testing the cardiorespiratory hypothesis with functional
NIRS. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging,17(Suppl. 1), S178-179.
14. Audiffren, M., Albinet, C., André, N., Bodin, R., Jacques, M-H., Ferrand, C., & Kitzis, A.
(2013). The moderating role of 3 genetic polymorphisms on the exercise/cognition
relationship in the elderly. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging,17(Suppl. 1),
13. Albinet, C.T., Boucard, G., Collette, F., Bouquet, C.A., & Audiffren M. (2013). Chronic
exercise differentially impacts perceptual or motor inhibition as a function of age: a
cross-sectional study. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging,17(Suppl. 1), S585.
12. Rouillard, M., Audiffren, M., Albinet, C.T., Garraux, G., & Collette, F. (2013). An
intervention study on physical activity and cognitive functioning in people with
Parkinson's Disease. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging,17(Suppl. 1), S690.
11. Albinet, C.T., Boucard, G., Collette, F., Bouquet, C.A., & Audiffren M. (2012). Effects
of physical activity on the aging of motor and perceptual inhibition. Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise, 44(5), S544.
10. Audiffren, M., Albinet, C., & Boisseau, N. (2011). Evaluation of VO2max by field tests
in older people : Effects of 2 different exercise programs. Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise, 43(5), S651.
9. Audiffren, M., Abou-Dest, A., Boucard, G., Bouquet, C., & Albinet, C. (2011). Good
physical fitness counteracts deleterious effect of aging on executive functions: A crosssectional study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(5), S177.
8. Albinet, C., Boucard, G., Bouquet, C., & Audiffren M. (2010). Aging, physical activity,
aerobic fitness and cognitive performance : a complex relationship. Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise, 42(5), S71-71.
7. Audiffren, M., Abou-Dest, A., Bouquet, C., André, N., & Albinet, C. (2010). Effects of
two programs of physical activity on psychological functions in aging people. Medicine
& Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(5), S72-73.
6. Albinet, C., Boucard, G., & Audiffren M. (2009). The effects of aerobic exercise on heart
rate variability and executive function in the elderly. The Journal of Nutrition, Health &
Aging,13(Suppl. 1), S675.
5. Audiffren, M., Albinet, C., Boucard, G., & Bouquet, C. (2009). Speed of information
processing as a good predictor of age-related executive decline in normal adults. The
Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging,13(Suppl. 1), S510.
4. Tomporowski, P.D., Albinet, C., & Beasman, K. (2005). Aging and concurrent task
performance: Cognitive demand and motor control. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, 37(5),S109-109.
3. Albinet, C., Fezzani, K., & Thon, B. (2000). The effect of SR compatibility of sequence
learning. International Journal of Psychology, 35(3-4), 418-418.
2. Fezzani, K., & Albinet, C. (2000). Implicit and explicit forms of learning temporal
structures. International Journal of Psychology, 35(3-4), 210-210.
1. Fezzani, K., Albinet, C., & Thon, B. (2000). The effect of the level of control of responses
on sequence learning. International Journal of Psychology, 35(3-4), 329-329.